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  學校名稱: 日本同志社大學 同志社大學




  學歷:本科 研究生





  同志社大學提供各種獎學金,以保證國際學生能夠?qū)W⒂趯W習,免于經(jīng)濟煩惱。同志社大學的獎學金大致分三類:同志社大學優(yōu)秀獎學金( Doshisha University Merit Scholarships )、針對來自發(fā)展中國家學生的獎學金(Scholarship for Students from Developing Countries)和校外獎學金(Outside Scholarships)。三類獎學金分別該如何申請呢?和出國留學網(wǎng)來看看吧。

  Doshisha University offers a variety of scholarships to enable international students to concentrate on their studies free from financial concerns.


  一、Doshisha University Merit Scholarships for Self-Funded International Students

  (The Admission fee, the Facilities fee, the Laboratory fee, and the Academic association fee are not included.)



  Amount of Scholarship/Number of Recipients:

  Equivalent to full amount of tuition/ approximately from 20 to 30% of international students

  Equivalent to 50% of tuition/ approximately from 30 to 40% of international students

  Equivalent to 30% of tuition/ approximately 40% of international students


  *The number of recipients varies according to the Graduate School.

  *The reduction rate is determined by considering such factors as entrance examination results and research plans.









  Amount of Scholarship/Number of Recipients:

  Equivalent to full amount of tuition/ approximately 10% of international studentsts

  Equivalent to 50% of tuition/approximately 20% of international students

  Equivalent to 20% of tuition/approximately 60% of international students


  *A full tuition will be charged to approximately 10% of international students.

  *The reduction rate is determined by entrance examination results.









  [Common Conditions]

  Eligible Applicants

  (1)Those who have passed the entrance examination for international students and hold a “College Student” visa.(2)Those who have passed the entrance examination for international students, and hold a certain visa such as “Permanent Resident”, “Long-Term Resident”, and "Dependent" visa.(3)Those who are enrolled in Doshisha University, regardless of type of entrance examination and who hold a “College Student” visa.(*applicants’eligibility will be preliminarily screened.)(4)Those who enroll in the Institute for the Liberal Arts, the Global MBA Course or the International Science and Technology Course in and after the Academic Year 2017, and are qualified as recipients.(*applicants' eligibility will be preliminarily screened.)申請人資格





  Duration of Scholarship

  Two years after admission (renewable for up to the standard number of years required for graduation in students who meet certain standards of academic performance). In being renewed, the reduction rate may be changed depending on academic performance.



  Renewal (additional application is not necessary)

  ※The duration of the scholarship is up to the standard number of years required for graduation. (However, time taken off for military leave is excluded.)




  1)As a rule, recipients are not able to receive other scholarships for tuition at the same time.2)As a rule, the period of leave of absence is included in the duration of scholarship. However, this shall not apply to a military leave.3)Not applicable to the recipients of any scholarship not being allowed by Doshisha University to receive redundantly such as "Doshisha University Graduate School Scholarships for Young Doctoral Students/Researchers" or "Doshisha University Graduate School of Brain Science Special Scholarships".4)In case the recipients do not meet the academic requirements for renewal because they have studied at Waseda University or a university overseas under our university-level student exchange program, the renewal conditions shall be specified separately.






  二、Scholarship for Students from Developing Countries

  Application for this scholarship must be made at the same time as the application for the Entrance examination for international students.



  Eligible Applicants

  Applicants must fulfill the following two conditions:

  (1)Those who will obtain “Student” Visa by the “Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act” after being admitted to Doshisha University.(2)Those who reside in one of the countries classified as “Least Developed Countries” or “Other Low Income Countries” in the list of ODA Recipients published by OECD/DAC and hold the nationality of one of those countries. The applicants who have multiple nationalities are eligible if all nationalities are specified in the list of ODA Recipients published by OECD/DAC.




