
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初中學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 初一學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 七年級(jí)英語 >


時(shí)間: 詩盈1200 分享



  第I卷 (選擇題部分 共65分


  A. 聽錄音,選擇合適的圖畫或答案。每段對話聽兩遍。

  ( ) 1. Which country will Jack visit this summer?

  A. B. C.

  ( ) 2. How will the woman go to work today?

  A. B. C.

  ( ) 3. What is Mike’s dream?

  A. B. C.

  ( ) 4. What will they do this afternoon?

  A. B. C.

  ( ) 5. What time will the meeting begin?

  A. At 8:45. B. At 9.00. C. 9.15

  ( ) 6. Where’s the post office?

  A. Behind the bank. B. Next to the bank. C. In front of the bank.

  ( ) 7. What is Cindy going to do?

  A. To visit her friend. B. To go to the theatre. C. To do her lessons.

  ( ) 8. How many American students are there in Simon's class?

  A. 31. B. 13. C. 18

  ( ) 9. Where will Tony go this weekend?

  A. To the lake B. To the beach. C. To the park.

  ( ) 10. How lo ng will they stay there?

  A. All the morning. B. All the afternoon. C. All day.

  B 根據(jù)所聽到的對話或獨(dú)白選擇正確答案。每段材料聽兩遍。


  ( ) 11. What will they do in the park?

  A. Fly kites. B. Play basketball. C. Row a boat.

  ( ) 12. Where will they meet?

  A. In front of the school gate. B. In front of the park. C. At the bus stop.

  聽第一篇短文,回答13 --15 小題。

  Vera’s holiday

  Where to go She went to___13 _ with her family

  What to do Swam in the sea and ___14 _ on the beach

  What to eat ___15 _ and fruits

  ( ) 13. A. Thailand B. Tokyo C. Paris.

  ( ) 14. A. played volleyball B. played with sand C. enjoyed sunshine

  ( ) 15. A. vegetables B. sea food C. drinks

  聽第二篇短文,回答16 --20小題。

  ( ) 16. What is Wilson’s dream home like?

  A. It’s big and comfortable. B. It’s modern and beautiful.

  C. It’s small but clean.

  ( ) 17. Where is Wilson’s dream home?

  A. It’s in the countryside. B. It’s at the foot of a hill. C. It’s near the sea.

  ( ) 18. What does he have in all the bedrooms?

  A. Big beds. . B. TVs. C. Computers.

  ( ) 19. Where can the pet dog sleep and play?

  A. In the kitchen. B. In the garden. C. On the beach.

  ( ) 20. What is true about Wilson’s dream home?

  A. It’s a house with a kitchen.

  B. It’s a flat with a living room.

  C. It’s a house with two gardens.

  二、單詞辨音 (共10小題;每小題0.5分,共5分)

  ( ) 21. A. capital B. bamboo C. above D. palace

  ( ) 22. A. seventh B. between C. neck D. rest

  ( ) 23. A. visitor B. miss C. video D. design

  ( ) 24. A. zero B. coffee C. notice D. video

  ( ) 25. A. future B. funny C. cupboard D. underground

  ( ) 26. A. chalk B. walk C. already D. talk

  ( ) 27. A. foot B. neighbourhood C. wool D. soon

  ( ) 28. A. country B. ground C. discount D. around

  ( ) 29. A. idea B. dream C. cream D. teach

  ( ) 30. A. walkmans B. armchairs C. notebooks D. shopkeepers


  ( ) 31. Feeding animals is ________ interesting work. It is also ________ job.

  A. an; a B. an; / C. / ; a D. / ; /

  ( ) 32. --- Do you know the man in a pair of glasses?

  --- Yes. He’s a teacher of ________. He teaches ________ History.

  A. me; us B. my; our C. mine; us D. mine; our

  ( ) 33. The trip to Sunshine zoo ________ us about two hours and a half.

  A. costs B. pays C. spends D. takes

  ( ) 34. Did you _______ Gary _______ in his bedroom when you walked past last night?

  A. heard; singing B. heard; sang C. hear; singing D. hear; to sing

  ( ) 35. People at the community center ________ help if their fridge ________.

  A. will get; doesn’t work B. will get; won’t work

  C. get; doesn’t work D. get; won’t work

  ( ) 36. The house is___________for the whole family to live in. We have______to buy it.

  A. large enough; money enough B. enough large; enough money

  C. large enough; enough money D. enough large; enough money

  ( ) 37. Some girls like to stay at home on weekends, but _______ like to go shopping.

  A. the other B. another C. others D. other

  ( ) 38. Nancy doesn’t ____ bedroom.

  A. has her own B. have her own C. has her own’s D. have her own’s

  ( ) 39. --- Dad, why should I stop _______ computer games?

  --- For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you _______.

  A. to play; must B. playing; have to

  C. to play; can D. playing; may

  ( ) 40. The teacher often asks us _______ English as _______ as possible.

  A. to talk; much B. to speak; much C. talk; many D. speak; many

  ( ) 41. ---What ________ your cousin like? --- She is very pretty _________ a film star.

  A. does, like B. does, likes C. is, like D. is, likes

  ( ) 42. _________ you free this Satur day morning?

  A. Will B. Do C. Are D. Does

  ( ) 43. ---Isn’t that a funny thing? --- ______ I like it very much.

  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. No, it isn’t. D. No, it is.

  ( ) 44. ---Which would you like to read, paper books or e-books?

  ---My parents only allow me to read paper books. They ___________ my eyes.

  A. talk about B. know about C. hear about D. worry about

  ( ) 45. --- Can you go shopping with me this weekend?

  --- ______. I'll go to the Helping Hands Club.

  A. Sounds great B. I’m afraid not

  C. I'm not sure D. I don't think so

  四、完形填空 (共10小題;每小題0.5分,共5分)

  Once upon a time,there was a king. He was famous for his kindness. His people 46 him and were proud of him. Once, the king decided to build a 47 on the river bank. In a few days the palace was ready. And the minister(大臣)decided to take a final look 48 he showed the king the palace.

  "Great! " the minister said,looking at the palace. Then 49 his eyes fell on a small old house near the palace gate. "What's this house doing here?" shouted the minister. "Sir, it 50 to an old woman, " replied a soldier.

  The minister walked up to the house and spoke to the old lady. "I want to buy your house, " he said. "I am sorry, Sir. My house is more 51 to me than my life, " the old lady said.

  The minister tried to tell the old lady that 52 house would spoil(破壞)the beauty of the new palace. But the old lady refused 53 her house to the king. The matter was then taken to the king.

  The king thought 54 a while, and then said, "Let the old lady have her house. It will only add to the beauty of the new palace. Let us not forget something that seems 55 to us may be valuable to someone else."

  ( ) 46.A. visited B. left C. loved D. hated

  ( ) 47.A. kingdom B. palace C. house D. museum

  ( ) 48.A. before B. after C. since D. until

  ( ) 49.A. slowly B. suddenly C. early D. happily

  ( ) 50.A. decides B. hopes C. wants D. belongs

  ( ) 51.A. beautiful B. wonderful C. expensive D. cheap

  ( ) 52.A. its B. my C. her D. his

  ( ) 53.A. selling B. to sell C. sells D. sold

  ( ) 54.A. in B. on C. at D. for

  ( ) 55.A. popular B. boring C. ugly D. beautiful

  五、閱讀理解 (共10小題;每小題2分,共20分)


  We have some helpful people in our community centre. Please look at the information about them below.

  Zhang Bingzhu

  Retired (退休的) teacher.

  40 years of teaching in a middle school.

  Good at Chinese.

  Free from Monday to Friday.

  Telephone number:



  Old teacher 1999 @ 126.com Allan Smith

  Computer programmer (程序員 ).

  Works in Lenovo.

  Good at fixing computers and phones.

  Call him any time.

  Telephone number:


  QQ: 282464095 (Running Man) Bob White

  Gardener (園藝師).

  Good at looking at flowers.

  Comes to the community centre every Sunday.

  Leave a message when you need his help.

  QQ: 374581627


  Old teacher 1999@ 126.com

  ( ) 56. Zhang Bingzhu can help children ________.

  A. fix things B. learn Chinese C. look after flowers D. play sports

  ( ) 57. Maybe Lenovo is a ________.

  A. hospital B. restaurant C. computer company D. post office

  ( ) 58. If your phone doesn’t work well, you can call ________ for help.

  A. 13814148878 B. 374581627 C. 282464095 D. 15036147806

  ( ) 59. Who is Bob White?

  A. A retired teacher. B. A computer programmer.

  C. A good gardener. D. A computer manager.

  ( ) 60. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. Zhang Bingzhu is not free at weekends.

  B. Allan Smith is a retired programmer.

  C. Bob White comes to the community centre twice a week.

  D. You can’t call Allan Smith on Fridays.


  Chicken can talk? Cows can dance? They are all in Louis Black's comic books.

