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  第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)




  1. What is the woman probably doing?

  A. Waiting for the traffic lights. B. Doing morning exercise. C. Asking for directions.

  2. What does the woman mean?

  A. She lacks experience. B. She missed the interview.

  C. She isn’t interested in the job.

  3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. Their favorite games. B. The weather. C. The coming rain.

  4. When did the incident happen?

  A. At about 10 am. B. At about 10 pm.. C. At about 2 am.

  5. Why will the man go to Edinburgh?

  A. To drive the woman there. B. To do some sightseeing there.

  C. To meet some important people.

  第二節(jié) (共15小題;每小題1.5分,共22.5分)



  6. Why is the man sad today?

  A. He lost his job. B. He was criticized by his boss. C. He has too much work to do.

  7. What will the man do tomorrow?

  A. Drive the woman to her workplace. B. Have a talk with his boss.

  C. Have some job interviews.


  8. What does the woman want the man to do?

  A. Take her to the front desk. B. Help her check in.

  C. Send someone to clean her room.

  9. When does the woman want to go to the museum?

  A. In 25 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In 5 minutes.


  10. Why does the man think the campus housing is not bad?

  A. It’s quiet. B. It’s cheap. C. It’s big.

  11. What do students have to pay?

  A. State tax. B. Gas. C. Water.

  12. What is the man’s plan?

  A. To find a cheap apartment in the summer.

  B. To live in his present apartment till next June.

  C. To share a house with his classmate after June.


  13. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Colleagues.

  14. What does the man advise the woman to do?

  A. Talk with her husband more. B. Buy a house far from the city center.

  C. Save or borrow money from relatives.

  15. Who sold the old hou se?

  A. The owner. B. The owner’s family. C. The government.

  16. What do we know about the old house?

  A. It is in bad shape. B. It was built about 75 years ago.

  C. It is located in a good place.


  17. What did the neighbors complain about?

  A. The dog’s waste. B. The dog’s barking. C. The dog’s attacking people.

  18. How did the dog go out of the garden?

  A. By pressing his paw on the handle. B. By waiting until the gate opened itself.

  C. By sitting there and barking.

  19. When did the dog probably begin his new bad habit?

  A. Last week. B. Last month. C. Last year.

  20. What caused the dog to get upset and disappear?

  A. The removing of the gate. B. Going out without him. C. The tiring training.

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)




  A cute white cat peeks out of a hole with only its head visible. A long-eared rabbit licks its lips while looking up at a carrot. These aren’t real scenes in a natural park. Instead, they’re paintings in tree holes on a road in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province. Hundreds of people are visiting the artistic road to take photos of the new paintings.

  The creator of these eye-catching paintings is Wang Yue, 23. She describes her tree hole paintings as “a beautiful journey” through which she adds fun and vitality (活力) to her hometown.

  “When I saw the trees by the roadside had lost all their leaves, and the ugly tree holes became obvious, I thought that if I could paint some interesting scenes in these holes they might add some color to the city,” said Wang Yue.

  But Wang was worried that her watercolor paints could hurt the trees. When W ang got permission from city officials, she gathered her color palette, brushes and a stool and got to work.

  Her first painting was of rosy clouds, but many passers-by couldn’t understand it. “Perhaps it was too abstract,” said Wang Yue. After that, she began to paint animals. Using her paintbrush she creatively placed a raccoon(浣熊), a squirrel and a cat in the holes.

  Wang’s friends shared her works on their micro blogs and she became a hit. Her next aim is to tell stories rather than painting individual animals. “I was glad to let people see life’s beauty. I hope more artists can join me in painting the tree holes,” she said.

  21. Why did Wang Yue begin to create paintings in the tree holes?

  A. To practice painting and have fun.

  B. To prevent the tree leaves from falling.

  C. To have passers-by take photos of her pain tings.

  D. To make the city more colorful and lively.

  22. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Wang’s first painting hurt the trees and city officials stopped her work.

