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  1. 關(guān)于surprise:

  Ø surprise 使…驚奇(動詞),surprise sb. 例:You surprised me.

  Ø surprising 令人驚奇的(形容詞,修飾物),surprised 覺得驚奇的(形容詞,修飾人)

  Ø surprise 吃驚,驚奇(名詞) in surprise 吃驚地 to one’s surprise 讓某人吃驚的是

  2. 關(guān)于either(either與too, either 與both, either 與neither):

  Ø either(也不,adv.) 與too(也,adv.)在句中的位置相同,但either用于否定句,too用于肯定句;

  e.g. If I go there, he will, too. If I don’t go there, he won’t, either.

  Ø either(兩者之一,代詞.) 與both(兩者都,代詞)談?wù)摰姆秶紴閮烧? 但either所代替的對象為一個,both所代替的對象為兩個。短語:either of … 兩者之一(作主語被當(dāng)成“三單”),both of兩者都(作主語為復(fù)數(shù))。

  e.g. I think either of them is a student. I think both of them are students.

  Ø either … or.. (不是…就是,連詞)與neither…nor (兩者都不,連詞)談?wù)摰姆秶紴閮烧撸季哂芯徒恢略瓌t,但either…or表肯定(有一個),neither…nor表否定(一個都沒有)

  e.g. Either you or he has to clean the room every day. Neither you nor I know about that.

  3. 關(guān)于return:

  Ø return 歸還(及物動詞) return sth to + sb/地點(diǎn)= give sth. back to + sb/地點(diǎn)

  e.g. I returned the book to him/the library.= I gave the book back to him/the library.

  Ø return 返回(不及物動詞) return to + 地點(diǎn) = come/go, get back to + 地點(diǎn)

  e.g. He returned to Chongqing yesterday. = He got back to Chongqing yesterday.

  4.關(guān)于“忘記”(forget, leave)

  Ø “把某物忘在某地”不能用forget, 而只能用leave

  Ø forget to do sth.忘記要去做某事(此事還沒做) forget doing sth 忘記做過某事(此事已做過)

  Ø leave sth + 地點(diǎn) 把某物忘在某地 (leave → left→ left)

  e.g. He left his math book at home. 他把數(shù)學(xué)書忘在了家里。

  5.關(guān)于“借”(borrow, lend, keep)

  Ø borrow 向別人借進(jìn),(瞬間動詞) 短語:borrow sth. from sb/地點(diǎn) 從某人/某地借進(jìn)某物

  e.g. He borrowed my computer. = He borrowed the computer from me.

  Ø lend 借出給別人(瞬間動詞lend → lent→ lent), 短語:lend sth to sb/地點(diǎn) 把某物借給某人/某地

  e.g. He lent his computer to me.

  Ø keep 借(延續(xù)性動詞,與一段時間搭配)

  e.g. I can keep the book for two weeks. How long can keep the book?

  6.關(guān)于“花費(fèi)”(take, cost, spend, pay)

  Ø 物作主語只能用:take(花時間、金錢) 或 cost(多用于金錢)

  人作主語只能用:spend(花時間、金錢) 或 pay (多用于金錢)

  Ø 相關(guān)用法:


  It/sth takes sb. to do sth. (做)某事花某人時間/金錢。


  It/sth cost sb 金錢 to do sth. (做)某事花某人金錢。

  時間 (in)doing sth.

  某人 spend 某人花時間/金錢做某事。

  金錢 on sth

  某人pay 金錢 for sth 花錢買… pay sb. for sth 付錢給某人買…

  Ø 其它用法:spend (時間) with sb 與某人共度時光;

  take a bus = go …by bus=go…on a bus乘公共汽車;

  7.關(guān)于enough(adj. 足夠的): enough + n.(例:enough money), adj. + enough (例:old enough)

  Ø enough to do 足夠…以至于能做…

  Ø too adj. to do 太 … 以至于不能… = not adj.(反義) enough to do = so adj. that + 從句(否定)

  8.關(guān)于loud和loudly:loud (adv.) = loudly (adv., 只作adv.), 并且loudly含有“鬧得煩人”的含義;

  loud (adj.)修飾名詞,如:in a loud voice 大聲地,He likes speaking in a loud voice.



