


時(shí)間: 劉惠25 分享









  第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)



  1. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. Whether to work hard. B. How to pay for their house.

  C. Whether to go on a holiday.

  2. What does the woman like to do?

  A. Clean the yard. B. Weed the garden. C. Take care of the flowers.

  3. Where is the woman?

  A. In Singapore. B. In Toronto. C. In Los Angeles.

  4. When will the Browns arrive?

  A. At 2:30 pm. B. At 3:00 pm. C. At 3:30 pm.

  5. Whose trumpet will be displayed in the museum?

  A. A famous pilot’s. B. Harriet Tubman’s. C. Louis Armstrong’s.




  6. What happened to the red car?

  A. It overtook a blue lorry. B. It crashed into the guard rail.

  C. It knocked a motorcyclist over.

  7. Which vehicle caused the accident?

  A. The car. B. The lorry. C. The motorbike.


  8. Why does the woman recommend Carl?

  A. His poems are popular among the students.

  B. He works at the school newspaper office.

  C. He wants to join the school’s poetry club.

  9. What is the last thing that the woman suggests be put in the newspaper?

  A. Poems. B. Vacation tips. C. Job advertisements.


  10. What is the woman unsatisfied with about the living room?

  A. The curtains. B. The wall. C. The carpet.

  11. Which of the following is not broken?

  A. The window. B. The toilet seat. C. The refrigerator door.

  12. What will the woman probably do?

  A. Help to fix the house.

  B. Look for another place. C. Live by herself.


  13. Which subject doesn’t the man like?

  A. French. B. German. C. Chemistry.

  14. Why didn’t the man study Art immediately after he left school?

  A. He was offered a job.

  B. His father disapproved of it.

  C. There was no good prospects.

  15. How long did the man stay at the Art College?

  A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years.

  16. What society does the man belong to?

  A. Photography. B. Tourism. C. Drama.


  17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

  A. His success in acting. B. The change of his profession.

  C. The importance of his first performance.

  18. How did the speaker feel after trying out for many roles?

  A. He was satisfied. B. He was discouraged. C. He became confident.

  19. When did the speaker become an office clerk?

  A. In 1984. B. In 1986. C. In 1991.

  20. what does the speaker say about his present job?

  A. It’s easy doing this job. B. He suffers a lot in this job.

  C. He gets along well with the actors.

  第二部分 閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)




  It’s high time you should live a low-carbon life when traveling. But how? The following offers you the answer.

  Before you go

  Turn off and unplug all of your non-essential electronic appliances. Experts say that 5-10 percent of the average family’s electric bill is from electronic appliances that are plugged in 24 hours a day. Televisions, computers, coffeemakers, toasters and even lamps can suck up power. If you are gone for any extended period, consider turning down the temperature on your water heater since there is no sense in keeping that water hot if you are not going to be around to use it.

  Choose a different way

  If you have a little extra time to spare, driving or taking a train to your destination might be an option. And there are always the long-distance options like Mega bus. If you do have to take a plane, fly non-stop. If you want to have a lower carbon footprint, avoid private jets even if you can afford them.

  At the hotel

  Take use of every conservation program that the hotel offers. Reuse your towels and turn off your air conditioning or heat before you leave for the day. Bring your own soap, shampoo and moisturizer, or at least take whatever is left of the hotel-supplied articles home with you to finish using there. Skip the morning printed newspaper and read it on your ipad, phone or computer.


  Carry a water bottle with you so that you don’t have to buy plastic bottles. Travel to certain parts of the world and you will understand why. There’s nothing more disturbing than seeing something made up of plastic bottles and bags. Halong Bay in Vietnam is a great example where this kind man-made pollution is clearly visible.

  More focused? Click HERE.

  21. What should you do at the hotel in order to live a low-carbon life?

  A. Use one towel once every day. B. Keep your ipad, phone or computer on.

  C. Keep indoor temperature comfortable. D. Bring the leftover soap home for later use.

  22. You should do all these but ________ when and before travelling.

  A. have adequate sleep and keep energetic

  B. lower down the temperature on your water heater

  C. cut off the power of all non-essential electronic appliances

  D. choose green vehicles even if you can afford more expensive ones

  23. The text is most probably adapted from _________.

  A. a webpage on green life B. a guidebook on travelling abroad

  C. an advertisement on travel goods D. a report on scientific discovery


  My husband and I used to think we had all we had ever wanted. A beautiful house, three healthy children and one more on the way, two cars, a couple of four-wheelers for entertainment — We really had it all and we loved it. Then, the market turned and my husband’s job at a construction company was gone. The company was closing down forever.

