


時(shí)間: 維維0 分享



Can you come to my party?


1. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午2. have to 必須

3. prepare for 準(zhǔn)備

4. go to the doctor 去看病

5. have the flu 患流感

6. help my parents 給父母幫忙

7. come to the party 參加晚會(huì)

8. meet my friend 見(jiàn)朋友

9. go to the party 參加晚會(huì)

10. too much homework 太多的家庭作業(yè)

11. go to the movies 去看電影

12. another time 下次,另外的時(shí)間,別的時(shí)間

13. last fall 去年秋天

14. hang out 閑逛

15. after school 放學(xué)后

16. on the weekend=on weekends 在周末

17. study for a test 備考

18. visit grandparents 拜訪爺爺奶奶

19. the day before yesterday 前天

20. the day after tomorrow 后天

21. have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課

22. look after 照看

23. make an invitation 制定邀請(qǐng)

24. accept an invitation 接受邀請(qǐng)

turn down (refuse) an invitation 拒絕邀請(qǐng)

25. take a trip to Wuhan 去武漢旅游

26. at the end of this month 在本月底

27. look forward to + doing 期望/渴望

28. the opening of… 開(kāi)幕/開(kāi)業(yè)

29. reply in writing 寫(xiě)回信

30. go shopping 購(gòu)物

31. do homework 做作業(yè)

32. go to the concert 參加音樂(lè)會(huì)

33. not…until… 直到......才......


1. ——Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?星期六下午你能參加我的晚會(huì)嗎?

——Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.當(dāng)然,我愿意去。/抱歉,我去不了。我必須要為考試做準(zhǔn)備。

2. I’m not available. = I’m not free.我沒(méi)空。

3. I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way tosay “Thank you and goodbye.”


4. I already have a great idea about how to do that.我已經(jīng)有了一個(gè)怎樣做的好主意。

5. Let me know if you need my help.


6. Drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep.多喝水,多睡覺(jué)。

7. What are you doing the day after tomorrow?


8. I’m really busy this week.本周我的確很忙。

9. I’m afraid I can’t.= I’m afraid not.恐怕不能。

10. Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday.

Sam 要直到下周四才離開(kāi)。

11. Who are you going to the movies with?


12. Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?


13. Would you like to come to my birthday party?


14. As I’m sure you know by now…


15. Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can besurprised.

把Ms. Steen 來(lái)參加聚會(huì)而不要告訴她,以至于讓她感到驚喜。

16. I look forward to hearing from you all.


17. Our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US.

我們最喜愛(ài)的老師,Ms. Steen, 就要離開(kāi)我們回到美國(guó)去了。

18. We’re very sad that she’s leaving.



prepare [pr?’per] v.預(yù)備;準(zhǔn)備

exam [?ɡ’z?m] n.考試

available [?’ve?l?bl] a.可得到的;有空的

hang [h??] v.懸掛;(使)低垂

until [?n’t?l] conj./prep.直到... 的時(shí)候;直到…為止

catch [k?t?] v./n.趕上;抓住;捕捉

invite [?n’va?t] v.邀請(qǐng)

accept [?k’sept] v.接受

refuse [r?’fju?z] v.拒絕

invitation [??nv?’te??n] n.邀請(qǐng);邀請(qǐng)函

reply [r?’pla?] v./n.回答,回復(fù)

forward [‘f??rw?rd] v.轉(zhuǎn)交;發(fā)送 adj.向前的 adv.向前地

delete [d?’li?t] v.刪除

preparation [?prep?’re??n] n.準(zhǔn)備,準(zhǔn)備工作

opening [‘o?pn??] n.開(kāi)幕式,落成典禮

guest [ɡest] n.客人

concert [‘kɑ?ns?rt] n.音樂(lè)會(huì)

headmaster [?hed’m?st?r] n.校長(zhǎng)

event [?’vent] n.大事,公開(kāi)活動(dòng)

calendar [‘k?l?nd?r] n.日歷,日程表


How do you make a banana milk shake?


1. milk shake 奶昔

2. turn on打開(kāi),turn off 關(guān)上

3. pour ….into…. 將…...倒入…...

4. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶

5. a good idea 一個(gè)好主意

6. on Saturday morning 在星期六早上

7. cut up 切碎

8. put… into… 將…... 放入...…

9. one more thing 還有一件事

10. a piece of 一片/一張/一塊

11. at this time 在此時(shí)

12. a few 幾個(gè)

13. fill…with… 用… 裝滿

14. cover…with… 用...…蓋住

15. one by one 一個(gè)接一個(gè)

16. a long time 長(zhǎng)時(shí)間

17. cut… into pieces 將...…切成碎片

18. add…to(into)… 將...…加到......上(里)

19. mix...together… 將...…混合一在起

20. mix up… 將……混合

21. serve …to… 用...…招待…...

22. half a cup 半杯

23. another ten minutes 另外十分鐘

24. peel the banana 剝一個(gè)香蕉


1. Turn on the blender.


2. How do you make a banana milk shake?

你怎樣做香蕉奶昔?3. How many bananas do we need?


4. How much yogurt do we need?


5. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles!


6. First,… Then,… Next,… Finally,…


7. You can put more if you like.


8. This is going to taste great.


9. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles.


10. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it withgravy.


11. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanksby having a big meal at home with their family.



blender [‘blend?r] n.攪拌器;果汁機(jī)

peel [pi?l] vt.剝落;削皮

pour [p??r] v.倒;傾倒

yogurt [‘jo?ɡ?rt] n.酸奶

honey [‘h?ni] n.蜂蜜

watermelon [‘w??t?rmel?n] n.西瓜

spoon [spu?n] n.勺,調(diào)羹

add [?d] 增加

finally [‘fa?n?li] adv.最后,最終

salt [s??lt] n.鹽

sugar [‘??ɡ?r] n.糖

cheese [t?i?z] n.干酪,奶酪

popcorn [‘pɑ?pk??rn] n.爆米花

corn [k??rn] n.玉米,谷物

machine [m?’?i?n] n.機(jī)器

sandwich [‘s?nw?t?] n.三明治

butter [‘b?t?r] n.黃油,奶油

turkey [‘t??rki] n.火雞

lettuce [‘let?s] n.萵苣,生菜

piece [pi?s] n.件;篇;片;塊;

traditional [tr?’d???nl] adj.傳統(tǒng)的

traveler [‘tr?vl?] n.旅行者

England [‘??ɡl?nd] n.英格蘭;英國(guó)

celebrate [‘sel?bre?t] v.慶祝;慶賀

pepper [‘pep?r] n.胡椒粉;辣椒

oven [‘?vn] n.烤箱;烤爐

cover [‘k?v?r] n.遮蓋,蓋子

gravy [‘ɡre?vi] n.肉汁;肉湯

serve [s??rv] n.接待,服務(wù)

temperature [‘tempr?t??r] n.溫度,氣候


Will people have robots?


1. on computers 在電腦上

2. on paper 在紙上

3. live to be 200 years old 活到200歲

4. free time 空閑時(shí)間

5. in danger 在危險(xiǎn)中

6. on the earth 在世界上

7. play a part in sth 在某方面出力/做貢獻(xiàn)

8. space station 太空站

8. look for 尋找

9. computer programmer 電腦程序師

10. in the future 在將來(lái)

11. hundreds of 成百上千的

12. the same…as 與…...一樣

13. over and over again 反復(fù)

14. get bored 無(wú)聊

15. wake up 醒來(lái)/喚醒

16. look like 看起來(lái)像

17. fall down 倒下/落下


1. Are you kidding?


2. Will people have robots?


3. Everything will be free.


4. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.


5. They’ll study at home on computers.


6. There will be only one country in the world.


7. There will be less pollution.


8. What will the future be like?


9. We never know what will happen in the future.


10. And my apartment will be no good for pets.


11. I think so.我認(rèn)為是這樣

I don’t think so.這認(rèn)為不是這樣。

12. I hope so.我希望如此。

I hope not我希望不這樣。

13. In 50 years, people will have more free time because there will beless things to do.


14. In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter.

20 年以后,我想我會(huì)成為一個(gè)報(bào)社記者。

15. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots movelike people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.


16. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never beable to wake up and know where they are.

例如,科學(xué)家James White 認(rèn)為,機(jī)器人將不能夠清醒得知道他們身處何處。

17. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets alsoseemed impossible 100 years ago.


