
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初二學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 八年級(jí)英語(yǔ) >


時(shí)間: 詩(shī)盈1200 分享




 ?、? 單項(xiàng)選擇(共15分,每小題1分)


  ( )1. I watched _______ cartoon movie yesterday. _______ movie's name is Zootopia.

  A. an; The B. the; A

  C. a; The D. a; A

  ( )2. My brother does well at school. My parents and I _______ him.

  A. are worried about B. are proud of

  C. are patient with D. are careful with

  ( )3. It _______ that it will rain soon because the clouds are so dark.

  A. hopes B. seems

  C. feels D. sounds

  ( )4. This hotel ________ breakfast from 6:30 am to 8:00 am.

  A. throws B. fights

  C. provides D. fills

  ( )5. I want to buy this shelf because it ________ a little room.

  A. looks up B. makes up

  C. sends up D. takes up

  ( )6. —How much did you ________ the mobile phone?

  —3,000 yuan.

  A. ask for B. fill out

  C. pay for D. look after

  ( )7. Jenny usually spends an hour ________ her homework every day.

  A. do B. doing

  C. to do D. did

  ( )8. Mum encouraged me ________ nervous before I took the exam.

  A. to be B. not to be

  C. be D. not be

  ( )9. It's cold these days. You should wear a coat to avoid ________ a cold.

  A. catching B. to catch

  C. catch D. caught

  ( )10. On Sundays, I want to play with my friends, ________ my mum wants me to help with the housework.

  A. if B. so

  C. but D. or

  ( )11. —Do you know ________ the plane takes off?

  —At 11:15 am.

  A. when B. how

  C. where D. why

  ( )12. Mr Wang asked me ________ I was ready for the match or not.

  A. that B. what

  C. whether D. who

  ( )13. —________ the newspaper?

  —Not yet. I'll read it this evening.

  A. Do you read B. Have you read

  C. Will you read D. Are you reading

  ( )14. —Where is your uncle?

  —He ________ Beijing. He ________ there last Monday.

  A. has gone to; has been

  B. has been to; went

  C. has gone to; went

  D. has been to; has gone

  ( )15. —Tom, our football team lost the match yesterday.


  A. Good luck! B. Have a good time.

  C. That's great news! D. That's too bad.

 ?、? 完形填空(共10分,每小題1分)


  Have you heard of homesickness (思鄉(xiāng)病)? Homesickness can be a terrible feeling for anyone who is away from their home town 16 only away from their house for a long time.

  Different people deal with (應(yīng)付) homesickness in different ways. Some 17 to talk with their parents on the phone. This may be a good idea for them to feel that they are not 18 . It also reminds (提醒) them that the people they love are 19 there and they will see them soon. However, sometimes it can make the homesickness even worse. It can make people want to go home even more and make them 20 how much they miss their loved ones. For this 21 , some people find another way. They deal with homesickness 22 not connecting with family members. They try to find something 23 in the place they are staying in and make more friends. This can not only help 24 deal with homesickness, but also help them remember the 25 they are staying in. And later it can become a beautiful memory (回憶).

  Which way do you think is better?

  ( )16. A. as B. but C. so D. or

  ( )17. A. forget B. choose C. wait D. agree

  ( )18. A. alone B. angry C. dangerous D. silly

  ( )19. A. yet B. hardly C. still D. else

  ( )20. A. know B. introduce C. record D. trust

  ( )21. A. search B. game C. reason D. progress

  ( )22. A. in B. by C. on D. of

  ( )23. A. difficult B. easy C. boring D. interesting

  ( )24. A. him B. her C. them D. us

  ( )25. A. place B. time C. money D. car

 ?、? 情景交際(共10分,每小題2分)


  A: Jill, I want to have a party. (26)________

  B: Next Tuesday evening.

  A: (27)________

  B: If you do, lots of classmates won't come. Don't you remember we have a test on Monday?

  A: Oh, I forgot it. Well, I'll have it on Tuesday evening. (28)________

  B: Sure. And may I help you to prepare for your party?

  A: Yeah, thank you. (29)________

  B: OK. When do you plan to go shopping?

  A: (30)________

  B: That sounds good.

  A. Can you come to my party?

  B. What about Monday evening?

  C. How do we celebrate it?

  D. When is the best time to have it?

  E. What will you buy?

  F. What will happen if I have it on Sunday?

  G. Can you go to buy some food with me?

  Ⅳ. 閱讀理解(共30分,每小題2分)



  When my friend had a sister, I began to think about being an only child for the first time. I thought, “Would I like to have brothers or sisters?” But to be honest (誠(chéng)實(shí)的), my friend's sister looks quite annoying (令人討厭的), and I think it's better to be on my own. Then I can have enough time to be with my parents. It's wonderful.


