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  高考著實(shí)是一種豐收,它包蘊(yùn)著太多的內(nèi)涵。 祝高考金榜題名!面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的17高考英語真題,僅供大家參考!







  1 .What does the woman think about their trip to China

  A. It' s great. B. It’s long. C. It’s boring.

  2. What does the woman mean

  A. Liu Xiang is world-famous.

  B. Liu Xiang is not a hero.

  C. Liu Xiang is the best among the three.

  3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers

  A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Workmates.

  4. What does the woman advise the man to do in the ends

  A. Take a walk alone.

  B. Wait for her in the park.

  C. Help her to finish the letter.

  5. What is the man doing?

  A. Buying a movie ticket. B. Asking for the time. C. Making an appointment.





  6. What is the woman thinking about

  A. The English class. B. The exams. C. The coming holiday.

  7. What makes the man change his mind

  A. He thinks hiking is tiring.

  B. He wants to be with the woman.

  C. He wants to get away from the cold weather.


  8. Where does Tom get lost

  A. In a cave B. In the mountain C. On an island

  9.What do we know about Injun Joey

  A. He is Tom’s best friend

  B. He is handsome with fair hair

  C. He is a bad man

  l0. What advice does the man speaker give to the woman

  A. to see the film

  B. to read the book

  C. to search more information online


  11 .Why does the woman come to the mangy

  A. To ask some advice for keeping fit

  B. To learn about the man’s favorite sport

  C. To invite the man to swim together.

  12. How often does the man play basketball

  A. Every day B. Every other day C. Every three days

  13.What sport did the woman use to dog

  A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Swimming


  14. How did the woman know the company?

  A. From an ad on the Internet

  B. From an ad in a newspaper

  C. From a friend in the company

  15. What kind of language does the woman speak most

  A. English B. Italian C. French

  16. How much could the woman earn at the beginning?

  A. 200 pounds a month B. 1200 pounds a month C.120 pounds a month.

  17. How long would the woman get trained before work

  A. For a week B. For a full day C. For a month


  18. How long does the class last

  A.12weeks B. 13 weeks C. 14 weeks

  19. What is the“short一cuts" for learning words according to the speaker

  A. Reading basic words aloud

  B. Taking more courses

  C. Learning how words are formed

  20. Why is the class so popular

  A. It helps to master some useful rules

  B. It is offered by Professor John Morris

  C. It is taught in short English





One day after school, I went to the teacher' s office to see my teacher,but nobody was there.As I was about to leave,I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and saw the words“EINAL-TERM EXAMINATION" at the top. I put the paper into my school bag secretly and ran out of the room.

  After I came back home,I took out the paper quickly. It was the exam paper of my worst subject,History. I felt excited. My heart beat fast. I took out my History book and started working on the answer. I had never answered any questions so seriously.

  On the day of the History exam,I went into the exam hall confidently. When the paper was sent to me,I dreamed of getting the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling.“My History teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grades,but I let him down time and time again. This time I will give him a big surprise,”I thought.

  When the teacher said we could start, I turned the paper over. To my surprise,all the ques-dons were different. Later I felt nervous. In the end,I almost left the paper undone. After the ex-am. I ran to the toilet, took out the paper and carefully read it from the top. Oh!It was last year's exam paper. I read all the questions but I hadn’t read the date.

  This is a lesson in which I know I have to put my feet on the ground. I regretted doing such a silly thing. After that,I told my teacher the truth and I promised to be honest. From then on,I worked harder than ever before.

  21 .What did the writer do after he left the teacher' s office

  A. He worked on the history paper he picked up.

  B. He went home as quickly as he could for his supper.

  C. He telephoned his history teacher at once.

  D. He ran home and did his homework.

  22. The writer always_in his History exams.

  A. got high marks B. did silly things

  C. made his history teacher disappointed D. left the paper undone

  23. The writer felt surprised in the History exam because_.

  A. he was unable to see the questions clearly

  B. the questions were different from what he prepared

  C. his teacher found out his secret

  D. the paper was easy to finish

  24. What can we learn from the last paragraph

  A. The writer became an honest and hardworking student.

  B. The writer was unlucky not to pass the History exam.

  C. The teacher knew the truth and was very sad with the writer.

  D. The writer felt sorry for not getting better grades.

  25. What might the writer write in his diary?

  A. I’m glad that I did very well in the exam. I gave my teacher...

  B. After the exam,my teacher asked me to go to his office. My heart...

  C. I’m truly sorry for what I did. Everyone should be honest. I’11…

  D. When I turned over the paper,I couldn’t help smiling. My teacher...


  American English and British English

  Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English. How did these differences come about? There is no quick answer to this question.

