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  An Offering from His Sweet Homeland


  Jia Baoquan


  Returning from a visit to his hometown, he walked slowly alorig the streetina chilly drizzling rain,a travelling bag in his left hand, and in his right handa half-filled glass water bottle with a bunchof green tender willow twigs stuck in it. A light wind touching his face called for painfulmemories of the past...


  Those were the days when Father and Mother went deep-ploughing in the fields. They were toldthat when the earth was ploughed five feet deep, the grain yield per mu would reach tenthousand jin. Simply digging one foot down would amount to two thousand jin of grain! Busywith such a "highly profitable" significant job, they could come back home only once in morethan ten days. The task of taking care of him thus fell upon the limp shoul-ders of his 14-year-old sister.


  His stomach was aching as if catching fire; he rolled back and forth on the kang crying out loud, "I am so hungry. I can't sleep!"


  His sister who lay beside him sat up at once. Resting him on her legs, shesang to him soffly:


  Little Brother, good baby,Little Brother, sleep well.


  It was broad daylight when he woke up to find himself alone on the matlesskang. He screamedwith fear, "Mum! Sister-"


  "Little Brother, I am here. Come over here quickly!"Following the voice of his sister, he ran outof the room, his feet and bottom all bare. It was under the big willow tree in the middle of thecourtyard that he found his sister standing on her toes on the top end of a door-proppingstick being leaned against the tree. Her left hand seized hold of a branch while her right handwas stretching for a cluster of twigs prospering with buds. But she was too small to reachthem. Then she suddenly jumped up in an attempt to get at them. Before he realized what hadhappened, she fell on the ground, but with a firm grip of those twigs in her hand.


  "Sister-"he threw himself upon her. Slowly she opened her eyes and smiledat him, when hespotted a bleeding cut above her right eye-corner. At the foot of the wall, he swiffly collected apinch of very fine dust and sprinkled it on the cut. It stopped bleeding. Sister propped herselfup with both hands. She carefully stripped all the buds off the willow twigs and put them in anearthen pot filled with clean water. Then she kept squashing and rubbing them between herfingers; soon the water was dyed a thick emerald green. She replaced it with another pot ofclean water and repeated her action untilthe water no longer changed its color. Scooping up thebuds and kneading them into a ball no bigger than a fist, she handed it to him.


  "Aha, my good brother. Now eat it and your stomach will not make any noise again."


  He grabbed it and gobbled it up. It even tasted somewhat sweet mingled with a slightbitterness.


  The deep-ploughing battle was still on when Sister fellill. Initially, she felt apain on her neck;then reddish thick veins popped out along her neck, with ulcers oozing thick yellow mucus.


  That morning saw an ancient one-wheeled pushcart, with both his sister andhim sitting on it,rolling along the yolk-yellow winding path stretching awayfrom the end of the village. At noontime, they arrived at the biggest hospitalin town. Who would have thought that all the doctorswere away to partici-pate in the "central tasks" of the time! The young nurse on duty had neverseen such a case before. The cart rolled back following the same route it came in the moming.


  Then some local medical men were called in. They performed an operation on Sister's neck witha dazzling knife without using anesthetic. She refused to cry, only uttering a groan at themost unbearable moment, her hand clutch-ing his arm, her nails digging into his flesh. The menleft after a big dinner, but they did not take away Sister's disease.


  He stayed close by to look after her, bringing in drinking water and carrying away the bedpan.Nevertheless, she was getting weaker and weaker, so feeble that she even had to stop severaltimes to gasp for breath when drinking a small bowl of water. She wanted to sleep, but thepain in the neck was too gnawing to let her close her eyes.


  One day, she motioned him to come over and held his hand"


  When...people die, do...they...eat?" she asked half-consciously,it was hardto tell whether shewas asking him or herself.


  He did not nod, nor did he shake his head, his eyes wide opert staring aroundvacantly.


  Suddenly, her spirit seemed to come back to her: her eyes shone, her cheeks flushed, and sheno longer panted when she spoke. She's getting better now,he thought.


  "...what to eat..."


  He was still motionless, but upon hearing the word "eat," he answered, "Hawillow buds. I'll pickup a lot of willow buds for you.


  "Her brows smoothed, and, with a smile that could hardly be deteaed, sheslowly loosened herhand. Her eyes still watched him, but lacked their usualluster.


  She was gone; she left forever satisfied with a word of comfort uttered unin-tentionally by herlittle brother. Though he was young at the time, he did not forget his promise. He put afewwithered willow leaves on Sister's lips.


  As time advanced, he was old enough to be able to carry a bucket and to usea shovel. Heplanted a small willow tree on his sister's grave and came al-most every day to see it and totake care of it. Before long, he went to school.


  Gazing upon the willow twigs in the bottle, he poured out his heart silently to his sister:



  "My dear sister, your dearly beloved little brother is now a P.L.A. regimen-tal officer. I went toyour grave again when I returned to our village recentlyto see our parents. This is a bunch ofbranches Ipicked up from that willowtree. I'II take it as your picture, as your statue, and place itas an offering toyou on my desk. "Dear Sister, our parents are now over 70, in fairly goodhealth for their age. Mother said to me, 'It's a pity that your sister did not drag throughthosehard years. See what we eat today? We even feed the chickens with goldencorn flour, notto mention willow buds..."


  Ahead of him was his house. As his feet carefully probed the uneven srufaceof the road, hismind kept pondering on that part of history, a tortuous paththey had gone by. He could nothelp feeling grief, even with an awarenessthat history never foUowed a straight forwardcourse...