  Louis Black was born on a farm.The quiet young man spent most of his life helping his parents on the farm.When he was nine.he started to draw the animals on the farm.Later, he put them into his comic books in his own funny way.His family enjoyed his comic books very much but never showed them to people outside the farm.

  The farmer's comic books became famous only after he passed away in a fire.When the fire happened,he was only 35.To remember him,his family showed his comic books in the town museum and people liked them very much.Now people can see the original (原稿) pictures of Louis Black's farm animals at the City Art Centre for one month.Come and visit the beautifu l world of Louis Black!

  ( ) 61. What does the underlined word“them”refer to?

  A. Animals on the farm. B. Louis Black's family.

  C. People outside the farm. D. The pictures of farm animals.

  ( ) 62. What does the underlined part“passed away”mean in Chinese?

  A. 受傷 B. 逝世 C. 跌倒 D. 導(dǎo)致

  ( ) 63. Which is TRUE according to this passage?

  A. Louis Black was a farmer.

  B. Louis Black drew the animals outside the farm.

  C. The Blacks didn't enjoy Louis' comic books very much.

  D. Louis Black's comic books became famous when he was nine.

  ( ) 64. What is this passage for?

  A. Planning a trip to visit a farm.

  B. Telling people about an art show.

  C. Celebrating the opening of a museum.

  D. Sharing ideas about how to draw comic books.

  ( ) 65. Where can you read this passage?

  A. In a newspaper. B. In a comic book. C. In a magazine. D. In a storybook.

  第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題 ( 35分)

  六、詞匯 運(yùn)用 (共8小題;每小題1分,共8分)

  1. Little Tom always has ____________(奇怪的) ideas in his mind.

  2. Nowadays many people enjoy sending (消息) and pictures on Wechat.

  3. The computer is one of those (工程師) over there.

  4. Go (徑直) on, and you will see the museum on your right.

  5. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, we'll have a big dinner. (four)

  6. My (old) sister often helps me with my homework.

  7.The little boy is too young to look after (he) .

  8. People can’t live ___________(with) air or water.


  1. Look! What _______________ (happen) over there?

  2. There _______________ (be) a Children’s Day party this Sunday evening, isn’t there?

  3. I hear that your neighbor ____________ (not be) in the kitchen at that moment.

  4. ---Thank you for the delicious food last night!

  ---I’m glad you _______________ (enjoy) it.

  5. Last night, I saw him ____________ (return) to the house and close the door.

  6. Last year the teacher told us that the Earth _______________ (go) around the Sun.

  7. The teacher asked the students to stop talking and _______________ (listen) to her.

  8. My mother often tells me _______________ (not talk) to the other students in class.


  1. 這個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)占地2萬多平方米。

  The small town an of 20 thousand square meters.

  2. 我的電腦可能出毛病了。它不運(yùn)行了。

  There with my computer. It doesn’t work.

  3. 他們都在期待著即將到來的圣誕晚會(huì)。

  They are all to the coming Christmas party.

  4. 她再也不想周游世界了。

  She ______________________________________________.

  5. 你最好能關(guān)著燈睡覺。

  You’d better _______________________________________.

  6. 我曾想知道你為什么這么怕蛇,現(xiàn)在我知道了。

  I ___________________________________________ snakes. Now I know it.

  九、閱讀填空 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成表格(共5小題;每小題1分,共5分)

  Do you know an old city called “Pingyao” in Shanxi? The old city is not far from Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province (省). It’s a town with a long history of more than two thousand years.

  The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 square kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two floors. And most of them are made of stones (石頭). There are many Chinese-style shops on each side of the street.

  Pingyao is a square city. The city has a wall around it. It’s about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn’t miss the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are sure to fa ll in love with it.

  Pingyao is a place worth (值得) a visit. You can take buses or trains here. It’s less than 2 hours’ bus ride from Taiyuan. It costs you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes only about 6 hours.

  The City of Pingyao

  Location (位置) In Shanxi, (1) Taiyuan.

  History (2) 2000 years.

  (3) 2.25 square kilometers.

  Attractions (吸引人的東西)

  Buildings: Most of them have only two floors. They are made of stones.

  Streets: There are shops on (4) sides.

  Wall: There is a 6-km-long wall around the square city.

  Food: Pingyao beef tastes nice.

  Transportation (交通) Visitors can come to Pingyao by bus or (5) .



