


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享


  提起時(shí)態(tài),當(dāng)然是指動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)啦。過(guò)去、現(xiàn)在和未來(lái)等不同時(shí)間段發(fā)生的事情要用不同的時(shí)態(tài)來(lái)表示。時(shí)態(tài)是動(dòng)詞的一種形式,表示動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)發(fā)生或存在的時(shí)間和方式。閉上眼睛想一想,初中我們學(xué)過(guò)的時(shí)態(tài)有幾個(gè)? 初中我們共學(xué)過(guò)八種時(shí)態(tài)。本講將這幾個(gè)時(shí)態(tài)總體介紹一下:

  一般現(xiàn)在時(shí):常與always,often,sometimes, every day連用,表示習(xí)慣或經(jīng)常反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài)。提醒你當(dāng)?shù)谌朔Q單數(shù)做主語(yǔ)時(shí),別忘了動(dòng)詞的變化。注意:象"地球大,月亮小"等客觀真理、事實(shí)一定用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。

  現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí):要注意其構(gòu)成:由be+動(dòng)詞+ing,表示說(shuō)話時(shí)正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作。如:We're studying now. 我們現(xiàn)在正在學(xué)習(xí)。

  一般過(guò)去時(shí):表示過(guò)去某個(gè)時(shí)間發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài),常與yesterday,last year,in 1949,two years ago,等表示過(guò)去時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)連用。注意:We often went to dance last summer.有的同學(xué)一見(jiàn)到often就想到用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),其實(shí)因?yàn)楹竺嬗斜硎具^(guò)去時(shí)間的 last summer,所以要用過(guò)去式,千萬(wàn)別誤用了,切記,切記。

  過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí):顯然過(guò)去進(jìn)行時(shí)表示過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻正在做什么,常和特定的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)如at that time,at six yesterday,at that moment,when he came in等連用。如: When he knocked at the door,his mother was cooking.

  一般將來(lái)時(shí):表示將要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài),常與表示將來(lái)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)如 next year,tomorrow等連用。注意:在Will you ....?問(wèn)句中,回答必須是 Yes,I will.或 No,I won't而不能用Yes,I shall. No, I shan't.來(lái)回答過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí):過(guò)去將來(lái)時(shí)不可以單獨(dú)使用,它一般在賓語(yǔ)從句中作間接引語(yǔ),表示從過(guò)去某一時(shí)間看來(lái)將要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài)。如:They told me that they would go to work in Guangdong.

  現(xiàn)在完成時(shí):顧名思義,現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表示的是已經(jīng)完成的動(dòng)作,但動(dòng)作造成的影響還在,常被just,already,yet 等副詞修飾。如:He has already gone to Tianjin. 對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的影響是他已經(jīng)不在這兒了。現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)還可用來(lái)表示過(guò)去發(fā)生的動(dòng)作一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,常帶有for或since等表示一段時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)。如:Mr Wang has lived here since 1983.表示說(shuō)話前發(fā)生過(guò)一次或多次的動(dòng)作,我們常用"過(guò)"來(lái)表示,常帶有twice, once, ever, never等時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)。如:I've never seen that film.

  過(guò)去完成時(shí):我們可以用"過(guò)去的過(guò)去"來(lái)概括過(guò)去完成時(shí),表示過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻或某一動(dòng)作之前已經(jīng)完成了的動(dòng)作,通常與by,before等構(gòu)成的短語(yǔ)或when, before, after引導(dǎo)的從句連用。也可表示過(guò)去某一時(shí)間開(kāi)始,一直延續(xù)到過(guò)去另一時(shí)間的動(dòng)作,常和for或since構(gòu)成的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。用法和現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)大致相同,只不過(guò)又向前推了一個(gè)時(shí)態(tài)。

  八個(gè)時(shí)態(tài)可能得讓你好好對(duì)付一陣子,但細(xì)細(xì)學(xué)來(lái),也并不困難。不信嗎? 試試趁熱打鐵你就知道了。


  1. The zoo _______ in the north of the city.

  A. lies

  B. builds

  C. seems

  D. lying

  2. --Tom ______out.

  --Oh, is he? What time _______ he ______ out?

  A. is, did, go

  B. went, is, going

  C. has gone, did, go

  D. is going, does, go

  3. --It must be on channel 2. Try that.

  --I ______ that. But I still can't get anything.

  A. have tried

  B. tried

  C. try

  D. will do

  4. They usually ________ TV in the evening.

  A. watch

  B. will watch

  C. are watching

  D. watches

  5. He has _______ for about twelve years.

  A. bought the house

  B. left here

  C. lived here

  D. gone here

  6. The two old man ________ each other since 1970.

  A. didn't seen

  B. don't see

  C. haven't see

  D. won't see

  7. Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese, because they ______ China for six years.

  A. have been in

  B. have been to

  C. have come to

  D. have gone to

  8. --Our country ______ a lot so far.

  --Yes, I hope it will be even ________.

  A. has changed , well

  B. changed, good

  C. has changed , better

  D. changed, better

  9. --I saw Ann _______ a green dress at the meeting.

  --I think she looks better _______ red.

  A. dressed , in

  B. put on, wear

  C. wearing, in

  D. wear, put on

  10. --I didn't come to school because my mother was ill yesterday.

  --I am sorry ______ that.

  A. hearing

  B. hear

  C. hears

  D. to hear


  1. There will be ______ interesting film tomorrow evening.

  A. a

  B. an

  C. the

  D. some

  2. --What's that over there ?

  -- It's ______ bag.

  A. I

  B. me

  C. my

  D. mine

  3. The students of Class One ______ on the playground.

  A. am playing

  B. is playing

  C. are playing

  D. was playing

  4. You'd better _______ late next time!

  A. not be

  B. not to be

  C. won't be

  D. don' t be

  5. He always gets up early, _______ he?

  A. is

  B. isn't he

  C. does

  D. doesn't

  6. ______ tall the building is!

  A. How a

  B. How

  C. What

  D. What a

  7. Lesson Seven is ________ one in this book.

  A. important

  B. more important

  C. most important

  D. the most important

  8. I will call you as soon as she ________ back.

  A. comes

  B. come

  C. came

  D. will come

  9. He put on his coat ______ went out.

  A. and

  B. but

  C. or

  D. so

  10. --______ I get there before six o'clock?

  -- No, you needn't.

  A. Can

  B. May

  C. Must

  D. Shall

  11. Their baby was born ______ April 2, 1997.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. by

  12. Her father is busy _______ the truck.

  A. mend

  B. mends

  C. mended

  D. mending

  13. We ________ the floor when she left.


  B. swept

  C. were sweeping

  D. are sweeping

  14. He wants ________ some apples and oranges.

  A. to buy

  B. buys

  C. bought

  D. buy

  15. Do you understand ______?

  A. what did he say

  B. he said what

  C. what does he say

  D. what he said


2017中考英語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)語(yǔ)法復(fù)習(xí) 提起時(shí)態(tài),當(dāng)然是指動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)啦。過(guò)去、現(xiàn)在和未來(lái)等不同時(shí)間段發(fā)生的事情要用不同的時(shí)態(tài)來(lái)表示。時(shí)態(tài)是動(dòng)詞的一種


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