  (2)所居住的國家在OECD/DAC 發(fā)布的 ODA 受援國名單上被歸為“最不發(fā)達國家”或“其他低收入國家”,并且持有上述一國國籍。有多重國籍的申請人,如果所有國籍都出現(xiàn)在OECD/DAC 發(fā)布的 ODA 受援國名單上,則可以申請。Method of Selection

  Recipients are determined in accordance with the standards specified by Doshisha University.

  Duration of Scholarship

  For two years after admission (The duration of scholarship may be renewed for up to 4 years).

  In principle, the period of leave of absence is included in the duration of scholarship. However this shall not apply to military leave.

  Amount of Scholarship:

  (1) 85,000 yen per month.

  (2)The admission fee, tuition, fee for Educational Support, Lab/Practical fees, and other fee are included.Number of Recipients

  2 students per year (One from each semester’s entry)


  Recipients whose overall GPA is 2.0 or above and have earned at least 50 % of credits required for graduation at the end of the second year are eligible to renew their scholarship up to the standard number of years required for graduation. For recipients whose overall GPA is less than 2.0 or who have not earned 50 % of credits required for graduation, the Doshisha University Reduced Tuition scholarship for Self-Funded International Students is applied by the faculty.







  每月85,000日元。包括入學費(admission fee)、學費、教育支持費、實驗(實踐)費和其他費用。






  (1)During the Period of Studying Abroad

  The period of studying abroad as a Doshisha student is included in the duration of scholarship up to the standard number of years required for graduation.(2)Joint supply with Outside Scholarship

  Recipients who are willing to apply for scholarship requiring university recommendation can submit “Doshisha University Privately Financed International Student Scholarships Applicant Registration Form”, however, will not be recommended to scholarships which include support to the admission fee, tuition, fee for Educational Support, Lab/Practical fees.(3)During the Period of Leave of Absence

  The scholarship is not supplied to recipients who are on leave of absence. The Leave of Absence Fee must be paid by the recipients.(4)Suspension of Supply

  The scholarship will be suspended if recipients who misbehave or neglect any duties as recipients. The period of suspension is included in the duration of scholarship.





  有意申請需要大學推薦的獎學金的獎學金獲得者,可以提交“同志社大學私費國際生獎學金申請人登記表”,但是,不能推薦給包括入學費(admission fee)、學費、教育支持費和實驗(實踐)費等支持的獎學金。





  三、For All Students Regardless of the Academic Year

  Outside Scholarships

  Self-funded students who are willing to apply for scholarship requiring university recommendation must submit “Doshisha University Privately Financed International Student Scholarships Applicant Registration form”, hereinafter called “Registration Form”, to the office of international students at the beginning of the new academic year. (The form is available on the Office of International Students both in Imadegawa and Kyotanabe campus.)



  有意申請需要大學推薦的獎學金的自費生,可以提交“同志社大學私費國際生獎學金申請人登記表”(以下簡稱“登記表”),在新學年開始的時候提交到國際學生辦公室。(可以在Imadegawa 和 Kyotanabe兩個校區(qū)的國際學生辦公室索取申請表 。)

  (1). Application for scholarships requiring university recommendation: Notes for regular undergraduate and graduate students

  Based on conditions determined by scholarship founders, Doshisha University selects some students as nominee for the scholarships and consults them if they are willing to apply for the scholarship. If the university and the students agree to apply, necessary documents are sent to a scholarship founder through the university.

  ※As information on “Registration Form” is important to make a decision on the selection of students as nominee for scholarships, please specifically write the reason and learning plans for application.




  (2). Scholarship application for Special Undergraduate and Graduate Students

  Virtually all scholarships requiring university recommendation are for Regular Students only, so there is no need for Special Students to submit the Registration Form. When the Office of International Students receives information on scholarships for which Special Students may apply, details will be announced via message boards and the university website.



  (3). Scholarships for individual application by students

  Whenever a call for application for a scholarship is received by the Office of International Students, information will be posted on message boards and the website. Specific inquiries and applications should be directed to the organization operating the scholarship in question.