  要點(diǎn):1. 我的家鄉(xiāng)在無錫北部的一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)上,離無錫市中心大概二十公里;

  2. 是個(gè)居住的好地方。有公園,可以鍛煉;有購物中心,可以買到各種各樣的東西;有電影院,可以看電影;

  3. 鎮(zhèn)上有許多高樓,我住在公園北面的一套公寓里;

  4. 找到我家很容易;

  5. 盼望著你盡快來玩。

  Dear Tommy,

  I want to tell you something about my hometown.




  __________________________________________________________________________ _

  Welcome to my home!

  Best wishes!



  1--5 CCBCB 6--10 BBCBC

  11--15 CAACB 16--20 BCABC


  21--25 CBDBA 26--30 CDAAC


  31--35 CCDCA 36--40 CCBBB 41--45 CCADB


  46--50 CBABD 51--55 CCBDC


  56--60 BCDCA 61--65 DBABA


  1--4 strange messages engineers' straight

  5--8 fortieth elder himself without


  1--4 is happening is going to be wasn't enjoyed

  5--8 return goes listen not to talk


  1. has area over

  2. may be something wrong

  3. looking forward

  4. doesn’t want to travel around the world any more

  5. sleep with the light(s)off

  6. wondered why you were so afraid of


  1. near 2. Over 3. Size /Area 4. both 5. train


  Dear Tommy,

  I want to tell you something about my hometown.

  My hometown is in a small town in the north of Wuxi. It’s about 20 kilometres away from the centre of Wuxi. It’s a good place to live. You can exercise in the parks, buy all kinds of things in the shopping malls and watch films in the cinema. There are a lot of tall buildings in my town. I live in a flat north of the park.

  It’s easy to find my home. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

  Welcome to my home!

  Best wishes!



  A 聽錄音,選擇合適的圖畫或答案。每段對話聽兩遍。

  1. W: Where would you like to go this summer, Jack?

  M: I’ll go to Russia. I would like to see Red Square there.

  2. W: There's something wrong with my car. How can I go to work today?

  M: You can take a bus.

  3. W: Are you going to be an engineer, Mike?

  M: No. I’d like to be a policeman.

  4. W: What are we going to do this afternoon?

  M: What about going skating?

  W: That's a good idea.

  5. W: We'll be late for the meeting.

  M: Oh, it's a quarter to nine now. The meeting will begin in 15 minutes. Let's hurry.

  6. M: Excuse me, is there a post office near here?

  W: Yes, there is. It's next to the bank.

  7. M: I'm going to Cindy's home. We are going to the theatre together. Would you like to join us?

  W: I'd love to, but I have to do my lessons.

  8. W: How many students are there in your class, Simon?

  M: Sixty-two. Half of them are Chinese. Thirteen are English and the rest are Americans.

  9. W: Hi, Tony! What are you going to do this weekend?

  M: I will have a picnic near the sea with some friends.

  10.W: Shall we leave early in the morning?

  M: I think so. We shall be there at 8:30a.m. to en joy the whole day.

  B 根據(jù)所聽到的對話或獨(dú)白選擇正確答案。每段材料聽兩遍。


  W: Would you like to go to Sunshine Park tomorrow?

  M: Ok. What can we do there?

  W: We can row a boat on the lake.

  M: That's great. What time shall we meet?

  W: Let's meet in front of our school gate at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

  M: That's fine. How can we get there?

  W: We will go there by bus.


  I am Vera. I went to Thailand for holiday with my family at the Spring Festival. It is a beautiful country. There are nice beaches and the blue sea. We took many photos there. We often enjoyed sunshine on the beach. Sometimes we swam in the sea. In the evening, we enjoyed the delicious sea food and lots of nice fruits. The people are really friendly. We want to go there again.


  I’m Wilson. My dream home isn’t very large, but it is modern and beautiful. It is near the sea and has a beautiful balcony. I can lie on the soft floor cushion and chat happily with my friends there. We can look out at the beach and the sea.

  I want to have big beds in all the bedrooms. I will put a large TV in the living room. I will invite my friends to spend the weekends with me and we can have great fun in the house. I don’t need a kitchen because I don’t like cooking. We can eat in the restaurants. I like flowers and trees, so I want to have two beautiful gardens, one is in front of the house and the other behind it. My pet dog can sleep and play in them.

  That’s my dream home. What do you think of it?


  第一卷 語言知識(shí)與技能 (共80分)

  一、聽力理解(本大題分為A、B、C、D四部分,共25小題, 25分)

  A. 根據(jù)所聽句子的內(nèi)容和所提的問題,選擇符合題意的圖畫回答問題。每小題聽一遍。

  ( ) 1. What is Jiaming going to do?

