


時間: 鄭曉823 分享


  Ⅳ. 詞匯運用(10分)


  1. Don’t stand there. Come here and take this s     .

  2. Here is the m     . You can order the dishes now.

  3. Betty can sing lots of English s     .

  4. Both of them are     (獲勝者)of the speech competition.

  5. Thank you for     (提供)me so much help.

  答案: 1. seat 2. menu 3. songs 4. winners 5. giving

 ?、? 完成句子(10分)

  1. 世界上最受歡迎的運動項目是什么?

  What’s              sport in the world?

  2. 這是我看過的最令人激動的電影。

  This is the         movie that I’ve seen.

  3. 瑪麗認(rèn)為這首曲子是世界上最優(yōu)美的。

  Mary thinks this piece of music is              in the world.

  4. 陽光旅館里的房間是附近最大最干凈的。

  The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the     and     around here.

  5. 離我家最近的超市步行需5分鐘。

  supermarket from my home is              .

  答案: 1. the most popular 2. most exciting

  3. the most beautiful 4. biggest; cleanest

  5. The closest; five minutes’ walk

 ?、? 補全對話(10分)

  從方框中選擇最佳選項完成對話, 有兩項多余。

  A. What about other clothes stores?

  B. I don’t think so.

  C. May I ask you some questions?

  D. Thank you very much.

  E. Can I help you?

  F. How do you like it?

  G. I think Spring Clothes Store is the best.

  A: Hello! I’m doing a survey for the Daily TV News.   1

  B: Sure.

  A: What do you think of the clothes store in town?

  B:   2

  A: Why do you think so?

  B: Because it has the best clothes.

  A:   3

  B: Let me see. Paris Fashion has the friendliest service, but it’s also the most expensive.

  A: Some people like Jeniffer’s.   4

  B: Well, it’s cheaper than other clothes, but it has the worst clothes, I think.

  A: I see.   5

  B: You’re welcome.

  答案: 1~5. CGAFD

 ?、? 短文填空(10分)

  從方框中選詞填空完成短文, 使短文內(nèi)容完整、通順。

  funniest, meal, service, closest, screens, performer,

  seats, comfortably, talent show, all kinds of

  I have a good friend. His name is Nick. Both of us like watching movies and 1 talent shows. Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together. The cinema is the 2 to our homes. So we walked there. It has the biggest 3 and the most comfortable 4 in town. You can sit there 5 , watch great movies and enjoy your time with your friends. We saw a funny movie called Mr. Bean. I think it’s the 6 movie I’ve seen.

  After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant near the movie theater to have a 7 . There are different kinds of dishes on the menu. The food in the restaurant is really delicious. What’s more, it’s the cheapest in town and it has the friendliest 8 .

  Then we watched a 9 on TV. It’s very interesting to watch other people show their talents. Every 10 is good at something, but some of them are truly talented. Nowadays talent shows are getting more and more popular.

  1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._________ 5._________

  6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._________ 10._________

  答案: 1. all kinds of 2. closest 3. screens 4. seats

  5. comfortably 6. funniest 7. meal 8. service

  9. talent show 10. performer

 ?、? 書面表達(dá)(20分)

  Mike經(jīng)常到學(xué)校附近的三家快餐店吃飯, 下面是他做的調(diào)查。請根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容, 寫一篇簡單的調(diào)查報告。60個詞左右, 開頭已給出(不計入總詞數(shù))。


  Ham’s class="main">


時間: 鄭曉823 分享



  Ⅳ. 詞匯運用(10分)


  1. Don’t stand there. Come here and take this s     .

  2. Here is the m     . You can order the dishes now.

  3. Betty can sing lots of English s     .

  4. Both of them are     (獲勝者)of the speech competition.

  5. Thank you for     (提供)me so much help.

  答案: 1. seat 2. menu 3. songs 4. winners 5. giving

 ?、? 完成句子(10分)

  1. 世界上最受歡迎的運動項目是什么?

  What’s              sport in the world?