  Scholarships for Study Abroad

  Based on one of Doshisha’s educational ideals, ‘internationalism’, the university has been pursuing various initiatives to provide study abroad opportunities to its students. A scholarship is being proposed to offer financial support to students who enroll in courses that require participation in a short-term or medium-term study abroad program such as the Summer Program, Spring Program and Semester Program, as well as those who wish to participate in the study abroad program at overseas partner universities during their academic career at Doshisha University. We hope that the scholarship will provide many Doshisha students with an opportunity to study abroad and experience internationalism firsthand, giving them a wider understanding of the world and a deeper awareness of cultural diversity.




  學校名稱: 日本山口大學 山口大學




  學歷:本科 研究生 網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程







  This is a list of the major scholarships for privately financed international students. Scholarships are granted based on the student’s academic record and financial situation. Some scholarships require diplomas, and academic transcripts from your university. Your faculty or graduate school can provide you with more information on how to apply.



  Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship

  (Application times vary based on application method)

  Graduate students

  Eligibility:Applicants must be less than 35 years old and currently enrolled in a graduate course or planning to enroll in a graduate course.

  Amount per month

  Masters: JPY 144,000

  Doctorate: JPY 145,000 (2016 rate)

  Duration Until completion of course

  Undergraduate students

  Eligibility:Applicants must plan to be in their fourth year of university before turning 26 years old. Applicants with majors in medical or veterinary science must plan to be in their sixth year before turning 28 years old.

  Amount per month JPY 117,000 (2016 rate)

  Duration 1 year





  每月額度:碩士:JPY 144,000;博士:JPY 145,000 (2016年標準)




  每月額度:JPY 117,000 (2016年標準)


  Scholarships by JASSO (Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students)

  (Application period: April and October)

  Undergraduate & Graduate students


  Privately financed undergraduate students

  Privately financed graduate students

  Privately financed research students with a bachelor degree or higher who wish to conduct research at a graduate level

  Amount per month JPY 48,000 (as of 2015)

  Duration 1 year/ half a year for recipients starting in October





  - 自費本科學生;

  - 自費研究生學生;

  - 獲得學士學位或者更高學位,想要進行研究生水平的研究的自費研修生。

  每月額度:JPY 48,000 (2015年起)


  Yamaguchi University’s Scholarships

  Yamaguchi University’s Scholarship for Privately Financed International Undergraduate Students

  (Application period: June)

  Eligibility Privately financed undergraduate students

  Amount per month JPY 45,000

  Duration 1 year

  Scholarships available Up to 10 students

  Yamaguchi University YUTAKA Scholarship B for International Students

  Eligibility Privately financed undergraduate students

  Amount per month JPY 20,000

  Duration 10 months

  Scholarships available 2 students

  Faculty of Engineering 50th Anniversary Commemorative Scholarship for International Students

  Eligibility Privately financed Ph. D students

  Amount per month JPY 50,000

  Duration 12 months

  Scholarships available Up to 6 students




  每月獎勵額度:JPY 45,000





  每月獎勵額度:JPY 20,000





  每月獎勵額度:JPY 50,000



  Scholarships by Private Foundations

  *For self-financed international students (except exchange students)

  There are many other scholarships available in addition to those listed above. Information on these scholarships is posted on faculty and graduate school bulletin boards.

  You can also find more information in the “Scholarships for International Students in Japan” pamphlet, published by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). The pamphlet is available online from the JASSO website. Those residing in Japan can also receive a print copy by filling out the request form on their website. If you would like more than two hard copies, please consult with JASSO before submitting your request.


  * 提供給自費國際學生(除了交流生)



  日本靜岡大學留學獎學金學校名稱: 日本靜岡大學 靜岡大學




  學歷:本科 研究生 網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程






  The following scholarships are available to self-supported students. Awards are made on the basis of scholastic achievement, character and other factors.

  Please consult the administrative staff at your faculty's overseas students office for further information.




  (1) Japanese Government Grants for International Students

  ・ Who May Apply

  Self-supported postgraduate students (including those applying for M.A. or Ph.D. courses who graduated from a university or completed an M.A.) who are under the age of 35.

