


時(shí)間: 雪珠631 分享





  A.生活常用標(biāo)志:停車場Parking lot。麥當(dāng)勞Madonalds。小心碰頭Watch your head。油漆未干Wet paite。

  B.廣告語:雪碧Obey you thirst。百事可樂Ask for more。飄柔洗發(fā)水Start ahead。耐克運(yùn)動鞋Just do it。示例:雀巢咖啡The taste is great。


  D.公共英語標(biāo)志:Careful slip、Don't hand off the flowers and trees、Visitors please tegister、Don't keep off thearass、Please shout the door after you、No littering。示例:①No smoking禁止吸煙②Safe exit安全出口③Quiet please禁止喧嘩。

  E.壯麗山河:1、泰山,青天河,伊犁河谷(答案不唯一)2、Mount Tianzi表達(dá)方式:描寫。3、I want to go to Tibet,I hope that feel purn,beautiful,holy in there.

  F.美麗家鄉(xiāng):My hometown although in the countryside, but that didn't the noise and the fast pace of life. Said the Spring Festival, we will think of adopting, previously, we in the garden of a pond, have a rockery, false the mountains have a clump of grass, we have the Spring Festival when often false the mountains to throw cannon, sometimes we will make practical joke, put the peng bacillus subtilis, light, the light of fire unto the midst of heaven, others will think and caught on fire!

  We have to climb the mountain, sometimes may also went around to the other mountain, we look for half a day to find the way home, in the way we pick some green peas, the blue green peas in your mouth bite and a share of refreshing aroma flow into core, let a person remember off the beans out and the skin on her mouth blow can light!


  A.英語諺語:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。事難兩全。1.if 條件狀語 主將從現(xiàn),主過從過。2.If you give him an inch he'll take a mile.If a man goes to bed and to rise early,he'll be healthy,wealthy and wise.If you help yourselves,god'll help you.If a man who doesn't act,heaven'll never help him.If there're no pains,there'll be no gains.3.示例:If tou love me,you should love me dog.愛屋及烏。

  1、時(shí)間 until while。2、地點(diǎn) 他們是好人。走到哪兒都受到熱烈的歡迎。 你應(yīng)該把書放回原處。 You should put the key where nobody can found it.3、because 4、so that in order that 5、so…that so so so so such so such so so。6、句型轉(zhuǎn)換:It's rain they're still working in the field. He's very old he still works very hard。請根據(jù)文章提供語境用恰當(dāng)?shù)囊龑?dǎo)詞填空:because when As such so that so when。

  B.動詞:took ran to have made are crying was hanged

  1、 用take短語完成下列短文:took down

  took alone;take photos;took train;

  took on;took over control。