18. You should also remember that there will be both good and bad thingsin life.



paper [‘pe?p?r] n.紙

pollution [p?’lu??n] n.污染;污染物

prediction [pr?’d?k?n] n.預(yù)測(cè)

future [‘fju?t??r] n.未來(lái)

pollute [p?’lu?t] v.污染

environment [?n’va?r?nm?nt] n.環(huán)境

planet [‘pl?n?t] n.行星

earth [??rθ] n.地球;泥土

plant [pl?nt] v.種植 n.植物

part [pɑ?rt] v.參加 n.部分

peace [pi?s] n.和平

sky [ska?] n.天空

play a part 參與

astronaut [‘?str?n??t] n.宇航員

apartment [?’pɑ?rtm?nt] n.公寓房間

rocket [‘rɑ?k?t] n.火箭

space [spe?s] n.空間;太空

even [‘i?vn] adv.甚至;愈加

human [‘hju?m?n] adj.人的 n.人;人類(lèi)

servant [‘s??rv?nt] n.仆人

dangerous [‘de?nd??r?s] adj.危險(xiǎn)的

already [??l’redi] adv.已經(jīng)

factory [‘f?ktri] n.工廠

believe [b?’li?v] v.相信

disagree [?d?s?’ɡri?] v.不同意

shape [?e?p] n.形狀

fall [f??l] v./n.倒塌;跌倒

possible [‘pɑ?s?bl] adj.可能的

probably [‘prɑ?b?bli] adv.大概;或許;很可能

holiday [‘hɑ?l?de?] n.假日

word [w??rd] n.單詞

space station 太空站


I’m going to study computer science.


1. grow up 長(zhǎng)大

2. every day 每天

3. be sure about 對(duì)某事確信

4. make sure 確信/有把握

5. send…to…把…...發(fā)送到...…/把...…寄…...

6. be able to 能/能夠

7. the meaning of …...的意思/含義

8. different kinds of 不同種類(lèi)的

9. have …..in common 有…共同點(diǎn)

10. at the beginning of 在…開(kāi)始的時(shí)候

11. write down 寫(xiě)下/記下

12. have to do with 與….有關(guān)系

13. take up 開(kāi)始從事/著手處理/接受

14. hardly ever 幾乎不

15. too…to… 太......而不能......


1. What do you want to be/ become when you grow up?

當(dāng)你長(zhǎng)大的時(shí)候想當(dāng)什么?2. I want to be a/an computer programmer/ busdriver/ basketball player/ engineer/ cook/ teacher/ pilot/ scientist/ doctor/violinist/ pianist /actor /actress/ singer/ race car driver/ reporter


3. My parents want me to be a doctor, but I’m not sure aboutthat.


4. How are you going to do that?


5. I’m going to practice basketball every day.


6. Where/ When are you going to study?


7. I know why you’re so good at writing stories.


8. I’ m going to keep on writing stories.


9. Not everyone knows what they want to be.


10. Just make sure you try your best.


11. Then you can be anything you want.


12. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have noresolutions!


13. My New Year’s resolution is to get good grades.



doctor [‘d?kt?(r)] n.醫(yī)生

engineer [end??’n?r] n.工程師

violinist [?va??’l?n?st] n.小提琴手

pilot [‘pa?l?t] n.飛行員

pianist [‘p??n?st] n.鋼琴家

scientist [‘sa??nt?st] n.科學(xué)家

college [‘kɑ?l?d?] n.大學(xué)

education [?ed?u’ke??n] n.教育

medicine [‘medsn] n.藥,醫(yī)學(xué)

university [?ju?n?’v??rs?ti] n.大學(xué),高等學(xué)府

article [‘ɑ?rt?kl] n.文章,論文

send [send] n.郵寄,發(fā)送

grow up 長(zhǎng)大 成長(zhǎng)

computer programmer 計(jì)算機(jī)管理員

be sure about 確信

make sure 確保

resolution [?rez?’lu??n] n.決心,決定

foreign [‘f??r?n] adj.外國(guó)的

able [?eb?l] adj.能夠

discuss [d??sk?s] v.討論,商量

promise [?prɑm?s] v./n.承諾,諾言

beginning [b??ɡ?n??] n.開(kāi)頭,開(kāi)端

improve [?m?pruv] v.改進(jìn),改善

physical [‘f?z?kl] adj.身體的,物理的

selfimprovement [self?mp’ru?vm?nt] n.自我改進(jìn),自我提高

hobby [‘hɑ?bi] n.業(yè)余愛(ài)好

own [o?n] a.自己的,本人的,擁有

personal [‘p??rs?nl] adj.個(gè)人的,私人的

relationship [r?’le??n??p] n.關(guān)系


Do you want to a game show?


1. find out 查出/發(fā)現(xiàn)

2. be ready to do 準(zhǔn)備做…

3. dress up 打扮/化妝成

4. take one’s place 代替某人

5. do a good job 干的好/表演的出色

6. think of 想到/思考

7. game show 游戲節(jié)目

8. learn from 向…...學(xué)習(xí)

9. talk show 訪談節(jié)目

10. soap opera 肥皂劇

11. go on 繼續(xù)

12. watch a movie 看電影

13. one of… 其中之一

14. try one’s best to =do one’s best to 竭盡全力

15. a pair of 一雙

16. as famous as 一樣聞名/出名

17. look like 看起來(lái)像

18. around the world 世界各地

19. have a discussion about 討論…...

20. one day 有一天/某一天

21. such as 例如

22. a symbol of 一個(gè)象征/標(biāo)志

23. something enjoyable 快樂(lè)的事情

24. interesting information 有趣的信息


1. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.


2. Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.Mickey.

象一個(gè)普通人,但是他總是努力面對(duì)任何危險(xiǎn)。3. Mickey was unlucky and had manyproblems such as losing his house or girlfriend.


4. However, he was always ready to try his best.


5. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.


6. On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to havea star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


7. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little MickeyMouse, but everyone still knows and loves him.

今天的卡通通常都不如Mickey Mouse那樣簡(jiǎn)單,但是人人都知道他,熱愛(ài)他。

8. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s?


9. I think those movies are so meaningless.


10. I’d like to find out what different people think of asubject.


11. I hope to find out what’s going on aroundthe world.


12. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.


13. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.



sitcom [‘s?tk?m] n.情景喜劇 (= situation comedy)

news [nju?z] n.新聞;消息

soap [s??p] n.肥皂;肥皂劇

educational [?ed?u’ke???nl] adj.教育的;有教育意義的

plan [pl?n] n.計(jì)劃;方法v.打算;計(jì)劃

hope [h??p] .希望;期望;盼望n.希望

discussion [d?’sk??n] n.討論;談?wù)?/p>

stand [st?nd] v.站立;忍受

happen [‘h?p?n] vi.發(fā)生;碰巧;出現(xiàn);偶遇

may [me?] aux.可以,能夠;可能,也許

expect [?k’spekt] v.預(yù)期;期待;盼望

joke [d???k] n.笑話;玩笑v.說(shuō)笑話;開(kāi)玩笑

comedy [‘k?m?di] n.喜劇;滑稽;幽默事件

find out 查明;弄清

meaningless [‘mi?n??l?s] adj.無(wú)意義的;不重要的

action [‘?k?n] n.行為;活動(dòng)

cartoon [kɑ?’tu?n] n.卡通;漫畫(huà)

culture [‘k?lt??(r)] n.栽培;文化;教養(yǎng)

famous [‘fe?m?s] adj.著名的;有名的

appear [?’p??(r)] vi.出現(xiàn);出版;顯得

become [b?’k?m] v.變成;成為

rich [r?t?] adj.富有的;富饒的;豐富的

successful [s?k’sesfl] adj.成功的;圓滿的

might [ma?t] aux.可能;也許;may的過(guò)去式

main [me?n] adj.主要的;最重要的

reason [‘ri?zn] n.原因;理由

film [f?lm] n.電影

unlucky [?n’l?ki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的

lose [lu?z] vt.丟失;失敗vi.失敗

ready [‘redi] adj.準(zhǔn)備好的;樂(lè)意的

character [‘k?r?kt?(r)] n.個(gè)性;品質(zhì);人物;

simple [‘s?mpl] adj.簡(jiǎn)單的;樸素的;單純的;笨的

army [‘ɑ?mi] n.軍隊(duì);陸軍;一大批

action movie 動(dòng)作片