  ・ Application will commence in October.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Graduate students(master level)…¥154,000

  B: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥155,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…until completion

  (1) 提供給國際學生的日本政府獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:35歲以下的自費研究生學生(包括大學畢業(yè)或者完成文學碩士學習,申請文學碩士或者博士課程的學生)。

  ・ 申請將會在10月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 研究生學生(碩士水平)…¥154,000

  B: 研究生學生(博士水平)…¥155,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…直到完成學業(yè)

  (2) Study Incentive Award for International Students Honors scholarships

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Self-supported undergraduate students.

  B: Self-supported postgraduate degree or research students.

  ・ Application will commence around April.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Undergraduate students…¥48,000

  B: Postgraduate students…¥48,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…12months

  (2) 國際學生學習激流獎勵榮譽獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 自費本科學生.

  B: 自費研究生學位學生或者是研修生.

  ・ 申請將會在4月份左右開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生…¥48,000

  B: 研究生學生…¥48,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…12個月

  (3) Rotary-Yoneyama Memorial Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Who intend to progress to the 3rd or 4th year

  B: Who intend to progress to the 1st or 2nd year in a Master’s degree program or the 2nd or 3rd year in a doctoral program, and who are under age 45.

  ・ Application will commence in September.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Undergraduate students…¥100,000

  B: Postgraduate students…¥140,000

  ・ Duration of Schplarship…1 or 2 years

  (3) 米山紀念獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 打算進入第三年或者第四年學習的學生;

  B: 打算進入碩士學位專業(yè)第一年或者第二年,或者是博士學位專業(yè)第二年或者第三年學習,并且年紀在45歲以下的學生。

  ・ 申請將會在9月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生…¥100,000

  B: 研究生學生…¥140,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1或者2年

  (4) Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship for Foreign Students in Japan

  ・ Who May Apply

  Undergraduate or postgraduate astudents who are studying in Japan at the time of application will commence in September.

  ・ Application will commence in September.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Undergraduate students…¥100,000

  B: Postgraduate students…¥120,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…2years

  (4) 提供給日本留學生的和平中島基金會獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:在9月份申請開始的時候在日本學習的本科學生或者研究生學生。

  ・ 申請將會在9月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生…¥100,000

  B: 研究生學生…¥120,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…2年

  (5) Sagawa Scholarship Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Self –supported undergraduate students come from South East Asia who will be advancing to 3rd year and are under the age of 27.

  B: Self-supported students come from South East Asia who are eligible to enter either the 1st year of a Master’s degree program and who are under the age of 35.

  C: Self-supported students come from South East Asia who are advancing to the 2nd year of a doctoral program and who are under the age of 35.

  ・ Application will commence in February.

  ・ Montly Allowance…¥100,000

  ・ Tenure of Scholarship…2years

  (5) 佐川獎學金基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 進入第三年學習,并且年齡在27歲以下的東南亞自費本科學生。

  B: 具備進入碩士學位專業(yè)第一年學習,并且年齡在35歲以下的東南亞自費學生。

  C: 進入博士專業(yè)第二年,并且年齡在35歲以下的東南亞自費學生。

  ・ 申請將會在2月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥100,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…2年

  (6) Benjiro Honda Scholarship

  ・ Who May Apply

  Undergraduate students, or postgraduate students whose major is Science, Engineering, or Agriculture.

  ・ Application will commence in April.

  ・ Grant…¥1,000,000 per annum

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…3years maximum (until completion of the course)

  (6) 辨治郎本田獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:


  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 獎學金額度…¥1,000,000每年

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…最多3年(直到完成該課程)

  (7) Chosen Scholarship Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Self-supported undergraduate students come from Korea and North Korea who are under the age of 30.

  B: Self-supported postgraduate students come from Korea and North Korea who are under the age of 40.

  ・ Application will commence in April.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Undergraduate students…¥25,000

  B: Graduate students(master level)…¥40,000

  C: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥70,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year

  (7) Chosen基金會獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 年齡在30歲以下,來自韓國和朝鮮的自費本科學生

  B: 年齡在40歲以下,來自韓國和朝鮮的自費研究生學生。

  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生…¥25,000

  B: 研究生學生(碩士水平)…¥40,000

  C: 研究生學生(博士水平)…¥70,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1年

  (8) JGC-S Foundation Scholarship

  ・ Who May Apply

  Self-supported students who are either undergraduate, postgraduate or research students in the Faculties of Science or Engineering.

  ・ Applocation will commence in April.

  ・ Grant…¥250,000 (lump-sum payment)

  ・ Scholarship will be distributed as a one-time payment.

  (8) JGC-S基金會獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:科學系或者工程學系的本科、研究生、或者研修生自費學生。

  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 獎學金額度…¥250,000 (一次性支付)

  ・ 獎學金將會一次性支付給獲得者。

  (9) The Asian Foundation for International Acholarship Interchange

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Self-supported undergraduate students come from Asia who are under the age of 30.

  B: Self-supported graduate students come from Asia who are under the age of 35.

  ・ Application will commence in November.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Undergraduate students, Graduate students(master level)…¥60,000

  B: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥70,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year

  (9) 國際獎學金交換亞洲基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 年齡在30歲以下,來自亞洲的自費本科學生。

  B: 年齡在35歲以,來自亞洲的研究生學生。

  ・ 申請將會在11月份左右開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生, 研究生學生(碩士水平)…¥60,000

  B: 研究生學生(博士水平)…¥70,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1年

  (10) Suruga Foundation for Overseas Students

  ・ Who May Apply: Undergraduate students advancing to the 3rd year.

  ・ Application will commence in December.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥50,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years

  (10) 海外學生駿河基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請:進入第三年學習的本科學生。

  ・ 申請將會在12月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥50,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…2年

  (11) Sato International Scholarship Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply: Self-supported undergraduate students and post graduate students or research students come from Asia.

  ・ Application will commemce in July.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Under graduate students…¥120,000

  B: Post graduate students, Research students…¥180,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years

  (11) 佐藤國際獎學金基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請:來自亞洲的自費本科學生和研究生學生以及研修生。

  ・ 申請將會在7月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 本科學生…¥120,000

  B: 研究生學生, 研修生…¥180,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…2年

  (12) Tokai Denpun Scholarship Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply: Self-supported postgraduate students come from Asia.

  ・ Applicatiom will commence in April.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥30,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…1 year

  (12) Tokai Denpun獎學金基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請:來自亞洲的自費研究生學生

  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥30,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1年

  (13) Docomo Scholarship for foreign students

  ・ Who May Apply: Who intend to progress to the 1st year in a Master’s degree program come from Asia whose major is Informatic.

  ・ Application will commence in April.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥120,000

  ・ Duration of Scholarship…2 years

  (13) 提供給國際學生的Docomo獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:將要進入信息學碩士學位專業(yè)第一年學習的亞洲學生。

  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥120,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…2年

  (14) JEES International Student Scholarship for Japanese language Proficiency Test at Excellent scorers

  ・ Who May Apply: Undergraduate or Postgraduate students whose major is Japanese or Japanese literature, Japanese culture.

  ・ Application will commence in April.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥50,000

  ・Tenure of Scholarship…2 years

  (14) 提供給日語語言能力杰出者的JEES國際學生獎學金

  ・ 誰可以申請:日語、或者日本文學、日本文化專業(yè)的本科生或者研究生學生。

  ・ 申請將會在4月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥50,000


  (15) Shizuoka University International Exchange found Scholarship

  ・Who May Apply

  A: Economically challenged students.

  B: Self-supported students who are undergraduate or postgraduate students.

  C: Students with a good academic record.

  D: Self-supported students enrolled as exchange students at sister unversities with Shizuoka University who are research or special audit students.

  ・Application will commence in May and September.