  We both started looking for jobs right away, but there weren’t any to be found. With each passing day we were getting increasingly worried and we continued to work together in order to pull our family through. The more we pulled together, the closer we got. I felt feelings of admiration for my husband that I hadn’t felt in years.

  That’s why it was so hard for me to watch him blame himself for our present situation. I continually asked him to stop, but he seemed to want to punish himself for not having a job.

  Finally, one afternoon I pulled him aside and said, “We have four healthy children and each other. That’s what’s important. That makes you a rich man.”

  “But what if we lose the house? They’ll hate me — you’ll hate me,” he replied.

  I smiled at him and put my hands on both sides of his face to make him look me in the eye. “No matter where we live I will be happy — as long as I have you,” I smiled again as I realized that I wasn’t just saying that. In all the struggling together I had found that deep love for him that I had on the day we said “I do”.

  I could see his shoulders and neck relaxed. He held me close and we were able to talk and plan and dream together in a way that we hadn’t for quite some time. It was a turning point for us as a couple and a family.

  We are still struggling for our better life, but I consider us well-off because we have something that money can’t buy and no one can take away from us.

  24. We know from the story that ________.

  A. they both found good jobs at last

  B. her husband was out of work for his not working hard

  C. both of them felt anxious about their unemployment

  D. they didn’t love each other any longer after they got married

  25. By saying “The more we pulled together, the closer we got”, the wife means ________.

  A. her husband worked harder for being closer

  B. they had closer affection as they struggled together

  C. their house was closer to the company than before

  D. they were closer to another employment as time went by

  26. What is their present life like?

  A. Hard but warm B. Wealthy but annoying.

  C. Hard and disturbing. D. Comfortable and admiring.

  27. Which of the followings might be the best title?

  A. Better Life Comes B. Hard Time Goes

  C. We Have It All D. We Lose It All


  As is seen, kids’ lives have changed a lot in the last decades of years. But do they have a happier childhood than you or I did?

  It’s difficult to look back on one’s own childhood without some element of nostalgia(懷舊). I have four brothers and sisters, and my memories are all about being with them, playing board games on the living room floor, or spending days in the street with the other neighborhood children, racing up and down on our bikes, or exploring the nearby woods. My parents scarcely appear in these memories, except as providers either of meals or of severe blame after some particularly risky adventure.

  These days, in the UK at least, the nature of childhood has changed dramatically. Firstly, families are smaller, and there are far more only children. It is common for both parents to work outside the home and there is the feeling that there just isn’t time to bring up a large family, or that no one could possibly afford to have more than one child. As a result, today’s boys and girls spend much of their time alone. Another major change is that youngsters today tend to spend a huge amount of their free time at home, inside. This is due to the fact that parents worry far more than they used to about real or imagined dangers, so they wouldn’t dream of letting their children play outside by themselves.

  Finally, the kind of toys children have and the way they play is totally different. Computer and video games have replaced the board games and more interesting activities of my childhood. The funny thing is that so many ways of playing games are called “interactive”. The fact that you can play electronic games on your own further increases the sense of loneliness felt by many young people today.

  Do these changes mean that children today have a less relaxing childhood than I had? I personally believe that they do, but perhaps every generation feels exactly the same.

  28. The question given in the first paragraph is designed to ________.

  A. show who the passage is written for.

  B. arouse people’s attention and lead in the topic

  C. collect different people’s opinions on the topic.

  D. emphasize the importance of the topic discussed in the passage.

  29. The followings are reasons for the changes EXCEPT that ________.

  A. parents are worried too much about their children.

  B. children play toys in completely different ways.

  C. playing outside is getting more and more dangerous.

  D. only children have become more, causing families smaller.

  30. What does the writer indicate in the fourth paragraph?

  A. Board games shouldn’t be replaced.

  B. Computer and video games should be cut off.

  C. Young people today should play more with other ones.

  D. Today’s electronic games easily cause more loneliness to the youth.

  31. The purpose of the writer is to ________ the childhood changes.

  A. introduce B. praise C. criticize D. discuss


  A recent finding has showed that blue-eyed people have already been living in Europe for at least 7,000 years.

  A man who lived on the Iberian Peninsula before Europeans became farmers probably had blue eyes but dark hair and skin, according to scientists who have arranged his DNA in order. This surprising combination of eye, hair and skin coloring may not have been unusual during his lifetime, but it is no longer seen among modem Europeans, reported by the journal Nature.

