


時間: 劉惠25 分享

  第二節(jié): 信息匹配(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)




  46. I stayed at a hotel with my wife and 3 children for our l0th wedding anniversary on September 19th, 2014. We stayed in one of the lakeshore suites and it was great. We never got to eat in the hotel as we were in Donegal Town in the evening and ate there. I just can’t find a fault with this hotel. It has a beautiful setting, very helpful and friendly staff. I will definitely be back next time.

  47. Naturally we were recommended this hotel by friends whose opinion we trust, and it was so amazing that no wonder guests just keep coming back. I really enjoyed the oceanfront view from my room. Each staff employed at the Blu impressed me deeply. Overall I cannot praise it enough and I can’t wait to go back.

  48. My husband and I stayed at this beautiful hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica on the first day of our honeymoon. The hotel picked us up from the side of the road airport. Everything in the hotel exceeded out expectations especially the indoor garden scene. We were treated like royalty and the staff even remembered our names and what we had ordered the night before! This hotel makes it very easy for couples and families to relax and enjoy their stay.

  49. This is a destination hotel in the small town of Pontresina. To me, interaction with staff was half the fun of staying in the really good hotel. Since we were mountain hikers, we really enjoyed the mountains surrounding the hotel. A really big feature of the hotel is its pool to ease those muscles after your hike. Facilities are free to use. Hotel staff picked us up and dropped us off at the rail station.

  50. I found this hotel was truly like a palace. Right from the moment we stepped into the hotel, I knew we were going to have a good time! The welcome by the General Manager was a pleasant surprise. The check-in process was fast. I was surprised to be shown to my room, which was nice. The hospitality levels were excellent. I would say that it is a hotel you must stay in while in India.

  Ⅲ 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)

  第一節(jié):基礎(chǔ)寫作 (共1小題,滿分15分)








  1. 調(diào)查的時間、對象和主題;

  2. 調(diào)查得來的基本信息。


  1. 只能用5個句子表達全部內(nèi)容。

  2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱。

  第二節(jié) 讀寫任務(共1小題;滿分25分)


  Dear Editor,

  Recently I feel a little frustrated, so I'm writing to you for advice, I have a very close friend who I have trust in. He is a very nice student who has really given others the impression of an honest guy and many times he was honored as an excellent student in our school, so in my eyes, he is so great.

  But last week, when we were taking the mid-term exam, I suddenly found that in his hand was his cell phone, he was copying something from it secretly! But the teacher didn't find this at all. When the result was announced, he was praised for getting a very good mark.

  I feel ashamed for him, my best friend, and for what he had done in the exam, but the teacher still believes that he is diligent and does well in English. Should I tell the teacher about his cheating in the exam? If I do so, maybe he would not understand me and would no longer regard me as a friend, and them I may lose a close friend forever. If I don't tell the truth to the teacher, he will cheat again in the next exam. What should I do?






  1) 如果你是Jesse,你會如何處理此事,并說明理由;

  2) 你覺得友情和誠實哪個更重要?

  3) 生活中你是怎樣維護真正的友情?





  完形填空:1-5 ACBDA 6-10 CDBBC 11-15 ADBCA

  語法填空:16. where 17. violently 18. from 19. written 20. the

  21. If 22. was wondering 23. decision 24. it 25. why

  閱讀理解:26-30: CACBB 31-35: ACCBD 36-40: DADDC 41-45: DBBCA

  46-50: FECAD


  This month, a survey was conducted among more than 1,000 senior 3 students in our school on how they will spend their summer vacation after the National College Entrance Examinations. According to the result, 25% of the students will do some part-time jobs as it can exercise their own independent ability, and they can earn some living expenses. Surprisingly, nearly a half of them plan to go traveling with their classmates or parents, convinced that traveling can enrich their life experiences and broaden their horizons. Besides, 18% plan to either acquire a driving license or attend various training courses so as to master a new skill. The rest 11% of all those surveyed indicate that they will stay at home to do housework since they will leave home soon for further study and they want to express their love to their parents in this way.

  第二節(jié) 讀寫任務

  Finding his best friend cheat in the English exam, the writer of the letter felt frustrated and was caught in a dilemma whether to tell his teacher about the truth.

  If I were Jesse, I would let the teacher know the truth even though he is my best friend, which, I believe, is really a good way to help my friend and get him aware of his mistake so that he will never cheat again. That is for real friendship.

  Undoubtedly, both friendship and honesty are of great importance to us. But as a student, I would put honesty before friendship when I have to choose one from them. Being honest enables us to win respect and trust from people around. Moreover, a friendship cannot last long unless it is based on mutual trust and honesty. Thus, honesty is prior to friendship.

  In my life, when my friend makes a mistake, I will try to help him as much as I can, but do it reasonably. For example, I will have a heart-to-heart talk with him, pointing out his mistake and advise him on how to correct it. If things go beyond me, I would turn to a teacher or some senior schoolmates with my friend.









第二節(jié): 信息匹配(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分) 請閱讀下列應用文和相關(guān)信息,并按照要求匹配信息。 首先請閱讀下面幾個國家旅館的相關(guān)信息: 下面
