


時間: 劉惠25 分享



  1. It was _____ opportunity to miss.

  A. too good an B. a too good

  C. too a good D. too good

  2. I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____.

  A. better B. worse

  C. best D. worst

  3. There was nothing special about this film — it was only ______.

  A. particular B. average

  C. interesting D. strange

  4. She looks very _____ but I can’t remember her name.

  A. similar B. familiar

  C. friendly D. strange

  5. He said he would return the money, and I was ______.

  A. fool enough to believe him

  B. enough fool to believe him

  C. fool enough believing him

  D. enough fool believing him

  6. “This book is ______ more useful for us students.” “Yes, but it is _______ too difficult.”

  A. quite, quite B. much, rather

  C. rather, quite D. quite, much

  7. The children all looked _____ at the broken model plane and felt quite _____.

  A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly

  C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad

  8. The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _______ house in the forest.

  A. wooden pretty little B. little pretty wooden

  C. pretty little wooden D. wooden little pretty

  9. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friends if there was _______ to read.

  A. something easy enough B. something enough easy

  C. enough easy something D. easy enough something

  10. The doctor assured the patient that there was ______ with her, but she could not help worrying.

  A. seriously wrong nothing B. nothing serious wrong

  C. nothing seriously wrong D. serious nothing wrong

  11. —How is your father?

  —He’s fine. He’s______ to play tennis every Sunday.

  A. enough active still B. enough still active

  C. still active enough D. still enough active

  12. —Did you wash your new suit in hot water?

  —Of course not. I am not ______ foolish.

  A. very B. that

  C. very much D. too

  13.—Which team is _______ to win the game?

  —I don’t know, but I’ve found _______ for ours to win.

  A. probable; it unlikely B. likely; it possible

  C. possible; it possible D. likely; it possibly

  14. He didn’t understand the _______ question, so there was a ______ expression on his face.

  A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzling; puzzling

  C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling

  15. She can speak _______ in front of Mack, but she can’t eat ______ in his restaurant.

  A. free, free B. free, freely

  C. freely, free D. freely, freely

  16. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood ____ to her mother.

  A. close B. closely

  C. closed D. closing

  17. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam.

  A. easily B. hardly

  C. actually D. successfully


  1. 選A,too … to … 結(jié)構(gòu)除用于“too + 形容詞或副詞 + to do sth”外,也可用于“too + 形容詞 + a / an + 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞 + to do sth”。

  2. 選B,it can’t be worse 相當于 It’s the worst thing I ever knew。

  3. 選B,average 意為“平常的”、“普通的”。

  4. 選B,similar 指“相似”,familiar 指“熟悉”。

  5. 選A,此處的 fool 雖為名詞,但具有形容詞的性質(zhì),相當于 foolish。

  6. 選B。雖然 quite, rather, much 均可用于加強語氣,但是修飾比較級或副詞 too(太)時,只能用 rather 或 much,而不用 quite。

  7. 選D。第一個 look是實義動詞(注意與之搭配的介詞 at),第二個look 是連系動詞。

  8. 選 C。多個形容詞共同修飾一個名詞時,它們的位置遵循這樣的原則:描繪形容詞—大小(長短高低)形容詞—形狀形容詞—年齡(新舊)形容詞—顏色形容詞—國籍形容詞—材料形容詞—用途(類別)形容詞—名詞(動名詞)。

  9. 選A。做對此題要注意兩點:一是修飾something, anything, nothing 等復(fù)合不定代詞的形容詞,應(yīng)置于被修飾語之后;二是副詞enough 修飾形容詞或副詞時也應(yīng)置于被修飾語之后。

  10. 選C。wrong 修飾nothing,seriously 修飾wrong。

  11. 選C。still 修飾 active,置于其前;而副詞enough 修飾形容詞或副詞時應(yīng)置于被修飾語之后。

  12. 選B。that 在此用作副詞,不是代詞,用法相當于so。其余三者填入空格處語意不通。

  13. 選B。理由見“典型陷阱題分析”第5題。

  14. 選A。理由見“典型陷阱題分析”第2題。

  15. 選C。第一空填 freely,意為“自由地”;第二空填free,意為“免費地”。

  16. 選 A。close 與 closely 的區(qū)別是:指實際距離近,用 close;指抽象意義,用 closely。

  17. 選 B。首先應(yīng)弄清 second to none 的意思,照字面理解是“對誰都不是第二”,言外之意就是“第一”,或者說是“最好”。再聯(lián)系句中的 but 可知,選項 B 最恰當。


剖析易錯題的命題陷阱,分析解題思路,可幫助考生提高分析試題和判斷正確答案的能力。以下是學習啦小編為您整理的高考英語易錯題之形容詞副詞,僅供參考! 高考英語易錯題之形容詞副詞題目 1. It was _____ opportunity to miss. A. too good an B. a too good


  • 高考英語易錯題之介詞


  • 高考英語易錯題之it

    研讀往年的高考單項選擇題,我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn)每套試卷都有一至兩個易錯題。以下是學習啦小編為您整理的高考英語易錯題之it,僅供參考! 高考英語易錯題之

  • 高考英語易錯題之代詞


  • 高考英語易錯題之名詞

    解易錯題的總的原則是化繁為簡,去枝留干,恢復(fù)原狀,細心審題,分辨差異。以下是學習啦小編為您整理的高考英語易錯題之名詞,僅供參考! 高考英語易錯題