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  1. talk show 談話節(jié)目

  2. game show 游戲節(jié)目

  3. soap opera 肥皂劇

  4. go on 發(fā)生

  5. watch a movie 看電影

  6. a pair of 一雙;一對

  7. try one’s best 盡某人最大努力

  8. as famous as 與……一樣有名

  9. have a discussion about 就……討論

  10. one day 有一天

  11. such as 例如

  12. dress up 打扮;梳理

  13. take sb.’s place 代替;替換

  14. do a good job 干得好

  15. something enjoyable 令人愉快的東西

  16. interesting information 有趣的資料

  17. one of…… 之一

  18. look like 看起來像

  19. around the world 全世界

  20. a symbol of ……的象征

  21. let sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事

  22. plan to do sth. 計劃/打算做某事

  23. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

  24. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

  25. expect to do sth. 盼望做某事

  26. How about doing…? 做……怎么樣?

  27. be ready to do sth. 樂于做某事

  28. try one’s best to do sth. 盡力做某事動詞不定式做賓語

  29. think of 認(rèn)為

  30. learn from 從……獲得;向……學(xué)習(xí)

  31. find out 查明;弄清楚


  ----What do you think of talk shows? ----I don’t mind them.

  I hope to be a TV reporter one day. How about you?

  Do you want to watch the news? Yes, I do . / No, I don’t.

  What can you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch Days of Our Past.

  What do you expect to learn from sitcoms? You can learn some great jokes

  Why do you like watching the news? Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. What do you think of talk shows? I don’t mind them./ I can’t stand them!/ I love watching them!



  plan to do sth = mean to do 計劃干。。。,打算干。。。

  如,I plan to plant some vegetables in the garden

  had planned to do 本來計劃干。。。

  如I had planned to water the vegetables yesterday, but there was no water in the well

  用作名詞make a plan to do sth


  (1)hope to do sth:I hope to have a beautiful wife。

  (2)、hope+that 賓語從句 I hope that I will have a beautiful wife。

  (3)名詞的用法:have a hope ,with、for the hope of 。。。。

  (4)hope +that 同位語從句。 His hope that he will have a large house one dayis not impossible。


  stand vt.忍受;經(jīng)受can't stand doing sth. 無法忍受做某事

  通常用于否定句或疑問句,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞。通常和情態(tài)動詞can/could not 等連用.

  I can’t stand Tom because he’s so rude.我受不了湯姆,因為他這么粗魯。

  Tom can’t stand the pain.湯姆無法忍受痛苦。

  She can’t stand cold.她受不了寒冷。

  He could not stand being made fun of.他無法忍受被人嘲弄。

  I won’t stand your talking to me like that.我不能忍受你那樣對我講話。

  ★ stand up 1. 起立 2. 經(jīng)久耐用

  4.happen 發(fā)生


  1. 表示“某地(某時)發(fā)生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地點/時間”這一結(jié)構(gòu)來表達,此時主語應(yīng)是事情。例如:

  The story happened in 2003. 這個故事發(fā)生在2003年。

  An accident happened in that street. 那條街上發(fā)生了一起事故。

  2. 表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”這一結(jié)構(gòu)來表達。例如:

  A car accident happened to her this morning. 今天上午她發(fā)生了交通事故。

  What happened to you? 你怎么啦?

  3. 表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”這一結(jié)構(gòu)來表達。例如:

  I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday.昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一個朋友。

  4. happen表示“碰巧或恰巧發(fā)生某事”時,還可用“It happens / happened that...”這一結(jié)構(gòu)來表達。

  It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. 碰巧那天布萊恩和彼得在家了。

  注:that從句中的主語是人時,此種結(jié)構(gòu)可以與“sb.+ happen + to do sth.”結(jié)構(gòu)互換。例如:

  It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. = Brian and Peter happened to be at home that day.

  5.expect 強調(diào)客觀上可能實現(xiàn)的“期望”,“期待”等。常用于: 1、expect+n./pron .盼望或期待某物e.g. He is expecting her letter.Don't expect to o much of him. 2.expect+to do.sth.期望做某事e.g. She expects to go there next week. 3、 expect+sb.to do sth.盼望某人做某事。 e.g. He expects you to finish the work in time.

  4、 e xpect+that clause期望/期待......e.g. I expected that he wou ld come one day.

  expect [v.] 后面的常見名詞 [n.]

  [baby] [result] [call] [time] [letter] [thing] [help] [visitor] [child] [answer]

  expect [v.] 前面的常見副詞 [ad.] [never] [when] [how] [so] [much] [always] [also] [hardly] [now] [fully]

  expect [v.] 后面的常見介詞 [prep.] [from] [with]

  "He s very ill, and is not expect to last the night."


