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  Distinguished parents: good afternoon ladies and gentlemen thank you for your time to attend today's symposium today to attend the parents of the child belong to different degrees of obesity children's parents. Hope that through today's lecture help parents and children. As people living standard unceasing enhancement parenting and children's dietary structure changes nutrient rich combined with the only child's special status and unscientific feeding incidence of childhood obesity is gradually increasing. We are beginning to realize that: childhood obesity is not a lovely sign obese children in the study character and life and so on various aspects will have a lot of inconvenience. Thick Samuel therefore we should not rain completes the relevant publicity and education work take the necessary preventive measures in order to effectively control the occurrence ji. Kindergarten is important place the growth of preschool children's life so make good FeiPanEr project management and the prevention and control work is our kindergarten care teachers bounden duty.

  In order to reduce and prevent children get fat we together with parents to discuss several problems: such as: what is the simple obesity? Simple obesity causes? Standards of obesity? Obesity can bring what harm? How to treat and so on. 1 what is the simple obesity? Obesity is due to the heat energy metabolic disorders the consumption of calories more than heat cause the body fat accumulation.

  Childhood obesity has two season:

  (1) infancy (that is within one year of age). In infancy the activities of the child is small have a long sleep eat nutritious food and some parents give their children eat don't control children eat a cry to him so it is easy to cause obesity. In infancy is fat children in two or three years later with the increase of children range range expansion obesity can be improved. But there are also children continue to get fat has maintained into adulthood.

  (2) the early school age (i.e. 5-8 years). Moderate above simple obesity of children age began to get fat is mostly in the 5 s the obesity of children this period is mainly caused by bad way of life: on the one hand the traditional diet habits in affects children if eat and drink too much eating and drinking; On the other hand the western dietary patterns are interfered with domestic children's diets such as too much sweet food and western fast food drink soft drinks cause excessive intake of calories and exercise less over a long period of time. As a result the extra calories to fat obesity. In obese children in China we found that obese children love to eat all kinds of meat sweet love to drink good appetite eat fast don't want to eat vegetables. Cause the cause of obesity in addition to the thermal energy intake too much too little exercise meditation time too long wait for a reason genetic endocrine disorders can also cause obesity.

  2 simple obesity causes?

  (1) genetic factors. According to the relevant information the parents have the obesity the possibility of children obesity has 32 ~ 34%; Both parents are obese the incidence of child obesity increased to 50 ~ 60%. On the other hand 72% of fat children parents have at least one person also have obesity. And now have found a variety of genes associated with obesity.

  Diction is eating too much and overnutrition. Obese children tend to eat a lot of high fat food sweet food especially the unlimited access to eat snacks and drink sweet drinks and these can cause obesity.

  (3) movement. Parents were busy with work no time to accompany children play together always let the children stay at home such as TV children can not get enough exercise gradually becomes less physical static activities more and more such as watching TV playing video games and so on these can make children reduce activity fat growth. Fat kid inactivity inactive children become more fat the result is a vicious circle.

  (4) parents have the wrong idea. Especially the parents of obese children think children as long as can eat is a good thing so the easiest way to produce a obese children.

  (5) the poor eating habits. Investigation shows that the more the more obese likes to eat meat don't like to eat vegetables such as child piddle parents aren't paying attention. In addition children inadvertently desperately eat more snacks get into the habit of snacking so poor eating habits will appear fat. So for children's obesity should be in many ways to find the reason targeted for treatment.


  Obese patients around the world more than a year a year due to cerebrovascular disease caused by obesity are becoming the stealth killer of people. Worldwide each year because of obesity caused by cardiac sudden death can be said to be countless. America's fattest Hollywood star Leo * Ross he waistline 6.2 feet weighs 385 pounds. He has a show in the UK because of heart failure was sent to Thompson first aid center rescue workers used the best medicine using the most advanced equipment still unable to save his life. Deathbed Leo rose despair who muttered: "your body is very large but your life need is only a heart dirty." Ross's words deeply touched thoracic surgery expert at present. In order to express their respect to the Ross's also in order to remind people of extraordinary weight at the same time the hospital had Ross's words on the hospital building.