  One of the bad things about being an only child when you're young is the reaction (反應(yīng)) you get from other people. They think you're spoilt (寵壞的) — you see that look in their eyes. And then you have to make them believe you're not.


  I began to go to school when I was seven, and the most difficult thing I found was making friends. Because I was an only child, I just didn't know how to do it. When you're an only child, you always grow up without any other children around you.


  I know some only children feel uncomfortable because of their parents' demands (要求) and worries, but that wasn't my experience. I found being an only child wonderful, and I think it is mainly because I get on well with my parents. I've got two children now and I do find it is scary (嚇人的). Nothing in my past has prepared me for caring for these two little people, and I become sad when I can't give them enough care.


  ( )31. What can we know about Sam?

  A. He doesn't want to stay with his parents.

  B. He grows up with his grandmother.

  C. He doesn't like his friend's sister.

  D. He wants to have a sister.

  ( )32. When Leah started school, he had great trouble _______.

  A. doing homework

  B. making friends

  C. going to school alone

  D. waking up in the morning

  ( )33. Laura thinks being an only child is _______.

  A. scary B. strange

  C. important D. comfortable

  ( )34. Laura sometimes feels sad because _______.

  A. she thinks she doesn't care enough for her children

  B. her children don't get on well with each other

  C. she doesn't have enough time for herself

  D. her children don't like to play with her

  ( )35. Who thinks people always have a wrong idea towards the only child?

  A. Sam. B. Bethany.

  C. Leah. D. Laura.


  Many years ago, I was a shy boy and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but I felt bored.

  And then I started the fourth grade. My teacher, Mrs Gerlip, was a young woman who was good at writing, art and music. Her class was very interesting. With her help, I started Fun Club with some boys in my class. I also wrote a book called Through the Forest. And lots of my classmates liked it.

  However, I was surprised when fifty years later I got a letter about a reunion (聚會(huì)). A few days before, we had a reunion at Mrs Gerlip's home. Reconnecting with Mrs Gerlip was a journey back in time. Fifty years have passed, but my teacher still remembers every student. She even doesn't forget the class bully (欺負(fù)) — a boy often hit me with snowballs on my way to school. Lots of teachers thought bullying was nothing serious at that time, but Mrs Gerlip didn't agree. She put a stop to it at once when she found out about it.

  Now, in my mid-fifties, I appreciate the gifts Mrs Gerlip has given me even more. It's never too late to say thanks to this fantastic teacher. I hope you are lucky enough to have one teacher like Mrs Gerlip.


  ( )36. Before the writer started the fourth grade, he thought his school life was _______.

  A. unusual B. busy

  C. boring D. tiring

  ( )37. How did the writer know there would be a reunion at Mrs Gerlip's home?

  A. He got a letter.

  B. He got a phone call.

  C. He saw a notice on the Internet.

  D. He met his classmate on the street.

  ( )38. What does the underlined word “appreciate” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?

  A. 祝賀 B. 原諒

  C. 感激 D. 同情

  ( )39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The writer started Fun Club with some girls in his class.

  B. Mrs Gerlip stopped the writer from bullying others.

  C. The writer often visits his teacher.

  D. Mrs Gerlip has a good memory.

  ( )40. Why does the writer write this passage?

  A. To show his love for a teacher.

  B. To describe what a teacher's job is.

  C. To describe his primary school life.

  D. To show his great changes in the past years.


  The Cuban ballet (芭蕾舞) dancer Carlos Acosta has danced for many ballet groups including the Royal Ballet in London and the National Ballet of Cuba. In recent years, he has danced all over the world as an International Guest Artist. (41)________ And he is one of the best dancers in the world.

  A phrase (短語(yǔ)) I use too often is ...

  “You know” or “You know what I mean”. You know what I mean?

  I wish people would take more notice of ...

  the importance of art in our life. (42)________ And it should not just in the UK, but all around the world.

  The most surprising thing that happened to me was ...

  when my father went to jail (監(jiān)獄). That was very surprising.

  I'm good at ...

  learning things quickly, especially movements. (43)________

  I'm very bad at ...

  art. I can't paint or draw. I just don't have any talent (天賦).

  You know me as a dancer but in another life I'd have been ...

  a musician or a sportsman. (44)________

  The best age to be is ...

  now. I'm mature (成熟的) but I still have youth — it's good.

  When I have problems, I ...

  just have to believe in myself and trust the people around me. (45)________

  I think people should ...

  do whatever makes them happy and try their best to achieve (完成) something.