  ( ) 2. What are they going to do this Sunday?

  ( ) 3. How is the woman going to Hangzhou?

  ( ) 4. What do the boy and his sister like to do?

  ( ) 5. Which of the following pictures is mentioned?

  B.聽對話 根據(jù)所聽對話內(nèi)容回答每段對話后面的問題,在各題所給的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。每小題聽兩遍。


  ( )6. What is the man going to do on holiday?

  A. He is going to Japan. B. He is going to meet some Japanese.

  C. He is going to John’s home.


  ( )7. How is Mike going to Yunan?

  A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.


  ( )8. What should the girl do first?

  A. Go shopping. B. Do her homework. C. Sleep.


  ( )9. What does the woman’s father do?

  A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. We don’t know.


  ( )10. What will the woman do tomorrow?

  A. Help her mother. B . Clean her room. C. Do her homework.


  ( )11. Who does the man think is a national hero?

  A. Zhan Tianyou. B. Yang Liwei. C. A&B.

  ( )12. What does the woman think of Liu Xiang?

  A. He’s rich. B. He’s a handsome man. C. He’s a national hero.


  ( )13. Which of the following is true?

  A. Yang Liwei is going to listen to the speech. B. The woman likes Yang Liwei very much. C. An astronaut will make the speech.

  ( )14. When will the speech begin?

  A. At 3:00 p.m. B. At 4:00 p.m. C. At 5:00 p.m.

  ( )15. Why does the man want to go with the woman?

  A. He wants to see the speaker. B. He is free at that time. C. He wants to make friends.


  ( )16. What does Ted’s mother do in the morning?

  A. Do the housework. B. G o to work. C. Go shopping.

  ( )17. How do Ted and his sister go to school?

  A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car.

  ( )18. Who has lunch at home?

  A. Ted. B. All the family. C. Ted’s mother.

  ( )19. What time do the children go to bed?

  A. At 9:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:30.

  ( )20. When do the family watch TV?

  A. In the evening. B. Every evening. C. On Saturday and Sunday.



  Tony He wants to play (21) _______________ games, because he has no time to play games (22)______________ weekdays.

  Tony’s father He is going to the (23) _____________ and borrow some (24)_____________.

  Tony’s mother She has to stay at home and do the (25)________________.


  ( )26. Do you go to school on _____bike or by _____car? ---- I ride a bike to school.

  A. a, / B. a , a C. / , / D. the , a

  ( )27. He is talking _____his good friend in Guangzhou _____the phone.

  A. about; in B. to; by C. with ; on D. to; at

  ( )28. ---Are you _____the pictures? ---- Yes, and I _____some ugly insects in the picture.

  A. look at; see B. looking; am seeing

  C. looking at; am seeing D. looking at; see

  ( )29. LT wishes to have a big house _____many windows.

  A. of B. with C. for D. about

  ( )30. _____you _____Tom can go to the movies with me, because I just have too tickets.

  A. Either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. not only; but also

  ( )31. We have _____ rules at school but I am _____careless to keep them all.

  A. too many, much too B. much too, too much

  C. too much, much too D. too many, too much

  ( )32.The paper cups are _____paper and the paper is _____ wood.

  A. made from; made of B. made of; made from

  C. making of; making from D. making from; making of

  ( )33. _____ you free tomorrow? Yes, _____.

  A. Do; I do B. Are; I’m C. Are; I am D. Do; I don’t

  ( )34.They are not afraid _____go on a ropeway _____ the river to school.

  A. to; crossing B. of; crossing C. to; to cross D. of; to cross

  ( )35. ---_____does it take him to do his homework? --- It takes him an hour ____homework.

  A. How far; to do B. How long; to do C. How often; doing D. How long; doing

  ( )36. —Can you tell me_____ —You can come at 8 o’clock.

  A. where the supermarket is? B. how can I go to the supermarket?

  C. how I can get to the supermarket? D. when I can get to the supermarket?

  ( )37. The elephants in Thailand are _____. Let’s try our best to save them.

  A. in great danger B. dangerous C. in a danger D. Both A and B

  ( )38. Miss Chen teaches _____English well, so we like her_____.

  A. our; much B. us; lots of C. us; a lot D. our; so much

  ( )39. He is good _____his students and he is also good _____chatting.

  A. with; at B. for; with C. at; with D. for; at

  ( )40. _____ the Japanese good to animals? ______.They often kill dolphins and whales.

