
學習啦 > > 高一上冊英語第一單元知識點總結


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1.volunteer n. 志愿者

(1)做志愿者:work as a volunteer

(2)做志愿工作:do volunteer work


Being a volunteer is anything but an easy job.

volunteer v.自愿做; 義務做

(1)自愿做某事volunteer to do sth

(2)自愿為某事效勞volunteer for sth


2.debate vi/vt辯論;爭論

(1)關于......進行辯論 debate on/over

(2)和......辯論 debate with sb

debate n.辯論;爭論

(1)在爭論中under debate


There has been much debate on the safety of school buses.


(1)更喜歡某事 prefer sth.

(2)更喜歡做某事 prefer to do/doing sth

(4)喜歡A多于B prefer A to B


prefer doing A to doing B

prefer to do A rather than B


Many boys prefer playing football to hiking

Many boys prefer to play football rather than hike.

4.content n.內容;目錄;主題;滿足

(1)在內容和形式上 in content and form

(2)盡情地;心滿意足地 to ones heart content

content adj. 滿足的;滿意的;

(1)滿足的表情 a content expression

(2)對......感到滿足、滿意 be content with/

(3)愿意做某事 be content to do sth

content vt. 使?jié)M意

使某人、自己對......滿意 content sb with sth

5.suitable adj. 合適的;適用的

(1)對......適合的 be suitable for sth/doing sth

(2)適合做某事 be suitable to do sth


These shoes are not suitable for walking in the country..


I don’t think I should be suitable for the post.

6.challenge 挑戰(zhàn);艱巨任務

(1)做某事的挑戰(zhàn) the change of doing sth

(2)面對挑戰(zhàn) face a challenge

(3)迎接挑戰(zhàn) meet a challenge

(4)接受挑戰(zhàn) accept/take up a challenge


As far as I’m concerned, I’m determined to take up/accept the challenge.

challenge v.t 向(某人)挑戰(zhàn)

向某人挑戰(zhàn)某事 challenge sb to do sth

——challenging adj. 挑戰(zhàn)性的,考驗能力


(1)覺得......令人困惑find sth confusing

(2)對......來說令人困惑的 be confusing for sb


(1)使某人困惑confuse sb

(2)把和弄混confuse A with B


be confused about... 對......感到困惑


in confusion 困囧地

8.graduate vi/vt 畢業(yè);獲得學位, n 畢業(yè)生


We congratulated him on having graduated from Harvard University.

--graduation n.畢業(yè)


It was my first job after graduation.

9.recommend vt. 建議;推薦;介紹

( 1)向某人推薦、介紹某物 recommend sth to sb

( 2)推薦某人做(某職位)recommend sb for

(3)推薦某人作為...... recommend sb as

(4)建議做某事 recommend doing sth


He recommended that we should read the novel.

10.quit v. 停止;戒掉;離開(工作職位、學校等)

(1)休學、退學 quit school

(2)辭掉工作 quit one’s job

(3)離職 quit office

(4)戒煙 quit smoking


The group leader often quits studying to take a walk at about seven pm.

11.responsible adj.負責的;有責任的

(1)對......、負責 be responsible for


He still felt responsible for the patient’ s death.

--- responsibility n. 責任;義務


take the responsibility of/for doing sth


have a/the responsibility to do sth

12.schedule. n. 工作計劃;日程安排; v. 安排;預定

(1)按預定時間 on schedule

(2)提前 ahead of schedule

(3)落后于預定時間 behind the schedule


Have you made the examination schedule.

13.expert n.專家;行家

(1)在......方面是行家 an expert on/at /in


Simon is not only our headmaster, but also an expert in education.

expert adj 熟練的;內行的;專家的


be expert at /in doing sth.


Linda is expert in/at finding useful information about study.

14.attract vt. 吸引;引起......的注意

(1)吸引很大的興趣 attract a lot of interest

(2)吸引某人的注意 attract one’s attention

(3)喜愛 be attracted to...

(4)被......吸引be attracted by...

----attraction n. 有吸引力的事物

----attractive adj. 吸引人的


be attractive to children


1.clean up. 打掃(或清除)干凈

(1)除去、掃除 clean off


I plan to clean up my old books after I graduate this summer.


( 1)整理、收拾: tidy up

( 2)整理,放晴 clear up

2.sign up(for sth )報名(參加課程)

(1)簽名 sign one’s name

(2)簽到,簽退 sign in/out

(3)示意某人做某事sign to sb to do sth


To sign up for membership, please fill in the form.

