
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 新聞資訊 > 學(xué)習(xí)資訊 > 外研社版小學(xué)英語五年級(jí)上冊(cè)復(fù)習(xí)大全(2)


時(shí)間: 燕妮639 分享



  1.would like to do 想要干……2.what time 問事情什么時(shí)間點(diǎn)發(fā)生3.at nine o’clock 在九點(diǎn)4.half past seven 七點(diǎn)半5. do exercises 做運(yùn)動(dòng)6.in the playground 在操場上7.skipping rope 跳繩8.get up 起床9.sam and amy’s school sam 和amy的學(xué)校10.in England 在英國11.do morning exercises 做早操12.go into the classroom 進(jìn)入教室

  句型1.時(shí)間的表達(dá) 在幾點(diǎn)幾分用at

  (1).整點(diǎn)時(shí)間 數(shù)字+o’clock 例 7點(diǎn) seven o’clock 在七點(diǎn) at seven o’clock

  8點(diǎn) eight o’clock 在8點(diǎn) at eight o’clock

  (2)半點(diǎn)表達(dá) half past +數(shù)字

  例: 7點(diǎn)半 half past seven 在7點(diǎn)半 at half past seven

  8點(diǎn)半 half past eight 在8點(diǎn)半 at half past eight

  2.A: What time does school start?學(xué)校幾點(diǎn)開始?B:My school starts at nine o’clock

  3.AWhat time do you get up?B:I get up at half past seven。


  1. what’s the matter? 發(fā)生什么事了? 2. miss china 想念中國3. play chess 下象棋

  4. of course not 當(dāng)然5. think about 思考,考慮6. on the farm 在農(nóng)場上7. all day 整天 8. go out 出去 9. go out to play 出去玩耍10. noodle soup 面條湯

  句型:Are you feeling ……? 你覺得……嗎?Yes, I am No, I’m not.

  表示一種情緒狀態(tài)。表示情緒狀態(tài)的詞有:sad 難過: bored 無聊 angry 生氣: happy 高興: tired 勞累: hungry 饑餓


  1. in the road 在路上2. be dangerous 危險(xiǎn) 3. cross the road 穿過馬路4. hold my hand 握住我的手5. say hello to 給……說你好 6. in a hurry =hurry up 趕緊,匆忙7. take the right child 帶走正確的孩子8. do homework 做家庭作業(yè)9. ride bicycle 騎自行車10. play the flute 吹笛子11. eat fruit 吃水果

  句型1. You should +動(dòng)詞原形 你應(yīng)該做……事。


  例:(1)You should look, then cross the road.(2)You should take the right child。

  (3)You should say hello to my friend。(4)You should hold my hand。

  2. You shouldn’t +動(dòng)詞原形 你不應(yīng)該干……事。

  例: You shouldn’t run in the road. 你不應(yīng)該在馬路上跑

  外研版五年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)復(fù)習(xí)資料 一、常見特殊疑問句(由疑問詞when、what、who、where、whose、how等引導(dǎo)

  1.When did you come back? We came back last Sunday.

  2.What did you do at the weekend? I visited lots of places.

  3.Where did you go last Sunday ? We went to the British Museum.

  4.How many bananas/oranges do you want? Six,please.

  5.How much cheese do you want ? Half a kilo.

  7.What time do you get up ? I get up at half past seven.

  8.What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock.

  9.What can you do?I can sing well.

  10.Whose bag is this ?It’s Lingling’s bag.

  11.How did you go? I went by bike.

  12.What do you want ? I want a skirt.

  13.Whatare you going to do? We’re going to have lunch together.

  14.What’s the matter?Nothing.

  15.What are we going to take on our picnic?Let’s make a list.

  16.Whatare you thinking about? It’s a secret’


  1.Are you feeling sad?Yes,I am./No,I’m not.

  2.Did they buy ice cream? Yes,they did./No,they didn’t.

  3.Can we have a dog,please? No,we can’t.

  4.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt?Did Lingling like it ?

  Did he go to London? Yes,he did./No,he didn’t.

  5Do you like cheese? 6.Do you miss China?

  7.Do you skip in the playground? Do you walk to school? Do you skip in the playground?

  8.Do you want to play chess? 9.Do you feel tired?

  10.Do you want to be in our football team? 11.Do you live in London ,too?yes,Ido.No I don’t.

  12.Can you catch the ball well?Yes,I can.

  13.Are you good at table tennis?Yes,I am./No,I’m not.

  14.Is this Sam’s T-shirt? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

  15.Are there enough chair? Yes,there are./No,there are

  16.Is he feeling sad?

  17.Can she control the ball well? No,she can’t.

  18.Can I be a goalkeeper?Yes,you can./No,you can’t.


  1.She plays football very well.2.He plays football very badly.

  3.He jumpsvery high. 4.She runs very fast.

  5.Lingling wants to go to school with Amy.

  6.They took photos of the mountains. 7.Then we went to the classroom.

  8.Today I helped my grandfather.

  9.I dropped my ice cream. 10.Yesterday I went to the park with sam and Amy.

  11.I went to the zoo by bus. 12.Sam tookmy T-shirt.

  13.Then we went by bus. 14.We bought ice creams.

  14.I went to the park. 15.I sawlots of places.

  16.I went home by bus. 17.I bought twenty-five pencils yesterday.

  四、There be 句型

  1.There are too many books on the desk.2.There are too many apples in the bag.

  3. There is not enough time. There is only one hat.

  4.There are enough pencils. 5.There are not enough cars.

  6.There are too many people. 7.There are ten pencils in the blue box.

  五、人稱代詞賓格:him/her/me/them/it 名詞性物主代詞:mine/hers/his/yours

  1.This man is blind.He can’t see.This dog helps him.

  2.This girl is deaf.She can’t hear.This dog helps her.

  3.These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.

  4.This little girl can’t swim. Her mother helps her .

  5.This is my hat.It is mine.6.This is your T-shirt.It is yours.

  7.That is his big coat .It is his. 8.This is her sweater.It is hers.


  1、You should look,then cross the road. You should eat fruit/apples.

  You should take the right child.You should say hello to my friends.

  You should hold my hand,too.

  2.You shouldn’t walk in the road. You shouldn’t jump on the bed.

  3.I can do it very well. She was three then.She couldn’t swim.

  4、When I was two years old. I could laugh. I couldn’t run.


  1. Can I have some water?I’m thirsty. 2. I’ve got a present.I’m happy.

  3.I lost my favourite toy. I’m sad. 4. I want to eat a hamburger.I’m very hungry.

  5.Can we play chess?I’m bored. 6.I played basketball.I’m so tired.

  7.Today I won a chess game.Now I feel happy.

  8.Yesterday I lost my bag.I can’t find it. I feel sad.

  9.I can smell some nice noodle soup. I feel hungry.

  10.It’s raining and I can’t go out to play.I feel bored.