  2. 這是我看過的最令人激動的電影。

  This is the         movie that I’ve seen.

  3. 瑪麗認(rèn)為這首曲子是世界上最優(yōu)美的。

  Mary thinks this piece of music is              in the world.

  4. 陽光旅館里的房間是附近最大最干凈的。

  The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the     and     around here.

  5. 離我家最近的超市步行需5分鐘。

  supermarket from my home is              .

  答案: 1. the most popular 2. most exciting

  3. the most beautiful 4. biggest; cleanest

  5. The closest; five minutes’ walk

 ?、? 補全對話(10分)

  從方框中選擇最佳選項完成對話, 有兩項多余。

  A. What about other clothes stores?

  B. I don’t think so.

  C. May I ask you some questions?

  D. Thank you very much.

  E. Can I help you?

  F. How do you like it?

  G. I think Spring Clothes Store is the best.

  A: Hello! I’m doing a survey for the Daily TV News.   1

  B: Sure.

  A: What do you think of the clothes store in town?

  B:   2

  A: Why do you think so?

  B: Because it has the best clothes.

  A:   3

  B: Let me see. Paris Fashion has the friendliest service, but it’s also the most expensive.

  A: Some people like Jeniffer’s.   4

  B: Well, it’s cheaper than other clothes, but it has the worst clothes, I think.

  A: I see.   5

  B: You’re welcome.

  答案: 1~5. CGAFD

  Ⅶ. 短文填空(10分)

  從方框中選詞填空完成短文, 使短文內(nèi)容完整、通順。

  funniest, meal, service, closest, screens, performer,

  seats, comfortably, talent show, all kinds of

  I have a good friend. His name is Nick. Both of us like watching movies and 1 talent shows. Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together. The cinema is the 2 to our homes. So we walked there. It has the biggest 3 and the most comfortable 4 in town. You can sit there 5 , watch great movies and enjoy your time with your friends. We saw a funny movie called Mr. Bean. I think it’s the 6 movie I’ve seen.

  After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant near the movie theater to have a 7 . There are different kinds of dishes on the menu. The food in the restaurant is really delicious. What’s more, it’s the cheapest in town and it has the friendliest 8 .

  Then we watched a 9 on TV. It’s very interesting to watch other people show their talents. Every 10 is good at something, but some of them are truly talented. Nowadays talent shows are getting more and more popular.

  1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._________ 5._________

  6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._________ 10._________

  答案: 1. all kinds of 2. closest 3. screens 4. seats

  5. comfortably 6. funniest 7. meal 8. service

  9. talent show 10. performer

 ?、? 書面表達(dá)(20分)

  Mike經(jīng)常到學(xué)校附近的三家快餐店吃飯, 下面是他做的調(diào)查。請根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容, 寫一篇簡單的調(diào)查報告。60個詞左右, 開頭已給出(不計入總詞數(shù))。


  Ham’s $1. 5/hamburger better not friendly

  Billy’s $2/hamburger good friendly

  Jason’s $2. 5/hamburger best friendly

  There are three fast food restaurants near our school.




  There are three fast food restaurants near our school. In all of them, I like Jason’s best. It has the best quality food and friendly service but the price there is a little higher than the other two. The price of the Ham’s is lower than that of Billy’s, but it has the better quality hamburgers. But I don’t enjoy Ham’s because it doesn’t have friendly service at all. Billy’s is cheaper than Jason’s and it has good quality food and friendly service, so I like to eat there very much.

 ?、? 閱讀理解(10分)

  One day, John read an advertisement in a newspaper. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman in the world. ”John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. “I’m the best salesman in the world, ”he said to the manager. “Give me the job. ”

  “You must prove(證明)you’re the best, ”the manager said.

  “OK, I will. ”John said.

  “Good. ”The manager took several boxes of sweets(糖果)out of his desk. “Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”said the manager.

