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  1) 有一葉草為你綠,有一枝花為你笑,有一陣風(fēng)為你吹,有一朵云為你飄,有一片天為你晴,有一個人為你愛,有一句話為你留;再忙再累別忘記照顧好自己!

  2) Meet in the beautiful campus, congenial; Get to know each other in the most beautiful season in, friendship is priceless; Together in the sea of youth, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained; Don't in the time of graduation, NanSheNanLi. Graduation season in June, old brilliant future, blessing all the wonderful!

  3) I deeply understand, took much time, over how many difficulties, you are the immediate success. Please believe that in your pursuit of the process of struggle and hard work, I will always stand beside you with a smile.

  4) 瞬間感動豐盈于心;擦肩之緣詮釋歲月。與你攜手亦無悔。花開是我懂你的笑顏;花落是我為你舞動的詩行。畢業(yè)了,無論海角天涯,留一路花香便是永恒。

  5) 不敢和你見面,我怕看到你身不得離去;發(fā)條信息給你,我不忍悄悄地離去。畢業(yè)了,我們將各自東西,愿你記住我們的友誼永遠,對你的支持永遠。別忘了保持聯(lián)系!

  6) Break up silently, just as we meet silently at the. May the warm breeze, give you the feeling and wishes to me. Brief departure, is to permanent gather, let us hope, the joy of the eternal.

  7) Old friend graduation party made the three years of profound friendship, fellowship ball jump up the feelings of passion ripples, farewell party telling the heartfelt words of more than one thousand day and night. Brothers and sisters classmate, tearful looked difficult separation. Old friends blessing, future macro industry exhibition.

  8) With each other in the spring and autumn, every game, every time, every quarrel, will be precious memories I have of a page.

  9) 如果你面對洶涌的波濤,不必驚怕,更不用自認渺小。一旦有了博大的胸懷,你的人生將會像大海一般壯闊。畢業(yè)分別,愿走出新路!

  10) We are intimate classmates, we used to laugh together sad, graduation season, life has rolled out a golden road, life is shaking his welcome bouquet of flowers. Brave go, friend! The front, has sounded to conch; Rosy clouds, is bright red flag flying. As long as the brave struggle, happiness is in the front! Team slogan


  1) Once play into memory and get into memories, once chased into yi, once all into remembrance, graduation comes, only blessing classmate, smooth sailing, all the best, often contact yo.

  2) 從“五湖四海”來,到“天南地北”去。不管走到哪里,不管在什么崗位,記得我們的誓言:永不言敗!永不放棄!永不絕望!勇往直前!

  3) The gentleness of the moonlight, than classmates warmth. The stars shine, as the ornament of a friend; The beauty of the sky, than classmates. Graduating to say goodbye to you all night and have a good dream, can stay happy every day, always have to think of me!

  4) Over the past three years, and with the passion of youth, with the diligent sweat with indomitable willpower, with tireless exploration spirit, in this hot land of provinces in the river, cultivated their own ideal life, writing his own life.

  5) 競技場上講謙虛,無疑等于宣告自己的失敗;該需要毛遂自薦時,就要當(dāng)仁不讓。生活需要自己主宰,請珍惜大寫的“我”。

  6) 盡管情緒醞釀了很久,思想也斗爭了很久,但是真正提筆寫下來的時候,才發(fā)現(xiàn)依舊沒能擺脫筆下流淌的沉重感,雖然我很想把這一段紀(jì)念的文字寫得歡快些,更歡快些,再歡快些。

  7) Although the parting of the bell is ringing, the campus life is no longer a long, but please pack up sad smile, because the sincere friendship can't sailing, blessing, please keep in mind as the sea, to a brilliant career, after graduation victory song singing loud and clear.

  8) 一張張照片定格相伴的歲月,一首首歌回憶相處的點滴,一句句留言濕潤明亮的眼眸,一份份祝福相伴未來的路途,愿身邊的朋友把畢業(yè)作為新的開始,把情意留在心的深處。

  9) 四年同窗生活,兄弟一往情深。今天我們將啟程,開始生命新的旅程。讓我們珍惜現(xiàn)在,笑笑的說再見,讓自己的人生更精彩。別忘了對方,而我們的離別,是為了之后能夠再聚,能夠再回到一起。畢業(yè)了,愿以后幸福如意!