  [注意] expect常用過去完成時表達過去未曾實現(xiàn)的期望;另外它后面不能接帶有名詞的復(fù)合賓語。

  6.find out 找到

  辨析look for,find,find out


  1)look for意為“尋找”,是有目的地找,強調(diào)“尋找”這一動作。如:

  —What are you looking for?你在找什么?

  —I'm looking for my bike.我在找我的自行車。


  —Did you find Li Ming yesterday?你昨天找到李明了嗎?

  —No,we looked for him everywhere,but didn't find him沒有。我們到處找了,但沒有找到他。

  3)find out著重表示通過理解、分析、思考、詢問等“弄清楚”“查明”一件事情,其后的賓語常常是某個情況、事實。如:

  Please find out when the train leaves.請查一下火車什么時候離站。

  7.think of 想,認(rèn)為

  think of意思是想,思考。think about為考慮。What do you think of my new belt? The experts think highly of the program. He's thinking about hiking into the mountains.

  Think of 和 think about

  說「思念」或「對某人、某事的看法」,think of和think about可以通用,例如:

  (1) What do you think of / about his proposal? (你對他的建議有甚么意見?)

  (2) He often thinks of / about his parents (他經(jīng)常想念父母)。

  但是,說「考慮」,一般用think about,例如:

  I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我會考慮這個計劃,看看可不可行)。

  說「記起」、「有意(做某事)」和「想像」,則用think of,例如:

  (1) I just can't think of her name (我就是記不起她的名字)。

  (2) We are thinking of selling our home (我們有意把房子出售)。

  8.one of ……中的一個

  1.one of +代詞賓格或名詞復(fù)數(shù)

  如:one of them

  one of the students

  2.one of 短語做主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)

  One of them is good at math.

  3.one of +the+形容詞最高級+名詞復(fù)數(shù)

  one of the longest rivers

  9. be ready to do sth 做好準(zhǔn)備做某事

  be/get ready for 是為什么事做準(zhǔn)備 后面加名詞或動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞形式(ing形式),如

  Let's get ready for the trip. Let's get ready for taking the trip.

  be/get ready to 是做好準(zhǔn)備去做某事 后面加動詞原形,如

  I'm ready to have a report tomorrow.我把明天的演講準(zhǔn)備好了。

  另外:be ready to do sth.有時也可以說成:get ready for 或get ready to do sth.

  Now get ready for SANs. 現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)備了解存儲區(qū)域網(wǎng)(san)。

  Let's get ready for the trip. 我們收拾準(zhǔn)備上路吧。

  10.dress up 梳妝,打扮

  盛裝打扮例:You do not need to dress up for dinner.你不必為了晚宴盛裝打扮。

  裝扮例:Mother loved to dress me up.媽媽喜歡裝扮我

  裝飾; 修飾例:We shall dress the hall up for the National Day.我們要把大廳布置一新過國慶節(jié)。

  添油加醋(或添枝加葉)地講述,修飾:to dress up the facts with colourful details以生動的細節(jié)添枝加葉地講述事實

  11.take one’s place 代替某人

  He takes my place.

  He takes the place of me

  He is/works in place of me.

  He takes this position in place of me.


  take one's place和take the place of sb. 在意思上沒有區(qū)別,都表示“取代,代替”,如需表達在哪方面取代,則需要在后面加in sth.;

  而in place of雖然也是表達了“取代、代替”的意思,但需要在前面加一個動詞,這個動詞就可以表達出更具體的內(nèi)容,如工作、職位、名次等等。

  12.come out 開花 想出(辦法)出版,(打印)出來等等


  come over 過來;順便來訪 Can you come over and join us?你能過來和我們作伴嗎?

  come along 來;隨同 ;進展;過來Will you come along with me?你愿意和我一起來嗎?

  come up 走上前來;發(fā)生,出現(xiàn),被提出 Did you come up with any ideas?有沒有想到什麼新的意見?

  come in 進來 may i come in?

  come true 成真-- his dream came true

  13.look like 看起來……

  1.看起來與(某人或某物)相像〔相似〕look the same

  He looks like a scholar.他看上去像個學(xué)者。

  These houses look exactly like each other, which makes the street look very dull.

  這些房屋的外觀極為相似, 使整條街道顯得十分呆板。


  It looks like rain; Let's start for home.

  天像是要下雨了, 咱們回家吧!

  The party looks like being a success after all.
