


時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享




  第一部分 聽力




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.


  1.What are the speakers discussing?

  A.Where to see wild animals.

  B.How to get to the zoo.

  C.Where to go for a trip.

  2.What does the man always do on Saturday?

  A.He has classes.

  B.He watches movies.

  C.He reviews his notes.

  3.When will the woman see the man?

  A.At 2:00. B.At 4:00. C.At 6:00.

  4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.At a cleaner's.

  B.In a gift shop.

  C.In a supermarket.

  5.What does the woman ask the man to do?

  A.Get off at 37th street.

  B.Enter by the side door.

  C.Use the front entrance.




  6.What is wrong with the skirt the woman got?

  A.It's the wrong size.

  B.It's the wrong color.

  C.It's not comfortable to wear.

  7.Why does the man recommend a blue skirt?

  A.Blue is a popular color.

  B.It is cheaper than other skirts.

  C.The white skirts are sold out.


  8.What does the woman want to do?

  A.Get on the Internet.

  B.Ask for a guide book.

  C.Buy a printer.

  9.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.In a shop.

  B.In a hotel.

  C.In a business center.


  10.What might the woman be?

  A.A journalist.

  B.A student.

  C.A writer.

  11.What is the basic idea of a reporter's job?

  A.Going out and find a story.

  B.Writing a report about his research.

  C.Finding the truth and report it to the public.

  12.What does the man think is the most important part of being a reporter?

  A.Trust. B.Interview. C.Research.


  13.What does the woman suggest doing?

  A.Watching TV.

  B.Having dinner together.

  C.Doing some sports.

  14.What will the man do later today?

  A.Check the weather forecast.

  B.Go to meet his parents.

  C.Enjoy an outdoor concert.

  15.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  A.Clear and sunny.

  B.Sunny but cold.

  C.Clear and cold.

  16.When will they meet tomorrow?

  A.At 12:30.

  B.At 12:40.

  C.At 12:50.


  17.What is the speaker talking about?

  A.A new discovery.

  B.A research team.

  C.A new type of wetsuit.

  18.Where did the shark attacks happen?

  A.In South Asia.

  B.In East Africa.

  C.In Western Australia.

  19.What's the new discovery about sharks?

  A.They are color-blind.

  B.They like white and blue.

  C.They like giving warnings.

  20.What kind of sharks will be tested with?

  A.Tiger sharks.

  B.Whale sharks.

  C.Great white sharks.

  第二部分 閱讀理解




  Winter city breaks in Europe: readers' tips

  Snow and ice is a strong characteristic in our readers' winter break tips, but it's not a complete white-out; your body temperature will be lifted by gingerbread and chestnuts everywhere.

  Winning tip: Bolzano, Italy

  The buildings are as gothic and spiky as anything across the Austrian border in this 25% German-speaking town, the largest in South Tirol. It's known as the Christmas Capital of Italy: it's snowy in winter, and the Germanic influence means there are Christmas markets and gingerbread everywhere. And there are other wintry things on offer if the markets and mulled wine aren't enough, including several cable cars running into the hills, taking you up to walks in the Renon hills (also known as the Ritten) and views of the Dolomites and the world-famous Ötzi the Iceman, sealed (密封) in ice in about 3,300BC, discovered in 1991 and on show in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology.

  Ice skating in Red Square, Moscow

  There's nothing quite like celebrating Christmas in a country that once banned it. New Year is Russia's biggest holiday, but you don't have to wait until 31 December to go ice skating in Red Square. The famous skating spot is open from November 30 until March 9—and return flights from Gatwick to Moscow with EasyJet cost little more than £100 at present. After your festive skate, warm up with a hot chocolate and a walk around GUM: once a state department store, now home to popular stores and cafes.

  21.Where is Ötzi the Iceman?

  A.On a hill.

  B.In a museum.

  C.On a square.

  D.In a department store.

  22.What is typical of Russian celebration of New Year?

  A.Christmas markets.

  B.Mulled wine.

  C.Walks in the hills.

  D.Ice skating.

  23.In which section can you read this text?






  Mac Carter, a British father of 14-year-old Ben who has autism (自閉癥), searched on the Internet to find a specific kind of little blue cup for his son.

  When Ben was two, Mac gave him a little blue cup that was made in China and ever since the cup has become one of the most important things in Ben's life. Mac never thought that the little cup would cause such a big problem. Ben became dependent on this cup because ever since he received the gift he would only drink water from the exact type of little blue cup. Over 12 years, Ben refused to drink water without the cup. Mac was worried about this because their current (目前的) cup could break soon and he needed to find a replacement for his son to drink with. The problem was that the cup was no longer being produced.

