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  第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)



  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.


  1.Who is answering the phone?

  A.Elaine. B.Allan MacFarlane. C.Bob Hams.

  2.What happened to the driver?

  A.He ran into a bicycle. B.He drove too slowly. C.He ran into a tree

  3.What can we know about the woman?

  A.She likes summer. B.She doesn't like summer. C.She like wearing T-shirts.

  4.When should the woman go to meet the man?

  A.At 9:30. B.At 10:00. C.At 10:30.

  5.What does the woman plan to do this afternoon?

  A.Buy a new pair of glasses. B.Shop for some clothes. C.Go to have her classes.




  6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.In a restaurant. B.In a hospital. C In a school.

  7.When does the restaurant stop serving lunch?

  A.At 1:00 pm B.At 2:00 pm C.At 3:00 pm.

  8.How many people will come with the woman for lunch?

  A.One. B.Two. C.Three.


  9.What are the speakers talking about?

  A.Using a car. B.Choosing a gift. C.Using a computer.

  10.What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

  A.Husband and wife. B.Professor and student. C.Salesman and customer.

  11.What do we know about the person mentioned by the speakers?

  A.He wants to have a car. B.He is over seventy years old. C.He must be fond of using a computer.


  12.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A.Close friends. B.Strangers. C.Colleagues.

  13.What's the woman going to do?

  A.Work in a post office nearby. B.Do some exercise. C.Post a letter.

  14.What does the woman have to do to reach the destination?

  A.Find the entrance of the post office. B.Turn right to the main street. C.Walk about five blocks.


  15.What is Rogers probably?

  A.A student B.A teacher. C.A manager.

  16.What did the man tell his mother in yesterday's letter?

  A.He had made a new discovery. B.He had lost his new job. C.He had just bought a can.

  17.Why will the man tell his mother about his job?

  A.He doesn't want her to worry about his job.

  B.He doesn't want her to worry about his life.

  C.He doesn't want her to worry about his marriage.


  18.Which country does the company mentioned in the speech belong to?

  A.China. B.America. C.UK.

  19.How many new babies does China have every year?

  A.11 million. B.20 million. C.21 million.

  20.What can we learn from the speech?

  A.The toys made by China are of poor quality.

  B.China has a lot of high-quality toys exported.

  C.China is behind in making toys.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)




  Hong Kong hosts exciting events ranging from colorful festivals to world class arts and sports events.When planning your next visit,be sure to include these events in your plans.

  Affordable Art Fair

  Date/Venue 24-27 June 2017 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center

  Time Please refer to event website

  Admission Various prices

  Ticketing Available at www.hkticketing.com and at the venue

  Enquiry www.affordableartfair.com

  Description Featuring over 100 galleries showing more than 1,000 artists from all over the world,the fair will encourage participation through interactive activities.

  Jazz Concert-HKCO-Howard McCrary

  Date/Venue 21-22 June 2017 at Auditorium,Kwai Tsing Theatre

  Time 8 pm

  Admission 0,$ 200,0

  Ticketing URBTIX Tel: +852 27349009 or at www.urbtix.cityline.com

  Enquiry +852 31851600 or www.hkco.org

  Description Howard McCrary,jazz songwriter and musician,joining the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) to perform their favorite jazz music,combining the west and the east.

  Writer's Block

  Date/Venue 28-30 June and 2-6 July 2017 at Studio Theater,Hong Kong Cultural Center

  Time 2:30 pm 28-30 June; 7:30 pm 2-6 July

  Admission 0,0

  Ticketing URBTIX Tel: +852 27349009 or at www.urbtix.cityline.com

  Enquiry +852 81068338 or www.changying.cmn

  Description Writer's Block is an evening of two one-act absurdist plays performed by the comedian Woody Allen.Not to be missed by Woody Allen fans.

  Hong Kong Swens 2017

  Date/Venue 29-30 July 2017 at Hong Kong Stadium

  Time 7 am-7 pm,29 July;8 am-7:30 pm 30 July

  Admission Please refer to event website

  Ticketing Please refer to www.hksevens.com

  Enquiry +852 25048311 or www.hksevcns.com

  Description Since its kick-off in 1976,the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens has grown into one of the biggest rugby events internationally.

  21.When can you enjoy art works from other countries?

  A.21-22 June 2017. B.24-27 June 2017. C.2-6 July 2017. D.29-30 July 2017.

