


時間: 其其1872 分享



Dear _,

President [Name], Faculty, Parents, Classmates, and Guests, I am honored to stand here today as your valedictorian. The path that led me to this podium required hard work, determination, courage, and motivation. These are qualities that I also admire in my classmates, and I am proud to be a part of this class and this college. Today, we look to our horizons and see the future stretched out before us. This should also be a day when we remember and pay tribute to our pasts.

The path that led me here took an important turn one seemingly ordinary day in high school. I sat in class as my 10th grade history teacher continued our unit on World War II. On this day, he split the class into small groups and told us that we would be taking the perspective of the various countries that were involved in World War II in a debate. As he distributed the names of countries, each group hoped to open its paper and see America?written in bold letters. When our group received the folded slip, we opened it and read it with dismay: Japan. Thinking we were sure to lose the debate, we settled down to prepare our explanation for attacking Pearl Harbor. After a few minutes, I realized that I was coming up with logical reasons for this attack, and was shocked that it was possible to think this way. I found myself able to understand an action that I had believed impossible to justify. Though I still believed that the attack was wrong, I understood that there was another side to the issue, and that there was a reason behind the actions of this side.

From this experience arose a desire to enter the field of foreign policy. I wanted to develop and use my ability to understand the logic of other nations?choices and, by doing so, to help our country relate to those nations. I decided to study the philosophies behind international politics and to develop my own theories in that area. Eager to start on this career path, I joined the student government to experience the workings of politics on a small scale. While I served as class representative my junior year, and the school vice president my senior year, I succeeded in resolving issues through my ability to take another's perspective.

My experience in student government fueled my desire to study politics. I opted to take Advanced Placement European History my senior year, and learned to analyze the past as a way of predicting outcomes in the future. As I prepared for college, I sought a program that would allow me to work with some of the best professors in the field and that would offer opportunities to work in government offices, become involved with student government, and join campus political groups. I chose [name of college].

At [Name of college], I excelled in my courses, driven by my passion for political theory and policy. I became involved in the student government, and was proud to represent my school as the student council president. Working with my one of my professors over the summer, I co-authored and published an article on the foreign policy changes in post-World War II Japan. Through our gracious alumni, I was given the chance to work as an intern on Capitol Hill, where my knowledge of foreign policy was supplement by hands-on experience.

Standing here today, I am thankful for all the opportunities, support, and knowledge that allowed me to travel this path. I look forward to my career and to success in my chosen field as I continue to travel. Looking back, I know that I possess the qualities of determination, strength and understanding. These qualities, in combination with my experiences, will allow me to bring positive change to the world through my work. I encourage you, my classmates, to look back with pride upon the path that has led you here, and to use your individual strengths and experiences to better the world that has offered us so many opportunities.

Yours sincerely,



法國音樂學院在錄取學生時更看重學生的專業(yè)水平,而不是法語水平。因此面試時會有專業(yè)法語翻譯在旁邊。但因為課程是法語授課,而且學生還需修讀藝術(shù)、歷史等課程,所以 雖然在學校面試時不要求學生掌握法語,但是面試通過后必須進行法語培訓,以便通過簽證。

抵法后,修讀藝術(shù)專業(yè)的國際學生還要一邊參加法語培訓一邊學習專業(yè)。盡管沒有語言門檻, 但依然需要學習法語。


中法藝術(shù)教育是有差別的,法國在音樂教育上講究全方位發(fā)展,中國學生往往只專注所學的主專業(yè),而忽略其他專業(yè)的基礎課程,往往認為只要學好主專業(yè)就可以了。但法國的音 樂教育則要求學生全面發(fā)展,試唱練耳、分析等課程是作為各個專業(yè)的必修課程。建議去法國學藝術(shù)的中國學生把音樂看作一門綜合的藝術(shù),重視“非專業(yè)課程”學習。

在法國,只有兩所中央級的音樂學院,分別是巴黎高等國立音樂學院和里昂高等國立音樂學院,進入這兩所學校必須要通過統(tǒng)一的入學考試,考試有相當?shù)碾y度。而大區(qū)級的音樂 學院目前有36所,入學門檻也較高,但大多數(shù)中國學生的專業(yè)水平可進入這類學院,如果想進入中央級音樂學院的學生,可先進入大區(qū)級音樂學院,再考入中央級,成功率較高。


法國音樂學院讀書獲得D.E.M文憑后,如果學生想在法國就業(yè),可以參加法國及歐洲各大音樂社團的工作面試,只要專業(yè)水平過關(guān),適合擔當某個社團的表演角色,就可以獲得在 大型音樂社團供職的機會。除了進入音樂社團,在獲得D.E.M文憑后,學生還可申請進入巴黎高等國立音樂學院、里昂高等國立音樂學院,以接受更高等的藝術(shù)教育。另外,還可以報考教師 學院,比如巴黎高等音樂師范學院,畢業(yè)后將在音樂學院擔任助教以上授課型職務,從事音樂教育工作。
















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