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  如何在這些院校中選擇最適合自己的大學呢?下面學習啦小編分享了2017加拿大大學計算機專業(yè)排名 ,一起來看看吧。



  Applying to universities in Canada

  When you’ve chosen a shortlist of universities to apply to, the next stage is to get in touch with each university’s international office, which will guide you through the application procedure. You will need to apply directly to each institution, as there is no centralized application system.

  The process for applying to universities in Canada is generally straightforward. Most Canadian higher education institutions require the completion of a high school diploma and, in some provinces, the completion of 40 hours of community service/volunteer work (this may not be expected of international students – check with the institution). International students may also be asked to provide proof of language proficiency, either in English or French.

  For some university programs, and for almost all international students, you will be required to provide an essay, a statement of intent or personal statement of experience. Other documents required may include: letters of reference, examples of extracurricular involvement, evidence of community service, athletic participation, and details of awards and scholarships won.

  In order to study in Canada, you will need to obtain a Canadian study permit, which serves as a Canadian student visa for the duration of your stay. You do not need a Canadian study permit if your course or program lasts six months or less. To find out more, read our guide to getting a Canadian student visa.



  加拿大大學的申請過程一般來說是非常簡單易懂的。大多數(shù)加拿大的高等教育機構(gòu)需要申請者獲得完整的高中文憑,在加拿大的某些省份,學生還需要完成40小時的社區(qū)服務(wù)/志愿者工作 (國際學生可能不受這一項規(guī)定的約束——具體情況你需要向你所申請的大學了解清楚)。國際學生還可能被要求提供語言熟練程度的證明,無論是英語的還是法語的。

  對于一些大學課程來說,幾乎所有的國際學生都將被要求提供一篇論文、目的聲明或者個人經(jīng)驗的聲明。其他所需的文件可能包括︰推薦信、 課外參與的例子、社區(qū)服務(wù)的證據(jù)、參與的體育活動,以及你所獲得的獎項及獎學金的詳情。



  The biggest city in the French-speaking province of Quebec,Montréal is also the second-largest city in Canada. There are four universities in Montréal, as well as seven other degree-awarding institutions and 12 General and Vocational Colleges (CEGEPs), giving the city the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America.

  Widely cited as the cultural capital of Canada, Montréal boasts a unique combination of European sophistication and American pizzazz, which gives it a buzz few other places can match. As a student, you’ll certainly never be at a loss for things to do, with plenty of theater, music, dance and visual arts to explore, including the annual Just for Laughs comedy festival, the world’s largest of its kind. And don’t miss the Montréal Fireworks Festival, frequently hailed as the best and largest fireworks festival in the world.

  Among universities in Montréal is Canada’s highest-ranking university this year, McGill University (30th in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017). Beyond that, universities in Montréal also include the Université de Montréal (126th) and Concordia University (461-470) among others. While McGill and Concordia operate primarily in English, many universities in Montréal are Francophone, as are the city’s residents. So even if you’re an English speaker at an Anglophone university, be prepared to make an effort with your French!

  Montréal is also featured as one of the world’s top cities for students in the QS Best Student Cities index.




  位于蒙特利爾的大學也是今年加拿大在全球排名最高的大學,這所大學就是麥吉爾大學(在2016-2017年的QS世界大學排名中位于第30位)。除此之外,在蒙特利爾的大學還包括蒙特利爾大學(世界大學排名第126位)和康考迪亞大學(世界大學排名第461-470位) 。雖然麥吉爾大學和康克迪亞大學主要是以英語授課的大學,但是許多在蒙特利爾的大學都是以法語授課的,因為這座城市就是使用法語的城市。所以即使你是在一所英語為母語的大學的英語使用者,你也要努力在這里好好學習一下法語。



  A relatively young city on Canada’s west coast, Vancouver is the perfect destination for those who want to combine city living with easy access to the great outdoors. And by great, we really mean great – the landscape surrounding Vancouver is truly spectacular, ranging from lush green forests and stunning lakes, to the rugged magnificence of the Canadian Rockies (especially popular with skiers and snowboarders).

  There’s plenty on offer for city slickers too in this cosmopolitan and vibrant town. Canada’s third-largest metropolis, Vancouver consistently features in lists of the world’s most livable cities – and has become one of Canada’s best-known and most-visited cities. Cultural offerings include three prominent theatre companies, the Vancouver International Film Festival, and a vibrant and diverse music scene.

  Prominent universities in Vancouver include the University of British Columbia, (ranked 45th in the latest QS World University Rankings) and Simon Fraser University (226th). Neighboring Vancouver Island, meanwhile, hosts the University of Victoria (joint 325th) and Vancouver Island University.


