Pi演算起源于上世紀80年代,由圖靈獎得住Robin Milner提出。它是一種描述和分析并發(fā)系統(tǒng)的演算模型,是用演算中的歸約表示由進程間的相互通信形成的動態(tài)演化。以下是學習啦小編今天為大家精心準備的計算機類相關(guān)職稱論文:應(yīng)用Pi的演算。內(nèi)容僅供閱讀與參考!
由于Internet與移動通信的快速發(fā)展和安全通信的需求,出現(xiàn)了適應(yīng)種種形式分析目的的一大類應(yīng)用π-演算(Application π-Calculus)[ ];本文從π-演算出發(fā),對其進行嚴格的討論與介紹。
1.1 名字與進程
設(shè)Χ = {_, y, z, . .} 是名字(names)集(可將名字看作是通信中的通道channels of communication),??_,
P:: = 0 //空進程
| P|Q //并發(fā)(并行)進程
| !P //復(fù)制進程(無窮多次)
| _.P //在通道_上發(fā)送y(輸出)后執(zhí)行進程P
| _(y).P //將從通道_上接收的名字賦給y后執(zhí)行進程P
| ν_.P //將名字_限制到進程P中使用,P的私有名字
1.2 自由與約束的名字
fn(0) = ?; //空進程無自由名字
fn(P|Q) = fn(P) ? fn(Q);
fn(!P) = fn(P);
fn(_.P) = {_,y}?fn(P); //對于輸出,_,y是自由名字
fn(_(y).P) = {_} ? (fn(P)-{y}); //對于輸入,_是自由名字,y不是自由名字
fn(v_.P) = fn(P)-{_} //對于限制,_不是自由名字
稱fn(P)為進程P的自由名字集,若_?fn(P),稱名字_在進程P中是自由的;如果進程P中的名字_不是自由名字,則稱為約束名字,用bn(P)表示P的約束名字集,記nP=fn(P) ? bn(P)并稱為P的名字集;對a(_).P或(?_).P,將在P中自由出現(xiàn)的_稱為被a(_)或(?_)約束的名字;注意,有P,使fn(P)?bn(P) ? ?,即某個名字_可能同時在P中自由出現(xiàn)與約束出現(xiàn).
a?_?.P | a(y).Q | (?_)a?_?.R
a?_?.(_?b?.P | _?c?.R)
中的(_?b?.P | _?c?.R)里兩處_均被a(_)約束,是a(_)的約束名字,而
a?_?.(_?b?.P | (?_)a?_?.R)
1 稱名字w對進程P是新鮮(fresh)的,若w ? nP;
2 自由名字的代入:對任何進程P,進程P[z/_]是將P里每個自由出現(xiàn)的_改為z而得的進程,稱為在進程P里對自由名字進行代入。
3 約束名字的改名:(1)對進程 a(_).P的約束名字_可用z改名并將改名結(jié)果記為a(z).P[z/_],如果z?fn(P);(2)對進程 (?_).P的約束名字_可用z改名并將改名結(jié)果記為(?z).P[z/_],如果z?fn(P);
1 對a(_).P或(?z).P改名的結(jié)果并不導(dǎo)致a(_).P或(?z).P里的任何名字的自由出現(xiàn)變?yōu)榧s束出現(xiàn);
2 為防止改名失敗,可簡單地使用新鮮名字來改名,
例:代入 (y(_).0 | a(y).y| (?z)y.0)[z/y] 的結(jié)果是z(_).0 | a(y).y|(?z)y.0或者z(_).0 | a(y).y|(
1550;w)y.0;但不可為:(z(_).0 | a(y).z|(?z)y.0)
1.2 ?-同余(?-congruence)
C1 = a(_).P | a(y).Q | (?z)a?z?.R
C2 = a(_).P | a(y).Q | (?w)a?w?.R
1.3 結(jié)構(gòu)同余(structural congruence)
SC1: 若P??Q,則P?Q,
SC2: P|0 ? P //自反
SC3: P|Q ? Q|P, //交換
SC4: P|(Q|R) ? (P|Q)|R //結(jié)合
SC5: (?_)0 ? 0,(?_)(?y)P ≡ (?y)(?_)P.
SC6: (?_)(P|Q) ≡ P|(?_)Q, 如果 _ ?fn(P)
例:如果y?fn(P),則 (?y)P ≡ P
P ≡ P|0 SC2
? P ≡ 0|P SC3
? P ≡ (?_)0|P SC5
? P ≡ (?_)(0|P) SC6
? P ≡ (?_)P SC2
P ≡ P|0 SC2
≡ 0|P SC3
≡ (?_)0|P SC5
≡ (?_)(0|P) SC6
≡ (?_)P SC2
1.4 歸約Reduction rules
定義The main reduction rule which captures the ability of processes to communicate through channels is the following:
_.P | _(z).Q → P | Q[y/z]
where Q[y/z] is the process Q www.51lunwen.com/jsjzy/ where the name y has been substituted to the namez. There are 3 more rules, one of which is
If P → Q then also P|E → Q|E.
It says that parallel composition does not inhibit computation. Similarly, the rule
If P → Q then also (ν _)P → (ν _)Q
ensures that computation can proceed underneath a restriction.
Finally we have the structural rule
If P ≡ P' → Q' ≡ Q, then also P → Q .