  10) 畢業(yè)了,才感到在一起的日子多么寶貴,我努力搜集了一起的春秋,每次的游戲,每次的探討,每次的爭吵,都將成為我最珍貴的記憶!別忘了,受傷時給我電話,成功時給我短信,寂寞時找我聊天,難忘同窗情!

  11) 光陰似箭,一轉(zhuǎn)眼,同窗生涯已成為過去。但教室里,還回響著我們朗朗的讀書聲;操場上,還留著我們奔跑矯健的身影。這里的草坪小溪竹亭,是我們永遠依戀的百草園。

  12) 對你的思念像裊裊的輕煙不絕如縷,對你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴隨一生一世。

  13) 畢業(yè)時節(jié),我們從五湖四海來,到天南地北去。不管走到哪里,不管在什么崗位,讓我們繼續(xù)填好人生的履歷表,交出事業(yè)的優(yōu)秀答卷,為母校的旗幟增輝添彩。

  14) A wish, I cared about; A loud one, life moved. Graduation horn has sounded, with your blessing, we hit the road, no matter how much wind and rain ahead, heart no longer lonely.

  15) The bedroom to play, to lay our friendship; Pursuit of the pitch, witness our growth; Show me the time, let's cherish each other; Looking back on the past is full of joy, although will each rush thing tomorrow, but space are our friendship forever, may joy will accompany you forever! I wish the future!

  16) 畢業(yè)季,要別離,好兄妹,記心里,同窗友,真情有,淚漣漣,心相牽,擁擁抱,開心笑,送祝福,互激勵,愿以后,常聯(lián)系,祝愿你,好身體。

  17) Once we chase, laughing together, play together. Through wind and rain to. How can we not give each other something?

  18) 今天的歡聲笑語,今夜的清風(fēng)明月,美好卻并非永恒,還沒來得及分享最后一杯酒,卻要各奔東西,珍重,朋友。

  19) with you, when we had a common ideal; Break up with you, look forward to when we meet again.

  20) 我們即將步入新的生活,前面的路還很長很長,讓我們更加珍惜今天所擁有的青春和友誼,用真情去澆灌友誼的花蕾。


  1) The ticket home, graduation certificate, good bags, busy figure, we look forward to the graduation is coming; Don't give up eyes, tears of farewell banquets, the feelings of the classmate, we hate the graduation is coming. Complex mood, not too many words, only sincere wish, wish you all the best!

  2) 希望你們在新的人生道路上。有新的起源,新的起點,一路順風(fēng),多回學(xué)??纯?,這里有你們美好的追念。

  3) Soon to come in the future, or you will leave. Everybody's three years, there is love. Put the past to the past, the future to the future. Cherish now, cherish you and I dialogue.

  4) 你的祝福我收到,你的關(guān)心我知道,天天想著你的好,一生一世忘不了,人生知己最難找,有幸我們碰的巧,閑暇希望常聊聊,別怨互相在打擾,真情比浪高!

  5) Have ever softly sing a song, in young age, perhaps time take away everything had season

  6) We together hand in hand into the palace of youth, we together hard sweat away, we taste the nectar of knowledge together, together we can enjoy the pleasure of the game, we together with sincerely to bless my dear friends, will be passed in June, but the beautiful feeling warm forever.

  7) 祝學(xué)哥學(xué)姐:掃數(shù)的希望都能如愿,掃數(shù)的夢想都能實現(xiàn),掃數(shù)的等候都能出現(xiàn),掃數(shù)的付出都能兌現(xiàn)!

  8) 畢業(yè)時節(jié),相逢又告別,歸帆又離岸,既是往日歡樂的終結(jié),又是未來幸福的開端。生活如一條長河,愿你是一葉執(zhí)著的小舟;生活如一葉小舟,愿你是一名風(fēng)雨無阻的水手。祝你前程似錦,幸福如意!

  9) To thine own self be star, Pierce the clouds and mist. Tapping and believes he is flint, not afraid of twists and turns, believes he is a talent, to disperse clouds and haze. Graduation immediately, step into society, believe that you and I have a bright future.