  A. Isn’t; Yes, it is. B. Isn’t; No, it isn’t C. Aren’t ; Yes, they are. D. Aren’t ; No, they aren’t.

  ( )41. ---Where _____the panda come from? --- They come from China.

  A. do B. is C. are D. does

  ( )42.The lion in the zoo is _____lazy.

  A. kinds of B. a bit of C. kind of D. a kind of

  ( )43. The boy _____a uniform is a student in our school.

  A. wears B. in C. is wearing D. with

  ( )44.Any _____in the village can get a new schoolbag

  A. students B. children C. child D. kids

  ( ) 45. ---Would you like to see a film with me? ---- _____, but I have much work today.

  A. I’d like to B. Yes, please C. Sorry D. No, thanks

  三、完形填空 (本大題有10小題,每小題1分,共10分,)

  Many young people eat lots of unhealthy food and don’t really care about their health. In fact, how we 46 and how we feel are linked(連接) together, and eating 47 helps you look good and feel good.

  But it’s important to 48 that everybody is different, and everyone’s body is different. If you keep a 49 weight and eat pretty well most of the time, don’t be too hard on yourself or think you need to look 50 sports stars or models in magazines.

  If you want to be thin, you can’t eat too much 51 .But if you feel hungry, you will be unhappy. In this way you will lead to long-term poor 52 habits. While eating well and playing more 53 is good 54 you. If you still don’t know how to keep healthy, you can talk to your 55 and parents.

  ( )46. A.see B.look C.watch D.read

  ( )47.A.well B.good C.beautiful D.bad

  ( )48.A.sound B.play C.remember D.find

  ( )49.A.healthy B.unhealthy C.bad D.heavy

  ( )50.A.like B.very C.as D.same

  ( )51.A.vegetables B.fruit C.me at D.bread

  ( )52.A.sleeping B.eating C.playing D.drinking

  ( )53.A.games B.joke C.sports D.cards

  ( )54.A.for B.at C.with D.in

  ( )55.A.father B.cousins C.teachers D.mother

  四、閱讀理解(本大題A, B兩篇共 10小題,每小題2分,C篇 每小題 1分, 共25分)


  To: Jenny@126.com From: Liming@yahoo.com.cn

  Subject: Autumn! Date:14/09/ 8:00 p.m.

  Hello, Jenny!

  Today is the Mid-Autumn Day. We will watch the moon tonight, and look for Chang'e and Wu Gang. We usually eat mooncakes. They are round, like the moon.

  Our National Day is also in autumn, on October 1st. My mother and father are usually free for seven days from October 1st to 7th! We will do many things together. I like going to some National Day celebrations.

  But the best thing in autumn is my birthday. It's in October. I will be fifteen years old.

  Best wishes,


  Li Ming

  To: Liming@yahoo.com.cn From: Jenny@126.com

  Subject: ___________! Date:14/09/ 9:12 p.m.

  Dear Li Ming,

  Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn too. In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanks-giving Day. Family members always celebrate it together. I will go to my grandmother and grandfather's house. My uncles, aunts and their children will be there too.

  Canadian Thanksgiving Day is in early October. In the USA, they celebrate Thanksgiving Day in late November. Have a good time on your birthday, Li Ming! On my birthday, I have a cake with candles. Everyone at the party sings the song "Happy Birthday". T hen I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake for your birthday?

  Your friend,


  ( )56. Li Ming's birthday is _____.

  A. on Sept. 14th B. in September C. before Oct. 1st D. in October

  ( )57. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day _____.

  A. in early October B. in early November

  C. in late October D. in late November

  ( )58. ---What do Canadians usually do on Thanksgiving Day? ---They usually _____.

  A. eat cakes B. stay together C. watch the moon D. sing a song

  ( )59. The subject of Jenny's e-mail is “_____”.

  A. Your birthday B. My birthday C. Thanksgiving Day D. Na tional Day

  ( )60. What does the underlined phrase “blow out” mean in Chinese?

  A. 插上 B. 折斷 C. 吹滅 D. 點(diǎn)燃


  Mrs. Brown goes to see her son in London. Her son works in a music club there. Mrs. Brown doesn’t know London very well. And she can’t find her way.

  She sees a man at a bus stop. She wants to ask the man the way. “Excuse me! But can you help me please? Which bus goes to Miller’s shop?” Mrs. Brown asks.

  The man is very friendly. He smiles. But he can’t speak English. He can speak French.

  He is new in London. He puts his hands in his coat and takes out a small book. He opens it and reads something on it. “I am sorry, I can’t speak English.”