  “That’s easy. ”John said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

  Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the sweets. But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I’m sorry, sir, ”he said, “I was wrong about myself. I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is. ”

  “Oh, ”said the manager, “Who? ”

  “The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets. ”

  1. The manager told John   .

  A. he could start to work at once

  B. he was the best salesman in the world

  C. he wasn’t a good salesman

  D. he must show he was the best salesman in the world

  【解析】選D。推理判斷題。由第二段中“You must prove you’re the best”可知, 約翰若想得到這份工作, 必須得證明自己是世界上最好的推銷員。故選D。

  2. John could get the job if   .

  A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweets

  B. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets

  C. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets

  D. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager

  【解析】選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第四段中“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”可知, 如果約翰賣掉這一千箱糖果, 他就能得到這份工作。

  3. The right order(順序)of the story is   .

 ?、貸ohn went to ask for the job.

 ?、贘ohn told the manager who the best salesman really was.

  ③John read an advertisement in a newspaper.

 ?、躂ohn went to sell the sweets.

  A. ①②③④ B. ④③②①

  C. ③①④② D. ③④①②

  【解析】選C。主旨大意題。綜合全文可知, 這個故事的順序是: 約翰讀到了報紙上的招聘廣告→前去應(yīng)聘→經(jīng)理讓他去賣糖果→最后約翰告訴經(jīng)理誰才是最好的推銷員。故選C。

  4. From this story, we can know that   .

  A. John didn’t get the job

  B. John was a good seller

  C. the manager was a good seller

  D. the advertisement was a good one

  【解析】選A。推理判斷題。由倒數(shù)第三段信息可知, 約翰沒有賣掉糖果, 因此他也得不到這份工作。故選A。

  5. John couldn’t sell the sweets because   .

  A. he was not a good salesman

  B. the sweets were too bad

  C. he wanted to send them to his friends

  D. nobody liked sweets

  【解析】選B。事實細(xì)節(jié)題。由倒數(shù)第三段中“But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. ”可知, 約翰沒有把糖果賣出去是因為糖果太劣質(zhì)了。故選B。






5.人教新目標(biāo)八年級上冊英語Unit 4檢測試題及答案

/hamburger good friendly



 ?、? 詞匯運用(10分)


  1. Don’t stand there. Come here and take this s     .

  2. Here is the m     . You can order the dishes now.

  3. Betty can sing lots of English s     .

  4. Both of them are     (獲勝者)of the speech competition.

  5. Thank you for     (提供)me so much help.

  答案: 1. seat 2. menu 3. songs 4. winners 5. giving

 ?、? 完成句子(10分)

  1. 世界上最受歡迎的運動項目是什么?

  What’s              sport in the world?

  2. 這是我看過的最令人激動的電影。

  This is the         movie that I’ve seen.

  3. 瑪麗認(rèn)為這首曲子是世界上最優(yōu)美的。

  Mary thinks this piece of music is              in the world.

  4. 陽光旅館里的房間是附近最大最干凈的。

  The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the     and     around here.

  5. 離我家最近的超市步行需5分鐘。

  supermarket from my home is              .

  答案: 1. the most popular 2. most exciting

  3. the most beautiful 4. biggest; cleanest

  5. The closest; five minutes’ walk

 ?、? 補全對話(10分)

  從方框中選擇最佳選項完成對話, 有兩項多余。

  A. What about other clothes stores?

  B. I don’t think so.

  C. May I ask you some questions?

  D. Thank you very much.

  E. Can I help you?

  F. How do you like it?

  G. I think Spring Clothes Store is the best.

  A: Hello! I’m doing a survey for the Daily TV News.   1

  B: Sure.

  A: What do you think of the clothes store in town?

  B:   2

  A: Why do you think so?

  B: Because it has the best clothes.

  A:   3

  B: Let me see. Paris Fashion has the friendliest service, but it’s also the most expensive.

  A: Some people like Jeniffer’s.   4

  B: Well, it’s cheaper than other clothes, but it has the worst clothes, I think.

  A: I see.   5

  B: You’re welcome.