  ・Monthly Allowance…¥40,000

  ・Tenure of Scholarship…6 months

  (15) 靜岡大學國際交流基金會獎學金


  A: 面臨經(jīng)濟挑戰(zhàn)的學生。

  B: 自費本科學生或者研究生學生。

  C: 擁有優(yōu)秀學術(shù)成績的學生。

  D: 作為交換學生在靜岡大學的姊妹大學注冊登記的自費研修生或者特殊旁聽學生。




  (16) Honjo International Scholarship Foundation

  ・Who May Apply

  A: Graduate students(master level)…Under the age of 30

  B: Graduate students(doctor level)…Under the age of 35

  ・Application will commence around October.

  ・Monthly Allowance

  A: ¥200,000/ 2 years

  B: ¥180,000/ 3 years

  C: ¥150,000/ 4~5 years

  (16) 德川國際獎學金基金會


  A: 研究生學生(碩士水平)…年齡在30歲以下

  B: 研究生學生(博士水平)…年齡在35歲以下



  A: ¥200,000/ 2年

  B: ¥180,000/ 3年

  C: ¥150,000/ 4~5年

  (17) IWATANI Research Fund

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Graduate Students (master level)…Under the age of 30

  B: Graduate Students(doctor level)…Under the age of 35

  They come from East Asia or South East Asia and whose major is Nature Science.

  ・ Application will commence in November.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥150,000

  ・ Tenure of Scholarship…1 year

  (17) 巖谷研究基金

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 研究生學生(碩士水平)…年齡在30歲以下

  B: 研究生學生(博士水平)…年齡在35歲以下


  ・ 申請將會在11月份左右開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥150,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1年

  (18) MITSUBISHI Corporation Scholarship Fund

  ・ Who May Apply

  A: Self-supported undergraduate students

  B: Self-supported postgraduate studnets

  ・ Application will commence in November.

  ・ Monthly Allowance

  A: Self-supported undergraduate students…¥100,000

  B: Self-supported postgraduate students…¥150,000

  ・ Tenure of Scholarship…1 year or 2 years

  (18) 三菱公司獎學金基金

  ・ 誰可以申請:

  A: 自費本科學生

  B: 自費研究生學生

  ・ 申請將會在11月份左右開始。

  ・ 每月津貼

  A: 自費本科學生…¥100,000

  B: 自費研究生學生…¥150,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…1年 or 2年

  (19) KDDI Foundation

  ・ Who May Apply…Self-supported postgraduate students whose major is Informatic and who are under the age of 35.

  ・ Application will commence in June.

  ・ Monthly Allowance…¥150,000

  ・ Tenure of Scholarship…6 months or 1 year

  (19) KDDI基金會

  ・ 誰可以申請…年齡在35歲以下,信息學專業(yè)的自費研究生學生。

  ・ 申請將會在6月份開始。

  ・ 每月津貼…¥150,000

  ・ 獎學金有效期限…6個月或者1年









日本各大大學之中,留學獎學金的申請有共通點就有不同點。下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的如何申請日本留學獎學金,供大家參閱! 日本同志社大學獎學金種類和申請辦法 學校名稱: 日本同志社大學 同志社大學 所在位置:日本, 學校設(shè)置類型: 創(chuàng)建時間:1875年


  • 日本留學獎學金申請方法

    什么樣的方法可以讓我們能夠快速獲得獎學金或者獲得比較高額的留學獎學金呢?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的日本留學獎學金申請方法,供大家參閱! 日

  • 日本留學生獎學金申請

    作為一名即將要到日本留學的學生,你準備好怎么申請獎學金了嗎?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的日本留學生獎學金申請,供大家參閱! 日本德島大學獎學

  • 日本留學獎學金申請條件怎么申請

    要申請日本留學獎學金的話,要怎么開始申請呢?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的日本留學獎學金申請條件,供大家參閱! 如何能申請到日本最高額的獎學金

  • 到日本如何申請獎學金

    到了日本留學之后,能夠得到獎學金可以減輕家庭很大的經(jīng)濟壓力。下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的到日本如何申請獎學金,供大家參閱! 到日本如何申請