  B. Wang’s first painting wasn’t popular because she wasn’t skillful then.

  C. Wang became successful partly because of her friends’ micro blogs.

  D. Wang would continue to centre her works on individual animals.

  23. Which is the best title for the text?

  A. Paintings in Tree Holes Become Popular.

  B. Paintings Bring Grey Road to Life.

  C. Wang Yue---A Girl Who Has Become a Hit.

  D. Join in Painting the Tree Holes!


  London’s transport services offer you a special experience of the city. He re’s a round-up of the transport choices available to you.

  ◆ London Underground

  There are 11 colour-coded Underground lines. Services run regularly from around 5:00 to 00:30 (Sunday 07:30 to 23:30).

  Visit tfl.gov.uk/tube for more information.


  Always stand on the right when using the escalators (電動扶梯) at Tube stations. It can get hot and busy on the Tube during peak travel times, so you may prefer to travel outside these hours.

  ◆ Buses

  A cheap and easy way to travel around London. They generally run from 5:00 to 00:30. Night buses operate on many major routes from around midnight to 05:00, and some operate a 24-hour service.

  It is not possible to pay for your London bus fare in cash. Instead you can pay with a Visitor Oyster card, Oyster card, Travelcard or UK-issued contactless payment card. A single bus journey is £1.50 with an Oyster card or UK-issued contactless payment card.

  To help you get home, if you don’t have enough credit (存款) on your Oyster card, you will be able to make one more bus journey.

  After this you will need to add the credit on your card before you use it again. If your contactless payment card has been issued outside the UK, please check tfl.gov.uk/contactless before you use your card to travel on our bus services.

  For more information visit tfl.gov.uk/buses.


  Some bus routes are especially good for sightseeing --- try routes 9, 14, 15 and 22. The New Routemaster bus featured in the James Bond film Skyfall and runs on routes 9, 11, 24, 38 and 390.

  24. At what time do London Underground services begin to operate on Sundays?

  A. Midnight B. 00:30 C. 05:00 D. 07:30

  25. During the rush hour, visitors at Tube stations are advised to _______ .

  A. stand side by side B. avoid using the escalators

  C. take the tube at fixed times D. take advantage of off-peak hours

  26. If you find only £1.00 left on your Oyster card for your home journey, you ______ .

  A. will be given one more chance to take a London bus

  B. will not be allowed to get on a London bus

  C. should pay £0.50 more in cash on the bus

  D. should add more credit on your card first

  27. What type of writing is this text?

  A. Job advertisements. B. Activity announcements.

  C. Service introductions. D. Project reports.


  As graduation draws near, those who haven’t landed a job yet may be desperate to find one. Perhaps some of the job offers they have received are below their skill and experience levels. Is it better to take these offers, or reject them and remain unemployed?

  Recently, David Pedulla, a University of Texas sociologist, conducted a study about how taking a job below your skill level could affect your future employment.

  In the study, Pedulla developed resumes for imaginary job applicants. The job seekers he created had a few things in common. They had a college degree, worked nearly two years at their first job, and about 4.5 years at their second job. What differed was their third job in the most recent year. They either had a full-time job that matched their skills, a part-time job below their skill levels, or were unemployed.

  Then Pedulla submitted 2,420 resumes based on his imaginary job seekers, along with cover letters, to online ads for 1,210 real jobs. Each applicant had a real phone number that employers could contact if they were interested in talking with the applicant further.

  The callback rates varied widely based on how the imaginary job seekers had spent their last year. The applicants who had full-time jobs the previous year were called back 10.4 percent of the time. Those whose most recent year of employment was in a job below their skill levels were only called back about 5 percent. Male applicants unemployed for a year were called back 4.2 percent of the time, while the figure is 7.5 percent for unemployed females.

  However, Pedulla cautioned that the experiment only measured the initial interest of employers in his fictional job candidates, not whether the employers would hire them or what they would be paid based on their most recent job experiences.