MEM(_) = out.MEM(_) + in(y).MEM(y)
The memory cell MEM can either output its contents, _ and then continue as MEM(_) (i.e. as itself), or input ano
ther value, y, and then continue as MEM(y), as itself but with another content
b.S | b(c).c. P → S|a.P
(?a)(b.S | R) | b(c).c. P → (?a)(b.S | R | b(c).c. P )
→ (?a)( S | R | a.P)
_<8,3>|_(z1,z2).y→ y[(8,3)/(z1,z2)] = y
_|_|_u.y → _|y 或 _|_|_u.y → _|y
_| _u.y| _u.z → y| _u.z 或 _| _u.y| _u.z→ _u.y|z
_|(?z)(z|zu.y) → _|(?_)(_|_u.y)
→ _|(?_)y→ _|(?n)y
_|(?_)(_|_u.y) → _|(?z)(z|zu.y)
→ _|(?n)y→ _|(?_)y
_|_u.u→ y
(?y)(_|yv.P)|_u.u→ (?y)(yv.P)|y→ (?y)P[7/v]
(?y)(_|yv.P)|_u.u? (?y)(_|yv.P|_u.u) → (?y)(yv.P|y) → (?y)P[7/v]
a(_).P | a(y).Q | (?z)a?z?.R → (?w) (P[w/_] | R[w/z]) | a(y).Q (w是新鮮fresh的)
a(_).P | a(y).Q | (?z)a?z?.R → (?w) (Q[w/_] | R[w/z]) | a(_).P (w是新鮮fresh的)
A sum (P + Q) can be added to the synta_. It behaves like a nondeterministic choice betweenP and Q.
A test for name equality (if _=y then P else Q) can be added to the synta_. Similarly, one may addname inequality.
The asynchronous π-calculus allows only _.0, not _.P.
The polyadic π-calculus allows communicating more than one name in a single action:_.P and _(y1,y2,...).P. It can be simulated in the monadic calculus by passing the name of aprivate channel though which the multiple arguments are then passed in sequence.
Replication !P is not usually needed for arbitrary processes P. One can replace !P withreplicated or lazy input !_(y).P without loss of e_pressive power. The correspondingreduction rule is
_.P | !_(z).Q → P | !_(z).Q | Q[y/z].
Processes like !_(y).P can be understood as servers, waiting on channel _ to be invoked by clients.Invokation of a server spawns a new copy of the process P[a/y], where a is the name passed by the client to the server,during the latter's invokation.
A higher order π-calculus can be defined where not names but processes are sent through channels. Thekey reduction rule for the higher order case is
_.P | _(v).Q → P | Q[R/v].
In this case, the process _.P sends the process R to _(v).Q. Sangiorgi established the surprisingresult that the ability to pass processes does not increase the e_pressivity of the π-calculus: passing a process Pcan be simulated by just passing a name that points to P instead.
Turing completeness
See also
• Calculus of CommunicatingSystems
• Communicating seque
• Calculus of BroadcastingSystems
• Ambient calculus
• Join calculus
• Robin Milner : Communicating and Mobile Systems: thePi-Calculus, Springer Verlag, ISBN0521658691
• Davide Sangiorgi and David Walker: The Pi-calculus: A Theory of Mobile Processes, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521781779
E_ternal links
• Citations from CiteSeer
• PiCalculus on the C2 wiki
ip calculus, name, pi calcuus, free, pi caculus, rule, pic alculus, one, picalculus, channel, i calculus, binds, pi clculus, turing, pi claculus, passing, pi calculsu, model, p calculus, added, pi alculus, sangiorgi, p icalculus, active, pi aclculus, input, pi calculu, concurrently, pi caclulus, defined, pi calculs, structural, pi caluclus, channels, , passed, pi calcluus, simulated, pi calulus, invokation, pi calclus, case, pi calcuuls, walker
1._ 解釋:
• _(y).P, which binds the name y in P, means "input some name – call it y – onthe channel named _";
• _.P, which binds the name y in P, means "output the name y on the channel named_";
• P|Q, means that the processes P and Q are concurrently active (this is the constructionwhich really gives the power to model concurrency to the π-calculus);
• ν_.P, which binds the name _ in P, means that the usage of _ is "restricted" to theprocess P;
• !P means that there are infinitely many processes P concurrently active (this construction might not bepresent in the definition of the π-calculus but it is needed for the π-calculus to be turing complete ), formally !P → P |!P;
• 0 is the null process which cannot do anything. Its purpose is to serve as basis upon which one builds otherprocesses.
•通信通道-(參考:01 lecture21-pi.ppt)
Speaker = air
Phone = air(_).wire //電纜
ATT = wire(_).fiber //光纖
System = Speaker | Phone | ATT
Speaker | Phone ? wire
wire| ATT ? fiberComposing these reductions we get:
Speaker | Phone | ATT ? fiber
無限制通道是可視的,Anybody can monitor an unrestricted channel:Consider that we define
WireTap = wire(_).wire.NSA
–Copies the messages from the wire to NSA
–Possible since the name “wire” is globally visible
WireTap | wire| ATT ? wire.NSA| ATT
? NSA| fiber
•The restriction operator “(?c) p” makes a f
resh channel c within process p.
– ? is the Greek letter “nu”–The name “c” is local (bound) in p
•Restricted channels cannot be monitored.
wire(_) … | (? wire)(wire| ATT) ! wire(_) … | fiber
•The scope of the name “wire” is restricted
•There is no conflict with the global “wire”•Restriction
–is a binding construct (like ?, 8, 9, ...)
–is le_ically scoped
–allocates a new object (a channel)
(?c)p is like “let c = new Channel() in p”••In particular, c can be sent outside its scope.
–But only if “p” decides so
–Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) (Hoare, 1978)
–Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) (Milner, 1980)
–The Pi calculus (Milner, 1989 and others)
[15] R. Milner, A calculus of communicating systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 92, Springer, Berlin, 1980.
[16] Milner, R., www.51lunwen.com/jsjzy/ Communication and Concurrency, Prentice Hall, 1989
[AG97] Martin Abadi and Andrew D. Gordon. A calculus for cryptographic protocols: The spi calculus. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Zurich, pages 36{47. ACM Press, April 1997。