  Mac tried to take Ben to a doctor to solve the cup problem, but it was of no use. So Mac decided to seek help from the public on Twitter. He got a lot of responses and the enthusiasm people from all over the world showed gave him confidence and hope. Many strangers found their identical cup and offered to send them to Ben. Though Mac received a lot of help, he still was concerned. All the cups he received would eventually break. As time passed, it would be even harder to find the same cups.

  The situation took a surprising turn when the baby products company Tommee Tippee UK got in touch with Mac. They sent a team to China, and they found the same exact mould (模具) for the cup in the factory that first made it. The company and the Chinese factory decided to make as many as 500 cups for Ben, and Mac was thrilled about all this.24.What would happen to Ben without the cup?

  A.He would feel sad.

  B.He would break other cups.

  C.He would refuse to drink water.

  D.He would suffer from autism.

  25.Where did Mac decide to seek help?

  A.From a social network.

  B.From a British company.

  C.From a team of researchers.

  D.From a Chinese factory.

  26.What does the underlined word "identical" in Paragraph 3 mean?

  A.Exactly alike.

  B.Nearly broken.

  C.Of good quality.

  D. Of different size.

  27.What is the best title for the text?

  A.Enthusiastic people Gave Cups to Ben

  B.British Boy Preferred Chinese Cup

  C.Concerned Father Sought Medical Treatment for Ben

  D.Chinese Factory Helped British Boy Find Favorite Cup


  The birth of the black tea and the first to reach the Western world from Fujian originated by accident. A Chinese army happened to stop by a tea farm in the late Ming Dynasty (1368—1644) and the soldiers slept on raw tea leaves which were intended for green tea making. Helpless and eager to avoid further loss, the anxious tea producer roasted the withered (枯萎的) tea leaves immediately afterwards, with pine branches, ending up with a deep colored tea, which produced bright red soup, a smoky taste and sweet flavor. To the tea farmer's surprise, the taste and flavor became a hit in the market, and the whole area started to make the kind of tea to satisfy market demand.

  Around the end of the 16th century, Dutch business people took tea to Europe. Catherine of Braganza, when she married British King Charles Ⅱ in 1662, took the tea drinking habit from Portugal to the British court.

  It was hard to say if people in the United Kingdom had the choice of drinking green tea, because it is said that after long sea transportation, green tea from China naturally fermented (發(fā)酵) into black tea. At the time British people still didn't know that black tea and green tea are made from the same leaves, so Scottish botanist Robert Fortune (1812—1880) met with disbelief when he pointed out that only a different processing method made black tea and green tea different.

  Fortune was sent by the East India Company to steal tea from China. He took more than 20,000 tea plants and seedlings to India in 1851. Although most of the tea plants he introduced to India are said to have died, trained Chinese tea workers he took there are believed to have equipped the country with the necessary technology and knowledge for tea making.

  28.The tea farmer invented red tea ________.

  A.to get a better taste

  B.to please the soldiers

  C.to avoid losing more money

  D.to satisfy market demand

  29.According to the text, British people ________.

  A.preferred green tea to black tea in the 17th century

  B.made green tea transported from China into black tea

  C.was the first in Europe to have the habit of drinking tea

  D.thought black tea and green tea were made from different leaves

  30.What did Fortune do according to the text?

  A.He trained workers to make tea.

  B.He brought tea plants and seedlings to Britain.

  C.He did something illegal for the East India Company.

  D.He learned knowledge and skills to make different kinds of tea.

  31.What is the text mainly about?

  A.The origin of black tea.

  B.The technology for tea making.

  C.The tradition of drinking tea in Britain.

  D.The difference between black tea and green tea.


  Everybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of them in my native Britain and I must say that I usually have a great time. Most recently I went to one in the mountains of Sardinia and I really enjoyed this one for the differences from those in the UK.

  First, the two families spent three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from wonderful home-made delicacies to simple traditional breads and pastas. In my experience, in the UK that hardest task is left to the caterers(承辦酒席的人)! This particular ceremony was in a beautiful country church and afterwards the couple was driven to the reception in a wonderfully decorated classic Fiat 500, which was really similar to what happens in the UK. However, the wedding with around 500 guests is much larger.

  The wine flowed, as did the chatter. There were the five or six courses of wonderful food, screaming kids running wild, the ceremonial cutting of the cake by the bride and groom, but no speeches! Not one. In the UK it's traditional for the father of the bride to propose(提議) a toast, followed by the groom and finishing up with that of the best man (伴郎). His speech generally has a good laugh at the groom's expense, but here the groom was spared that particular discomfort.