  1. too loud太大聲 2. out of style過時的 3. in style流行的

  4. call sb. up=ring sb. up=call/ring/phone sb. 給…..打電話

  5. a ticket to/for a ball game 一張球賽的門票

  注意:the key to the door; the key/answer to the question; the solution to the problem .此處幾個短語不能用of表示所有格

  6. talk about sb./sth談?wù)撽P(guān)于某人的事; talk with/to sb. 與某人交談

  7. buy sth for sb.=buy sb. sth 為……買東西(buy→bought→bought)

  還要注意:make sb. sth = make sth for sb.給某人制作某物;get sb. sth = get sth for sb 給某人買/送某物

  8. tell sb to do sth告訴某人做某事; tell sb not to do sth. 告訴某人不做某事

  9. want sb. to do sth.=would like sb. to do 想某人做某事

  10. find out 發(fā)現(xiàn);查清楚;弄明白

  11. fail (in) the test=not pass the test 考試不及格

  fail in (doing) sth… 在...上失敗 ; succeed in (doing) sth在...方面成功

  12. write sb a letter = write to sb.給某人寫信(write→wrote→written)

  13. ask sb. for sth 尋求/向某人要某物

  14. argue with sb. = have an argument with sb. 與某人爭吵

  15. have a fight with sb.=fight with 與某人打架

  16. prepare for…=get/be ready for… 為…做準(zhǔn)備

  17. after-school clubs課外俱樂部 18. get on /along well with sb. 與…相處很好

  18. all kinds of= different kinds of 各種各樣

  19. as much as possible=as much as 某人 can/could 盡可能多

  20. take part in=join in 參加(某種活動/集會) take part in = join參加(組織)

  join sb. in sth/doing sth 參加某人的…活動

  21. a bit + adj. =a little+adj. 一點(diǎn)兒 a bit of +不可數(shù)名詞= a little+不可數(shù)名詞 一點(diǎn)兒/一些

  22. be angry with sb. = be mad at sb = get annoyed with sb 生某人的氣

  23. on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

  24. not…until 直到…才(謂語動詞一般是非延續(xù)動詞)

  25. find + it + adj. + to do sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事是…. (find→found→found)

  e.g. We found it interesting to learn English. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)英語很有趣。

  26. compare sth/sb. with sth/sb. 把…與…作比較

  27. It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. = It’s time for sth. 該是(某人)做某事的時候了。

  28. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. 我很沮喪,不知道該怎么辦。

  = I’m very upset and don’t know what I can do. (用從名替換“疑問詞+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu))

  = I’m very upset and don’t know how to do with it.(√)

  I’m very upset and don’t know how to do. (x)

  29. 詢問問題:

  What’s wrong (with sb.)? = What’s up (with sb.)?=What’s the problem (with sb.)?=What’s the trouble(with sb.)? =What’s the matter (with sb.)…怎么啦?



  1. You should do. 你應(yīng)當(dāng)…. 2. You could do. 你可以…. 3. Why not do sth? 為什么不…?

  4. Why don’t you do sth? 你為什么不…. 5. What/How about sth/doing sth? …怎樣呢?


  Dear Lucy,

  I’m sorry to hear that you are worried about how to use the Internet. Here is what I think of the Internet.

  On the one hand, we can get the latest news(最新的新聞), listen to music, see movies and do some shopping with it. We can play games, chat(聊天) with our friends from far away, send and receive emails. It’s fast and useful(有用的). It’s a good way for us in our daily life.

  On the other hand, surfing the Internet or playing games may take up(占據(jù)) a lot of our time, and sometimes we may meet harmful(有害的) people. That’s too bad.

  I think you should work hard at your lessons, and spend more time with your friends. I hope that you will have a good time surfing the Internet as well(也).