  Later an American billionaire oil tycoon's also admitted to the hospital because of heart failure he saw the Ross's dying left by this sentence vibration is very large. A month later he was released from the hospital but he didn't back to the United States but sold his company live to more than ten years ago in Scotland bought a villa in the countryside. In 20XX Thompson hospital one hundred celebrations the Merle is invited. Reporter asked why he sold his company he pointed to the hospital building star Leo rose left the line of gold. Merle: rich and obesity is to get more than what you need.

  Who know that gold is a good thing but to wear gold on the wings of birds the birds could not fly. As Merle said: rich and obesity are won over what they need. This reminds me of a trap to catch the monkey. People put the coconut hollowed out and then tied with a rope fixed in the tree or on the ground left a small hole on the coconut inside put some food. The hole size just have to let the monkey stretch into a empty handed but can't hold the fist back to. Sniff the monkey will grasp the food it's his hand into but how also not clenched fist out of the mouth of the cave. When the hunter the monkey panic but not escape. No one caught the monkey the monkey was captured by his own obsession.

  Person's life is often like this. Excessive pursuit of wealth excessive pursuit of fame but only to find the end the excessive pursuit of like obesity often goes well beyond the needs of the people and will bring us harm and disaster be made killer. The killer came for the only goal is our own.

  It reminds me of the medieval Egypt Syria yemen and Palestinian sultan saladin. Prominent in his life but in front of the dead was a strange command asked his hands after he died his body wrapped in a shroud of the ordinary then car pulled led the army through the towns and villages. Everywhere to send people to the people's declared: "he used to have many countries provinces and countless wealth but now all his property is only the worthless shroud."

  Yes body is very large but our life need is only a heart dirty; Person's life is very long but what we need most is? Perhaps this needs us to every person who wants to live with the practice of life to think and explore. In a word we can't spend and waste your lives accumulating things that seem to be reduced to ashes. Only thoughts and inner enrichment can give meaning to life and has eternal value. Although our body will decay our hands will wither but it's true kindness beauty and wisdom of life but will always flashing light.


  Teachers ladies and gentlemen fellow cashman each female Sir good afternoon (morning).

  The topic of my speech is "let didnt fight obesity"!

  As we all know the four most beautiful women in ancient China: sink fish xi shi close your month the sable cicada wild goose zhaojun shame to spend Yang. Four big beautiful women there are three willow slender waist graceful but Yang height 1 meter 64 the weight be 138 catties.

  Datang fat as beauty datang emperor and Yang are all very favorite godson troops stationed height less than 1 meter 8 the weight be 330 catties.

  Yang troops stationed belong to obesity. The medical definition of obesity is that a certain degree of obvious overweight fat layer too thick is the body fat especially triglycerides accumulation is overmuch and lead to a state. Obesity can cause human pathology physiology psychological change is a disorder of latent factors.

  Whether their obesity the simplest method comparison method is height and weight minus 30 adult male height minus 50 adult female height is basically equal to the standard weight. Such as troops stationed 1 meter 8 minus 30 is equal to 150 catties. Such as Yang 1 meter 64 minus 50 equal to 114 catties. The 150 and 114 and relative to their height even the standard weight.

  Teacher please everyone here oneself measure is overweight. Multiple QiBaJin of course a QiBaJin less also calculate normal. (this can be a slight pause 10 to 20 seconds smile to observe the teachers to measure)

  Obesity is generally divided into two categories category because of illness taking hormone cause the endocrine disorder cause obesity. This fat known as symptomatic of obesity. This kind of obese patients accounted for about 5% of the obesity.

  Another type of obesity is eating too much eating quantity of heat more than itself heat consumption excess fat accumulated in the body form the fat cells lead to obesity this type of fat is called simple obesity. This kind of obesity more than 90% of the total number of obese people. We beat the main obesity.