  A. And I can remember things for a long time.

  B. He has won lots of international prizes.

  C. I wanted to be a football player when I was a child.

  D. We need more help from the government.

  E. I didn’t have enough time to be with him.

  F. And then I can find ways to solve them and become better.

  41. _______ 42. _______ 43. _______ 44. _______ 45. _______

 ?、? 詞匯(共10分,每小題1分)

  A) 根據(jù)語(yǔ)境及所給漢語(yǔ)提示語(yǔ)寫(xiě)出所缺單詞。

  46. Mr Wang is very _________(幽默的). He often tells jokes.

  47. In our club, we can do many kinds of _________(活動(dòng)).

  48. Miss Liu will be very busy next week because she'll do some _________(采訪(fǎng)).

  49. The watch is too expensive. I can't _________(買(mǎi)得起) it.

  50. This table _________(重) 50 kilos. It's a little heavy.

  B) 根據(jù)語(yǔ)境從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空,有的需要變換形式。

  include, depend, wake, sleepy, guest

  51. Mum, I have to get up early tomorrow. Please _________ me up at 6:00 am.

  52. —Will you play football tomorrow?

  —That _________ on the weather.

  53. How many _________ will go to the party this Sunday?

  54. This house is big and it _________ six rooms.

  55. —Mike, you look so _________.

  —Well, I didn't sleep well last night.

 ?、? 綜合填空(共10分,每小題1分)


  one, so, tired, lucky, near, hear, decide,space, thing, spend

  My husband and I redecorated (重新裝修) our living room one summer day. And we (56)________ to do it ourselves. It was a big mistake. We just thought it would be easier and cheaper, but there were many problems, and the (57)________ and most important one was the cost. In fact, we just (58)________ a lot more!

  We had lots of ideas for the room. Some planes fly over our house every day, (59)________ we wanted to have some special soundproof (隔音的) windows. We also don't have a lot of (60)________, but we have lots of books, so we decided to put a bookshelf in the living room. Anyway, we worked all day and I was getting really (61)________. So I went to the café (62)________ my home and had a cup of coffee there.

  I came back about an hour later. When I was about to open the door, I (63)________ a loud cry from inside. I opened the door quickly and found my husband on the floor. I knew it was terrible but I just couldn't stop laughing! (64)________, he wasn't hurt. Anyway, a lot of other (65)________ went wrong, but we've finally finished. I'm so glad we did it together.

 ?、? 書(shū)面表達(dá)(10分)

  假設(shè)你們學(xué)校的英語(yǔ)校報(bào)正在舉辦一年一度的Class Star評(píng)選活動(dòng)。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下列提示內(nèi)容,寫(xiě)一篇80詞左右的短文,推薦你的同桌衛(wèi)芳。開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。

  提示內(nèi)容:1. 自信,面對(duì)困難從不退縮;

  2. 有耐心,善于與他人交流;

  3. 積極參加各種活動(dòng)并發(fā)揮帶頭作用。

  I think Wei Fang is the best person for this year's Class Star. ________________







 ?、? 1-5 CBBCD 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 ACBCD

 ?、? 16-20 DBACA 21-25 CBDCA

 ?、? 26-30 DFAGB

 ?、? 31-35 CBDAB 36-40 CACDA 41-45 BDACF

  Ⅴ. 46. humorous 47. activities 48. interviews 49. afford

  50. weighs 51. wake 52. depends 53. guests 54. includes 55. sleepy

  Ⅵ. 56. decided 57. first 58. spent 59. so 60. space

  61. tired 62. near 63. heard 64. Luckily 65. things

 ?、? One possible version:

  I think Wei Fang is the best person for this year's Class Star. Here're the reasons. First, she feels sure of herself. When she meets problems, she never gives up. She always tries her best to solve them. Second, she's patient with people. She's good at communicating with others and listening to others. The most important reason is that she always takes an active part in all kinds of activities and does her best. For these reasons, I choose Wei Fang to be our Class Star and I hope you agree with me.


  第Ⅰ卷 聽(tīng)力部分(20分)

  掃一掃 聽(tīng)聽(tīng)力


  1.A.Yes,please. B.Certainly.  C.That’s right.

  2.A.Sorry,I can’t.

  B.Yes,you can.

  C.Yes,I’d love to.

  3.A.Me neither. B.So have I. C.I have,too.

  4.A.Well done. B.Good idea. C.See you.

  5.A.It’s my pleasure.

  B.I hope so.

  C.Thank you.

  答案1~5 ACABB


  6.What does the woman need?

  A.A watch. B.A camera. C.An umbrella.

  7.What is Tom going to do during the holiday?

  A.Play the piano.

  B.Do some reading.

  C.Check the emails.

  8.What does Jenny look like now?

  A.Tall and thin.

  B.Short and thin.

  C.Heavy and tall.

  9.Whose T-shirt is this?