  Instead there was a delightful custom which I'd never seen before, in which six or seven of the male guests pass round the hall banging trays, drums, pots, pans that make noise, selling pieces of the groom's tie which has been cut into tiny bits. The money raised was then given to the happy couple to help them set up their new life together. Finally the evening saw a lot of traditional dancing, a little disco dancing and some karaoke. Pretty much the part I like best.

  32.How did the author feel about the Sardinian wedding?

  A.It was enjoyable.

  B.It was very strange.

  C.It was expensive.

  D.It was unpleasant.

  33.As for the preparations for the wedding, which part demanded the greatest effort?

  A.The particular ceremony.

  B.The wedding food.

  C.The disco dancing.

  D.The wedding speech.

  34.What can we infer about the best man's speech at a traditional British wedding?

  A.It is the best one of all the wedding speeches.

  B.It is usually very traditional and sounds too flat.

  C.It is funny but often makes the groom uncomfortable.

  D.It is more delightful than the Sardinian ceremonial speech.

  35.Why was the groom's tie cut into small pieces?

  A.To entertain the male guests as a wedding game.

  B.To start the dancing evening as a special ceremony.

  C.To get money from the guests to pay for the reception.

  D.To celebrate the wedding and raise money for the new couple.



  When we were kids, my little sister Madison and I were the M&Ms—my parents' two daughters. ____36____ So it was quite a surprise when my mom and dad sat us down to let us know that baby number three was on the way when I was 10 years old. However, as soon as my brother Mac was born, he completely stole my heart and I have learned many things from having a young brother.

  ● ____37____

  Having a baby in your life means watching your parents endlessly change diapers (尿布), make bottles, and wipe spit-ups every once in a while. I was allowed to do those things and I learned just how important it was to take care of this little life before I even hit middle school.

  ● You watch a child grow up.

  ____38____ I remember how excited my family was when we discovered how fast of a reader he was in kindergarten. I'll never forget telling him bedtime stories before he went to sleep at night. It's cool to think about the entirety of his life and how far he has come.

  ● You teach your brother life lessons.

  From a young age, my brother watched my sister and me overcome personal challenges, go to high school, and, worst of all, get our hearts broken. ____39____ Watching his sisters go through life's difficulties has taught him how he should act when he gets older.

  Now Mac is 11 years old. I have no shame in telling people that one of my best friends is an 11-year-old boy. In fact, our family without him is unimaginable. ____40____

  A.You stay in the know.

  B.You learn about responsibility early on.

  C.We received a lot of attention, and we liked it that way.

  D.All I can say is that my family wouldn't be happy without Mac.

  E.I remember the first time Mac crawled, walked, and said my name.

  F.Thanks, Morn and Dad, for turning the M&Ms into the Three Musketeers.

  G.Nothing makes Mac more upset than a mean guy who hurts a girl's feelings.

  第三部分 英語知識運(yùn)用第一節(jié) 完形填空


  Jane was lying in bed waiting for an operation, nervous and worried. Just then another patient was ____41____ into the ward (病房). After a brief greeting, Jane struck up a(n) ____42____. The 80-year-old newcomer was named Sue. Her son ____43____ ran a company and her daughter worked on a TV station. Since her children were too ____44____ to take care of Sue, she lived in an old people's home. Sue was proud of the ____45____ of her children. Jane really ____46____ Sue. Compared with Sue, Jane was ____47____ but an ordinary country woman whose children were just ordinary workers.

  Soon, it was supper time. Jane's ____48____ cooked some tasty dishes which were her favorite. Jane invited Sue to share her supper, but she ____49____ Sue was ____50____ her daughter when she received a call. ____51____, her children couldn't come to visit her. Worse still, Sue had ____52____ the mealtime in the hospital. She lay in bed, ____53____ and silent. Jane's

  daughter offered to buy her some food but she had no appetite (食欲) ____54____.

  The next day, Jane and Sue would go through a series of regular medical checks before the operation. Jane's daughter ____55____ her carefully while Sue was still alone. Out of sympathy, Jane's daughter offered to queue up, fill in different ____56____ and register for Sue. For several days in hospital, even during her ____57____ , Sue's children didn't show up. Sue really envied Jane whose daughter looked after her all the time ____58____ she recovered and moved out of hospital. Care from the loved ones when ill can really make one happy and encouraged, especially for a(n) ____59____ parent. So while devoted to your career, don't forget your role in your ____60____ .