  ( )61. Mrs. Brown goes to _____ in London.

  A. work in a club   B. find the way  C. see her son     D. ask the man

  ( )62. Mrs. Brown’s son works in _____.

  A. a big school    B. Miller’s shop    C. a music club    D. a bus stop

  ( )63. Where does this story happen?

  A. In Australia B. In Russia     C. I n Europe    D. In the USA

  ( )64. Mrs. Brown can’t find her way because _____.

  A. she is old B. She is new in London

  C. she doesn’t know London very well D. she can’t see

  ( )65. Which of the following is right?

  A. The man at the bus stop is an Englishman.

  B. The man can’t help Mrs. Brown.

  C. Mrs. Brown can’t speak English.

  D. Mrs. Brown borrows(借) the book from the man.


  配對閱讀 左欄是5個(gè)人的簡歷或需求,右欄是7條廣告,請將每個(gè)人可能感興趣的廣告填寫到題號(hào)前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(涂卡提示:E=AB F=AC G=AD)

  ( )66. Ted and Mike want to rent a house near the university(大學(xué)).

  ( )67. Maria is looking for a job. She has worked in a foreign company for five years and she is good at English.

  ( )68. Amy’s mother lost her job last month. She is good at doing housework.

  ( )69. Lee’s favorite star is Ella. He has collected many things about Ella.

  ( )70. Mike wants to buy a bike, but he has only $100. A.Superstar Shop

  In our shop you can find the photos of many stars. If you buy

  five, you can get one free.

  B.House for Sale

  A great house with a large garden, in the north of the town. Price: $160,000. Phone number: 5843-6964

  C.For Sale

  Red Mountain bike, almost new, $80. Please call: 6789-5061.

  D.Teacher Wanted

  An English teacher with more than two years’ teaching experience.

  E. Babysitter(保姆) Wanted

  Babysitter for a 5-year-old boy, Monday-Friday. Mrs Adams, 6969-0536.

  F. Salesman Wanted

  We are looking for a salesman who can speak good English. Because we have foreign guests sometimes.

  G. For Rent

  A 2-bedroom house in University Park, $900/month.

  第二卷 綜合語言運(yùn)用能力 (共40分)

  五、 詞匯運(yùn)用。根據(jù)漢語、音標(biāo)、單詞或單詞首字母的提示,寫出正確的單詞形式,并將答案寫在答題卷相應(yīng)位置上。(本大題有10小題,每小題0.5分,共5分)

  71. How ____________[ˈterəbl] the weather is!

  72. They are ___________(cut) down the trees now.

  73. They’re from Sydney, a famous city of A .

  74. H___________ of birds fly back to the south in winter every year.

  75. It’s ____________ [ɪmˈpɔ:tnt] for us to study English well.

  76.G_________ from Africa are very beautiful and tall.

  77. One of the _____________ (美國人) can speak Chinese very well.

  78. Please turn off the TV. It’s too ____________ [ˈnɔɪzi].

  79.Sun Nan is a very famous _____________ (音樂家)

  80.Don’t forget ____________ (close) the doors and the windows when you leave the classroom.


  81. 只要你肯努力學(xué)習(xí),你的夢想會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)的。

  If you study hard, your dream will _________ ________.

  82. 你媽媽對你要求嚴(yán)格嗎?

  Is your mother ________ _________ you?

  83. Amy對人很友好,所以大家都很喜歡她。

  Amy is ____________ __________ people, so everyone likes her so much.

  84. 我每天和我爸爸下棋很開心。

  I enjoy myself ________ _________ with my father every day.

  85. 每天聽完收音機(jī)后,我就去洗澡。

  I take a shower after __________ __________ the radio every day.


  Animals are our good friends. We need animals in our daily life. Do you like 86________? Why not come to Hangzhou Zoo? There 87________ many kinds of animals, such as elephants, lions, pandas, monkeys and so on. Of all the animals, monkeys are my 88_______ because they are funny. I don’t like lions 89_________ they are dangerous. But my fri end Tom disagrees with me. He likes lions 90________ because they are kings of the forest. Last Sunday I went to the zoo. I saw the heaviest animals on land—elephants. I also enjoyed a monkey show. The monkeys could 91________ bikes. 92_________cute they are! I wanted to 93_________ them bananas to eat. But the zoo keeper told us 94_________ to feed animals in the zoo. It is one of the 95__________ for tourists to obey(遵守).