  A.Bob’s. B.Mary’s. C.Mike’s.

  10.Where are they probably talking?

  A.At the bus station.

  B.At the train station.

  C.At the airport.

  答案6~10 CBACB


  11.When did the boy come back from a holiday?

  A.On Friday.    B.On Saturday.

  C.On Sunday.

  12.Where was the hotel?

  A In a city center.

  B.On the beach.

  C.In the mountains.

  13.What sport did the boy enjoy in the holiday?


  B.Playing tennis.

  C.Playing golf.

  14.How many people went on holiday?

  A.3. B.4. C.5.

  15.What do they think of the hotel?

  A.Comfortable but noisy.

  B.Comfortable,quiet but expensive.

  C.Comfortable,not too noisy and inexpensive.

  答案11~15 CBABC


  16.Whom does Li Lei write the letter to?

  A.His friend. B.His father. C.His classmate.

  17.Why does Li Lei write the letter?

  A.He wants to relax himself.

  B.He wants to ask his father for some pocket money.

  C.He wants to make his pocket money by himself.

  18.How do western students get their pocket money?

  A.By asking parents for it.

  B.They make it by themselves.

  C.By working in factories.

  19.Is it easy for many western students to get their jobs?

  A.Yes,it is.

  B.No,it isn’t.

  C.We don’t know.

  20.Where does Li Lei want to get a part-time job?

  A.In his mother’s store.

  B.In his aunt’s restaurant.

  C.In his father’s supermarket.

  答案16~20 BCBAC

  第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分(100分)


  21. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654198They didn’t provide me  D  food,so I had to find something to eat.

  A.for        B.to

  C.about D.with

  22.The big desk  C  too much room.Please take it away.

  A.tidies up B.sets up

  C.takes up D.puts up

  23.Because of the important exam,Susan was too  A  to fall asleep last night.

  A.nervous B.crazy

  C.relaxed D.bright

  24.—I like the programme Sports News.

  —But I  A  Readers.

  A.prefer B.want

  C.choose D.miss

  25.She made some money  C  selling old books.

  A.in B.with

  C.by D.for

  26. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654199I have many hobbies, B  swimming,running and painting.

  A.as well as B.such as

  C.as a result D.as good as

  27.Because of a serious illness,the old man is becoming weaker  A .

  A.day by day B.word by word

  C.one by one D.side by side

  28.My grandmother is too old to look after  B  now.

  A.himself B.herself

  C.myself D.yourself

  29.This term Jim has made great  A  in English.His teacher is pleased with him.

  A.progress B.exercise

  C.mistakes D.excuses

  30. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654200Have you  C  the apples?Can you tell me the    ?

  A.weighed;weighed B.weight;weight

  C.weighed;weight D.weight;weighed

  31. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654201I could  B  speak any English when I first came to England.

  A.even B.hardly

  C.finally D.ever

  32.The weather reporter says the nice weather will  A  for another week.

  A.last B.ask

  C.wait D.search

  33.— D ?

  —I’m watching a movie.

  A.What’s up

  B.What’s wrong with you

  C.How are you

  D.What are you up to

  34.Although crowds of people are around him,he still feels  B .

  A.alone B.lonely

  C.happy D.excited

  35. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654202Tom is ill in hospital.He  D  a cold for several days.

  A.is B.catches

  C.has caught D.has had

  36.They were all very tired,but  C  of them stopped    a rest.

  A.all;have B.both;to have

  C.none;to have D.no one;having

  37. 導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)82654203When I heard the missing plane damaged(墜毀) in the sea near Australia and no one was alive,I couldn’t help  D .

  A.cry B.to cry

  C.cried D.crying

  38.Nobody knows  C  Nike will come or not.But    he comes,I shall give him a warm welcome.

  A.whether;whether B.if;whether

  C.whether;if D.if;if

  39.—Ten dollars for this pair of shoes!You  A  be joking!

  —I’m serious.There was a sale in that shop.

  A.must B.should

  C.may D.need

  40.—Oh,I can’t catch that ball.

  — C  It doesn’t matter.You should move the bag first.

  A.That’s the problem! B.How can I help you?

  C.Let me have a look! D.Are you all right?




  March 22nd is World Water Day.It started in 1993.It not only makes us think about the importance of water,but also calls on (號(hào)召) us to 41. B  and protect water.Today,we’re facing terrible water problems.Among them,wastewater problem is especially 42. D .And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”.

  What is wastewater?It is used water.Usually,wastewater comes from homes,43. A ,hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities,including washing the machines,taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also 44. C  wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm.No matter(不管) where it comes from,this kind of water is sure to have 45. B  harmful in it.

  46. C  must we treat (處理) wastewater?Wastewater has a big influence on our life.It causes both illness for us,and pollution for the environment.We must care for our environment and our own 47. C .

