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中文 從女性主義角度解讀《寵兒》
英文 An Analysis of Beloved:AFeminism
學(xué)生姓名 張xxx 專業(yè) 英語 年級 10
指導(dǎo)教師 xxx 職稱 單位
畢業(yè)論文寫作時間 年 月 日至 年 月 日
Toni Morrison, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, is a towering figure in the contemporary American and African-American letters and has drawn a lot of attention from the mainstream critics at home and abroad. Her fifth novel, Beloved, which won her the Pulizer Prize in 1988, is considered by many critics’ great interests and it has been regarded as “a milestone in American literary history.”
Toni Morrison focus on black history and black women, writing black women in white-led and male domination of the social environment in search of the difficult process of self. “Beloved” is the masterpiece of slavery, describing the mentality of the three generation of black women. Morrison heroes of numerous fragmented and dispersed memory to wear a period of misery and heavy historical performance of black women trying to find self-identity of the difficult journey. Novel, Morrison described black women trying to find the road to get rid of the suffering of self-salvation, thinking about how black women to find the right life of self-worth, summed up the edge of crisis for black women a humane, rational, democracy, freedom and spirit of the Enlightenment.
The Black Feminism Crisis of Beloved: By selecting the true material of bloody salve story, the real intention of Morrison’s writing is not to frighten the readers, but to confront, reconstruct, and recover the past traumatic events and find a way out. Morrison has the strong ethnic consciousness. She strives for the improvement of African-American material life and social status. Meanwhile she has her eyes on her people’s future. In doing so, Morrison wants to prove that the Blacks are a people full of hopes. Since the future is inextricably tied to the past, she hopes that black people could combine the present with the past to rethink about the origin of today’s misery and find out something that enlightens their present and future. The way out suggested by Morrison is not only instrumental to the survival of African-Americans in a white-dominated culture, but may provide some hints to the survival of other marginalized. Morrison’s focus is not only her black people and she has a huge horizon for the whole human beings. The novel Beloved is not only serving for her black people, but also belongs to all the races. Therefore, the effect and value of the novel is far-reaching.
1.Introduce of Toni Morrison,and the theme and background of Beloved
2. Feminist Theory and Black Feminism
3. Analysis of Black Feminism in Beloved
From the reference and basis on the previous research, having a comprehensive analysis of Beloved about the character of the protagonist and awakening experience and seeking the feminism it symbolized.
Feminist Criticism Theory or Black Feminist Criticism
1.Reading some relative books to master the feminist theory
2.Reading some researching articles and essays from other writers in order to deepen my knowledge of Beloved and this novel.
3. Having an intensive reading of The Beloved and integrating the theory into the novel.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 An Introduction to Toni Morrison and Beloved
1.2.1 About Toni Morrison
1.2.2 AboutBeloved
1.3 Aims and Objective
2. Literature Review
2.1 Previous foreign research
2.2 Previous domestic research
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction of Feminism
3.2 The Development of Feminism
3.3 The Core of Feminism
4. Textual analysis
4.1 Black Women’s Struggle: Anti-sexism and Anti-racism
4.1.1 Sexual discrimination
4.1.2 Racial oppression from White Racists
4.1.3 The awakening of Feminine Consciousness
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