  28. The purpose of the first paragraph is ________ .

  A. to lead in the topic

  B. to present an argument

  C. to shock the reader

  D. to describe the present situation in job seeking

  29. Which statement is NOT true about Pedulla’s experiment?

  A. The applicants had some things in common at their first two jobs.

  B. The applicants’ resumes and phone numbers are created by Pedulla.

  C. The applicants’ most recent job experiences affected the callback rates.

  D. Unemployed female applicants got a higher callback rate than males.

  30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A. The applicants with a high callback rate would surely be hired.

  B. The applicants’ most recent job experiences would decide their salaries.

  C. There are some limits about what lessons can be taken from the study.

  D. It is better to take a job offer below one’s skill level than to reject it.

  31. In which section may the text appear in a newspaper?

  A. Career B. Science C. Culture D. Education


  A funny thing happened between China’s first female Nobel Prize winner, Tu Youyou, giving her acceptance speech in Sweden and that speech reaching her home country: Two entirely different versions appeared, and the fake one became a viral hit.

  Guess which version is genuine? The one that matter-of-factly tells about the discovery of artemisinin(青蒿素), or the one with extreme literary style, complete with her father explaining the origin of her given name and poetic lines such as, “I like tranquility(寧靜), tranquil as the leaves of sweet wormwood(蒿草).”

  Most readers were so touched by the literary version that they were left in tears. However, they just forgot that Tu is not a woman of letters, but one of science. It was totally made up by someone who obviously has great literary talent, but could not fathom the inner life of a scientist.

  I don’t know who made up the Tu speech, or for what purpose. It does not strike me as funny. Fortunately, no mainstream media seemed to have been fooled. Yet the fake one has probably been shared more than the real one because it played to the Chinese stereotype(固定形式) of what such a speech should be.

  China’s cyberspace(信息空間) is full of educational and uplifting quotes, and quite a lot of them are made up. There is a joke that says the United States’ spying network collected and examined all the Internet data in China and found that the Chinese are addicted to such chicken soup, including that from untrustworthy sources.

  32. The reason why many readers were moved to tears by the fake speech is that ________.

  A. it was based on Tu’s real life

  B. it was written in literary style

  C. the readers had passions for science

  D. the readers knew about the origin of Tu’s given name

  33. What does the underlined word “letters” mean in the fourth paragraph?

  A. Written messages addressed to a person or organization.

  B. Characters in an alphabet that repre sent speech sounds.

  C. Certificate or license.

  D. Literary knowledge, ability, or learning

  34. Why has the fake speech been shared more than the real one?

  A. Because it was the Chi nese stereotype.

  B. Because many mainstream medias were fooled.

  C. Because it was funny.

  D. Because the writer understood the inner life of a scientist.

  35. The purpose of the article is to _______________ .

  A. prove that Chinese are addicted to fake news

  B. prove that Chinese scientists have no literary talent

  C. tell us there are a lot of fake news on the Internet

  D. find out who made up the fake speech

  第二節(jié) (共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)


  The rules about how to talk, eat and sit, which are highly limited, are observed in most Western restaurants and homes. 36 Many Westerners have no idea how to act at the Chinese dinner table. No forks or knives for them to use! The Chinese host makes great, sweeping arm movements that go over large sections of the table, passing over both food and friends alike. 37 However, it leaves many foreigners at a loss for what to do.

  In my childhood home, dinner was enjoyed with low voices, and the topics that we could discuss were very limited. 38 If I had to leave the table to use the toilet, I had to excuse myself without mentioning what it was that I was going to do. “May I be excused, please? I need to wash my hands.” I would say. My mother would say, “Sure.” My father would often play a joke on me by saying, “ 39 ”

  As for eating, we did it quietly. No eating noises were allowed. Everything must be done as quietly as possible. If any sound was created by eating food or drinking, it would be considered as bad manners!

  40 He is to sit up straight with the recessive hand (usually the left) in one’s lap holding a napkin while the dominant hand (usually the right) holds the fork or spoon. The on ly time one is allowed to have both hands on the table is when he is using a knife to cut something.