  22.How much should you pay at least to attend both the jazz concert and Writer's Block?

  A.0. B.0. C.0. D.0.

  23.In which event can audience see Woody Allen in person?

  A.Writer's Block. B.Affordable Art Fair.

  C.Hong Kong Sevens 2017. D.Jazz Concert-HKCO-Howard McCary.

  24.Where can sport lovers order tickets for sports events?

  A.At www.hkticketing.com. B.At www.hksevens.com.

  C.At Hong Kong Stadium. D.At Auditorium,Kwai Tsing Theatre.B

  Not long ago,few little girls imagined they could grow up to become astronauts.For years in United States,only men had that opportunity.In 1983,that changed.Sally Ride made history by becoming the first American woman to travel to space.

  On Monday,Ride died at the age of 61,"Sally was national hero and a powerful role model,"President Barack Obama said in a statement."She inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars."

  Ride became interested in space when she was a kid."If you asked me when I was 12 whether I wanted to be an astronaut,I'm sure I would have said yes,"she said in a 2010 interview."But I didn't even think about that as a possible career."

  After studying physics in college,Ride got her change.She was accepted into NASA's astronaut training program in 1978,and then chosen to be the first American female in space.In 1983,she blasted into space aboard the Challenger shutter.

  Ride returned to space on the Challenger a second time in 1984.Between the two missions,she spent a total of 343 hours in orbit.After that,she remained involved with the space program and also worked to share her passion for science with kids.She co-authored six science books for children,and started her own science and education company.

  Ride knew that she held a unique place in history."I realized how important it was for a woman to break that barrier and open the door for other women to be able to do the same exciting things that the men had been doing," she said.

  Since Ride's historic trip,more than 40 other American women have traveled to space.They all had Ride to thank for opening the door to the final frontier.

  25.Obama called Ride a national hero because she .

  A.was the first American to travel to space B.became the first American female in space

  C.was the first to travel on the Challenger shuttle D.opened a door for women to find suitable jobs

  26.What other contributions did Ride make?

  A.Taking many pictures of the space program.

  B.Starting a company to teach more astronauts.

  C.Teaching kids through sharing her thirst for science.

  D.Teaching woman how to become a successful astronaut.

  27.What key characters does Ride have according to the text?

  A.Brave and creative. B.Curious and strict. C.Kind and elegant. D.Generous and easy-going.

  28.What can we learn from the text?

  A.Ride studied astronomy when she was in university.

  B.Americans think Ride was the greatest woman in history.

  C.There are many women who have become astronauts after Ride.

  D.Ride wanted to find a job as an astronaut when she was very young.C

  High-tech machines have made life easier for millions around the world.However,some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things.Here's an example of why this is happening.You can microwave a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds.However,it won't taste as good as one you cook on the stove.And if you're in that much of a hurry,you probably won't take time to toast the bun High-tech cooking saves time,but it doesn't make for better-tasting meals.

  Most people get their news from high-tech sources like television or the Internet.This has many advantages.For example,electronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines.It's also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs.However,newspapers and magazines have some important advantages. They give more background and details.They also let you read the parts that are important to you and skip the rest.

  Other high-tech time savers have similar disadvantages.For example,most people use the phone or e-mail to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places.But when you use the Internet or the phone, you won't always think carefully about what you are saying,and sometimes you forget the important things you want to communicate.Similarly,when you word-process a homework assignment instead of handwriting it you can check your spelling electronically and put in fancy headings.However,some students are so busy with the computer that they don't pay enough attention to the actual words they are writing.

  29.What do we know about high-tech cooking?

  A.It can't make much food. B.It is popular with every family.

  C.It makes food slower than low-tech cooking. D.It can't make food as delicious as low-tech cooking.

  30.What is an advantage of the news in newspapers compared to that on the Internet?

  A.Quick updates. B.Live news events. C.Detailed information. D.Convenient news sources.

  31.Which of the following proverbs can summarize the text?

  A.Easy come,easy go. B.Better late than never.

  C.Every coin has two sides. D.Learn to walk before you run.D

  Asian children are becoming increasingly undernourished or obese,a new report says.The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) joint report was released on Monday.The two agencies call for better regulation of junk food and a limit on sugary drinks for children.They also call for action against malnourishment,because a lack of food has prevented children who live in poverty growing normally and healthily—or rather,hurt their development.