  答案: 1~5. CGAFD

 ?、? 短文填空(10分)

  從方框中選詞填空完成短文, 使短文內(nèi)容完整、通順。

  funniest, meal, service, closest, screens, performer,

  seats, comfortably, talent show, all kinds of

  I have a good friend. His name is Nick. Both of us like watching movies and 1 talent shows. Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together. The cinema is the 2 to our homes. So we walked there. It has the biggest 3 and the most comfortable 4 in town. You can sit there 5 , watch great movies and enjoy your time with your friends. We saw a funny movie called Mr. Bean. I think it’s the 6 movie I’ve seen.

  After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant near the movie theater to have a 7 . There are different kinds of dishes on the menu. The food in the restaurant is really delicious. What’s more, it’s the cheapest in town and it has the friendliest 8 .

  Then we watched a 9 on TV. It’s very interesting to watch other people show their talents. Every 10 is good at something, but some of them are truly talented. Nowadays talent shows are getting more and more popular.

  1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._________ 5._________

  6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._________ 10._________

  答案: 1. all kinds of 2. closest 3. screens 4. seats

  5. comfortably 6. funniest 7. meal 8. service

  9. talent show 10. performer

  Ⅷ. 書面表達(dá)(20分)

  Mike經(jīng)常到學(xué)校附近的三家快餐店吃飯, 下面是他做的調(diào)查。請根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容, 寫一篇簡單的調(diào)查報告。60個詞左右, 開頭已給出(不計入總詞數(shù))。


  Ham’s $1. 5/hamburger better not friendly

  Billy’s $2/hamburger good friendly

  Jason’s $2. 5/hamburger best friendly

  There are three fast food restaurants near our school.




  There are three fast food restaurants near our school. In all of them, I like Jason’s best. It has the best quality food and friendly service but the price there is a little higher than the other two. The price of the Ham’s is lower than that of Billy’s, but it has the better quality hamburgers. But I don’t enjoy Ham’s because it doesn’t have friendly service at all. Billy’s is cheaper than Jason’s and it has good quality food and friendly service, so I like to eat there very much.

 ?、? 閱讀理解(10分)

  One day, John read an advertisement in a newspaper. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman in the world. ”John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. “I’m the best salesman in the world, ”he said to the manager. “Give me the job. ”

  “You must prove(證明)you’re the best, ”the manager said.

  “OK, I will. ”John said.

  “Good. ”The manager took several boxes of sweets(糖果)out of his desk. “Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”said the manager.

  “That’s easy. ”John said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

  Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the sweets. But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I’m sorry, sir, ”he said, “I was wrong about myself. I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is. ”

  “Oh, ”said the manager, “Who? ”

  “The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets. ”

  1. The manager told John   .

  A. he could start to work at once

  B. he was the best salesman in the world

  C. he wasn’t a good salesman

  D. he must show he was the best salesman in the world

  【解析】選D。推理判斷題。由第二段中“You must prove you’re the best”可知, 約翰若想得到這份工作, 必須得證明自己是世界上最好的推銷員。故選D。

  2. John could get the job if   .

  A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweets

  B. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets

  C. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets

  D. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager

  【解析】選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第四段中“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”可知, 如果約翰賣掉這一千箱糖果, 他就能得到這份工作。

  3. The right order(順序)of the story is   .

  ①John went to ask for the job.

 ?、贘ohn told the manager who the best salesman really was.

  ③John read an advertisement in a newspaper.

 ?、躂ohn went to sell the sweets.