  A. How one sits at the table is also prescribed.

  B. We were not allowed to talk about anything that made listeners uncomfortable.

  C. Can't you think up a better excuse than that?

  D. They’re completely different from what we find here in China.

  E. Your hands don’t look dirty!

  F. The scene is fantastic.

  G. In general they were all strictly forbidden topics.

  第三部分 英語知識運用 (共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  The snow is gone and green grass can be seen growing close to the sunny side of homes. The birds in the back yard are singing in the bush. Spring is here, and with 41 come memories of the smell of 42 , new sneakers, and longer days.

  As a kid, I knew spring arrived when I walked into the house after school and 43 paint. The first warm day would cause my mum to have the idea of 44 . She opened the windows, let the fresh air in, opened a can of paint, and put a fresh 45 on the walls of a room.

  Spring was also the time to change 46 . In Nova Scotia, we had snow on the ground almost 47 from late December until late March. We spent all of our time outside wearing our 48 winter boots. To run in them was like running with two weighty bags.

  In late April or early May, mum would take us to the town to buy a new pair of light 49 for each of us. I still remember the rubber 50 , with the trademark imprinted on it. After a month or two, small hands would tear it off, and leave a circle, darker than the 51 material around it.

  Later, when we returned home, my brothers and I 52 our new sneakers. The door shut 53 behind us when we rushed out, causing a shout of 54 from our dad. Then we ran across the fields. The weight of the heavy winter boots was 55 . It felt like we were 56 through the air or we could jump thirty feet like a kangaroo. The thoughts of summer’s approach and the 57 wind of spring rushing past our uncovered ears were 58 .

  When life gets me down; when everything seems 59 ; I don’t let it 60 me. I would let my room put on a new coat of paint, pull on a new pair of sneakers, and just run like it was spring.

  41.A.autumn B.spring C.winter D.summer

  42.A.flowers B.food C.wine D.paint

  43.A.smelled B.bought C.made D.matched

  44.A.adventure B.communication C.decoration D.happiness

  45.A.coat B.jacket C.sweater D.shirt

  46.A.socks B.caps C.gloves D.shoes

  47.A.especially B.normally C.continuously D.commonly

  48.A.new B.heavy C.light D.soft

  49.A.pants B.trousers C.sneakers D.glasses

  50.A.circle B.rabbit C.line D.star

  51.A.ugly B.colorful C.new D.faded

  52.A.tore down B.put on C.made up D.turned down

  53.A.heavily B.slightly C.gently D.slowly

  54.A.excitement B.joy C.surprise D.anger

  55.A.increasing B.coming C.gone D.measured

  56.A.running B.flying C.walking D.riding

  57.A.warm B.cold C.biting D.strong

  58.A.terrible B.negative C.delightful D.fearful

  59.A.successful B.hopeless C.satisfying D.hopeful

  60.A.cheat B.change C.win D.affect


  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  Summer camps are the place 61 teenagers are going to be helped under professional guidance. Troubled teens 62 (suffer) from behavior problems are treated through different methods. A number of summer camps are offering 63 wide range of services.

  Right now large 64 (quantity) of youths have serious behavior problems. Among the reasons behind the rude nature of a kid 65 (be) the modern life style, bad company, and perhaps improper care by their parents. Military summer camps are helpful in solving the behavior problems. A strict training program is offered to youths. Outdoor projects 66 (give) to teenagers for improving their creative skills. These projects also bring confidence inside a troubled teen. 67 addition, weekly reports are sent to them based upon analysis of performance and activity of teens.

  Teenagers are the main sufferers of eating disorder. It increases unwanted fat on various parts of the body and 68 (negative) affects a person’s physical or mental health. The children who don’t care about their health and are unable to pay attention to physical fitness are admitted into 69 (weigh) loss summer camps. There the staff members and trainers are expertise in helping troubled teens. They put full effort on teens 70 (bring) back their normal life.

