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  第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)

  第一節(jié) (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)



  What’s it like to be a popular teen author? We asked Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, author of In the Forests of the Night to find it out.

  How do you come up with your ideas?

  I start with a minor character, and then expand on that character. In the first book, I just wrote some flat characters to pass the time. Eventually, I wanted to know more about the characters I’d created. The first things I wrote weren’t very good, but they did get me to start writing, which was important.

  How has your writing evolved?

  Every book I write, I get more into it. History is one of my passions(酷愛) right now. Sometimes I’ll take inspiration from characters in Ancient Egypt, Rome, or Mesoamerica. My first characters were flat, but now they’re like my best friends.

  How did you feel when your book was first published?

  It came as a shock. The first time I saw my book in print I could barely believe it. I had to tell myself, “This is real. I’m not dreaming.”

  What does your writing space look like?

  I mostly write on the computer in my room. I can write anywhere as long as it’s quiet. I also do writing in notebooks.

  How do you make time for your writing?

  Writing is one of those things that you will make time for if you want to do it. When I have something to write, I’ll need to write it. If you love writing, you will make time for it.

  Do you think reading helps writing?

  Definitely. When you read, you get used to visualizing things in print. I’m not a big television fan, so I have always spent a lot of time reading. You learn to see things in words. You figure out how to express yourself in words. You learn the basics, and then get the ideas for your writing.

  What’s your advice for aspiring(有志向的) kid writers?

  Go out and do it. Find other people who write. Keep at it! You can always edit. Every author is his or her own worst critic. If you love to write, just do it.

  21.What do we know about Amelia?

  A.Historical characters inspire her to write.

  B.She likes to create perfect characters from the beginning.

  C.She considers In the Forests of the Night as her best novel.

  D.Flat characters once stopped her from improving her writing.

  22.When Amelia first saw her book in print, she was ________.

  A.amazed         B.disappointed

  C.confused        D.unconcerned

  23.Which advice would Amelia most likely give us?

  A.The best time to write is before you go to bed.

  B.It is easier to start writing when you are young.

  C.If you want to write, there is no excuse for not writing.

  D.If you want to be a writer, you shouldn’t watch television.


  It would be a success story if Fullerton Union High School senior Fernando Rojas, the son of Mexican immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade, was accepted to college. But the 17-year-old made a surprising clean sweep of every Ivy League(常春藤聯(lián)合會的) college.

  “I didn’t think I would get into any,” Rojas said on Saturday. “When I was accepted by all the eight Ivy League colleges, it was a surprising joy.” The first call came from Yale University in February. Within weeks, calls, emails and letters followed from Dartmouth College, Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Columbia University, Harvard University and Princeton University. Rojas was also accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools, the University of California, Irvine, and the California State University, Fullerton.

  He is one of four children of Raul Rojas and Maria, who moved to Fullerton from Jalisco, Mexico, in the early 1980s. As a national speech and debate champion, Rojas thought that if he applied to the eight Ivy League colleges, he might get into one. Sal Tinajero, Rojas’ speech coach at Fullerton, said, “His biggest motivation was to let his parents know that their hard work meant something.”

  After visiting several campuses, he settled on Yale, which costs ,000 a year with room and board(膳宿). He is responsible for ,000, and Yale scholarships cover the rest. “I loved Princeton,” Rojas said. “It was a beautiful campus, but it felt very stressful. Stanford was too big.”

  Rojas owes his academic success to hard work and the guidance of his elder brothers. Before heading to Yale, he’s considering majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer in international affairs.

  24.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 shows that Rojas ________.

  A.hoped to apply to all the eight Ivy League colleges

  B.contributed greatly to every Ivy League college

  C.was admitted by all the eight Ivy League colleges

  D.1iked sweeping in every Ivy League college

  25.Which of the following belongs to the Ivy League colleges?

  A.Cornell University.

  B.Stanford University.

  C.The University of California.

  D.The California State University.

  26.How much can Rojas get from Yale University a year?

  A.,000.       B.,000.

  C.,000.       D.,000.

  27.Which of the following helped Rojas achieve his academic success?

  A.His brothers’help.

  B.His parents' encouragement.

