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  WANG Hao and Wang Liqin, two of China's top table tennis players, both saw the World Table Tennis Championships as a chance to prove themselves. But there was only one champion (冠軍) and Wang Hao, 25, won it last Tuesday in Yokohama , Japan.

  Wang Hao, who won the men's doubles title with Chen Qi last Monday, played with spirit to beat Wang Liqin 11-9, 13-11, 11-5, 11-9.

  Wang Hao said it was his mental toughness (心理穩(wěn)定) that made the difference. "I was disappointed by my performances in past championships and the last two Olympic Games. But I have tried to pull myself together and prepared well. This is the result."

  Wang Hao said he has always understood the importance of physical training and technical skills. Now he knows the need for mental preparation as well. Having two Olympic silvers had left him feeling bitter (痛苦的). The bitterness perhaps explains why he has not always played at his best in the past.

  "I've come to understand that you can learn important lessons from failure," he said. "Losing can build your character and make you a stronger player." His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.

  Liu Guoliang, head coach of China's table tennis team, sang the praises of Wang Hao's victory. "This is just the beginning of his rise," said Liu. "It's the confidence-booster he needs to make further progress."

  1.According to the passage, Wang Hao won _____ gold medals in the World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama, Japan.

  A.only one B.two C.three D.four

  2.From Wang Hao, we can know the main reason for his beating Wang Liqin is ______.

  A.his technical skills B. his physical training

  C.his mental toughness D. his past experience

  3.What is the next goal of Wang Hao?

  A.To win the title of the champion at the 2012 Olympics

  B.To beat Wang Liqin again

  C.To prove himself in the future competitions

  D.To win more golds in future

  4.What can we learn from Wang Hao?

  A.Failure is the mother of success.

  B.Never give up until you succeed.

  C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

  D.A good beginning makes a good ending.







  3.【錯解分析】典型錯誤D.錯因分析審題不清,D項也許是Wang Hao的遠期目標,但是題干是the next goal。

  【解題指導】細節(jié)理解題。根據文章倒數第二段中的“His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.”可知。注意審題。






  Have you ever used solar energy to boil a bottle of water or take a shower? Have you ever thought that solar energy is far away from our daily lives? You may doubt about that. In Japan, there is a wonderful program of Solar City.

  Solar City is located 80,000 meters northwest of Tokyo, among the strawberry fields. This is one of Japan’s sunniest places. Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres. Seventy-five percent of the homes there are covered by solar panels. The government has provided people there with the solar panels for free. In addition, the government has paid 9.7 billion yen to study how to make full use of solar energy. A number of solar energy companies have also given money to help this program.

  People living in Solar City think using solar panels is a good way to save money. However, saving money is not the only reason why people are moving into this city. "We moved here because of the panels. It was something we wanted,” said Mika Hiroshima. She moved to Solar City with her husband and two little children about four years ago.

  It is well known that Japan is a country that is short of energy, but the Solar City program has brought hope for the country. "People want solar energy,” said an official of Solar City. Actually in Solar City, there are 550 families making use of solar energy at the moment. All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010. In sunny days, solar panels are able to provide more than enough energy for a normal family. However, the solar panels are not that useful in cloudy days. Despite this, Solar City is still a wonderful program because it inspires people to wisely use the limited energy.

  1.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______.

  A.test the readers’ knowledge about solar energy

  B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

  C.learn the situation that solar energy is used

  D.invite the readers to answer them

  2.The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about ______.

  A.the reason why people are moving into Solar City

  B.how the people are living in Solar City

  C.the things that people living in Solar City need

  D.the life experience from the people living in Solar City

  3.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

  A.Japan is a country which is lacking in energy

  B.the solar panels are only useful in sunny days

  C.the Solar City program will be successful

  D.Solar City is a very modern big city









  【解題指導】推理判斷題。根據文章的最后一段中的“All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010.”可知。此項目的目的達到了。因此,C項正確。D項,可根據文中的“Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres.”知,Solar City并不是一個大城市。A、B兩項是文中的事實,而非推理。推理判斷題分為簡單推理和復雜推理。所謂簡單推理就是以表面文字為前提,以具體事實為依據進行推理,做出判斷。這種推理方式比較直接,只要弄清事實,即可結合常識推斷出合理的結論。而復雜推理就是不但要以文字為依據,而且還要以文章的語境、內涵為前提。這是一種間接而復雜的邏輯推理方式??忌茢喑鑫恼聸]有表明但又合乎邏輯的推理,就必須由表及里地歸納或演繹。











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