  Dorothy Foote is a UNICEF regional nutritional specialist.She said the lack of food affects children's height and development inside their bodies.But at the same time,the area is facing "skyrocketing" levels of overweight children.

  The main reason for the food problems,the report says,is that there is more "junk food available,food that does not provide nutrition.Another problem is drinks with high sugar or high trans-fat,but low nutritional value.Lack of physical activity is also part of the problem,the report says.

  Foote said this is seen in nutrition across the area.She said people lack knowledge about what is needed and normal for healthy child development.

  The economic growth in the area has brought "unhealthy products" to rural areas.Poor and middle-class families buy them and do not make "the right choices to use healthier foods instead."Poor feeding practices, especially for children younger than two,mean ongoing high levels of undernourishment.

  The report says governments need to regulate the marketing of junk food and sugary drinks to children.It also calls for better feeding practices for infants and young children,and treatment for severely malnourished children. And it says countries should work to reduce poverty and make sure that children stay in school.

  32. The underlined word "malnourishment" in the first paragraph can be replaced by .

  A.bad education B.poor nutrition C.poor family D.expensive food

  33. The causes of Asian children's being hungry and overweight are the following except .

  A.more junk food available B.lack of physical activity

  C.drinks with high sugar or high trans-fat D.bad food provided in the school dinning hall

  34.Which group are influenced worst by poor feeding practices according to the text?

  A.Primary school students. B.Children under two years old.

  C.Children in rural areas. D.Children in poor families

  35.What's the best title for the text?

  A.The reasons for children's being hungry. B.Why do children in Asia become overweight?

  C.Asian children are facing hunger or obesity. D.How to stop children from being overweight.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


  Some people are naturally better than others in working the social scene.There are those that seem to be gifted h putting others at ease and letting the conversation flow naturally.There are the lucky few that draw people to them without any effort._36_Put yourself at ease and remember these tips:

  Smile!A smile is understood in any culture and any age as a sign of friendship.So go ahead!It will put the other person at ease.You will seem approachable and happy._37_

  Make eye contact.Good eye contact engages the other person to you.When you are introduced to someone, shake their hands in a firm grip and repeat their names._38_Making eye contact shows you have confidence and shows you are interested in the other person.

  _39_Having a trusted friend next to you makes it less frightening to walk into a room full of people.It's the same idea behind why girls need to go to the bathroom in groups.There is safety in numbers! But remember that even if you walk in as a pair,it doesn't mean you just stick together the whole time.The point in a social gathering is you make friends with other people.

  Go to social settings with a shared interest.For example joining an art class automatically puts you in a setting with other people you already have a common interest in._40_

  No matter what the setting,there's no need to be shy around other people.Strangers are friends you just don't know yet!

  A.Go with friends.

  B.Ask the other person questions.

  C.That will help you remember their names.

  D.This is the worst impression to make in any setting.

  E.It will let the other person know that you are safe to talk to.

  F.But for most of us,we feel shy and awkward in social settings.

  G.You now have something to talk about and work it from there.第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每題1.5分,滿分30分)


  I always remember some words in my heart."Everything happens for the best,"my mother said whenever I faced_41_."If you_42_,one day something_43_will happen."Mother was right,as I discovered after graduating from college in 1982.I had decided to try for a job in_44_,and then work my way up to sports announcer.I went to Chicago and_45_at the door of every station,but got turned down every time.

  I_46_home to Dixon,Illinois.While there was no radio-announcing job in Dixon,my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a_47_and wanted a local athlete to_48_its sports department Since Dixon was where I had_49_ high school football,I applied.The job sounded_50_for me.But I wasn't_51_.

  My disappointment must have shown."Everything happens for the best,"Mom_52_me.Dad offered me a car to hunt a(n)_53_.I tried WOC Radio in Davenport,Iowa.The program director,a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur,told me they had_54_hired an announcer.I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about_55_?Do you know anything about football?"Then he stood me_56_a microphone and asked me to_57_an imaginary game.On my way home,_58_I had many times,I thought of my mother's words.

  I often_59_what direction my life might have taken_60_I'd got the job at Montgomery Ward.