  10) More than one thousand day and night get along with, engraved in the memory, is a joyous time, real time, to leave this day, just want to in the name of friendship, I sincerely say: I wish you a future, let's see you soon.

  11) 張開翱翔的翅膀,追逐理想;蕩起快樂的雙槳,迎接希望。帶著理想,舉起希望,攜著堅強,勇敢前往通向成功的大道上!愿心如所想!

  12) 畢業(yè)了,讓我們揮手再見,說一聲珍重,道一聲祝福,感謝彼此曾經(jīng)的美好回憶,珍藏彼此真摯的友情,愿你前程似錦!

  13) Want to break up in class, long before the road arm in arm.

  14) Quietly we are about to separate, fully blessing sent to you, for a long time after the day, is willing to work with you, life is happy, sentient beings end matched promotion backgammon, graduation wishes all the way.

  15) 人生是一座險山,沒有一成不變,計劃往往都趕不上變化,到處都可能是危險。

  16) Thus ended the one thousand five hundred day and night, four years, so many disputes, laugh so much, so much trouble, so many proud, really take the door "bang" a loud, so I leave to the past? ?

  17) Over the past three years, here, has left behind... years of toil and sweat, exciting youth pride, to strive our hard work and effort, will bear rich fruits.

  18) 畢業(yè)季,祝福遞;莫傷離,互珍惜;同窗情,記心底;憶往昔,美好記;前路廣,愿順利;天涯離,難相聚;好朋友,多聯(lián)系!

  19) 祝學(xué)哥學(xué)姐天天具有:興旺的激情,雄壯的豪情,固執(zhí)的熱情,甜美的愛情,對比一下大學(xué)畢業(yè)贈言給同學(xué)。灑脫的表情,爽朗的神情,愉快的心情!

  20) Come from all over the world, to go far. No matter go to where, no matter in what position, let's continue to fill in the resume of life, hand over the business's excellent paper, graces the old flag to for the Alma mater.

  21) Line of young years together, laughter always constantly; I love you like deep water, each New Year does not forget; At the time of graduation to send blessings, I wish everything goes well, the future, happy every day pleasant goat!

  22) Separation does not mean forget, as we are all moved towards a new ladder, please don't forget, I always bless you silently.

  23) 有句說話埋藏在我心里好久了,我好辛苦啊,今天我決一定要講出來:你幾時翻舊膠擦俾我啊!

  24) Life is a bit weird, after a lot of things in the recall is always so magical, university life is coming to an end, no matter where you in the future, the sea is always your best home. Can only use one word "often as back to the sea to see"

  25) 畢業(yè)了,多么想留住那些溫暖的日子,但又多么渴望著能早日投進生活的洪流。那以往的同窗生活,是一串甜美的糖葫蘆;那迷人的甜與酸,將永遠回味不完。

  26) 馬上就要大學(xué)畢業(yè)了,即將踏上新的人生旅,我們沒有大海的壯美,但可以有小溪的娟秀,我們沒有高山的巍峨,但可以有山路的曲折,我們沒有激昂的樂章,但可以有抒情的小調(diào)。衷心地祝愿大家找到自己的方向,做個最好的自我!這樣的人生也美麗!再見。

  27) Graduation season in June, played graduated from march, let youth into the jumping notes, let wisdom into elegant dance, let the energy into the movement of life, let blessing into the prelude to a fine. Wish all classmates played the life song of praise, this brilliant!

  28) Without traces the dreams of youth, stretched out his hand to catch has been slipping away, the young dream is colorful, is given, and memorable, left, is no longer a dream of age, is no longer much appearance of youth many a responsibility much a persistent, this is the campus left to our memories. Happy graduation!

  29) The friendship in tears glistening transparent, beautiful journey to know each other; Sincere flash in a sweat, march forward hand in hand carved an honor; Flower, smile in the dream in the struggle in brilliant success. My good friend, to break up, looking forward to meet again, I wish you a pleasant journey after graduation.

  30) 你我有各自的軌跡,如流星,能相聚,共步一段旅程,是緣分,但最終將朝著各自方向漸行漸遠,是命運,愿你畢業(yè)后的未來更幸福!





4.畢業(yè)季贈言:離別傷感語句 英語