  How can we treat wastewater?Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment.Wastewater 48. D  homes can be reused.Then there will be 49. A  wastewater.Also,factory wastewater has to be cleaned 50. D  it goes back to nature.

  41.A.drink  B.save C.carry  D.watch

  42.A.easy B.popular

  C.small D.serious

  43.A.factories B.lakes

  C.rivers D.seas

  44.A.gets back B.hands in

  C.changes into D.picks up

  45.A.nothing B.something

  C.nobody D.somebody

  46.A.What B.Who

  C.Why D.How

  47.A.work B.interest

  C.health D.business

  48.A.on   B.for C.with  D.from

  49.A.less B.more

  C.better D.worse

  50.A.and B.whether

  C.after D.before




  Parents can be very important teachers in our lives.However,they are not always the best teachers.Parents may be too close to their children emotionally(感情上).Sometimes they can only see their children through the eyes of a protector.For example,a teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable experience.However,it might seem too dangerous to a parent.

  Another problem is that parents may expect their children’s interests to be similar to their own.If they love science,they may try to force(強(qiáng)迫) their children to love science too.But what if(要是……又怎樣) their children’s true love is art,or writing,or repair?

  Parents usually want to pass on their values to their children.But should children always believe what their parents do?When children are young,they believe that their parents are always right.But when they get older,they will have different ways of thinking.

  The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives.Our parents teach us,our teachers teach us,and our friends teach us.Books,newspapers and televisions also teach us.All of them are valuable.

  51. B  might see a trip to a big city as a valuable experience,according to the passage.

  A.A parent

  B.A teacher

  C.Either a teacher or a parent

  D.Neither a teacher nor a parent

  52.Parents may hope that their children have the same  B  as their own,according to the passage.

  A.looks B.interests

  C.habits D.jobs in the future

  53.The underlined phrase “pass on” in the 3rd paragraph means “ C ”.

  A.路過(guò) B.繼承

  C.傳遞 D.領(lǐng)悟

  54.When children get older,they  D .

  A.don’t believe their parents any more

  B.should always believe what their parents do

  C.believe that their parents are always right

  D.begin to have their own ways of thinking

  55.What is the best title of the passage? C

  A.Never grow up!

  B.Believe your parents forever.

  C.Are parents always the best teachers?

  D.How many teachers can we have in our lives?



  Charity Walk in 2017

  Sunday 18th June 2017

  10:00 am—Register(登記)

  10:30 am—Walk Begins


  Clinton House B93 0DQ

  By paying the registration fee you will be able to enter Baddesley Clinton house and grounds for free(normally $10.45-$11.50 for adults and $5.15-$5.70 for children)

  Walk registration Fee(登記費(fèi)用):

  Adults:$5(on the day $7)

  Children:$3(on the day $4)

  under 5 years old free

  Pets are welcome on the walk but they cannot enter the house and gardens.

  If you are interested in taking part please call Michael at 0121 788 1143 or email us.You can also visit our website to register and pay online.

  Registered Charity No:2092613

  56.The poster is probably from  A .

  A.a website B.a storybook

  C.a novel D.a game show

  57.The walk will begin  D .

  A.on June 19th B.on June 24th

  C.at 10:00 am D.at 10:30 am

  58.If two kids above 5 years old register in advance(提前),and their mother registers on the day,they will pay  B .

  A.$15 B.$13 C.$11 D.$7

  59.After registration,a kid should pay  A  to enter Baddesley Clinton house and grounds.

  A.nothing B.$5.15

  C.$5.70 D.$10.45

  60.From the poster,we can learn the following EXCEPT  C .

  A.the walk is 35 km in total

  B.you can make a call to register

  C.pets can enter the house and gardens

  D.the charity walk is from June 18th to 24th



  (Xinhua News)What kind of vehicle(工具) will you choose when traveling between provinces?Many people may like traveling by train because it’s safer and cheaper.Now the high-speed railways have connected eastern China as well as the south and the north.

  A new high-speed railway opened on Sept.10th,2016.It connects Zhengzhou in Henan Province with Xuzhou in Jiangsu Province.With this railway,China’s high-speed railways are over 20,000 kilometers long.It is the world’s longest and makes up 60 percent of the world’s total high-speed railway lines.

  Besides length,China also does better in speed.China is the only country with trains running at 350 kilometers an hour,such as the Beijing-Tianjin and Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railways.

  With these surprising numbers,it is easy to forget that China wasn’t the first in the high-speed rail game.Japan started 50 years ago,while Germany did 20 years ago.China only began to build its high-speed railways 14 years ago.

