


時(shí)間: 德豪21 分享



  第 I 卷 (選擇題,共100分)


  1. 答第I卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)、考試科目用鉛筆涂寫在答題卡上。

  2. 每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑。如需改動(dòng),用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標(biāo)號(hào)。不能答在試卷上。

  3. 考試結(jié)束,考生將第二卷和答題卡一并交回。?





  1. Who is the man possibly talking to?

  A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. His mother

  2. What do we know about Sam?

  A. His sister will leave for New York. B. His sister will leave for Los Angeles.

  C. He will leave New York.

  3. What is the woman going to do?

  A. Rewrite the paper because there are too many mistakes.

  B. Throw the paper away.

  C. Read the paper again.

  4. Why does the woman thank the man?

  A. He lent her some money. B. He gave her a five-pound bill.

  C. He returned her money found.

  5. Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A. At an airport. B. At a railway station. C. At a department store.

  第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分, 滿分22.5分)



  6. Whom do you think the woman was angry with?

  A. The man. B. The repairman. C. The shopkeeper.

  7. Why couldn't the woman find the repair shop?

  A. She missed the right turn. B. The man gave her the wrong directions.

  C. She was a bad driver.

  8. Why did the man tell her to turn to these television repairmen?

  A. The shop was easy to find. B. One of the repairmen was his friend.

  C. They did good work and the price was reasonable.


  9. What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

  A. They are teacher and student. B. They are friends. C. They are mother and son.

  10. What does the woman ask the man to do?

  A. Look for a new apartment. B. Find a job to earn $ 200 a month.

  C. Share an apartment with one or two roommates.

  11. How much does the woman want to spend on rent?

  A. Less than $ 200 a month. B. About $ 200 a month.

  C. A little more than $ 200 a month.


  12. What is the woman good at?

  A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Playing.

  13. How old was she when she became famous?

  A. She was twenty. B. She was thirteen. C. She was fifteen.

  14. What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue?

  A. She took part in one of the Olympic Games.

  B. She still swims for international competitions.

  C. She used to swim thirty five miles every week.


  15. What had gone wrong in their house?

  A. Their washing machine. B. The electricity. C. The lights.

  16. Who was Mr. Smith?

  A. A repairman. B. The woman's husband. C. The woman's new neighbor.

  17. Why did the man think it would cost him dearly?

  A. Because he wanted to buy a car.

  B. Because he didn't have a good job.

  C. Because their car needed repairing.


  18. What were the students going to do?

  A. They were going to read their articles before a video camera.

  B. They were going to read news on TV.

  C. They were going to celebrate the writer's sister's birthday.

  19. Why was the writer so nervous?

  A. He had never stood before a video camera.

  B. He had never read his own article before a video camera.

  C. This camera was different from the one he had once faced.

  20. What was the writer's feelings to his class teacher?

  A. Nervous. B. Afraid. C. Thankful.





  When looking for diet plans to gain muscle there are some great tips that can help you to ensure that you are eating to help you build the muscle that you want. Your diet is just as important as exercise when you attach importance to your diet, it can help you to reach your goal much faster.

  You will find that you will eat lean meat almost daily. If you eat meat each day this can help you to keep your figure. The trick with beef is to find lean cuts and this is something that can provide you with protein. Fish and turkey will also be included in the diet. Chicken has some rules and you should always eat skinless and avoid frying.

  Fiber is something that is not talked much about when looking for a muscle building diet, but this is basis part of the muscle building diet. Fiber has many benefits and will aid in digestion and help you to feel full. Oatmeal (燕麥片) is a great source of fiber, but you should avoid the premade oatmeal. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and this can also aid in weight loss if this is a problem you are working on.

  If you want to complete your workout more effectively, you need to make sure that you are drinking adequate amount of water each day. Your body is made up of water and you need to replenish (補(bǔ)充) this water source each day in order to be in the best shape. If you are completing a very intense workout, you will need to make sure that you are drinking even more water to stay hydrated(含水的).

  When protein(乳清蛋白質(zhì)) is a great way for busy individuals to get the protein they need on the go. You will use soy and tofu for sources of protein if you do not eat meat and this can be a wonderful alternative.

  There are diet plans to gain muscle for every category. You can make minor adjustments to your diet that can have some great benefits.

  21. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. Proper diets can help build your muscle

  B. The diet is not as important as exercise

  C. Diet plans are very important

  D. Paying attention to your diet

  22. When you eat chicken, you should always_______.

  A. eat chicken with skin B. eat baked chicken

  C. not eat chicken with skin and the fried D. not eat boiled chicken

  23. What’s the main idea of Paragraph3?

  A. Oatmeal is a great source of fiber B. Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fiber

  C. Losing weight needs fiber D. The function of fiber


  People who realize and master the art of small talk can use it to improve relationships. Small talk can lead to “big” talk — more important discussions. Using small talk, you can achieve big results. But many people do have fears that hold them back from making small talk.