  Dragon-Boat Festival at Lesha


  Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation,”Leshan in Sichuan Province has theideal setting for its Dragon-Boat Festival.


  The traditional Dragon-Boat Festival, a scene of bustling activity, blends Leshan's culture,arts, economy, tourism and athletics into a wealth of features. On the fifth day of the fifthlunar month (early in June) each year, thousands upon thousands of Leshan people gathertogether along with tourists to celebrate the festival and enjoy the scenic splendor of Jiazhou,Leshan's ancient name.


  High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along theriver banks. On the river itself, gaily decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge,displaying their individual charms to their hearts' content. One boat wags its head and tail;another spits fire and sprays water.


  As the starter’s gun booms, the boats spring into action. Rows of dragons pull downstream,each striving to take the lead. In rhythm with the competition, wild music clangs across theriver, as drums, gongs and horns sound enthusiastically. Seven pairs of athletes on eachboat, bright in their team colors, row with tremendous outbursts of strength and chant inunison over the crest of every wave. The river rings with fervent cheers of "GO! Row! Go!Row!" from the banks, to the rhythm of the athletes oars. "The river extends as far as youreyes can see; Hundreds of dragon boats compete in a race for the winner."


  A highlight during this festive occasion is the customary chasing of ducks on the river, theclimax of the daytime activity. Quacking ducks are tossed up over the water one after another.Immediately from the dragon boats, drums and gongs beat furiously as oarsmen strain theirmuscles to chase the floating ducks. The chasers crouch near the bow, their eyes fixed on theprey. On approaching the ducks, they plunge into the river. But the ducks are tricky, theyquickly dive underwater and vanish. For a moment, drums and gongs stop. Both participantsand onlookers hold their breath in anticipation, eyes wide open, sweeping the river in search ofthe targets. No sooner does a duck appear than shouts of excitement echo from bank to bankagain, accompanied by thunderous rolls from the drums and the gongs. The young rowerswarm to their work and continue the chase, but when they jump into the river, the ducks onceagain dive under. Spectators break into applause to cheer the chasers on. Those who catchthe ducks lift their catch high in the air to show their courage. A storm of applause and cheersrises everywhere. It has been said that those who succeed in the game of chasing ducks canalso win the love of the girls!

  晚上的夜游活動(dòng)堪稱(chēng)壓軸節(jié)目。夜幕降臨,樂(lè)山上空禮炮轟隆, 彩燈光芒四溢。河面各只彩船上無(wú)數(shù)五顏六色的霓虹燈、日光燈齊放光華,閃爍迷離,和水中倒影連成一片。漂燈點(diǎn)綴河面,似萬(wàn)點(diǎn)繁星 墜落人間。在奇光異彩交相輝映中,眾多的龍舟如銀河流星,順河而下,千姿百態(tài),令人叫絕。在探照燈的掃射下,河面激起變幻莫測(cè)的五彩霞光。一時(shí)間,呈現(xiàn)出一幅光的天地、色的世界。

  Evening activity brings another exciting moment to the festival. As night falls, salutes from thecity cannon thunder across the sky, a signal for countless bright lights to flash alive on all thedragon boats up and down the river. Those myriad-light boats become a riot of color whichblends most subtly with colors from the river's reflected surface. As the dragon boats rowslowly and silently downstream,seach lights along the shore highlight the procession ofsparkling beauty. For a moment,before all fades to night, the spectators both afloat andashore share this beautiful picture of universal bright-ness and magical color.


  The Old Man and His Three Sons


  Feng Xuefeng


  An old man had three sons. The eldest was an extraordinary sailor—tough, brave, dutiful andadventurous. The old man loved him indeed, thinking he was the kind of son for a father to beproud of. But caught in a tempest on the sea, this tough and brave son of his was engulfed inthe stormy waves.


  His second son was a strong coal miner, stronger than the other miners. No hard work couldever fatigue him. Besides, he was honest and trustworthy, willing to help others. Therefore,his fellow miners, especially the young ones, sought for his friendship and took pleasure inbeing friends with him. His father cherished him as a godsend—a great compensation for theloss of his eldest son. But unfortunately, he also lost his life in a brave act of self-sacrifice. Oneday, when he was working down the pit, the props, damaged, gave way and the pit caved in. hegrasped one prop that was about to fall and held fast to it. Many of the miners got out ofdanger, but he was crushed in the pit.


  There were no words to describe how grieved the old man was. Soon he became weak andflabby. However, he had another son—the youngest one—to fall back on. This time he changedhis mind. He did not encourage him to become a hero, because he could no longer stand thepoignancy of losing his last child. He sighed, “I would rather he be a mediocrity than atalented person losing his life.” He set about educating him in such a way that even old womenwould not adopt in educating their granddaughters. And this son of his turned out to be veryobedient—he didn’t let him down. In other words, he became a weak, selfish and worthlessperson. It was not until then that the old man found himself a sad and most unfortunate manhe had never been before. He was full of remorse for the mistake he had made. He said in atone filled with anger and pity for his son, “This is what is called good-for-nothing. He has nowbecome the very kind of person I dislike. I am to blame though, for I’ve made him like this withmy own doing. Ah, I wonder if life has any meaning to such a creature, though he is notdrowned in the sea, nor buried in the pit.


  The old man could not bring himself to love his son any more, for he could only love stormyseas, lofty mountains and heroic people like his first two sons. Being a father, he was nowsuffering from a broken heart—a punishment brought on himself for ruining his youngest sonas a result of his own mistake.