  China’s high-speed railways are developing fast now.Behind it,there is the country’s growing need for transportation.According to Xinhua News,China’s high-speed trains gave 961 million trips to people last year.

  “The high-speed railways not only bridge the distance,but connect people,information and goods,”said Huang Xin,an official from the China Railway Corp.

  Yet,China’s building of high-speed railways is still going on.China plans to have 38,000 kilometers of high-speed railway by 2025.

  61.Why may many people like traveling between provinces by train according to the passage?

  Because it’s safer and cheaper.

  62.How long have China’s high-speed railways been since Sept.10th,2016?

  China’s high-speed railways are over 20,000 kilometers long since Sept.10th 2016.

  63.Which country is the first one to build the high-speed railway?

  Japan is the first one to build the high-speed railway.

  64.China’s building of high-speed railways isn’t still going on,is it?

  Yes,it is.

  65.If you want to go to Beijing for the coming summer holidays,what kind of vehicle will you choose?

  I will choose the high-speed railway.


  A:Hi,Wang Fang.I haven’t seen you for days.66. F

  B:I have been to Beijing.

  A:67. B

  B:I took part in The First Chinese Ancient Poem Reading competition.

  A:Really?How did you perform?

  B:68. C

  A:Congratulations!You are always the best.Whose poem did you choose?

  B:I chose Li Bai’s.He is my favorite poet.

  A:I like his poems,too.69. D

  B:Fantastic!We should learn more about our Chinese ancient poems.

  A:70. G It’s our duty to keep and spread our traditional culture.

  B:That’s right.

  A.Have you ever been to Beijing?

  B.What did you do there?

  C.I won the first place.

  D.And what do you think of the competition?

  E.I went on Wednesday.

  F.Where have you been?

  G.I agree with you.



  71.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.

  72.I’m so tired that I can  hardly  keep my eyes open.

  73.You should  explain  why you were late for work.

  74.My parents often encourage me not to give up.

  75.This term I made progress with my English.This made my parents very happy.


  76.I went to bed late last night and I feel very sleepy(sleep) now.

  77.Mr Green advises us to keep a diary in English.His suggestion(suggest) is good for our English study.

  78.Dick decided to lose weight(weigh) by eating less and doing more exercise.

  79.Real friendship is more valuable (value) than money.

  80.They said nothing and walked along the river in silence (silent).



  You shouldn’t depend  on  your parents all the time.


  His new book will come out next month.


  Xi’an  is  famous for its delicious food.


  Lily pointed out my mistakes and corrected them.


  Please wake me  up  on time next morning.




  Advantages be convenient,less pollution,reduce the traffic pressure (減緩交通壓力),take exercise...

  Problems throw away,damage (毀壞),be stolen...

  Advice civilized (文明的),follow the rules,take good care of...


  2.詞數(shù):80~100 (文章開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù))。


  Today,as a greener means of transportation,bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in many cities.But there are both advantages and problems about bike-sharing.

  Without doubt that there are many advantages of bike-sharing.Firstly,it’s convenient for people to go out,especially when it’s too early in the morning or too late at night.Secondly,there will be less pollution since bikes don’t burn gas or oil.Thirdly,it helps reduce the traffic pressure.And people can take exercise by riding bikes,too.

  There are problems,too.Some bikes are thrown away everywhere,damaged or stolen.

  I think we should be more civilized to follow the rules of bike-sharing and take good care of the bikes.



  第一部分 聽(tīng)力部分(共20分)


  1.    2.    3.    4.    5.

  答案1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E


  6.A.Housework. B.Homework. C.Hard work.

  7.A.The new clothes of Emperor.

  B.Sleeping Beauty.

  C.Little Red Riding Hood.

  8.A.The water park.

  B.The amusement park.

  C.A beautiful park.

  9.A.Yes,he was.

  B.No,he hasn’t.

  C.We don’t know.

  10.A.Lucy’s aunt.


  C.Lucy’s mother.

  答案6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C



  11.How long has Liam been doing that?

  A.Last year.

  B.Since last year.

  C.Since last month.

  12.How many theater and movie tickets does Liam have?





  13.What does the girl think of the movie?

  A.Boring. B.Great. C.Difficult.

  14.How many times has the boy read the book?



  C.Three times.

  15.When will the boy watch the movie?

  A.This evening.

  B.This weekend.

  C.Next week.

  答案11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C


  16.Who is the main character of the story?


  B.The Monkey King

  C.Yu Gong

  17.Did Emperor Yan love Nuwa?



  C.We don’t know.

  18 .After Nuwa died,what did she change into?

  A.A dog. B.An elephant. C.A bird.

  19.Did Jingwei hate the sea?



  C.We don’t know.

  20.What did Jingwei decide to fill the sea with?

