
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初二學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 八年級英語 > 八年級下冊英語期末復(fù)習(xí)詞匯


時間: 妙純901 分享




  1. have been to到過某處(現(xiàn)在已回來)

  have gone to 到某處去了(現(xiàn)在還沒有回來)

  have been in/at 在某處呆了多久

  have been here

  have gone there(副詞前不用to)

  2.an amusement park游樂園

  3.a water park水上公園

  4.a roller coaster過山車

  5. see sb. doing sth.看見某人正在做某事

  see sb. do sth.看見某人做了某事

  6. walk around四處走動

  7. take a ride兜風(fēng)

  8. on board在船上

  9. take different routes走不同的路線

  10.end up with sth 以…結(jié)束

  end up doing sth 以做某事結(jié)束

  11.argue with sb.與某人爭吵

  12.an English-speaking country說英語的國家

  13.an exchange student交換生

  14.a flight attendant一名機組乘務(wù)員

  15.a tour guide導(dǎo)游

  16. such as例如

  for example例如(后用逗號隔開)

  17. listening skills聽力技能

  18. in Southeast Asia在東南亞

  19. take a holiday度假

  20. three quarters四分之三

  21.have problems (in) doing sth. /with sth 做某事很困難

  22. during the daytime在白天期間

  in the daytime在白天

  23. all year round全年,一年到頭

  24. wake up醒來,喚醒,叫醒

  Wake sb. up叫醒某人

  25.think about doing sth 思考做某事

  26.so much fun如此多的樂趣

  27.welcome to 歡迎來到

  28.be welcomed by受到…歡迎

  29. think about 考慮

  30.think of想起;認為

  31. rather than寧可;而不是


  33.on the one hand,… on the other hand,….一方面…,另一方面…

  34.the best time to do sth 做某事的最佳時間

  35.the reason for… 的理由

  36.a zoo called/named...一個叫做……的動物園

  37.travel to... 到……去旅行

  38.it's fun to do sth 做……有趣

  39.outside of China 在中國以外,在國外

  40.the way to do sth 做……的方法

  41.a good place to... 一個……的好地方

  42.take lessons 上課

  43.it's because…that... 正是因為……才……

  44.close to... 離……近

  45.far (away) from... 離……遠

  46.try new food嘗試新食物

  47.be asleep睡著的

  48.be awake醒著的


  1. photo album相冊

  2. leave school畢業(yè)離校

  3. take care of = look after=care for照顧,照看

  4. too … to …太……而不能……

  5. these days目前,現(xiàn)在

  6. a pot-bellied pig大肚豬

  7. not … at all根本不,一點也不

  8. fall asleep入睡

  9. give away 分發(fā),贈送

  10. pay for付……的款

  11. rather than而不是

  instead of (doing sth)代替,而不是

  12. in different ways以不同的方式

  13. as … as與……一樣……

  not as/so…as…與…比不如其…

  14. native speakers說本族語的人

  15. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事

  16. make progress in...在某方面取得進步

  17.give money to charity 把錢捐給慈善事業(yè)

  18. have fun with sth.做某事有樂趣

  = have fun doing sth.

  19. hear of聽說

  20. take an interest in = be interested in (doing)sth對……感興趣

  21. make friends with和……交朋友

  22. get her a scarf給她買一條圍巾

  23. compare with sth.…與…相比

  24. not creative enough不夠有創(chuàng)意

  25. easy/difficult to take care of容易/難養(yǎng)活

  26. half way半道、中途

  27. different kinds of 不同種類

  28.make progress by doing 通過…取得進步

  29.be able to能夠(可用于各種時態(tài))

  Can 能(只有一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時could)

  30.a six-year-old child一個6歲的孩子

  31.on stage在舞臺上

  32.all age groups各個年齡段

  33.sleep all day=sleep the whole day整天睡覺

  34.win the prize獲獎

  35.make a special meal做特別的一餐

  36.enough to do sth足以能做



  37.from across China

  = from all over China來自全中國


  1. soap opera肥皂劇,電視(連續(xù))劇

  2. on Friday night 在星期五晚上

  3. be mad at=be angry with 生……的氣

  4. have a surprise party for sb


  5. not … anymore不再,再也不

  not … any longer

  6. get nervous 變得緊張

  7. direct speech 直接引語

  reported speech 間接引語

  8. first of all 首先

  9. do a homework project 做家庭作業(yè)

  10.pass on 傳遞

  pass sth to sb

  Pass on the message to sb 向某人傳遞信息

  11.work on 從事,設(shè)計,演算,操作

  12. be supposed to do sth.被期望(要求)做……,


  13. be good at doing sth= do well in擅長……

  15. report card成績單

  16. have a (bad) cold患(重)感冒

  17. be in good health=keep/ stay healthy身體健康

  18. end-of-year exams 學(xué)年考試

  19. have a big fight with 和…大打一架

  21. forget to do sth.忘記要做某事

  forget doing sth.忘記做了某事

  22. get over克服,恢復(fù),原諒

  23. a poor mountain village一個貧窮的山村

  24. sound like +n聽起來像

  25. Graduate from 從……畢業(yè)

  26. In the mail 在郵箱里

  27. It's a good idea for sb to do sth某人去做某事是一個好主意

  28. China’s rural areas中國的偏遠地區(qū)

  29. sea level海平面

  above sea level海拔

  30. the thin air稀薄的空氣

  31. agree with sb./sth.同意, 與……相符(一致)

  32. both … and …兩者都

  33.finish doing sth 完成做某事

  34. open up打開,展開,開發(fā),揭露

  open up one's eyes to 開拓某人的視野到......

  35. a good start一個良好的開端

  36. care for=look after=take care of照料,照


  37. in danger處于危險之中

  38.start a bad habbit養(yǎng)成一個壞習(xí)慣

  39.copy one’s homework抄襲某人的做業(yè)

  40.send one’s love 問好

  41.find science really difficult發(fā)現(xiàn)科學(xué)真的很難

  42.make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 決定做某事

  43.decide to do sth決定做某事

  44.there is no difference between ...and...


  45.it's just that...只不過,只是

  46.be over結(jié)束,完成

  47.in the city of......市

  48.a one-year program一個一年期的項目

  49.people who need help需要幫助的人

  50.something we can do for them我們能為他們做的事