  For one thing, those who refuse to make small talk usually fear the unknown. When I was little, my mom said,“ Don't talk to strangers!” For some people, that childhood fear of strangers continues into adulthood.

  Suppose you are at a business networking event and have checked out who is there and found potential ( 潛在的) conversation partners. You're ready to make your move, but there are butterflies in your stomach. You are too frightened to introduce yourself to total strangers.

  Consider a different situation for the next networking event you attend. To overcome your nervousness, you can think of yourself as an event's host and not its guest. As a host, you would introduce yourself to people you don't know and introduce them to others. You can play the role of the host even though you are not the actual host. Get in the habit of holding out your hand first and saying, “Hi, my name is ...”

  Another reason why people refuse to open their mouth is the fear of rejection. Anytime you open your mouth and speak, you risk rejection. If you never talk to people, you won't be rejected. But if you never talk to people, you will also be very lonely. The best way I've found to overcome the fear of rejection is to focus on how I feel when I am accepted.

  So ask yourself: what do I have to lose? Nothing! What do I have to gain? Possibly everything! Think back to when you first met your best friend or any important person in your life. How did it all start? You probably started with

  small talk.

  24. In Paragraph 1, the author wants to tell us that small talk is _____.

  A. worth doing B. hard to make C. often ignored D. very interesting

  25. The underlined part “there are butterflies in your stomach” probably means you are _____.

  A. busy B. nervous C. confident D. excited

  26. When you are at a business networking event, you are advised to _____.

  A. talk with the host B. behave yourself

  C. try to be helpful D. play an active role

  27. What's the purpose of the passage?

  A. To advise. B. To discuss. C. To describe. D. To introduce.


  About us

  Started by private citizens who believe that everyone should have the right to take showers, Lava Mae seeks to reach those who lack these necessities.

  We turn retired public transportation buses into bathrooms because we believe that for the thousands of men, women and children living on our streets, a shower can be the first step towards change.

  Our partners

  l Each day we partner different local non-profit organizations providing services to the homeless.

  l The local government tries their best to deliver our services. For example, get buses and seek access to water.

  l The private sector has provided us with goods and services, in addition to other support and funding that make our service possible.

  Our mission

  To deliver dignity(尊嚴(yán))and unlock opportunity for the homeless—one mobile shower at a time. Fundamental to this mission are three beliefs: First, everyone has the right to be clean. Second, those experiencing homelessness can’t access jobs and housing or maintain health and happiness if they can’t get clean. Third, with hygiene(衛(wèi)生)comes dignity; with dignity, opportunity.

  Our schedule

  Wednesdays: 9:30am~12pm;YWAM in the Tenderloin; 344 Ellis St. between Taylor and Jones.

  Thursdays: 9:30 am~3:30pm; API Wellness in the Tenderloin;730 Polk St. near Ellis St.

  Fridays: 9:30 am~2:30 pm; YWAM in the Tenderloin; 344 Ellis St. between Taylor and Jones.

  Saturdays: 7:00 am~1:00 pm; MissionNeighborhoodResourceCenter; 16th St. and Capp St.

  28.Mobile showers for the homeless are designed to_____.

  A. call on people to pay attention to the homeless

  B. make full use of retired public transportation buses

  C. advise the public to save water when they’re bathing

  D. offer the homeless a chance to clean themselves for free

  29.What does the local government do to help Lava Mae?

  A. It collects donations of goods.

  B. It offers buses and water for baths.

  C. It employs workers to offer services.

  D. It co-works with non-profit organizations.

  30.If a man wants to take a shower, he can choose_____.

  A.7:00 a.m. on Wednesday B.4:00 p.m. on Thursday

  C.12:00 a.m. on Friday D.1:00 p.m. on Sunday

  31. The best title of the passage can be ____________.

  A. Measures to help the poor

  B. Mobile showers for the homeless

  C. Free shower for the local citizens

  D. How to maintain health and happiness


  Square dancing is a form of entertainment and physical exercise, which is a good thing. However, a group of senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s SunsetPark were recently faced with noise complaints from nearby residents. The local court even served a summons (傳票) related to a certain Ms. Wang.

  The news soon caused heated discussion across China, with many believing the incident to involve a cultural conflict between the East and West, while others view it as a form of discrimination against Chinese in the United States.

  The United States is a diverse society, and in many cases, Chinese dancers are tolerated and even appreciated. Meanwhile, the United States is a society based on the rule of law, and due to cultural differences, local regulations seem to be very different from those in China. As a result, some old Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s SunsetPark found themselves caught in an embarrassing situation. Locals and immigrants from other nations view such noise as a violation of their right to enjoy tranquility. Calling the police is regarded as the most efficient way to solve such a problem.