  Best wishes!(祝你一切順利)






  1. My little brother often speaks in a ________ (loudly) voice in public. We feel sorry for that.

  2. Sally, please speak ________ (loud), so we all can hear you clearly.

  3. Listen, someone is knocking at the door ________ (loud).

  4. The news on TV last night really ________ (surprise) me a lot.

  5. We all feel _______ at the ________ (surprise) news.

  6. To my ________ (surprise), he failed in the exam.

  7. I think you should _______ (stay) at home.

  8. All our teachers are very _________ (friend) to us.

  9. Ted, I want you _________ (go) to bed early at night.

  10. I don’t have enough money ___________ (buy) the sports shoes.

  11. I have finished ________ (do) my homework now.

  12. What you should do is __________ (relax) yourself.

  13. The woman tried to leave the market without __________ (pay) for the dress.

  14. -----Did you pass the exam last week? ----- No, I ________ (fail) it.

  15. Mum is ________ (prepare) lunch in the kitchen. Let’s go and give her a hand.


  1. I bought the Chinese-English dictionary for 10 dollars. (變同義句)

  I _______ 10 dollars ______ the Chinese-English dictionary.

  I _______ 10 dollars ______ the Chinese-English dictionary.

  The Chinese-English dictionary ________ me 10 dollars.

  2. I think your parents can lend some money to you for that. (變同義句)

  I think you can ________ some money ________ your parents for that.

  3. I think you should ask your teacher for help. (變否定句)

  I _______ _________ you _________ ________ your teacher for help.

  4. I would like to join in the after school activities. (變同義句)

  I _______ to ________ ________ ______ the after school activities.

  5. I will return the book to the library tomorrow. (變同義句)

  I will ________ the _______ _______ to the library.

  6. I don’t have enough time. (改為一般疑問句的肯定形式)

  _______ ________ _______ enough time?

  7. It seems that Lily is unhappy today. (同義句)

  Lily _______ to ______ unhappy today.

  8. Susan is very upset and doesn’t know what to do. (改為過去時)

  Susan ______ very upset and _______ ________ what to do.

  9. She finds it very important to learn Chinese well. (同義句)

  ______ is very important _______ _______ to learn Chinese well.

  10. The shoes are out of style, ________ _______ ? (反義疑問句)


  1. 我需要弄些錢來買這些球鞋。I need to ______ ______ ______ to ______ the sports shoes.

  2. 你應(yīng)該向你哥哥借些錢。You can _________ _______ ________ _______ your brother.

  3. 你應(yīng)該向你父母要些錢。You should _______ your parents ________ some money.

  4. 我叔叔也沒錢。My uncle doesn’t ________ ________ money, ________.

  5. 他可以請一位家教來家里幫他學(xué)習(xí)英語。

  He can _______ _______ tutor to come to his home to help _______ his English.

  6. 這本書很簡單,八歲大的孩子足可以讀得懂。

  The book is ________ ________ for _________________ child to read.

  7. 除周日外,我姐姐每天都早起。My sister ________ _____ early every day ______ on Sundays.

  8. 我覺得學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)很有趣。 I find ______ ___________ to learn math.

 ?、簟⒍涛奶羁?1(根據(jù)3a,Section B改寫)

  My name is Mary and I am in charge of (主管) a newspaper advice column (專欄). Here is a letter from a lonely kid. In the letter, he says he has a ________ and _______ my help. He always thought he was ________ at school. But he just _______ _______ that his friends were _________ a birthday party for his best friend and they didn’t _______ him. _________ ________ in his class was _______ _______ him, and he doesn’t know ________. He can’t think what he did _______. He is very ________ and doesn’t know what to do. My dear friends, can you give him some advice? Thank you!

 ?、?、短文填空 2

  Nowadays(當(dāng)今), in China, you can ________ a lot of parents pay special attention to (特別關(guān)注) their one child’s growing _______. When their child is two or three years old or even _________, they will _______ to choose a good kindergarten (幼兒園) _______ his kid. Some parents will spend about eight hundred to nine hundred yuan _______ their kid’s tuition (學(xué)費(fèi)). This is a ________ burden (負(fù)擔(dān)) for the young ________. But for their little emperor’s bright (光明的) _________, what _______ could they do?