---sign n.跡象

......的跡象 a sign of...

3.focus on... 集中;特別關注

(1)把心思集中在 focus one’s mind on...

(2)聚精會神于focus one’s attention on...


Today, we are going to focus on the new relationship between teachers and students.


(1)注意 留意 pay attention to...

(2)集中于;專心于concentrate on...

4. be addicted to... 對......入迷

( 1)習慣于 be used to...

(2)注意 pay attention to...

(3)期盼 look forward to...

(4)致力于 devote oneself to...



1.so that 引導狀語從句


I’ll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.


Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries.

2.make it+adj+不定式


But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things.


Computer technology makes it possible for many people to work at home.

3.這/那是因為 This/that/it is because

(1)I guess its because they are adults and can’t understand me.


(2)He practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day. This is why he makes great progress in English.

= The reason why he makes great progress in English is that he practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day.


4.too ...to...太......而不能......

(1)There is a girl I like in my class, but I’m too shy to talk to her.


(2)You are too young to understand such things.




1.She is _________ young to understand the book.

2.His back was badly i_____________ in the war.

3.When he heard the news that his father was trapped in the ruins, he b__________ into tears.

4.The police made effort to r___________ the people who were trapped underground.

5.Tom’s car was completely d____________ in the accident.

6.J_________________ from his accent, we know he comes from the county.

7.Keep the children away from the _________________________(電)

8.Though badly _________________( 受驚的), she appeared outwardly calm.

9.She seemed to take pleasure in our _____________( 痛苦)

10.His death was a great _________________(震驚) to us.

11.Queer_________ the news seemed, it is true.

12.Little ________ I think he was a spy .

13.He is such a good person that we all think _____________ of him .

14.People now attempt to use solar energy to take the p____________ of electricity.

15.They are d__________ out the truth behind the news.


1.too 2. injured 3. burst 4. rescue 5. destroyed 6. Judging 7. electricity 8. shocked 9. pain

10.shock 11. as 12. did 13. highly 14. place 15. digging


1.立刻, 馬上 _______________ 2. 爆發(fā) __________________

3.結束 ___________________ 4. 一片廢墟 ________________

5. 發(fā)現(xiàn) 掘出 ______________ 6. 許多, 大量 _______________

7. 憑 ….判斷 ______________ 8. 為了紀念 ________________

9. 為….做準備 ______________ 10. 成千上萬 _________________

11.分發(fā) _______________ 12.輕視, 不重視 _______________

13.從某地拯救 ________________ 14. 口語比賽 _________________

15. 堅持 ___________________ 16. 阻止某人做某事 ______________

17.代替, 而不是________________ 18.為…而自豪 _________________

19.好像 ____________________ 20. 突然笑起來 ________________


1.right away 2.burst out 3.at an end 4. in ruins 5. dig out 6. a number of 7. judge from

8. in honor of 9. prepare for 10. thousands of 11. give out 12.think little of

133. rescue …from 14. speaking competition 15. stick to 16.keep sb from doing (stop sb from doing , prevent sb from doing ) 17.instead of 18. be proud of 19.as if 20.burst out laughing / burst into laughter


1. 我必須努力把生活安排得更有條理。


2. 他救出了一個快要淹死的人


3. 他們建立了一個紀念碑來紀念在地震中死去的人們.(monument)


4. 那科學家對此事一無所知, 因為他一直在做他的研究工作.




1. 并不是所有的人都能知道好好愛護自己.


2. 參賽的人數(shù)是有限的.


8. 她幾乎不會說日語.( 用倒裝)


9. Though he is a small boy , he knows a lot .( 用 as 改寫)


10. 地震之前, 似乎世界末日到了.


11. It might be of help to tell your parent what have happened to you.


12. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night.


13. Two thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.


14. All hope was not lost.


15. None of them can survive the earthquake.



1. I must try to organize my life a bit better.

2. He rescued the man from drowning.

3. They set up a monument in honor of the deaths in the earthquake.

4. The scientist knew nothing about the matter, because he was always burying himself in his study.

5. The freshly-baked bread gave out a sweet smell.

6. Not all the people know how to take good care of themselves.

7. The number of competitors is limited.

8. Hardly can she speak Japanese.

9. Small boy as he is , he knows a lot.

10.It seemed that the world was at the end before the earthquake.


12. 但是城市里的百萬人, 對這些奇事并沒有多想, 象往常一樣去睡覺了.