  The causes of the obesity there are the following:

  (1) genetic factors caused by obesity

  General parents obesity the possibility of children obesity is big;

  (2) the unreasonable diet structure caused by obesity

  Mainly due to partial obesity;

  (3) too little movement lead to obesity

  Modern habits affluent and comfortable living environment the lack of sports consciousness lack of exercise behavior. Some people in particular after the meal down on the bed lay or after a meal a long time sit in front of computers TV sets a sit for hours rarely rarely movement become a otaku women don't go out for a long time "ma3 wu2 ye4’s grass isn't fat" eat sleep eat sitting not fat just strange!

  (4) medicial is also the important reason for the obesity

  Medicial make human body in the liver spleen kidney dysfunction stocks and so on can't redundant adipose is converted into heat discharge heat deposition in the body cause obesity;

  (5) spiritual factors is also one reason for the obesity

  As the saying goes: "laugh and grow fat." No thought burden eat sweet digestion absorption also very good. Or "sorrow" eating and drinking these can make heat soar lead to obesity.

  We know the definition of obesity we know that the standard of the obesity we know the causes of obesity standards and reasons and suit the remedy to the case the best prescription in addition to the diet not partial eclipse is movement is strong and handsome.

  Diet not partial eclipse is very simple hun vegetable collocation is good or bad to eat Chinese food to eat for breakfast dinner only eat my follow this is ok. Best don't "snack" horses have ye4’s grass isn eat satisfied to sleep must fatten up.

  Sports fitness is also very simple choose their favorite sports develop early to bed and early to rise makes routine perseverance unceasingly life movement.

  To bed early to put it bluntly it is morning early in the evening shut the computer off the TV it must be very simple. However a person as long as the simple one of the most simple little things for a long time for a long time stick to it he will very not easy!

  Sports aerobics aerobics can let the muscle oxygen content increased the oxygen content increases can get higher protein in the blood protein were able to increase our number of immune cells and immune cells increases will enhance immunity. At the same time aerobic exercise help the body carcinogens toxic and harmful substances timely drain discharge Julius promote metabolism Julius to speed up the fat consumption there is conducive to mental health.

  A person full of energy metabolism the body strong definitely helps with confidence definitely helps spirits certainly beneficial to emotional balance definitely helps the sun is shining definitely helps keep youth!

  One of Hong Kong shadow habitat song and dance male star. Birth name orea 20 xx years height 1 meter 83 72-75 kg health spirit sunshine youth. Has Hong Kong reporter asked hello how are you how do you keep youth?

  Hello how are you use English to answer the three tips: 1 smile; 2 peace of mind; 3 intense sport. (1 2 3 it's best to use English speak and then repeat in Chinese)

  The three secret was indeed the young and middle-aged people keep the youth is the best medicine.

  Smile always can give a person a kind of close to the feeling of affinity harmonious and kind is the manifestation of people and internal quality. The original Shanghai underworld eldest brother the mobsters said "wait have skill no temper." Comedian Hou Yuewen also said "ability is big small temper." Small temper temper show the image of course is the smile.

  Peace of mind it is people's inner quality is to control yourself control your emotions. This belongs to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a person to myself and to others emotional evaluation adjustment and control ability. People with high emotional intelligence is good at to communicate with people good interpersonal relationship is not easy to own mood swings also not easy is at the mercy of others feelings. Former U.S. President George Bush said: you can transfer the mood you will be able to mobilize all!

  Intense movement fundamentally let oneself healthy body healthy body can promote the psychological health physical and mental health can calm can keep smiling.

  Between the three secret it is the dialectical unification relations contact each other promote each other. Of course for the elderly not to strenuous exercise simply select the appropriate gentle exercise.

  So I want to shout loudly: movement is one of the most important! Go to the sports go to the fitness! Let the sports fitness to overcome!

  So I want to actively advocate: body building is one of the most important! Go to the fitness the gym. Again beautiful face body beautiful than you!