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié) 滿分35分)

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)





  注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

  2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

  When I was in Junior Middle School, I once quarrel with my favorite teacher Mr. Yang because he criticized me strictly. Before that, I was so ashamed that I had no courage to see her again. To my surprised, Mr. Yang found me and apologized to me for his sharp words next day. He had said he could understand why I was so angry at that moment. Also, Mr. Yang hoped I could understand that he was so strictly with me because he thought I should have behaved better. What he had said or done made me very touching. Therefore, I was determined not to let him down any long.

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  假定你是李華,上個月Professor Smith曾推薦你去芝加哥大學(Chicago University)深造學習,現(xiàn)在你已被該大學錄取。請你給Professor Smith寫一封e-mail,表達對他的感激之情。主要內容:

  1. 表達感激;

  2. 描述Professor Smith提供的幫助;

  3. 表示會努力學習以回報老師的幫助。


  1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

  2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;

  3. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

  Dear Professor Smith,

  I am writing to________________________________________________________________




  Best wishes!

  Yours truly,

  Li Hua


  第一部分 聽力(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

  1—5 CABAC 6—10 ACCBB 11—15 CAABC 16—20 BBCAA

  第二部分 閱讀理解


  21--25 DCBDD 26--30 ACABC 31—35 ABDAC

  第二節(jié) (共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)

  36—40 DFBEA

  第三部分 英語知識運用

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

  41—45 BDACA 46—50 DCBCA 51—55 DBADC 56—60 BACBD

  第二節(jié) 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)

  61. where 62. suffering 63. a 64. quantities 65. are

  66. are given 67. In 68. negatively 69. weight 70. to bring

  第四部分 寫作

  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

  1.quarrel改為quarreled或quarrelled 2.Before改為After 3.her改為him 4.surprised改為surprise 5.words后加the 6. 去掉had 7.strictly改為strict 8. or改為and 9.touching改為touched 10.long改為longer

  第二節(jié) 書面表達(滿分25分)

  Dear Professor Smith,

  I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you. Had it not for your help, I wouldn’t have become a student of the famous university---Chicago University.

  Last month when I applied to Chicago University for my further education, you really gave me your kindest help. Firstly, you added greatly to my convenience by writing a recommendation for me to your former colleague who works in Chicago University. Besides, it was very nice of you to instruct me how to go through the application process.

  Everyone agrees that it was you who made me gain this valuable opportunity of further education. From now on, I will study hard to make good grades in return for your sincere and generous help.

  Best wishes!

  Yours truly,

  Li Hua




  21. D 判斷推理題。根據(jù)第二段中的she describes her tree hole paintings as “a beautiful journey” through which she adds fun and vitality to her hometown.和第三段中的“I thought that if I could paint some interesting scenes in these holes they might add some color to the city.”可推出答案。

  22. C 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段第一句話Wang’s friends shared her works on their micro blogs and she became a hit.可知答案。

  23. B 標題概括題。縱觀全文可知,文章主要講的是石家莊女孩王月用“樹洞畫”為黯淡的冬季帶來色彩。B項概括了文章主旨。



  24. D 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段第二句Services run regularly from around 5:00 to 00:30 (Sunday 07:30 to 23:30).可知正確答案。

  25. D 判斷推理題。由第一個Tip中的It can get hot and busy on the Tube during peak travel times, so you may prefer to travel outside these hours.可知,作者不建議游客在高峰期乘坐地鐵。

  26. A 判斷推理題。根據(jù)◆ Buses部分第三段的內容可推知,如果你的Oyster卡上沒有足夠的錢,那你可以再乘一次車回家。故選A。

  27. C 文章體裁題。由文章的內容和形式可知,本文是對在倫敦出行時可以使用的交通服務的介紹。



  28. A 寫作意圖題。通讀全文可知這篇文章主要介紹了美國一位社會學家做的一份“接受低于自身技能水平的工作,可能會影響未來就業(yè)前途”的調查。根據(jù)第一段的內容可知其目的主要是引出話題。這篇文章并不是討論某個議題,故B項是錯誤的。