  Before, these ladies probably did not understand local customs and rules. However, since the incident took place, they should perhaps know a little better next time and keep the noise to a minimum. People from different nations are often supposed to reach compromises, respecting and tolerating each other.

  Whatever your choice of entertainment, it is important not to affect other people’s lives. Square dancing is only one of many activities during which people should mind their behavior.

  As for U.S. police practice, there might still be some room for improvement. Some were said to be rather rude, leading to the so-called “racial discrimination,” which is a sensitive topic in U.S. society.

  If the involved parties could be more tolerant, and solve such problems without involving the court, perhaps immigrants would mix more.

  32. The writer mentions the incident in Paragraph 1 to __________.

  A. show his opinion B. make complaints

  C. bring up the topic D. criticize the local police

  33. The underlined word “tranquility” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by ________.

  A. entertainment B. quietness C. freedom D. quality

  34. What will the senior Chinese ladies most probably do after the incident?

  A. Go back to China. B. Fight for their right.

  C. Ask America to change its law. D. Keep the noise lower.

  35. What’s the writer’s attitude towards senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s SunsetPark?

  A. He thinks all parties involved should be more tolerant.

  B. He strongly supports the action of the local police.

  C. He considers it a shame for senior Chinese ladies to do so.

  D. He suggests such kind of problem should be solved in the court.



  Most people actually do not know how to do basic first aid on mild burns. It is normally taken for granted since most people think that soaking (浸泡) the burn with water is the way to go. 36

  Once the burn appears, you will surely feel much pain on the actual burned skin. Technically, this is the time to stay calm. 37 Finding a source of running water is recommended. However, if there is none, any source will do. If there is running water, simply place the burned area under it and allow it to soak the water for about 5 to 10 minutes. 38 If you have access to ice or a cold cloth, you can use that as well. You can place the ice or cold cloth on the affected area and leave it there about 15 to 30 minutes. The ice will numb the pain and will also stop more injury on the skin.

  After soaking in water or cooling the area with ice, remove from the water source and allow the moisture to dry naturally. You may also consider patting it down dry with a towel or napkin; however, this could damage the burnt skin even more. 39

  As soon as the area dries up completely, get a bandage or a strip of cloth. 40 This will protect that area from infection caused by outside dirt and dust getting into the open burn.

  A. It is best to dry it naturally instead.

  B. Calling a doctor may as well help in most burn cases.

  C. Wrap it around the burn to cover the open area of skin.

  D. The truth is that soaking is the last thing to do to deal with mild burn.

  E. The first thing you will need to do will be to find a clean water source.

  F. This will relieve some of the pain, cool down the skin, and stop additional burning.

  G. The thing is that treating a mild burn goes deeper than just soaking the affected part in water.

  第三部分英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45)



  Badia and Lyn were driving home after visiting friends. This was 41 ordinary night. They were driving home and thunder could be heard and lightning could be seen.

  Never had Texas seen such a terrible 42 Many highways were closed because of flooding. Badia held the 43 while the flood water knocked 44 her car.

  Suddenly a wave of flood water swept across the road, 45 the car into a drain ( 水溝) . Badia fought to 46 the vehicle but the engine stopped. Another wave of flood water covered the car. "Get 47 !" Badia shouted. But they couldn't open the door. "The windows!" Lyn rolled down the windows and at once water 48 in. They had only minutes to get out 49 the car was completely covered by water.

  With an effort, they caught the edge of their car. Terrified, they crowded close as the flood was getting stronger.

  In the distance they saw a tall tree, 50 was their only hope. Reluctantly, the two girls left the last refuge (避難所) . They swam to the tree with 51 difficulty. They struggled in the darkness and Badia felt a sudden sharp pull at her arm. It was Lyn. She had already reached the tree.

  She climbed up on the part where the branches formed a "V". Badia 52 on to Lyn's legs. Once in a while they would see headlights in the 53 They would scream at the top of their voices, 54 their voices would in no position be heard in that situation.

  At about 5:10 p. m. , Don Marks was driving home from work. In the darkness he thought he heard voices. So he 55 towards Kentucky Police Station where he 56 the police. Fire chief John with his men rushed to the village creek. They found 57 difficult to keep their balance in the knee-high rushing water.