  A. ①②③④ B. ④③②①

  C. ③①④② D. ③④①②

  【解析】選C。主旨大意題。綜合全文可知, 這個故事的順序是: 約翰讀到了報紙上的招聘廣告→前去應(yīng)聘→經(jīng)理讓他去賣糖果→最后約翰告訴經(jīng)理誰才是最好的推銷員。故選C。

  4. From this story, we can know that   .

  A. John didn’t get the job

  B. John was a good seller

  C. the manager was a good seller

  D. the advertisement was a good one

  【解析】選A。推理判斷題。由倒數(shù)第三段信息可知, 約翰沒有賣掉糖果, 因此他也得不到這份工作。故選A。

  5. John couldn’t sell the sweets because   .

  A. he was not a good salesman

  B. the sweets were too bad

  C. he wanted to send them to his friends

  D. nobody liked sweets

  【解析】選B。事實細(xì)節(jié)題。由倒數(shù)第三段中“But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. ”可知, 約翰沒有把糖果賣出去是因為糖果太劣質(zhì)了。故選B。






5.人教新目標(biāo)八年級上冊英語Unit 4檢測試題及答案

. 5/hamburger best friendly

  There are three fast food restaurants near our school.




  There are three fast food restaurants near our school. In all of them, I like Jason’s best. It has the best quality food and friendly service but the price there is a little higher than the other two. The price of the Ham’s is lower than that of Billy’s, but it has the better quality hamburgers. But I don’t enjoy Ham’s because it doesn’t have friendly service at all. Billy’s is cheaper than Jason’s and it has good quality food and friendly service, so I like to eat there very much.

 ?、? 閱讀理解(10分)

  One day, John read an advertisement in a newspaper. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman in the world. ”John thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job. “I’m the best salesman in the world, ”he said to the manager. “Give me the job. ”

  “You must prove(證明)you’re the best, ”the manager said.

  “OK, I will. ”John said.

  “Good. ”The manager took several boxes of sweets(糖果)out of his desk. “Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”said the manager.

  “That’s easy. ”John said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office.

  Every day and all day he went from shop to shop, trying to sell the sweets. But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I’m sorry, sir, ”he said, “I was wrong about myself. I’m not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is. ”

  “Oh, ”said the manager, “Who? ”

  “The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets. ”

  1. The manager told John   .

  A. he could start to work at once

  B. he was the best salesman in the world

  C. he wasn’t a good salesman

  D. he must show he was the best salesman in the world

  【解析】選D。推理判斷題。由第二段中“You must prove you’re the best”可知, 約翰若想得到這份工作, 必須得證明自己是世界上最好的推銷員。故選D。

  2. John could get the job if   .

  A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweets

  B. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets

  C. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets

  D. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager

  【解析】選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第四段中“Last week I bought a thousand boxes of sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. ”可知, 如果約翰賣掉這一千箱糖果, 他就能得到這份工作。

  3. The right order(順序)of the story is   .

 ?、貸ohn went to ask for the job.

 ?、贘ohn told the manager who the best salesman really was.

 ?、跩ohn read an advertisement in a newspaper.

 ?、躂ohn went to sell the sweets.

  A. ①②③④ B. ④③②①

  C. ③①④② D. ③④①②

  【解析】選C。主旨大意題。綜合全文可知, 這個故事的順序是: 約翰讀到了報紙上的招聘廣告→前去應(yīng)聘→經(jīng)理讓他去賣糖果→最后約翰告訴經(jīng)理誰才是最好的推銷員。故選C。

  4. From this story, we can know that   .

  A. John didn’t get the job

  B. John was a good seller

  C. the manager was a good seller

  D. the advertisement was a good one

  【解析】選A。推理判斷題。由倒數(shù)第三段信息可知, 約翰沒有賣掉糖果, 因此他也得不到這份工作。故選A。

  5. John couldn’t sell the sweets because   .

  A. he was not a good salesman

  B. the sweets were too bad

  C. he wanted to send them to his friends

  D. nobody liked sweets

  【解析】選B。事實細(xì)節(jié)題。由倒數(shù)第三段中“But he couldn’t sell one. The sweets were too bad for him to sell. ”可知, 約翰沒有把糖果賣出去是因為糖果太劣質(zhì)了。故選B。






5.人教新目標(biāo)八年級上冊英語Unit 4檢測試題及答案


第Ⅱ卷(共60分) Ⅳ. 詞匯運用(10分) (Ⅰ)根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示完成單詞。 1. Dont stand there. Come here and take this s . 2. Here is the m . You can order the dishes no


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