  The man, a Neolithic hunter-gatherer known to scientists as La BranaⅠ, is of great interest to scientists because he offers a brief introduction to what was in Europeans’ DNA before agriculture spread through the continent. Experts have theorized that certain genetic feature spread quickly among humans after they adopted the farming lifestyle. La BranaⅠshows that at least some of their predictions were correct.

  The man’s skeleton, along with that of a male companion, was discovered in 2006 in a cave in what is now northeastern Spain. The site, known as La Brana-Arintero, sits about 5,000 feet above sea level, and the cave provided a cold, refrigerator-like environment that preserved his DNA.

  In the lab, scientists were able to remove enough DNA from a single tooth to reconstruct La Brana Ⅰ’s entire genome (基因組). They compared it to the DNA of other ancient Europeans(including Otzi, the 5, 300-year-old mummy found in an Alpine glacier) and determined that he was a closer match with hunter-gatherers than with farmers.

  When it came to genes that would influence La Brana Ⅰ’s appearance, the researchers found that their 7,000-year-old subject had versions of two skin pigment(色素) genes that are either very rare or nonexistent among Europeans today. Then they looked at other places in the genome that influence pigmentation(色素沉著)and found a mix of ancient and modern gene variants(變種). Taken together, La Brana Ⅰ’s DNA “is likely to have resulted in dark skin pigmentation and dark or brown hair,” they wrote.

  However, his DNA indicates that his eyes were most likely blue, the scientists found. This suggests that gene variants for light-colored eyes and skin did not spread together, they wrote, adding that La Brana Ⅰ’s combination “of dark skin and non-brown eyes is unique and no longer present in contemporary European populations.” Today, a blue-eyed person would typically have fair skin. To get some idea of whether La Brana Ⅰ’s coloring was unusual for his day, the researchers will try to arrange in order the DNA of his companion, who has been named La Brana Ⅱ.

  32. Scientists have carried out the research into La BranaⅠbecause they wanted to know


  A. today’s Europeans’ DNA B. the ancient agriculture in Europe.

  C. European hunter-gatherers’ DNA. D. the correctness of some of their predictions

  33. La Brana Ⅰ’s skeleton was best preserved mainly because of ________.

  A. the height of the cave B. the cold condition in the cave

  C. the location of the cave D. the wet condition in the cave

  34. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. La Brana Ⅰ’s gene variants spread together.

  B. La Brana Ⅰ’s DNA influences his appearance.

  C. Today’s blue-eyed person may typically have rough rather than fair skin.

  D. La Brana Ⅰ’s gene is completely different from the contemporary Europeans’.

  35. The last paragraph suggests that ________.

  A. La Brana Ⅱ has the same genome with La Brana Ⅰ.

  B. Blue-eyed people were common in Europe 7,000 years ago.

  C. It’s not certain that La Brana’s appearance was common at that time.

  D. BranaⅠ’s combination of dark skin and non-brown is popular in contemporary Europeans.



  How to Get Promoted at Work

  To get promoted, you have to think in a positive way however big a challenge is. If you think positively you will feel better and will be able to overcome challenges in life. Furthermore, meet an optimistic person and you will notice how motivated he is towards life. 36 On the other hand, negative thinking will only cause more depression in your life.

  37 Don’t be jealous of those who are successful around you. Instead, take inspiration from their success stories. This will make you motivated to get what you want. Moreover, you can also read books that are written by inspirational and successful personalities.

  There is a famous quote that reads, “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.” If your mind is healthy you will think positively. 38 Whether you are working out in the gym or going for a long walk, make sure that you include an exercise plan in your daily routine.

  39 Therefore, it is important to break your routine and do something different. Either you go on a vacation or learn a new skill, it is important to break the monotony (千遍一律)in your daily life.

  Human beings are extraordinary individuals who are able to complete the hardest tasks and achieve the impossible. It is important to get out of your comfort zone and try something different. __40

  A. Therefore, it is important to exercise.

  B. Keeping yourself motivated is not a difficult task.

  C. You might lose motivation by doing the same things over and over again.

  D. One of the best ways to motivate oneself is to get inspired by other’s success.

  E. Remember, positive thinking gives you motivation to achieve what you want.

  F. By doing so you will get motivated and your attitudes towards life will be positive.

  G. Do things that make you happy and find inspiration in possibly everything you see.


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