
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 初中學習方法 > 初二學習方法 > 八年級英語 > 仁愛版英語八年級下冊期末復習重點


時間: 妙純901 分享




  1、 receive 收到, 2、perfect 完美地, 3、camp 野營,

  4、face 面對,臉; 5、north 北方, 6、space 空間,

  7、push 推, 8、direction 方向, 9、step 步,階段;

  10、 rush 沖, 11、notice 注意, 12、huge 巨大的, 13、guard 警戒


  1 speak to 對某人說話

  2 be busy doing sth 忙著做某事

  3 ride one’s bicycle to = cycle to 騎自行車去、、、

  4 would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth 想要做某事

  5 come along with sb 跟著某人

  6 at the foot of 、、、底部 at the top of 、、、頂部

  7 spread over 延伸

  8 the beginning / start of 、、、的開始

  9 on both sides of = on each side of = on either side of 兩邊

  10 make sure =be sure 確定

  11 at the back 在背后

  12 two and a half hours = two hours and a half 兩個半小時 13 tell good from bad

  14 in the …of 在、、、里 on the …of 在、、邊上 to the …of相隔 15 be surprised at sth 對某事吃驚 be surprised to do sth

  to one’s surprise

  16 in different directions在不同的方向 in all directions 在所有方向 17 step on one’s toes

  18 rush out of 沖出

  19 out of sight 看不到 out of one’s sight

  20 each other = one another 每一個

  21 ride to 騎自行車去

  22 be famous for 因、、而出名 be famous as 作為、、出名 23 can’t / couldn’t help doing 禁不住做某事

  24 here and there = every where 到處

  25 thank goodness 謝天謝地

  26 have fun doing sth 做某事很有趣;


  1 be popular with

  2 get / be used to doing sth

  3 be afraid of doing sth = be afraid to do sth

  4 obey / follow the traffic rules break the traffic rules 5 avoid air pollution avoid doing sth

  6 It’s easy to park bikes.

  7 adj 比較級 +_than any other +n = the +adj 最高級 +of all the +n復 8 slow down

  9 run into = knock into run to

  10 warn sb to do sth warn sb not to do sth =warn sb against doing sth 11 in danger

  12 around the world = all over the world = through out the world 13 …times as…as…

  14 millions of hundreds of millions of

  15 be born

  16 make a comeback

  17 lead to

  18 win the race beat sb

  19 It seems impossible to beat him.

  20 It’s certain that…

  21 break the record hold the record set a record

  22 instead of

  23 decide not to do sth

  24 go through 26 the World Championship the World Champion

  27 keep one’s mind on doing sth

  28 in the middle of

  29 It is a mistake not to do sth

  30 at least = at the least at most = at the most


  1. How are you doing ?你過的好嗎?主要用于見面打招呼。

  How are you ?你好嗎?

  Hello/Hi !喂! /你好!

  How do you do ?你好!

  2. You look so excited . 你看起來很興奮。

  這個句子是連系動詞(look)+ 形容詞(excited)的結構。這種結構我們通常稱為―系表結構‖,即連系動詞用于連接主語和表語的性質、狀態(tài)或身份等。

  (1) 表示狀態(tài)的連系動詞有:

  Be 是 ,look 看起來, sound 聽起來, taste 嘗,品嘗, smell 聞起來, feel 感覺,摸起來,seem 似乎, lie 處于…狀態(tài), keep 保持, stay 仍然等.如:

  ----- How are you ? 你好嗎?

  ----- I’m fine . 我很好。

  She felt a bit tired . 她感到有點累。

  You are not looking very well . 你氣色不到好。

  He seemed quite normal . 他看上去很正常。

  Jennie, alone, kept silent. 只有珍妮保持沉默。

  (2) 表示狀態(tài)變化的連系動詞有:

  Get 變得, turn 轉變, go 變, fall 變成, become 變成, grow 漸漸變得。如:

  When she saw this ,she turned red . 看到這她臉紅了。

  The weather is getting quite warm . 天氣變得非常暖和。

  After a game they often become very friendly to each other . 比賽結束后,他們之間往往變得很友好。 The sea is growing calm . 大海變得平靜起來。

  3. Oh ,it is one of my favorite movies . 它是我最喜歡的電影之一。

  (1) one of …意為―…中的一些‖。后面常跟名詞的復數形式或是表示復數的名詞。其謂語動詞用


  Jim is one of the lively boys in our class . 吉姆是我們班上活躍的男生之一。

  One of them is from England . 他們中有一個人來自英格蘭。

  Some of … 意為―… 中的一些‖。其謂語動詞單復數由of 后面的賓語確定。

  Some of us are Young Pioneers . 我們中有些是少先隊員。

  Some of food goes bad . 一些食物變質了。

  (2) favorite adj. 意為―最喜歡的‖。如:

  Who is your favorite writer ?誰是你最喜歡的作家?

  favorite 相當于 like …best .

  上句可以改成:Which writer do you like best ?

  Favorite 可以作名詞,表示―最喜歡的人(或事物)‖。如:These cakes are great favorites with the children . 孩子們最喜歡這種蛋糕。

  4. And we can spend the evening at my house . 我們可以在我家度過那個夜晚。

  (1) spend 在這里表示―度過‖。如:

  We spend the weekend in Paris. 我們在巴黎度過周末。

  (2)spend 可以表示―花費(時間、金錢)‖,其用法有兩個:

  spend …on sth. 在…上花費(時間、金錢)

  spend …(in)doing sth. 花費(時間、金錢)做…。如:





