


時(shí)間: 鄭曉823 分享



  一. 單項(xiàng)選擇 (15分)


  ( )1. —I hope to be _______ director like Ang Lee one day. What about you, Jim?

  —Being _______ artist is my dre am.

  A. a; a B. an; a

  C. a; an D. an; an

  ( )2. I’m sure that you can improve your Chinese _______ practising more.

  A. by B. with

  C. of D. in

  ( )3. —Do you know the song Gangnam Style?

  —Of course. It _______ interesting.

  A. tastes B. smells

  C. feels D. sounds

  ( )4. My sister likes the _______ of the cake. It is a heart.

  A. value B. weight

  C. smell D. shape

  ( )5. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, and we felt excited and _______.

  A. nervous B. proud

  C. patient D. lonely

  ( )6. I hear that Han Han’s new book has _______. Let’s go to buy one.

  A. filled out B. looked out

  C. come out D. pointed out

  ( )7. —I want to buy _______ for my mother’s fortieth birthday.

  —How about a pair of sunglasses?

  A. special anything B. something special

  C. nothing special D. special something

  ( )8. Chiang Mai (清邁) has become one of _______ tourist places for Chinese since the film Lost in Thailand was on.

  A. hot B. hotter

  C. hottest D. the hottest

  ( )9. —Look, my dad bought a new iPad as my birthday gift.

  —I don’t think we need such an expen-sive gift though our parents can _______ it.

  A. afford B. allow

  C. refuse D. expect

  ( )10. If you must go, _______ wait until the bus stops.

  A. at last B. at once

  C . at the end D. at least

  ( )11. Linda hurt her legs badly in the accident, so she could _______ stand up.

  A. really B. probably

  C. especially D. hardly

  ( )12. —How long have you lived in the new flat?

  —_______ 2010.

  A. In B. After

  C. Since D. Before

  ( )13. It was such a funny show that we couldn’t help _______ again and again.

  A. laugh B. laughing

  C. to laugh D. laughed

  ( )14. Work hard, _______ you’ll make much great progress soon.

  A. or B. if

  C. but D. and

  ( )15. —I’ll go to the museum this afternoon, so I can’t go swimming with you.


  A. It’s my pleasure B. You’re welcome

  C. That’s a pity D. Don’t mention it

  二. 完形填空 (10分)

  先通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從每題所 給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  I am a mother of two children. In my 16 there is always a special place for those people who are old. Sometimes I feel sad for th e old people, and sometimes I am also afraid of getting old.

  Elderly people 17 a lot of care. They should be helped with some housework. We can help them 18 , wash clothes and so on. I like making friends 19 elderly people. I have lunch with them and 20 their stories. I help them do some shopping and cut their hair. I have noticed that when a person gets 21 , most people start to ignore (忽視) him or her. We all know old people will have a bad 22 and lose their hearing. 23 , it makes me disappointed to see doctors and even their families treat them as children. We need to take a minute out of our 24 life to do something special for the old. It really makes them 25 that someone spends time talking with them and caring for them.

  Actually we are sad when the old people are gone. So we should try our best to give them more comfort and care when they are alive.

  ( )16. A. bag B. heart

  C. room D. box

  ( )17. A. give B. bring

  C. hate D. need

  ( )18. A. draw B. cook

  C. sing D. write

  ( )19. A. on B. to

  C. at D. with

  ( )20. A. listen to B. look at

  C. take off D. hear from

  ( )21. A. older B. younger

  C. taller D. stronger

  ( )22. A. pressure B. behavior

  C. memory D. shape

  ( )23. A. As B. Perhaps

  C. Though D. However

  ( )24. A. simple B. different

  C. busy D. hard

  ( )25. A. sad B. happy

  C. bored D. interested

  三. 閱讀理解 (20分)



  This spring, we have four kinds of field trips for families. The price of each field trip is for a group of four people or less. You may choose from the following:

  Farm Tour Come to the farm, meet those lovely animals and take a walk in the garden.

  Planting Do some planting with your children in the garden and enjoy the pleasure of it.


  Field Trip Come and take a look at the honeybees. Learn more about these busy animals and maybe even taste some honey (蜂蜜).

  Life on

  the Farm Learn about the farm life in spring! Enjoy watering, harvesting (收割) and o ther activities about farm work, local food and something else on the farm.

  ( )26. How many kinds of trips are offered?

  A. Two. B. Three.

  C. Four. D. Five.

  ( )27.If you choose Farm Tour, you will    .

  A. see a lot of cute animals

  B. plant some crops in the garden

  C. have some honey

  D. eat some local food

  ( )28.If you want to experience farmers’ life, you can choose    .

  A. Farm Tour

  B. Planting

  C. Honeybee Field Trip

  D. Life on the Farm

  ( )29. What can we know from the passage?

  A. The price of each field trip is for any group.

  B. A three people’s family should pay for one trip.

  C. The honeybee is the only animal that you can see during the trip.

  D. You can go to the field trip all year round.

  ( )30. What’s the passage mainly about?5ykj.com

  A. Life on the farm.

  B. Animals in the garden.

  C. Some field trips.

  D. Travellers to the farm.


  I’m Anna. Early last week, my parents said we would spend our vacation in Grandpa’s house. I wasn’t excited because he lived far away from us! Usually we flew there, but this time Dad said he would give us a chance to enjoy the beautiful sights.

