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時(shí)間: 楊杰1209 分享

  Malcom 是一位青年詩人、教育家、行動(dòng)主義者。他演繹了一篇激動(dòng)人心的詩,講述高中第一線的生活。他說:“青少年像海洋一樣的遼闊,浩浩蕩蕩到來上課,卻從未學(xué)習(xí)過游泳,成長過程中男孩沒有了父親,卻模仿著成年人的男子氣概。”漂亮、饒富詩意、扣人心弦。下面是小編為大家收集關(guān)于TED英語演講:我的高中,我的訓(xùn)練場,歡迎借鑒參考。


  演說者:Malcolm London


  At 7:45 a.m., I open the doors to a building dedicated to building, yet only breaks me down. I march down hallways cleaned up after me every day by regular janitors, but I never have the decency to honor their names. Lockers left open like teenage boys' mouths when teenage girls wear clothes that covers their insecurities but exposes everything else. Masculinity mimicked by men who grew up with no fathers, camouflage worn by bullies who are dangerously armed but need hugs. Teachers paid less than what it costs them to be here. Oceans of adolescents come here to receive lessons but never learn to swim, part like the Red Sea when the bell rings.

  This is a training ground. My high school is Chicago, diverse and segregated on purpose. Social lines are barbed wire. Labels like "Regulars" and "Honors" resonate. I am an Honors but go home with Regular students who are soldiers in territory that owns them. This is a training ground to sort out the Regulars from the Honors, a reoccurring cycle built to recycle the trash of this system.

  Trained at a young age to capitalize, letters taught now that capitalism raises you but you have to step on someone else to get there. This is a training ground where one group is taught to lead and the other is made to follow. No wonder so many of my people spit bars, because the truth is hard to swallow. The need for degrees has left so many people frozen.

  Homework is stressful, but when you go home every day and your home is work, you don't want to pick up any assignments. Reading textbooks is stressful, but reading does not matter when you feel your story is already written, either dead or getting booked. Taking tests is stressful, but bubbling in a Scantron does not stop bullets from bursting.

  I hear education systems are failing, but I believe they're succeeding at what they're built to do -- to train you, to keep you on track, to track down an American dream that has failed so many of us all.

  清晨7點(diǎn)45分,我打開那扇門, 那扇通往建筑樓的門, 即便它只能讓我失望。 我走過門廊, 清潔工每日在我的身后打掃, 但我從未高尚地記住他們的名字。 儲(chǔ)物柜敞開著,就像青春期的男生們看到 女生們穿著暴露的衣服——那種除了掩飾她們的不安全感, 其實(shí)什么都沒有遮住的衣服時(shí),他們張大的嘴一樣。 處處彰顯著自己的男子氣概的, 是成長在沒有父親的家庭中的男人; 恃強(qiáng)凌弱、橫行霸道的, 是需要擁抱的持槍者。 老師們拿著不足以維持生計(jì)的薪水, 孩子們?nèi)绯彼话阌縼眈雎牻陶d, 卻從未學(xué)會(huì)游泳。 下課鈴一響,孩子們便像紅海分開一樣,彼此說再會(huì)。

  這就是我們的訓(xùn)練場。 我的高中,芝加哥, 在那里,學(xué)生被蓄意分隔成不同類別。 像有一張鐵絲網(wǎng)橫在我們中間一樣。 “普通學(xué)生”和“優(yōu)等生”的標(biāo)簽不絕于耳。 我是一個(gè)優(yōu)等生, 卻混雜在普通學(xué)生中一道回家。 那些普通學(xué)生,就像戰(zhàn)士站在統(tǒng)治他們的領(lǐng)地上一樣。 這就是我們的訓(xùn)練場: 永無止境地從優(yōu)等生中尋找平庸者, 只是為了回收體系的垃圾。

  從小接受的資本化訓(xùn)練告訴你, 雖然資本主義養(yǎng)育了你, 但你還必須踩在別人的肩膀上才能實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的目標(biāo)。 這就是我們的訓(xùn)練場: 在這里,一部分人被訓(xùn)練成領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者, 另一部分人被訓(xùn)練如何去服從。 為什么我們中很多人去饒舌, 因?yàn)檎嫦嗪茈y下咽。 對(duì)學(xué)位的需求讓許多人感到害怕。

  家庭作業(yè)讓人抓狂, 每當(dāng)你回到家中,你的家就是作業(yè), 你根本不想拿起作業(yè)本。 讀課本也讓人抓狂, 但有時(shí),讀書也沒有用:那就是當(dāng)你覺得 你的命運(yùn)已被決定—— 不是死亡,就是被征用的時(shí)候。 考試更讓人抓狂, 但是在答題卡上填涂得再多, 也無法阻止槍聲響起,子彈爆炸。

  我聽到我們的教育正在走向失敗, 但我以為, 我們的教育正是成功實(shí)現(xiàn)了它的預(yù)期目標(biāo)—— 訓(xùn)練你在已有的軌道上前行, 去追尋一個(gè)對(duì)于我們很多人來說 已經(jīng)失敗的美國夢。