  C.His interest in Latin American studies.

  D.His dream of being a lawyer in international affairs.


  It is widely acknowledged that cities with some kind of functioning ecosystems make for better places for humans to live. More plants and animals in cities make for happier, healthier people.

  A study conducted on green spaces in Sheffield, England, for instance, revealed that the greater the biodiversity(生物多樣性), the greater the psychological well-being(健康) of the city’s citizens. In Paris, researchers found that getting citizens to take part in day-long activities involving urban wildlife opened their eyes to the natural world for a time, at least.

  Few cities have been associated with urban ecology for as long as Berlin. “Slow economic recovery after the Second World War meant that reconstruction would take a long time. This provided local ecologists with the ideal conditions to develop an ambitious ecological research program in the bombed-out wastelands of West Berlin,” said Jens Lachmund, a sociologist at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands.

  The pioneering work in Berlin had several consequences, especially the formation of significant natural spaces within the city, such as the Südgel?nde Nature Park. “Berlin has indeed benefitted a lot from being a case study in urban ecology,” said Lachmund.

  The recent research conducted by Mark Goddard, a biologist at the University of Leeds, and his colleagues confirmed the importance of natural spaces within an urban setting. Goddard and his team conducted a striking global analysis of bird and plant diversity, quantifying the influence of urbanization on levels of biodiversity around the world. “Functioning urban ecosystems will be extremely important to human health and well-being,” said Goddard.

  Cities take up just 3% of the land surface area, yet according to the most recent figure from the United Nations, some 3.6 billion people (just over 50% of the global population) now live in urban areas. By 2050, this figure is expected to rise to 6.3 billion. Without animals and plants to keep us company, it is a dark future.

  28.The findings in Paragraph 2 are mentioned to explain the link between ________.

  A.citizens and their well-being

  B.green spaces and urban wildlife

  C.urban ecology and citizens’ well-being

  D.functioning ecosystems and the natural world

  29.What would be Goddard’s attitude towards Berlin’s work?

  A.Cautious.       B.Negative.

  C.Uncaring.       D.Admiring.

  30.The author uses figures in the last paragraph to show ________.

  A.the negative effect of overpopulation

  B.the importance of urban ecosystems

  C.the serious problems of city life

  D.the rapid growth of urban areas

  31.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A.Should more people live in urban areas?

  B.Should Berlin have more natural spaces?

  C.Should cities be for animals and plants too?

  D.Should the global population be controlled now?


  One day last month, I read a story about two teachers who gave awards to their students. The awards were 1abeled the “8th Annual Ghetto(貧民區(qū)) Classroom Awards,” They were intended to be “light-hearted” and the teachers didn’t mean anything bad. One student was recognized for his academic difficulties with the award.

  The world learned about it because his mother posted it on social media. She wasn’t proud. She was angry, confused and hurt for her son. Did I mention that the students to whom the awards were given were in a class for kids who receive special services for learning disabilities? Yes, the “Ghetto Classroom” was the special education classroom.

  When I read this story, I was sure of three things:That student got the message that he was a loser; he would never forget those teachers; he would head to high school without a lot of confidence.

  Humor can be tricky. I learned this the hard way, in my first year of teaching. Someone mentioned that one of my students, whom I had placed into the “athletic” category, had taken ballet lessons for years, and I gently teased her for it. At least I thought it was gentle. I also thought it was okay, until the day when she came to me after class and told me that it hurt her feelings and she’d like me to stop.

  I’m thankful every day that she had the courage to talk to me. Over the years I think I figured out how to throw away my sarcastic(挖苦的) wit(風(fēng)趣) and learned how to have humor without being hurtful.

  It’s really quite simple:You can make fun of yourself in a self-deprecating(自我貶低的) way, but never make fun of your students.

  32.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the awards were most probably given to ________.

  A.draw the attention of parents

  B.make students in the class laugh

  C.encourage students to study harder

  D.please those who had made progress

  33.In the author’s opinion, the award ________.

  A.showed the teachers were really funny

  B.would affect the student negatively

  C.would be encouraging to the student

  D.meant the teachers disliked the student

  34.What was the girl’s attitude toward the authors teasing?

