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  1.so that 以便

  2. be willing to do sth. 樂意(做某事)

  3. according to 根據(jù)

  4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一

  5. quite an expensive place=such an expensive place=so expensive a place 消費相當高的一個地方

  6. in general 總的來說,大體上來說

  7. consider doing sth. 考慮做某事

  8. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth for sb.為某人提供某物9. be convenient to do sth 做某事很方便

  10. continue sth./doing sth./ to do sth.繼續(xù)做某事 11. be stressed out=be under a lot of pressure 壓力很大

  12. hold on to sth./ doing sth. 繼續(xù),堅持,保持做某事

  go on to do (繼續(xù)做另一件事) go on doing sth. / go on with sth.(繼續(xù)做同一件事)

  13. quite a few 相當多, 不少14. be away for three weeks離開三個星期 15. outdoor activities 戶外運動

  16. trek(trekked/trekking)through the jungle穿越叢林 go trekking in the Amazon jungle 穿越亞馬遜叢林

  17. sail across the Pacific駕船橫渡太平洋18. call sb. back 給某人回電話19.fantastic sights迷人的景點

  20. take it easy 從容,輕松,不緊張21. some day(將來)/ one day(過去/將來) 某一天

  22. take the underground train=take the subway乘地鐵23. translate …into… 把…翻譯成…

  24. have similar hopes有著相似的夢想/希望25. travel spots 度假的好去處26. as soon as possible 盡快地

  27. pack light/warm clothes 裝上薄(淺色)/暖和的衣服28. go on a nature tour 自然之旅

  29. A be similar to B A 和B相似(A和B為同類事物)

  (sb.)be familiar with sth. 某人對某事熟悉 (sth.)be familiar to sb 某事對某人來說很熟悉

  30. have a “winner’s” attitude擁有成功者的心態(tài) 31. the Amazon Jungle of Brazil 巴西的亞馬遜叢林

  32. have a great whale watch tour 有一次很棒的鯨魚秀之旅 33. Niagara Falls (北美洲)尼亞加拉大瀑布

  34. be supposed to do sth. 理應/應該做某事35. dream of/about sth./doing sth. 夢想,幻想,向往

  36. thousands of 數(shù)以千計的,許許多多的37. the Eiffel Tower (法國巴黎) 埃菲爾鐵塔

  38. depend on 決定于(=It’s up to sb./sth.)39. Notre Dame Cathedral (法國)巴黎圣母院

  40. somewhere warm/relaxing 比較暖和/輕松的地方41. relax on the beach 在沙灘上休息

  42. pay for/ spend on/ cost/區(qū)別43.have a good education受到好的教育



  I would love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in/

  I’d like to trek through the Amazon jungle ofBrazil.

  2. -如果我們能一起去度假,難道不是很棒嗎?-不啊,聽起來還不錯。

  Wouldn’t it be great if we could go on a vacation together? -Yes, it sounds good.


  I hope to visit Hawaii one day. Would you be interested in going there?

  4.我喜歡天氣很暖和的地方/ 當?shù)厝撕苡焉频牡胤健?/p>

  I love places where the weather is always warm/ where the people are really friendly.


  I have to go out for half an hour. Could you please answer the phone?

  6.給我留條我好回電話。Just take the messages and I’ll call people back.

  7.下一次休假你為何不考慮到巴黎去玩一趟呢?For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?

  8. 巴黎是法國的首都,也是歐洲最有活力的城市之一。

  Paris is the capital city ofFranceand is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.

  9. 他又一些迷人的景點,包括埃菲爾鐵塔和巴黎圣母院-----世界上最著名的教堂之一。

  It has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

  10.乘出租車游巴黎要花很多錢,但是乘地鐵去城市的大部分地方卻通常很方便。 Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places.

  11.但是總的來說,法國是一個高消費的地方。In general, though,Franceis quite an expensive place.


  Unless you speak French yourself, it’s the best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.


  I hope you can provide me with the information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.

  14. 那必須是個我們能做很多戶外運動的地方。It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities.

  15. 如果我們能找到帶有廚房的房子就再好不過了,那樣我們就能自己做飯省錢了。

  It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could save money by cooking our own meals.

  16. 畢業(yè)后你愿意做什么? What would you like to do after finishing your education?

  17. 似乎一些學生希望盡快開始工作,以便他們可以使父母生活地更好。

  It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.

  18. 其他學生希望畢業(yè)后進大學繼續(xù)深造。

  Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to university.

  19. 根據(jù)問卷調(diào)查,最受歡迎的工作是電腦程序設計。

  According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

  20. 還有相當多的人說他們的夢想是有一天能去月球。

  Quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day.

  21. 不太現(xiàn)實的夢想也很普遍,但是許多學生說他們希望通過努力來實現(xiàn)夢想。Less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.

  22. 擁有夢想非常重要,所以堅持你的夢想,總有一天他們會實現(xiàn)的。

  It’s very important to dream, so hold on to your dreams, one day they may just come true.



  1. put off sth. /doing/put it off (v.+adj.)推遲…2. not only…but(also)…不僅…而且…(就近原則;倒裝)

  3. give out =hand out ( v.+ adv.)分發(fā),發(fā)放 4. set up ( v.+ adv.)=establish =start 建立,創(chuàng)立,開辦

  5. take after =look like(外貌)/be like(性格)與…相像(be similar to …和…相似)

  6. fix up ( v.+ adv.)=repair修理,修補 7. work out ( v.+ adv.)產(chǎn)生結(jié)果,發(fā)展,成功,算出

  8. cheer up ( v.+ adv.)使…高興/振作9. put up (signs) ( v.+ adv.) 張貼(標牌) 展示,;搭建;舉起

  10. be proud of=take pride in 為…而感到自豪,驕傲 11. be home to 是……的家園

  12. put … to good/bad use 把…加以(好好)利用/沒有好好利用13. fetch sth. for sb. 替某人取來某物

  14. get to do sth. =start /begin doing / to do著手/開始做某事15. disabled people 殘疾人

  16. give away 贈送,分發(fā)give away sth. to sb .=donate sth . to sb.17. a group of一群;一組groups of幾群

  18. make it possible for sb to do使得某人有可能做(find) 19. train sb to do 訓練某人做

  20. help (sb.) out(with) 幫助(某人)脫離困境21. in an after-school study program 在課后學習班

  22. volunteer (one's time) to do 自愿(付出時間)做23. a student volunteer project 一個學生志愿者項目

  24. coach a soccer team for little kids訓練兒童足球隊 25. a radio interviewer 一位電臺記者

  26. understand different instructions 明白不同的指示 27. one day last year(一般過去時) 去年的一天

  28. a major/great commitment一個重大的,主要的貢獻29. run out of = use up 用盡…(主語是人)

  30. a care center 看護中心 (care about 在乎 care for 喜歡;照顧) 31. part of speech 詞性

  32. fill…with…用…來填滿be filled with =be full of 填滿,充滿…… 33. face challenges面對挑戰(zhàn)

  34. be used/zd/ to do sth. =be used for doing sth.被用來做某事

  get/be used/st/ to doing 習慣做某事 used /st/ to do過去常常做某事

  35. thank sb.for /thanks for sth./doing sth.為某事感謝某人appreciate sth. 感激某事

  36.sick kids生病的孩子(ill 只作表語,不作定語)37. clean up(v.+ adv.)打掃干凈,收拾整齊clean-up n.打掃

  38.think up ( v.+ adv.)=think of=come up with 想出39. at once=in a minute=right away=right now立即,馬上

  40. hang out ( hang-hung -hung) 閑蕩