


時間: 劉惠25 分享






  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18.

  答案是 B。

  1. What does the woman do?

  A. A student. B. A teacher. C.A journalist.

  2. What will the woman probably do on Thursday night?

  A. Stay at home. B. Visit a friend. C. Start a trip.

  3. Where are the speakers?

  A. In a car. B.At home. C. In an office.

  4. What will the man do next?

  A. Have a holiday.

  B. Talk about his wishes.

  C. Work with the woman.

  5. What does the man think of his new office?

  A. Small. B. Clean. C. Big.

  第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1. 5分,滿分22. 5分)





  6. Why does the man make the call?

  A. He can’t go to the game.

  B. He’ll be late for the game.

  C. He asks the woman for help.

  7. What will the man have to do first?

  A. Finish his work. B. Pick up Tim. C.See a doctor.


  8. Why does the woman ask for the man’s home phone number?

  A. To invite him to dinner.

  B. To stop him from calling her.

  C. To be sure to reach him.

  9. How does the woman feel about the man?

  A. Grateful. B.Curious. C. Annoyed.

  10. What is the woman doing?

  A. Having dinner.

  B. Doing some exercise.

  C. Watching a diet program.


  11. Who is the man?

  A. A shop assistant. B. A policeman. C.A bus driver.

  12. How will the woman get to Burns Park?

  A. By bus. B.On foot. C.By taxi.

  13. Where does Burns Parkbeg in?

  A. From First Street.

  B. From Main Street.

  C. At the corner of Lincoln and Fifth.


  14. Who is the woman shopping for?

  A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother.

  15. What is the man going to buy for his mother?

  A. Some plants. B.Some jewelry. C.Some food.

  16. What is the woman’s plan for Christmas?

  A. Go to New York.

  B. Visit her relatives.

  C. Stay with her family.


  17. What would the speaker do before going to Australia?

  A. Book a room. B. Contact his friend. C.Save enough money.

  18. What interests the speaker most in Australia?

  A. Aboriginal tribes. B.The mountains. C.The herd.

  19. Which city will the speaker visit first in America?

  A. Chicago. B.San Francisco. C. New York.

  20. What can the speaker expect on the Mountains of Kenya?

  A. Wild animals. B. Amazing snow scenery. C. Many mountain climbers






  The Castle of Monteriggioni

  Located in central Tuscany,the Castle of Monteriggioni was built by the Republic of Siena at the beginning of the 13th century in order to defend its southern border against Florence.With their impressive towers, they feature in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

  Main Sights

  Inside the town are the Church of Santa Maria Assunta,the battlements on the town walls and the small “Monteriggioni in Arme” museum, where there are models and life-size armors(鎧甲).

  Every July within the wall of the town a special event is celebrated: the Medieval Festival of Monteriggioni, one of the most beautiful festivals in the region. The city goes back in time to the MiddleAges, the streets are filled up with people in period costume creating a real atmosphere. Dances, live performances, music, theatre, kids entertainment,storytellers and more entertain the public.

  The surrounding area

  The townlands of Monteriggioni, with the walled town as their capital, cover an area of about 100km² directly to the north of Siena,full of woods, hills, vineyards and olive groves(小樹林). The townlands also take in a large area of unspoiled nature that has been declared a Site of Community Importance(SCI). The area is crossed by a network of trails, including the Via Francigena, which can be travelled on foot, bicycleor on horse-back.

  How to get to Monteriggioni


  Take the “Monteriggioni” exit on theFlorence-Siena motorway link.


  Line 130 from Siena for Colle di Val d’Elsa-Poggibonsi-SanGimignano.


  The closest station is “Castellina in Chianti- Monteriggioni”.


  Piazza Roma, 23

  53035 Monteriggioni(SI)-Italy

  Tel./fax+39 0577 304834

  info@ Monteriggioniturismo.it

  21. Which of the following you cannot see in the Castle of Monteriggioni ?

  A. Tower B. Vineyards C. Church D.Performance

  22. The best way to travel around the surrounding area is _____.

  A. by car B.by bus C. by train D.on foot

  23. Where can this article be probably found?

  A.In a travel guidebook. B. In a textbook.

  C. In a fashion magazine. D.In a newspaper.


  China's onlineretailers (零售商)are busy preparing for what has become the country’s annual online shoppingfestival on November 11th.

  November 11 is a datemade up of four ones, and “double eleven” has always been considered a specialday for single men and women inChina.Five years ago the Internet retailer Alibaba began promoting it as a shoppingfestival, and it has now turned to be the country’s busiest day for onlineretailers and millions of shopping lovers.