  這是加拿大的西海岸一個相對年輕的城市,溫哥華對于那些想要將城市生活和隨時享受戶外生活結(jié)合的人來說是一個完美的目的地。這里真的太棒了,我們真的是指這里非常棒——溫哥華周圍的風景真的很壯觀,從茂密的綠色森林、令人驚嘆的湖泊,到崎嶇壯麗的加拿大落基山脈 (這里尤其受滑雪和滑雪板愛好者的歡迎)。


  溫哥華著名高校包括英屬哥倫比亞大學(在最新發(fā)布的QS世界大學排名中位列第45) 和西蒙菲沙大學(世界排名第226位)。與此同時,相鄰的溫哥華島還有維多利亞大學(世界排名并列第325為) 和溫哥華島大學。


  The provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada, Toronto is known for being one of the world’s most multicultural cities, with around half of its 2.8 million-strong population hailing from outside of the city. Accordingly, it is an exciting and diverse place to live, with its residents’ heterogeneity reflected in the city’s culture and cuisine. Home to the Toronto Stock Exchange and the country’s five largest banks, Toronto is Canada’s leading financial center – while also being known as a world-leading hub for the entertainment, media and creative industries.

  Toronto’s collection of museums and galleries is impressive, ranging from the large Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario to the much smaller Gardiner Museum of ceramic art, Gallery of Inuit Art or the Bata Shoe Museum. The Toronto International Film Festival is one of the world’s biggest, and the city’s live music scene is celebrated by locals and visitors alike. There is also a vibrant club scene and more than enough cafés and restaurants to keep foodies and coffee-loverssatisfied.

  When it comes to education, universities in Toronto include some of Canada’s highest ranked. Indeed, the University of Toronto is Canada's second highest entrant in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017, at 32nd in the world. It’s joined by York University (ranked 451-460), Ryerson University (701+) and a selection of other higher education providers, including the Royal Conservatory of Music.




  說到教育方面,在多倫多的大學也有一些加拿大排名最高的大學。事實上,多倫多大學是加拿大在2016-2017年QS世界大學排名中排名第二高的大學,位于全球第32位。此外多倫多還有約克大學(世界大學排名的度451-460)、瑞爾森大學(世界大學排名第701+位) ,以及其他的高等教育提供者可供大家選擇,包括加拿大皇家音樂學院。

  Quebec City

  If you like picturesque and historic cities, you can’t really do much better than Quebec City. Founded in the early 17th century, Quebec is the capital of the province with which it shares its name, and of French-speaking Canada as a whole. Its Old Town, with pretty cobbled streets surrounding the striking Château Frontenac and the only preserved city ramparts in North America, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Quebec as a whole is full of historic and architectural interest. In fact, there are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves.

  But of course Quebec is not just a giant museum – it’s very much a living and changing city. There’s no shortage of things to do here, in terms of both nightlife and culture, and the city is especially known for its colorful Winter Carnival, lively gay scene, and intimate live music venues.

  Notable universities in Quebec City include Laval University (ranked 372nd in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017) and the Université du Québec (501-550). The city is also home to the oldest educational institution for women in North America, the Ursuline Convent of Quebec City. Teaching at universities in Quebec City is primarily in French.




  魁北克著名的大學包括拉瓦爾大學(2016-2017年QS世界大學排名第372位) 和魁北克大學(世界排名第501-550位)。這座城市還有北美地區(qū)最古老的婦女教育機構(gòu),魁北克市烏爾蘇里納派修道院??笨说拇髮W的主要教學語言是法語。


  Capital city of the province of Alberta, Edmonton is known for its year-round selection of festivals, earning it the nickname ‘The Festival City’. It is equally well-known as the home of the West Edmonton Mall, formerly the biggest shopping mall in the world and currently North America’s biggest shopping mall, and for being one of the most northerly major cities in the world.

  Don’t let this northern location put you off too much; Edmonton’s weather is relatively (emphasis on relatively) mild, even compared to some other more southerly Canadian cities. Its location, towards the west of Canada, also means there is no shortage of natural beauty nearby, and the city itself has plenty of attractions – including Ford Edmonton Park, Canada’s largest living history museum, the buzzing downtown Arts District, and the fashionable Old Strathcona area, where many of Edmonton’s theaters and live-performance venues are located. All this can be found among a mix of modern and historic architecture, including restored historical buildings, and a good range of restaurants, pubs and clubs.

  Among universities in Edmonton, the most notable is the University of Alberta, ranked fourth in Canada and 94th in the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017. Other options include the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, NorQuest College, MacEwan University, The King’s University College and Concordia University College of Alberta.



  不過你可千萬不要把北方這個位置放得太大,埃德蒙頓的天氣相對是溫和的(記住,重點是相對) ,甚至與一些加拿大更南部的城市相比也是如此。它的位置面對加拿大的西邊,這也意味著附近不乏自然美景,并且這座城市本身就有很多景點——包括福特埃德蒙頓公園,加拿大最大的活歷史博物館,熱鬧的市中心藝術(shù)區(qū),以及時尚的舊斯達孔拿地區(qū),這里有許多埃德蒙頓的劇院和現(xiàn)場表演。所有這一切都可以在融合了現(xiàn)代和歷史的建筑中找到,包括重建的歷史建筑,還有許多餐館、酒吧和俱樂部。