  41.A.success B.failure C.progress D.grade

  42.A.carry on B.give up C.look out D.run out

  43.A.bad B.new C.good D.old

  44.A.law B.education C.business D.radio

  45.A.knocked B.threw C.waved D.shot

  46.A.saved B.missed C.rushed D.advised

  47.A.cinema B.store C.library D.farm

  48.A.repair B.use C.destroy D.manage

  49.A.played B.met C.chose D.caught

  50.A.wrong B.right C.big D.small

  51.A.called B.prepared C.hired D.advised

  52.A.asked B.punished C.blamed D.reminded

  53.A.job B.toy C.animal D.game

  54.A.finally B.ever C.already D.even

  55.A.shows B.sports C.speeches D.services

  56.A.under B.above C.in D.before

  57.A.design B.join C.broadcast D.discuss

  58.A.while B.as C.even if D.so that

  59.A.wonder B.explain C.believe D.doubt

  60.A.when B.where C.how D.if第Ⅱ卷

  第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  Once,an old and strange scientist Decided to use the cloning procedure to make_61_clone of his boss's dog.He was working on the assumption that if he produced a clone of the dog,his boss_62_(approve) his promotion.The man stirred his mixture_63_contained the dog's hair.If his colleagues heard about his efforts they would be bound_64_ (stop) him.They could never resist an opportunity of saying that he was too old to work in a cloning laboratory. He did make mistakes_65_time to time,but only last week he succeeded in restoring a_66_(die) mouse to life as a clone. So,why not clone a dog?As he was thinking,the mixture thickened.He stared impatiently at it,_67_(wait) for the shape of the animal that would_68_(short) emerge.Gradually the cells began to form. A creature began to grow and develop_69_(claw) and feathers!The scientist screamed and fled from the room as any possibility of promotion_70_ (disappear) in that instant.He had not brought back a dog but produced a monster!第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)







  Boys and girls,

  Attention,please.I had good news for you.A new book How to Improve Your English is now on sell in a nearby bookstore.I think the book is of great help our English study and suitable for our middle school students.There are many practical examples in the book,included a lot of pictures.The price is five yuan every.Those which want to buy the book should come here as soon as possibly and get your money ready.By the eleven o'clock tomorrow morning the money should be given neither to me or to our monitor.We'll go to buy the books tomorrow afternoon

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)








  Dear Jack,

  How are you?

  Please accept my warmest thanks.Best wishes.


  Li Hua


  1~5 ACBCA 6~10 ACABA 11~15 ABCAC 16~20 CBBCB

  21~24 BAAB 25~28 BCAC 29~31 DCC 32~35 BDBC 36~40 FECAG

  41~45 BACDA 46~50 CBDAB 51~55 CDACB 56~60 DCBAD

  61.a 62.would approve 63.which/that 64.to stop 65.from

  66.dead 67.waiting 68.shortly 69.claws 70.disappeared


  Boys and girls,

  Attention,please.I had good news for you.A new book How to Improve Your English is now on sell in a nearby

  have sale

  bookstore.I think the book is of great help ∧ our English study and suitable for our middle school students.There

  to us

  are many practical examples in the book,included a lot of pictures.The price is five yuan every.Those which want to

  including each who

  buy the book should come here as soon as possibly and get your money ready.By the eleven o'clock tomorrow

  possible 去掉the

  morning the money should be given neither to me or to our monitor.We'll go to buy the books tomorrow afternoon.



  Dear Jack,

  How are you?I am writing to let you know that I won the first prize in the English composition contest last week.Before the contest,I was very nervous.But when I began writing,I thought of all your efforts that you had made to help me during the past few months and gradually I calmed myself down. Although the question and answer section was the most challenging,I got through it quite smoothly thanks to all your suggestions.When the judge announced the result I was very excited but it was really a pity that you were not there.Upon knowing the result,I couldn't wait to express my appreciation of your help.

  Please accept my warmest thanks.Best wishes.


  Li Hua









健康身體是基礎(chǔ),良好學風是條件,勤奮刻苦是前提,學習方法是關(guān)鍵,心理素質(zhì)是保證。祝高考金榜題名!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的2017年高考英語新題,僅供大家參考! 2017年高考英語新題 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5


  • 2017年高考英語新課標i真題

    面對機遇,不猶豫;面對抉擇,不彷徨;面對決戰(zhàn),不懼怕!祝高考金榜題名!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的2017年高考英語新課標i真題,僅供大家參考! 2017年

  • 2017年高考英語完形填空真題


  • 2017年高考英語題型及解析

    高考得高分的秘訣就是少丟分!祝高考金榜題名!下面是學習啦小編為大家推薦的2017年高考英語題,僅供大家參考! 2017年高考英語題 第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),

  • 2017年高考英語題及答案