  A.Sand. B.Stones. C.Water.

  答案16.A 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B

  第二部分 筆試部分(共80分)


  21.— D  is the population of the city?

  —Over 3.5 million.It’s as    as that of Taiyuan.

  A.How many;many  B.How much;large

  C.What;many     D.What;large

  22.—Where will you go on the weekend?

  —I really want to go  B .

  A.wonderful somewhere

  B.somewhere wonderful

  C.to wonderful somewhere

  D.to somewhere wonderful

  23. People want to challenge themselves  C difficulties.

  A.in the face     B.on the face of

  C.in the face of    D.to the face of

  24. He finally  C  his dream through his hard work.

  A.included B.succeeded

  C.achieved D.reached

  25. He  D for many years,but I still miss him.

  A.died       B.has died

  C.was dead     D.has been dead

  26. I know people in this country speak  D .So they don’t have any trouble communicating with    .

  A.Germany;Germans  B.German;German

  C.Germans;Germans  D.German;Germans

  27.—I think Mountain Emei is more beautiful than  C  mountain in China.

  —Really?I want to go there then.

  A.the other      B.other

  C.any other      D.any

  28. There are  D  students in this school.

  A.two thousand of   B.two thousands

  C.thousand of     D.thousands of

  29. I think we should  B  children instead of scolding(責(zé)罵)them.

  A.cheat       B.encourage

  C.introduce     D.record

  30.—Have you had a new apartment in 2014  A ?

  —Yes,I have    had one.

  A.yet;already B.already;yet

  C.yet;yet  D.already;already

  31. Thank you very much for reminding me  C  my English test next week.I have to prepare for it right now.

  A.to   B.for C.of   D.at

  32. Lucy  C  Tom since last year.And they have had a good life so far.

  A.got married with

  B.married to

  C.has been married to

  D.has been married with

  33.—Have you ever been to Shanghai?

  —Yes.I  A there with my father last year.

  A.went      B.have been

  C.have gone    D.has been

  34.—Look at the box  D  apples.Who does it    ?

  —I think it is Vivian’s.

  A.is full of;belong     B.full of;belong

  C.is full of;belong to    D.full of;belong to

  35. A ,or we will be late for the meeting.

  A.Hurry up      B.Look up

  C.Give up      D.Look


  More than 700 years ago,Scotland(蘇格蘭)was fighting with England.The King of England wanted to 36. B  Scotland.He had a strong army so it was 37. B  for the Scots to fight.They lost many times.King Robert of Scotland had to run from the English army.

  One rainy day,King Robert lay in an old house.He thought that he was not good enough to be king.He was so 38. C  th at he didn’t even see a spider(蜘蛛)near him.He 39. D  when he saw the spider climbing.It was trying to climb up to its web at the top of the house but it fell down.

  “How sad!” thought King Robert.“The spider is like me.It’s not 40. B enough.He watched while the spider climbed up again.It fell down a second time.

  “Be careful,little spider,or you might die,” he said.“Life is so hard.You’ll never get back to your web.” But the spider 41.  A  again and again.King Robert watched while it 42. C  climbed back to its web.After an hour,the spider got to the web.

  “You’re such a great 43. D ,” he said.“If you can keep trying,I can too.I must keep on fighting,I won’t let the English win.” His 44. A  grew strong and they 45. C  the English army.Scotland was free.

  Nobody knows if this is a true story.Many parents tell it to their children because they want them to keep trying.

  36.A.leave B.control

  C.help D.visit

  37.A.interesting B.difficult

  C.important D.necessary

  38.A.surprised B.bored

  C.worried D.lonely

  39.A.looke d after  B.looked for

  C.looked at D.looked up

  40.A.old B.strong

  C.fast D.free

  41.A.tried B.fell

  C.practised D.cheered

  42.A.finally B.easily

  C.slowly D.suddenly

  43.A.player B.fighter

  C.soldier D.spider

  44.A.army B.feelings

  C.opinions D.family

  45.A.kept B.raised

  C.stopped D.joined




  Horse Racing All Year Round

  Races starting at 3 p.m.every Sunday

  Racetrack only 20 miles away

  Lot s of free parking space

  Free presents

  No children allowed 100 Years Of Pictures

  Then & now(photo show)

  See the history pictures(1917—2017)

  February 1—April 30

  City Art Museum 750 High Street

  Tuesday to Sunday,10 a.m.—5 p.m.

  Weekend Sales

  This Saturday 2—6 p.m.

  Everything 20%—40% off

  Visit us at Block G.Grandview Mall

  Realize your dreams,save time and money

  Fall in love with prices we offer Dance Party

  Celebrate special date

  Bringing your sweet heart

  Sunday night,country club

  Live band from 9 p.m.—1 a.m.