  JD.com is trying to attract more retailers by offering them free delivery service for a month.Alibaba itself has invited some 30,000 offline stores to participate in the online shopping party. More than 20,000 vendors on Alibaba’s sites --Tmall and Taobao are promising 50 percent discounts on the day. Shanghai- based Yhd.com,also called Yihaodian, a Chinese e-commerce company that is majority-owned by Wal-Mart Stores, is setting up a special sale of imported foods.

  Last year Alibaba earned19.1 billion yuan in sales during the double eleven promotions. And a 100billion yuan logistics (物流) network was set up by Alibaba this May that aims to make 24-hour deliveries possible.

  The major logistics player Shentong shipped more than 8 million items during “double eleven.”Shentong has more than 150,000 staff, and expects things to be even busier this year. Yang Jinghai, Director Of Human Resources of Shentong Express, says, “We have hired 30 percent more staff for double eleven, and we have couriers’ (快遞員) bonuses ready.”

  On double eleven China’s e-commerce sites receive more visits than the entire population of Brazil.It is believed that China will replace the US as the world’s top e-commerce market this year.

  24. What can we infer from the second paragraph?

  A. “Double eleven” is an official festival in China.

  B. Most people will go shopping online on “double eleven”.

  C. “Double eleven” is no longer a special day for singles in China.

  D. Online retailers will make a lot of preparations before “double eleven”.

  25. What kind of situation are you most likely to meet if you buy things online on “double eleven”?

  A. You will get a 50%discount.

  B. You will find more goods online.

  C. You are not able to buy imported goods.

  D. You can get free delivery service for a month.

  26. What does the underlined word in the third paragraph probably mean?

  A. Someone who sells things. B. Someone who buys things.

  C. Someone who delivers things. D. Someone who collects things.

  27. What’s the author’s attitude towards the online shopping festival on November 11th?

  A. Supportive. B.Critical. C. Doubtful. D. Objective


  Local officials in Beijing promised to further protect the city’s cultural heritage (遺產(chǎn)), in particular the narrow streets known as Hutong.

  Hutong are commonly found in the cities of North China, but they are at risk. Beijing is currently believed to have fewer than 1,000 Hutong, most of which are near the Forbidden City. Only 60 years ago, the number was 3,250. In the old districts of Dongcheng and Xicheng, which cover 62square kilometers, some people will be asked to move from Hutong houses toavoid further damage to the ancient architecture.

  “On average more than 100,000 people visit the Forbidden City during the National Day holidays. The visits put pressure on the protection of cultural relics,” said Huang Yan,director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, adding that Hutongshould be protected from human damage.

  The government focused on how the protection plans were carried out and how the management of cultural heritages worked. WangShaofeng, head of the Xicheng district government, said the area has 182cultural relics, many of which were built as far back as the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368). The district of Xicheng has 1.28 million residents in its 57square kilometers of land. “The most efficient way is to decrease the local population to reduce the possibility of causing harm to the heritage,” Wang said.

  “Each community has been required to report the status of its cultural heritage, especially Hutong, and any actions to damage the heritage will be punished,” Wang said.

  No one knows for sure how many Hutong will be left in the coming 100 years.

  28. How many hutong have disappeared in the past sixty years in Beijing?

  A. Less than 1000. B. About 2000. C. More than 3000. D. Over 4000.

  29. According to Huang Yan, what is the main cause of the damage to cultural relics?

  A. Visitors’ activity. B. Residents’ attitude.

  C. Communities’ behavior. D. The governments’ policy.

  30. Which of the following is a useful way to protect Hutong?

  A. To attract more visitors.

  B. To punish anyone damaging it.

  C. To increase the loca lpopulation.

  D. To forbid everyone getting close to it.

  31. What will happen to Hutong in the near future?

  A. Only time will tell.

  B. No one will remember it.

  C. The number will be growing.

  D. Hutong will disappear completely.


  Today was a special day for me. I had my doctor's appointments in a town that's about 45 minutes from where I live.

  After my appointment was done, I started walking down from the building through a long breezeway(有屋頂?shù)倪^道) and I noticed an elderly woman pacing at the end. I asked if she was waiting for someone or she needed assistance.

  As it turned out, she was having trouble walking the distance and had looked for a staff member to pick her up.No one had come for several minutes. I asked her to sit still when I went to get a wheelchair. I ran full speed to the help desk and asked for one. The receptionist and I walked to the end of the breezeway to the lady, who said, “I want her to help me.”She was referring to me. I carefully, slowly and attentively helped the woman into the wheelchair. After she was seated, she softly looked up to me and thanked me for my help. How could I not have helped her? I just wanted her to be alright.