  Don shouted to the girls, "Just hold out a few more minutes!" With ropes 58 around their waists, the men went nearer and nearer to the girls. In an hour they were safe in the car. After they were brought to the hospital, Lyn said, "We were so 59 to 60"

  41. A. not B. no C. not a D. none

  42. A. Rain B. Place C. Storm D. accident

  43. A. wheel B. rope C. door D. seat

  44. A. on B. at C. off D. against

  45. A. holding B. driving C. pushing D. pilling

  46. A. enter B. control C. start D. stop

  47. A. in B. off C. out D. away

  48. A. poured B. ran C. arrived D. threw

  49. A. after B. until C. when D. before

  50. A. that B. which C. it D. this

  51. A. no B. little C. great D. any

  52. A. hung B. caught C. seized D. dragged

  53. A. front B. distance C. water D. village

  54. A. but B. and C. so D. then

  55. A. sped B. flew C. advanced D. went

  56. A. asked B. informed C. phoned D. advised

  57. A. themselves B. that C. it D. them

  5 8. A. hung B. seized C. held D. tied

  59. A. lucky B. happy C. sorry D. pleased

  60. A. survive B. save C. rescue D. live

  第 II 卷




  I was traveling in a small place in New York. That place had no taxi for a short 61 (distant). One had to take rickshaw (人力車).

  I called out for an old man in the waiting line. Before I got on the rickshaw, I 62 (automatic) asked how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall. I 63 (tell) “10 dollars”. Then I started bargaining. He just gave a hard smile and said, “Whatever you feel like, please give me. It is not necessary 64 (bargain) on this small amount.”

  I was a bit 65 (shame) of myself and kept quiet while he continued, “Unlike those taxis, my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel or even gas; 66 runs on my sweat. So please give it to me 67 a smile, for the money has to feed so many 68 (hunger) mouths at home.”

  When we reached the Mall, I gave him the money and the smile as 69 (request) and added a gentle pat on his back. He smiled back as if to give me 70 receipt and I would preserve his smile for a long time.

  第四部分寫作(共兩節(jié)滿分 35)



  增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào) (∧),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。

  刪除:把多余的詞用斜線 (\) 劃掉。



  2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。

  On April 10 our class organized an activity to climb a hill in the suburb. Early in the morning we set out from our school in high spirit. Hardly had we arrived at the foot of the hill while we divided us into several groups. Then with the signal given, we began climbing to the direction of the top. We encouraged each other in the course of the climb. We supported each other when passing the rocky areas. After an hour we eventual made it to the hilltop, where we were greeted by bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was extremely beautiful.

  That was really a meaningful trip. As we know, a challenge as it was, it was very benefit to us. We gain much exercise and we also learned how to cooperate with each other. Therefore, we strongly suggested that similar events held more and more in the future!

  第四部分寫作(共兩節(jié)滿分 35)






  注意:1. 短文必須寫在指定區(qū)域。

  2. 詞數(shù)100左右。

  3. 內(nèi)容充實(shí),結(jié)構(gòu)完整,語意連貫。

  4. 書寫需清晰、工整。

  Should our parents accompany us in studying at school?




  1-5 ABCCA 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 AACCB 16-20 CCABC


  21-23 ACD 24-27 ABDA 28-31 DBCB 32-35 CBDA

  36—40 GEFAC


  第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

  41—45 BCADC 46—50 BCADB 51—55 CABAA 56—60 BCDAA


  61.distance 62. automatically 63. was told 64. to bargain 65. ashamed

  66. it 67. with 68. hungry 69. requested 70. a

  第四部分寫作(共兩節(jié)滿分 35)


  On April 10 our class organized an activity to climb a hill in the suburb. Early in the morning we set out from our school in high spirit. Hardly had we arrived at the foot of the hill while we

  spirits when

  divided us into several groups. Then with the signal given, we began climbing to the direction of the

  ourselves in

  top. We encouraged each other in the course of the climb. We supported each other when passing the rocky areas. After an hour we eventual made it to the hilltop, where we were greeted by bright


  sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was extremely beautiful.


  That was really a meaningful trip. As we know, a challenge as it was, it was very benefit to us.


  We gain much exercise and we also learned how to cooperate with each other. Therefore, we


  strongly suggested that similar events∧held more and more in the future!




  Should our parents accompany us in studying at school?

  In recent years, many parents choose to accompany their children in studying, which has aroused a wide concern.

  These parents are willing to leave their hometowns, even quit their jobs to follow their children into the campus. Most of them, who consider it necessary to offer a better living condition to the kids, rent an apartment nearby so as to take good care of their children. Meanwhile, it can allow them to keep track of the kids' academic performance.

  Nevertheless, what they've ignored is that it will get their kids into the habit of being dependent, which will cause them not to develop the ability of self­control in the future.

  Trust leads to independence. So it seems to me that parents should leave room for children's growth and study, in order to ensure their overall development.








作為我國規(guī)模最大、覆蓋面最廣的選拔性考試,一直以來英語高考備受社會(huì)關(guān)注。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理關(guān)于2017山東省高考英語考試試題的內(nèi)容,希望大家喜歡! 2017山東省高考英語考試試題 第 I 卷 (選擇題,共100分) 注意事項(xiàng):? 1. 答第I卷前,考生務(wù)必將自


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