  We drove for nearly three hours before meeting the first interesting sight: the World’s Largest Peanut. I thought it broke up the boredom (無聊) of the car ride.

  And then we stopped for lunch at a seafood restaurant. Dad said the fish wasn’t as nice as that at the Fishing Hall of Fame. After lunch, Dad drove to a place called Ruby Falls. I took lots of pictures there and started to have fun.

  We stopped at the World’s Largest Catsup (番茄醬) Bottle the next day. I did find it very interesting. It was a water tower, but it could hold over 600,000 bottles of catsup.

  When we finally got to Grandpa’s, I was too excited to jump out of the car. It was really a great trip for me.

  ( )31. Why was Anna not excited about going to her grandpa’s house at first?

  A. Because his house was near her house.

  B. Because there was nothing to do at his house.

  C. Because his house was far away.

  D. Because she had to do a lot of house-work.

  ( )32. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

  A. The World’s Largest Peanut.

  B. Ruby Falls.

  C. The Fishing Hall of Fame.

  D. The seafood restaurant.

  ( )33. When did Anna and her parents go to Ruby Falls?

  A. Three hours after they left home.

  B. Before lunch on the first day.

  C. After lunch on the first day.

  D. The next day.

  ( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Anna had a good time on the way to Grandpa’s house.

  B. Anna’s father liked the food at the seafood restaurant.

  C. Anna went to Grandpa’s house by car every year.

  D. Anna’s grandpa lived with them together.

  ( )35. Which is the best title for the story?

  A. A Place on the Map.

  B. An Interesting Trip.

  C. Grandpa’s House.

  D. A Boring Day.

  四. 詞匯運(yùn)用 (10分)

  A. 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞。

  36. Lucy was shy. She would not i_________ her classmates to practise dancing with her.

  37. I can’t eat anything sweet because I have got a t_________ these days.

  38. Please m_________ the sugar with the flour together.

  39. What a m_________ you’ve made! You’d better clean it up before mum gets up.

  40. You’d better check your homework carefully to a_________ making some mistakes.

  B. 用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空, 每詞限用一次。

  possible hero include pretty weigh

  41. I believe that you will look much _________ if you don’t wear glasses.

  42 . Superman, Spiderman and Iron Man are all _________ in children’s hearts.

  43. Yao Ming is about 2.26 metres tall and _________ 140.6 kg.

  44. Our teachers often tell us that nothing is _________ if we work hard.

  45. Ten people _________ two babi es, were hurt in the crash. What terrible news!

  五. 改寫句子 (10分)


  46. Sandy could play the piano when she was four. (改為同義句)

  Sandy   play the piano when she was four.

  47. The girl can hardly see the words on the blackboard. (完成反意疑問句)

  The girl can hardly see the words on the blackboard, ________ ________?

  48. I have learned English for two years. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)

  have you learned English?

  49. Where does the girl live? The old man asked me. (改為賓語從句)

  The old man asked me   the girl  .

  50. I missed the early bus, so I was late for school. (改為同義句)

  I missed the early bus, and  , I was late for school.

  六. 情景交際 (10分)


  A: Hello, Mike! Are you free this evening?

  B: Yes. (51)

  A: I hear Jay Chou’s concert is on at Beijing Concert Hall this evening.

  B: Really? (52)

  A: I’ve got two tickets for the concert. (53)

  B: Certainly, I’d love to. Thanks for your invitation. (54)

  A: At seven o’clock. Let’s go together.

  B: Great. (55)

  A: At the gate of Beijing Concert Hall at 6:45.

  B: All right. See you then.

  A: See you.

  A. Would you like to go with me?

  B. Where and when shall we meet?

  C. Sorry. I don’t have any time.

  D. What’s up?

  E. What time will it start?

  F. What’s the matter with you?

  G. I’m looking forward to attending it.

  七. 綜合填空 (10分)

  用方框內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空, 使短文完整、通順。

  but write call result seem

  when use old part mean

  Have you ever picked up a pen to write some characters, but you can’t remember what they look like?

  You’re not alone. CCTV-10 started a show (56)________ Chinese Character Dictation Com-petition (《中國(guó)漢字聽寫大會(huì)》) last year. On the show, only three out of 10 adults correctly wrote bingjiling (ice cream 冰激凌), and no one could (57)________ out penti (sneeze噴嚏). According to a survey, 94.1% of people said they had memory lapses (差錯(cuò)) (58)________ writing some characters.

  It (59)________ that Chinese characters are in danger. Since the digital age began, fewer and fewer people (60)________ pens and paper. Most people now write Chinese on keyboards using pinyin. As a (61)________, many people would forget the features of a Chinese character, such as its structure and (62)________ easily.

  Chinese characters are one of the w orld’s (63)________ written languages, dating back (追溯到) to 1100 BC. It’s not only a way for us to record things, (64)________ it’s important to pass on Chinese culture. For example, the character nan (male男) is made up of two (65)________, tian (farmland田) and li (strength力). We can tell from it that in the old times Chinese men were in charge of (負(fù)責(zé)) working on the farmland.

  八. 書面表達(dá) (15分)



  1. 上周日與朋友李萱乘火車到青島;

  2. 首先參觀了青島的歡動(dòng)世界 (Just High),在這里既體驗(yàn)了一些游戲,又在芭迪熊餐廳 (Buddy Bear Restaurant) 品嘗了美味大餐;

  3. 然后來到青島海灘游玩,并和外國(guó)游客合影留念。

  _________________________ _____________