At first the language in Britain and America was the same. In 1776 America became an independent(獨(dú)立的)country. After that, the language slowly began to change. For a long time the language in America stayed the same,while the language in England changed. For example,300years ago the English talked about“fall" Today,most British people talk about“autumn ",but Americans still talk about“fall".In the same way Americans still use the expression“I guess"(meaning“I think"),just as the British did 300 years ago. At the same time,British English and

  American English started borrowing words from other languages,ending up with different words.For example,the British took“typhoon" from Chinese,while the Americans took“tornado" from Spanish.

  In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. He wanted to make American English different from British English,so he changed the spelling of many words. That’s why the words colour, centre and traveller are spelt color,center, and traveler in American English. Except for these differences in spelling,written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.

  The differences are greater in the spoken language. For example,Americans say dance[dins ],and in southern England they say[da:ns〕.In America they pronounce not[nat ];in southern England they say[nit ].However,most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.

  26. From the second paragraph we know that .

  A. British people and Americans often say“fall" now

  B. British English is borrowing words from Spanish

  C. British English changed but American English stayed the same

  D. American English started to change after the independence

  27. What does paragraph 3 mainly talked about

  A. Noah Webster made American English spelling different.

  B. Noah Webster published the first American dictionary.

  C. American and British English have the same spellings.

  D. How Noah Webster changed the written English.

  28. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. British decided to change the spelling of many American words.

  B. Britain and America published different dictionaries.

  C. The oral differences between the two languages are very big.

  D. British people say not[nat ] while Americans say[nit ].

  29. What does the writer want to tell us in paragraph 4?

  A. Though spoken English differs greatly,people can communicate with each other.

  B. The differences in spoken English are too big.

  C. Americans say dance[dins ],which is old Britain English.

  D. People from the two countries have trouble understanding each other.

  30. What is the passage mainly about

  A. Why English has become a popular language.

  B. How American and British English have changed.

  C. How people in two countries understand each other.

  D. Why Britain and America are two similar countries.


  I once lived in a small village in China. Later when my family moved to America,we brought not only our luggage,but also our village rules,customs and culture. One of the rules brought is that young people should always respect elders. Unluckily,this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.

One day an old couple come to the restaurant where I worked. The wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that,her face showed a bit anger. My manager, who happened to hear what I said,took me aside and told me a lot about how Americans dis-like the word“elder".I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife.

  People are always proud of being old in my village .Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty,and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.

  In the United States many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging,and women put on makeup,hoping to look young,because they think“growing old" is a problem since“old" shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well.

  After that,I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I don’t respect them any more;I still respect them,but now I don’t show my feelings through words.

  31 .Which of the following is Not what the writer brought to America

  A. Big luggage. B. Village rules. C. Customs and culture. D. Elder person.

  32. The writer apologize to the wife because .

  A. the manager asked him to do so

  B. he served the elderly slowly

  C. the couple wanted him to do so

  D. the couple didn’t like being called“elder"

  33 .In the writer' s hometown,

  A. people dislike being called“old"

  B. people are proud of being old

  C. many people reach the age of seventy or eighty

  D. the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants

  34. According to paragraph 4,people

  A. dislike being growing old

  B. like doing exercise

  C. have to retire at an early age

  D. are always put on makeup

  35. After this experience,the writer---一一

  A. lost his job in the restaurant

  B. made friends with the couple

  C. no longer respected the elderly

  D. changed his way with older people


高考著實(shí)是一種豐收,它包蘊(yùn)著太多的內(nèi)涵。 祝高考金榜題名!面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的17高考英語真題,僅供大家參考! 英語月考考試試卷 第I卷(選擇題共100分) 第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 第一節(jié)(共5小題海小題1.5分,滿分7.5分) 聽下面5段對話。每段


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