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  Recently our class have had a heated discussion on how middle school students should make friends.

  As we all know, good interpersonal relationship plays an important role in building harmonious society.

  Many people suggest that they should make friends who are of great benefit to their studies, so they will help each other and make greater progress with their studies. Some believe that they should have friends related to their life. Whenever they have difficulty dealing with problems in terms of life, they can help rid themselves of the problems. In addition, others agree that they should have some friends who can listen to them attentively and share their bitterness and joy.

  What I want to stress is that each of us should have a true friend. To make friends, we should try to remember the names of the people we contact and learn not to judge people by their appearances. Besides, we need to be friendly and care about them. When disagreement does occur, it's wise of us to talk it over to others. In brief, making true friends can really enable us to improve ourselves.


  What are the most important personal traits linking to success in business? Recent research indicates that human relations are very important in business. “Integrity” and “ability to get along with others” are by far the most important success-related characteristics while “inability to understand others” and “inability to work with others” two most common failings. Luckily, human relations skills can be learned, and practice helps to improve performance.

  One skill that is helpful in working with people is being able to observe accurately. Most of time, we see events around us from a very personal viewpoint. Our observations are usually laced with assumptions and inferences that distort our ability to see what is happening. Practice in accurate observation helps us to respond more appropriately to the people around us.

  The second skill is listening. Listening to other is the most important skill we can learn. We can learn to hear what the other people are saying without defensiveness or judgmental attitudes. We can learn ways to respond, so that other person knows that we have heard what he or she was trying to say.

  The third area for learning in human relations is assertiveness: expressing our needs, feelings and ideas clearly, but without stifling others or putting them down. Many interpersonal problems arise from our inability to say what is on our minds in a proper way that people can accept.

  The fourth area related to our ability is to recognize the culturally conditioned values of people we work with, and to be able to take them into account. Especially when these values clash with our own, we need to be sensible to the implications of this conflict for our work.


  Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal human growth and development. However, in recent years, educators have expressed their concern about the ability of interpersonal relationship among students in institutions of higher education. According to a survey conducted by Hebei University, many college-age students regard interpersonal relationship as the biggest headache.

  Increasing diversity and rapid changes in our society make interacting with others more and more complex and difficult. With limited life experiences and social skills, college students face more challenges in dealing with interpersonal relationship. This is especially true for students coming from rural areas. Because of the lack of social skills, they are often rejected by others — and rejection gives them even fewer chances to learn how to interact with others.

  In my opinion, now that interpersonal relationship is important to students’ development, colleges should offer courses about comprehensive interpersonal relationships. The course should address the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors involved in participating in positive relationships in the family and with individuals at school, in the community and in the workplace.


人際關系是一種對立統(tǒng)一的關系。人與人之間既有相互依存、互相吸引的一面,也有相互分離、相互排斥的一面。下面是學習啦小編為大家整理幾篇改善人際關系的英文,希望對你有幫助。 改善人際關系的英文篇一 Recently our class have had a


  • 十招改善你的人際關系


  • 改善人際關系的原則


  • 改善人際關系的方法有哪些


  • 改善人際關系