  When I returned home, I called my best friend to ask if she needed me. She wanted me to take her and her boyfriend to the Boost Mobile Store. I did and after all was taken care of, I took my friends back home. I thanked them for the opportunity to help them and that I appreciated it. Maybe it meant little to them, but a lot to me.

  32. Why was the day special to the author?

  A. Because she met her best friend.

  B. Because she helped a strange old lady.

  C. Because she learned how to use a wheel chair.

  D. Because she had an appointment with her doctor.

  33. Which is True according to the passage?

  A. The old lady had a heart attack.

  B. The author had met the old lady before.

  C. The old lady’s words inspired the author.

  D. The author went back with a wheelchair alone.

  34. Why did the old lady want the author to help her?

  A. She trusted the author.

  B. She was not easy to get along with.

  C. She didn’t know anybody except the author.

  D. She disliked the receptionist who came with the author.

  35. What’s the best title for this passage?

  A. Little things mean a lot B. God help those who help themselves

  C. Better late than never D. Start well and end well



  Are you having trouble concentrating when you’re reading a book or listening to a lecture? This list of activities might help to improve your study habits.

  Make a List. We often have trouble paying attention to one thing because our brain wants to think about something else. 36 You don’t worry about whatever else you should be doing.

  Sleep More. Studies show that people who sleep fewer than eight hours a night for a period of time have slower response systems and more difficulty recalling information. 37

  Eat Healthier Foods. Many people enjoy foods high in fats and sugars. 38 They might give you a temporary burst of energy. However, that energy is soon followed by a crash.

  Reduce Screen Time. This may be the most unpopular suggestion among young people.Screen time - or time spent looking at cell phones, televisions, computer screens, has a clear effect on the attention span. 39

  40 Concentration improves for students who participate in team sports. It could be that being active is helpful in this way.Participating in a sport trains your brain to concentrate on specific tasks,and shut out other thoughts.

  A. Be active.

  B. Practice more.

  C. These foods can provide enough energy for focusing.

  D. But these foods can’t be helpful enough when it comes to focusing.

  E. That is bad news for teens who stay up studying the night before a test.

  F. Researchers advise parents to limit it when their children need to be focused.

  G. By writing down all the things you need to do, you’ll gain a sense of control.


  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  Sears was diagnosed (診斷) with stage IV pancreatic cancer (四期胰腺癌) five months ago, and only 50 percent of people with this type of 41 live more than four months. And the chance of survival lessens 42 time goes on.

  After two years, 43 1 percent of people diagnosed with this cancer live. He is taking chemotherapy treatment (化療) to make his life 44 . Despite everything he is 45 --the thought of knowing his days are numbered and the treatment might take on him--Sears still chooses to do the one thing he loves: 46 .

  Sears is a wonderful person for us to model our lives after.His desire to pursue his passion (激情) and his attempt to continue guiding students are 47 we should have. He 48 his motto to live life to the fullest with his students. They can 49 extra credit in his class for achieving a dream or trying 50 new. But 51 you don’t take Sears’ class, you should consider the motto he lives by.

  We all should take Sears’ motto and put it into 52 .Many of us talk about making a 53 or doing something we love, but it’s often in terms of “someday”. Why not 54 that someday into something you can do 55 ? It can be something 56 you want to do, such as going sky diving or traveling to a foreign country.

  Whatever it is you want to do, don’t 57 anymore. We don’t know how many days we have left to live. It could be 80 years 58 it could be until tomorrow. Either way, we should take a 59 from a professor who knows what he wants in life and is living to pursue that passion. Live life to the fullest, and treat each day like it could be your 60 .

  41. A. trouble B. problem C.disease D. disaster

  42. A. as B.with C.since D. for

  43. A. yet B.still C.just D. thus

  44. A. stronger B. weaker C.shorter D.longer

  45. A. going through B.getting through C. getting over D. going over

  46. A. living B. teaching C.reading D. dreaming

  47. A. abilities B. activities C.identities D. qualities

  48. A. shares B. teaches C.tells D. instructs

  49. A. reward B. receive C.record D. recover

  50. A. something B. anything C.everything D.nothing

  51. A. what if B. as if C. even if D. only if

  52. A. consideration B. effect C.reality D.practice

  53. A. difference B. wonder C. magic D. solution

  54. A. take B.turn C. put D. get

  55. A. in the future B. in the past C. at present D. at times

  56. A. helpful B. useful C. personal D.educational

  57. A. imagine B. resist C.insist D.delay

  58. A. or B.and C. but D. so

  59. A. look B.lesson C. turn D. change

  60. A. first B. last C.worst D.best






  For millions of Chinese,retirement is still far away, however, their concerns for it have arrived a lot 61 (soon)than expected. It has been 62 (announce)that this year China plans to raise the retirement age to relieve the pressures caused by an aging society. In China there were 220 million aged60 or over in 2015. 63 (general),the retirement age for men is 60, while for women 64 is 55 for white-collar workers and 50 for blue-collar employees. The retirement age has not progressed in line with economic and 65 (society) developments. 66 (react)to the policy are various. Some people think 67 (put)off retirement will limit employment opportunities for the younger generation, but others believe jobs suitable for 68 young are not the positions held 69 senior employees. According to a researcher, the plan is likely 70 (carry)out in 2022after a five-year transitional(過渡的) period.