  $25 a couple(夫婦);$15 a single person

  46.Who can’t go to the horse race? C

  A.A single person. B.A couple.

  C.Children. D.The sweet heart.

  47.People can see the photo show at  B .

  A.Grandview Mall B.City Art Museum

  C.Racetrack D.Country Club

  48.What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m.and 6 p.m.on Saturday? A

  A.Go shopping.

  B.Go to see the photo show.

  C.Go to the dance with your sweet heart.

  D.Go to watch the horse race.

  49.How much will Mr.and Mrs.Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party? B

  A.15 dollars. B.25 dollars.

  C.20%—40% off. D.For free.

  50.Where can you see the above advertisements? C

  A.In a book. B.In a magazine.

  C.In a newspaper. D.On TV.


  My 14-year-old son,John,and I saw the coat at the same time in a second-hand clothing store.It stood out among big and old coats.It was so beautiful and had an unbelievable price,$28.I looked at my son and we both said nothing,but John’s eyes shone.Dark,woolen coats were popular with teenage boys,but new ones could cost several hundred dollars.This coat was even better.John tried it on and turned from side to side,eyeing himself in the mirror.It fit him so well.

  John wore the coat to school the next day.After he came home,I asked,“Did the kids like your coat?”

  “They love it,” he said with a big grin.

  Over the next few weeks,John changed.He was polite,less argumentative,more thoughtful,and much happier.“Good dinner,mom,” he would say every evening.Without a word of complaining,he would carry in wood for the stove.One day when I suggested that he might start on his homework before dinner,John,who always put things off,said,“You’re right.I guess I will.” When I mentioned this change to one of his teachers,she joked that the coat must have changed him.

  John and I both know we should never judge a person by his clothes.But it is true that when wearing beautiful and suitable clothes,we may try to be better in thought,speech and behavior to match what is on the inside to what is on the outside.

  51.What can we learn from the first paragraph? B

  A.The price of the coat was too high.

  B.John liked the coat very much.

  C.They often went shopping together.

  D.The writer didn’t want to buy the coat.

  52.What does the underlined word “grin” mean? A

  A.A wide smile. B.A worried look.

  C.An upset voice. D.An angry mood.

  53.What did John use to do when he was asked to study? B

  A.Start at once.

  B.Put off his homework.

  C.Work hard on schoolwork.

  D.Carry in wood for the stove.

  54.Which of the following changes did NOT happen to John after he wore the coat? C

  A.He was willing to follow suggestions.

  B.He often helped to do some housework.

  C.He always worried about his study.

  D.He said sweet words to make his mother happy.

  55.What does the writer want to say through this passage? A

  A.What we wear could help what we are.

  B.Life is full of possibilities when we are young.

  C.We should not judge people by their appearance.

  D.It’s a good choice to try different things in our lives.



  56.I have a headache (頭痛).I feel terrible.

  57.With my English teacher’s help,I have made great progress.

  58.The shy girl is not good at communicating with others.

  59.Look!There is a green bike against the wall.

  60.The young man starts to realize the importance of studying.


  61.I was walking on the street when a car  suddenly (sudden)ran into a lake.

  62.She was so scared after watching the movie that she was  awake (wake)all night.

  63.Mr.Black had a serious  illness (ill)six months ago.

  64.The small town is famous for its  beauty (beautiful)of nature.

  65.Are you good at Japanese(Japan)or English?




  Do you have difficulty in making your own decisions?If you do,here is some 66.advice that may help you.

  ▲Don’t let your parents or anyone else make decisions for you all the time.67. Instead ,you must show the adults that you can make proper decisions.

  ▲More thinking is not always 68. better .It’s often good to consider your dec isions carefully.But don’t overdo(做得過(guò)分)it.Many good decisions come from intuition(直覺(jué)).69. But  don’t be a fraid to spend time 70.  on   it if it is an important decision.

  ▲71. Accept  that you can’t have it all.You can’t order all the 72. food  on the menu.It’s the same with making decisions.

  ▲ Some decisions don’t work out as you 73. expected .This doesn’t mean that you did anything 74. wrong .It’s just that something unexpected happened.

  Well,try to 75. follow  the advice above when you make decisions next time,and you may find that making a decision is not difficult for you anymore.


  假如你是劉杰,你的美國(guó)朋友愛(ài)麗絲有三天假期,她打算在假期做作業(yè)、看牙醫(yī), 還想去看電影。但她無(wú)法安排先后順序,所以想征求你的意見(jiàn)。請(qǐng)你給她寫(xiě)一封電子郵件,談?wù)勀愕慕ㄗh,并給出理由。80詞左右。電子郵件的格式已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。

  Dear Alice,



  Liu Jie