  A.Uncaring.       B.Interested.

  C.Annoyed.        D.Approving.

  35.After reading the text, we learn that teachers shouldn’t ________.

  A.make fun of themselves

  B.look down upon their students

  C.joke about their students for fun

  D.try to be funny in front of students

  第二節(jié) (共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


  Teens are busy people. They balance high school and friends; some add jobs and extracurricular(課外的) activities to the mix.  36  Involve your teen with a variety of activities from your life and relate them to your teen’s experiences.

  Large project

  37  Create a timeline for the project, such as making holiday cards. Take family pictures in November. Continue by designing and then ordering cards. Purchase stamps and envelopes, assemble cards and mail by your deadline.


  Include your teen in organizing items for storage in a closet or basement.  38  Sort your clothes and books. Include your teen in determining the criteria(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)) for donating, trashing or storing. Decide what contents are needed for protection:plastic or cardboard. Label containers and stack for long-term safety.


  Teens should be responsible for organizing their own rooms. Provide your children with a laundry system, clothing storage and a trashcan.  39  Possibilities include scanning the room for clothes in the morning and at night, tidying a desk every night and so on.


  Teens must keep track of activities and school work. Using a computerized or paper calendar is fine, because consistency in entering the information is key. Teens may dislike having parents check on their calendars, so  40

  A.share your weekly plan to model organization for your teen.

  B.Involve your teen in completing a large project.

  C.This activity includes sorting and protecting items.

  D.make all agreement to discuss the calendar once a week.

  E.Parents can complete hands-on activities with their teens.

  F.Busy lives call for organization.

  G.If they do not have established routines, make a plan for an organized room.

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共三節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


  The other day we went on a trip to our community’s new fountain(噴泉). My oldest daughter, Anne, was super  41  and eagerly explored the attractions. There I was happy to see Lily, who was of Anne age. They didn’t know each other well,  42  they had met at gymnastics before. I was  43  that Anne would have someone to enjoy the  44 with. However, my daughter was about to  45  an important social lesson.

  I watched Anne run  46  after Lily and her other friends. I was saying something to my husband when I heard a loud “No!” I turned to see Anne’s face full of  47  and shock as Lily  48 . I went over to see what had happened and Anne said Lily didn’t want to  49  with her. Thinking that there must be a(n)  50 , I told Anne that she should just ask Lily  51  if she could play with her. Generally speaking, this would  52 . But Anne’s quiet request to play was shot down by another loud “No!”

  I gave her a(n)  53  and told her it was  54 , and that Mommy, Daddy and her little sister would play with her. Later that day as I was talking about the fun we’d had, she asked me why Lily didn’t  55  her.

  I said not everyone wanted to play with us and that if one person didn’t want to be  56  you, that didn’t mean you were not  57  or important to others. I thought I had  58  it clearly. She didn’t mention it any more and I haven’t seen any lasting side effects. However, I can’t  59  it. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of the memory of her  60  at that moment. My heart has been forever wounded on her behalf.

  41.A.shocked      B.worried     C.excited      D.satisfied

  42.A.but        B.so        C.if         D.because

  43.A.curious      B.glad       C.proud       D.afraid

  44.A.water       B.meal       C.toy        D.trip

  45.A.give        B.show       C.review       D.learn

  46.A.early       B.badly      C.happily       D.safely

  47.A.sympathy      B.smile      C.fear        D.disappointment

  48.A.ran off      B.sat down     C.broke in      D.looked around

  49.A.share       B.play       C.discuss       D.meet

  50.A.decision      B.interest     C.misunderstanding  D.congratulation

  51.A.quickly      B.constantly    C.shyly       D.nicely

  52.A.advance      B.come       C.work        D.start

  53.A.hug        B.award      C.letter       D.ticket

  54.A.suitable      B.okay       C.obvious       D.lucky

  55.A.do with      B.deal with    C.work with      D.play with

  56.A.against      B.beyond      C.around       D.behind

  57.A.loved       B.praised     C.doubted      D.ignored

  58.A.reported      B.explained    C.prepared      D.proved

  59.A.observe       B.believe     C.change       D.forget

  60.A.quarrel B.face C.illness D.mistake


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