  第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)





  注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

  2. 只允許修改 10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。

  Dear Jack,

  How are you doing? You ask me in your last letter about my plan for the coming National Day. I am sorry that I didn’t write back as soon as possibly. I was busy preparing for my exam at that time, that was important for me. As a result of,I had no choice but focus on my study. I believe that if you were me, you will make the same choice. By the way, I have a full schedules for my National Day. First of all, I will visit my grandparents.Beside, I will work as a volunteer for mine school as a teaching assistant. At last, I will take the short course to improve English.

  This is my plan for National Day. What’s yours? I am looking forward to your earliest reply.




  假設(shè)你是李華,因為要準(zhǔn)備長春市高三年級第一次模擬考試(practicetest),你未能在教師節(jié)當(dāng)天去看望外教Mr. Green,請根據(jù)要求給他寫一封e-mail。要點如下:

  1. 對未能在節(jié)日當(dāng)天去拜訪表示歉意;

  2. 介紹自己近期的學(xué)習(xí)和生活狀況;

  3. 提議本周末和另外兩名同學(xué)一起去Mr.Green家里拜訪。

  注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

  2. 電子郵件的開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù);

  3. 不要逐句翻譯,可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。

  Dear Mr. Green,

  How is everything going?









  第一部分 聽力 (每小題1.5分, 滿分30分)

  1. A【命題立意】考查考生獲取信息的能力,并對所聽內(nèi)容的簡單推斷能力。

  【試題解析】由女士說:“But I need the money for school fees.”,可知答案為A。

  2. A 【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)對話中女士所說:“My uncle will drop in on Thursday evening. I

  haven’t met him for several years,you know.”,可知答案為A。

  3. A【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的理解能力及推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)對話中男士所說:“People must fasten the seat belt otherwise they

  will be fined. You must do itf irst.”,可知答案為A。

  4.C 【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取能力。

  【試題解析】由對話中女士所說:“We have a lot of work to do.”可知答案為C。

  5.C 【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體信息的理解能力。

  【試題解析】由男士所說:“the new office is huge”可知答案為C。

  6. B【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體事實、信息的能力。

  【試題解析】由男士所說:“I’m just calling to let you know that I’ll be a little late to

  the game tomorrow night.”,可知答案為B。

  7. A【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體事實、信息的能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“I have to work a few extra hours to finish a report.”,可


  8. C【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取及理解能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“I want to be sure I reach you, so you’d better give me

  your home phone number.”,可知答案為C

  9. C【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取及推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“I don’t want you to call me while I’m eating dinner. That would be annoying.”,可知答案為C。

  10. A【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取及推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“But you’re calling me at home during my dinner!”,可知答案為A。

  11. B【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取及推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“Pardon me, officer.”,可知答案為B。

  12. B【命題立意】考查考生對具體信息的獲取及推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“Well, I’d like to walk if it’s within walking distance.”,可知答案為B

  13.C 【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體事實、信息的能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“Burns Park begins at the corner of Lincoln and Fifth.”,可知答案為C。


  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“I’m just shopping for my mom now.”,可知答案為A。

  15. B【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體事實、信息的能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“I’m getting mine some jewelry.”,可知答案選B。

  16. C【命題立意】考查考生獲取信息及推斷的能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)女士所說:“I’m staying around the area. My family usually has a

  small celebration.”,可知答案選C。

  17. B【命題立意】考查考生獲取信息的能力,并對所聽內(nèi)容的簡單推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“Before I went, I would write to one of my Australian friends.”,可知答案為B。

  18. A【命題立意】考查考生獲取信息的能力,并對所聽內(nèi)容的簡單推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“he should spend a week with me visiting Aboriginal tribes in the northern part of Australia.”,可知答案為A。

  19. C【命題立意】考查考生獲取具體事實、信息的能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“I expect I would start byvisiting New York.”,可知答案為C。

  20. B【命題立意】考查考生獲取信息的能力,并對所聽內(nèi)容的簡單推斷能力。

  【試題解析】根據(jù)男士所說:“Finally, I would like to visitthe Mountains of Kenya where you can see snow on the Equator.”,可知答案為B。


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