  29. B 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段第二句話Each of the applicants had a real phone number that employers could contact…可知B項不符合原文;根據(jù)第三段的第二、三兩句話可排除A;根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的第一句話可排除C;根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的最后一句話可排除D。

  30. C判斷推理題。根據(jù)最后一段的內容,尤其是 “However”, “ cautioned”, “ only measured” 等詞語可推出從這個研究中學到的東西有局限性。

  31. A 文章出處題。文章主要介紹了美國德克薩斯大學的一位社會學家做的一份“接受低于自身技能水平的工作,可能會影響未來就業(yè)前途”的調查。故最有可能在職場版面見到這篇文章。



  32. B 判斷推理題。根據(jù)第三段第一句話Most readers were so touched by the literary version that they were left in tears.可推出答案。

  33. D 詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第二段對屠呦呦的假獲獎感言的描述以及該詞后文but one of science可知,屠呦呦不是作家,而是科學家。故選D。

  34. A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段最后一句話Yet the fake one has probably been shared more than the real one because it played to the Chinese stereotype of what such a speech should be. 可知答案。

  35. C 寫作意圖題。根據(jù)最后一段的內容可推出答案。



  41.B 由前一分句 “Spring is here”和句尾的 “longer days”可知,此處表示隨“春天”一道來臨的是美好的回憶:油漆的氣味、新運動鞋、(比冬天)更長的白天。

  42.D 根據(jù)第二段中的 “…opened a can of paint, and put a fresh 45 on the walls of a room.”可知,作者聞到的是油漆的味道。

  43.A 根據(jù)第一段中的 “…come memories of the smell of 42 , new sneakers, and longer days.”可知,當作者聞到油漆的氣味時,他知道春天到來了。

  44.C 根據(jù)后句 “She opened the windows, let the fresh air in, opened a can of paint, and put a fresh 45 on the walls of a room.”可知此空應填decoration(裝飾)。

  45.A 用油漆粉刷房間,就好像為房間的墻壁穿上一件大衣一樣。此外,最后一段的 “ I would let my room put on a new coat of paint”也提示了答案。

  46.D 下文作者用了很大的篇幅說明春天到來后,媽媽為他們買新運動鞋,讓他們脫去冬天的厚重的鞋子。由此可知,春天也是作者更換鞋子的季節(jié)。

  47.C 根據(jù) “from late December until late March”可知,這段時間是地面上連續(xù)不斷地有雪的時間。

  48.B 根據(jù)下面一句 “To run in them was like running with two weighty bags.”可知,冬天作者穿的鞋子非常重。

  49.C 第一段42空后的 “new sneakers”提示了答案。

  50.A 根據(jù)下面一句中的 “After a month or two, small hands would tear it off, and leave a circle,”可知此處指的是rubber circle。

  51.D 一、兩個月后,帶有商標的橡膠圈被撕掉后,留下一個圓圈,顏色比周圍褪色的材料較深。

  52.B 根據(jù)后文 “The door shut 53 behind us when we rushed out, causing…”可知,作者和他的兄弟們一到家就“穿上”(put on)新運動鞋出去飛奔。

  53.A 此處顯示了作者和他的兄弟們穿上新運動鞋后激動的心情----關門都非常用力。

  54.D 因為作者和他的兄弟們關門聲音太大,所以他們的父親會生氣地大喊一聲。

  55.C 作者換上新買的運動鞋以后,沉重 的冬靴的重量就沒有了。

  56.B 由后文 “through the air” 和 “jump thirty feet like a kangaroo”可知此處應填flying。

  57.A 由常識可知這里表示春天的暖風。此外,第二段的 “The first warm day would cause my mum to …”也提示了答案。

  58.C 春天來了,作者脫掉沉重的鞋子穿上了新買的運動鞋, 想到夏天的到來和感受溫暖的春風令人很快活。

  59.B 根據(jù)前一分句 “When life gets me down”可知,這一分句同樣應表示生活中會有不盡如人意之處的含義,所以選hopeless。

  60.D 作者感悟到,盡管生活中會有很多不盡如人意的地方,但作者不會讓它們影響自己。









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