  41.A.introduced B.persuaded C.admitted D.squeezed

  42.A.quarrel B.discussion C.agreement D.conversation

  43.A.smoothly B.independently C.privately D.successfully

  44.A.guilty B.busy C.unwilling D.rough

  45.A.achievements B.faith C.devotion D.possessions

  46.A.envied B.impressed C.respected D.suspected

  47.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

  48.A.friend B.husband C.neighbor D.daughter

  49.A.misunderstood B.paid C.rejected D.struggled

  50.A.expecting B.praising C.disturbing D.inviting

  51.A.Possibly B.Unfortunately C.Generally D.Strangely

  52.A.knew B.ignored C.followed D.missed

  53.A.astonished B.anxious C.disappointed D.nervous

  54.A.above all B.at all C.in all D.after all

  55.A.attended B.examined C.obeyed D.protected

  56.A.positions B.gaps C.forms D.surveys

  57.A.checks B.operation C.stay D.recovery

  58.A.until B.although C.unless D.because

  59.A.ordinary B.aged C.careful D.loving

  60.A.friendship B.health C.family D.growth



  第三部分 英語知識運(yùn)用



  (The students are having a discussion about health issues. )

  S1: In my opinion, a healthy life should include two aspects: physical health and mental health. So a person ____61____ lacks either is not a healthy person. I think of several issues that may concern people most, namely, food security, medical service problems, AIDS and effects of environmental ____62____ (pollute) on health.

  S2: I think that drug taking is particularly destructive. As we all know, drug taking ____63____(do) great harm to people's health; it will ____64____ (gradual) kill a person if he gets ____65____ (addict) to it. Buying drug costs a lot of money, ____66____ many drug takers sell out their fortune ____67____ (afford) the drug they need. As a result, many families break up in this way.

  S3: From my understanding, bad parenting is ____68____ (worrying) issue of all, because many issues arise due to lack of care and love. If children ____69____ (bring) up in happy and healthy families, they will form good habits and keep away ____70____ those bad ones.

  第四部分 寫作

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)







  Dear friends,

  In the past two weeks, all of us had a good time. We studied together, play together and did projects together, during it you helped us with our English studies. You often corrected our pronunciation and spell mistakes. Your jokes entertained them. Besides, your lecture on American life allowed us to know much about American culture and customs than before. Meanwhile, through different kind of sports and art activities, we have developed a strongly friendship with each other. Thanks with this chance, we have benefited a lot of from this exchange program. It really was unforgettable experience!

  Thank you !

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)

  假設(shè)你是李華,你校的英文報(bào)紙最近開設(shè)了“我最喜歡的校園活動(dòng)(My Favorite Campus Activity)”專欄,請你給你的美國朋友Tom寫一封電子郵件,向他約稿,介紹他最喜歡的校園活動(dòng)。要點(diǎn)如下:






  Dear Tom,




  Li Hua


  第一部分 聽力

  1—5 CCBAB 6—10 ACABB 11—15 CACBA 16—20 ACCAC

  第二部分 閱讀理解
































  第三部分 英語知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))

  第一節(jié) 完形填空




























  67.to afford

  68.the most worrying

  69.are brought


  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié))

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)

  Dear friends,

  In the past two weeks, all of us had a good time. We studied together, (play改為played)together and did projects together, during (it改為which)you helped us with our English studies. You often corrected our pronunciation and (spell改為spelling)mistakes. Your jokes entertained (them改為us) . Besides, your lecture on American life allowed us to know (much改為more或在much后加more) about American culture and customs than before. Meanwhile, through different (kind改為kinds)of sports and art activities, we have developed a (strongly改為strong) friendship with each other.

  Thanks (with改為to) this chance, we have benefited a lot (去掉of)from this exchange program. It really was ∧(加an) unforgettable experience !

  Thank you !

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)

  One possible version:

  Dear Tom,

  How are you doing? I am delighted to tell you that our school paper opened a new column called My Favorite Campus Activity. This column is intended for students to voice their opinions about campus activities.

  We also welcome articles from students in other countries. So I am writing this letter to invite you to contribute an article to this column. I believe you also have a colorful school life and take part in many campus activities. What is your favorite activity? What is it like? Why is it your favorite?

  We will be very happy to get to see your article.


  Li Hua









幾度辛勤耕耘,即將結(jié)出碩果;成功已在招手,只等最后拼搏。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017山東英語高考試題,僅供大家參考! 2017山東英語高考試題 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 聽力 做題時(shí),先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后,你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將試


  • 2017山東高考英語真題及答案解析


  • 2017山東高考英語真題及答案及解析

    加油!為你祈禱!祝你考上理想學(xué)府!祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017山東高考英語真題,僅供大家參考! 2017山東高考英語真題 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分

  • 2017山東高考英語真題及答案


  • 2017山東高考英語真題答案解析