  86.____________ 87. ____________ 88. ____________ 89. ____________ 90. ____________

  91. ____________ 92. ____________ 93. ____________ 94. ____________ 95. ____________


  A) 信息歸納(共5小題,每小題1分)

  Jieyang Wangtianhu Resort

  Welcome to Jieyang Wangtianhu Resort! It is one of the most popular amusement parks in the east of Guangdong Province in China. It covers an area of ten thousand acres. More than 8 hundred people come here every day. There are many attractions in the park. You can see a sea of beautiful flowers after you go through the park, then there is a great lake beside you. In Ice World, the heavy snow is amazing, you can play with snow there. In sky wheel(摩天輪) , you can enjoy the scenery of the whole park, but it`s a little scary. Not all the people dare to get on it. Besides, there are many recreation facilities(游樂設(shè)施) . You will have a good time here.

  Tickets: Adult(成人):¥130/ person

  Children: Over 1.2m ¥65 / person

  Over 70 years old and under 1.2m:Free

  Opening time:


  From 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


  From 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

  Information Card

  The location(位置) of the park 96.

  The number of people visit the park every day 97.

  The thing they can do in Ice World 98.

  The price of tickets for each adult 99.

  The opening time on weekends 100.

  B. 書面表達(dá) :(12分)



  1. 對景區(qū)做個(gè)簡單介紹。

  2. 描述今天school trip的天氣,你們的出行方式

  3. 請你描述同學(xué)們(不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名)正在進(jìn)行的活動(dòng)(至少 2種)和感受。

  4. 在本次旅行中你需要遵守的規(guī)則(至少兩個(gè))。

  Hi, Joy! How is it going? We are enjoying a school trip in Jieyang Wangtianhu Resort .




  1-5. BCABC 6-10.ABBBB 11-15. CCCBA 16-20.ACCBC

  21. computer 22. on 23. library 24. books 25. housework


  二、單項(xiàng)選擇 (每題1分,共20分。)

  26-30: AADBA 31-35: ABCCB 36-40: DDCAD 41-45:DACBCA


  46-50 BACAA 51-55 CBCAC


  56-60: DDBCC 61-65: CCCCB 66-70: GFEAC

  五、 詞匯運(yùn)用(每空0.5分,共5分)

  71. terrible 72.cutting 73. Australia 74. Hundreds 75.important

  76. Giraffes 77. Americans 78. noisy 79. musician 80. to close六、翻譯下列句子(每題1分,共5分,每處錯(cuò)誤扣0.5分,每題扣完1分即止。)

  81. come true

  82. strict with

  83. friendly to

  84. playing chess

  85. listening to

  七、短文填空(每小題1分,共10分, 形式錯(cuò)誤扣0.5分)

  86.animals 87.are 88.favorite 89.because 90.best

  91.ride 92.How 93.give 94.not 95.rules

  八、讀寫綜合:A) 信息歸納: (共5小題。每小題1分, 共5小題)

  96 In the east of Guangdong Province in China

  97. More than 8 hundred people

  98. Playing with snow

  99. ¥130/ 130 yuan

  100. From 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

  B.書面表達(dá) :(15分)

  1.簡介,天氣,出行方式 1+1+1=3


  3. 在本次旅行中你需要遵守的規(guī)則(至少兩個(gè))1+1=2

  結(jié)尾1分。邏輯1分。語法 2分封頂,書寫做多扣3分。

  Hi, Joy! How is it going? We are enjoying a school trip in Jieyang Wangtianhu Resort . Jieyang Wangtianhu Resort is is very beautiful amusement park. It is a sunny day today. All of us come here on a bus.

  Everybody is now having a good time now. Look! Some students are playing games on their mobile phones. Some students are taking pictures with friends while others are chatting with their friends. We are very happy.

  But we should also follow some rules on this trip. For example, we should keep the park clean and not throw rubbish everywhere. Besides, we should take care of our things and not leave them in the park.

  I will bring you here next time you visit me.


  第I卷 選擇題

  第一部分 聽力測試(共20分)

 ?、?聽音辯圖 聽句子,選擇與你所聽到的句子內(nèi)容相符的圖畫,每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(4小題,每小題1分,共4分)

  A B C D


 ?、?情景反應(yīng) 聽句子,選擇正確的答語。根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案.每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。


  ()5. A. Yes, I’d love to. B. You’re welcome. C. You’d better not.

  ()6. A. This is Lucy. B. It’s Lucy’s mum. C. It’s Lucy’s.

  ()7. A. It’s late to go there. B. There is much traffic.

  C. Walk past the bank and turn right.

  ()8. A.120 yuan. B. It’s big. C. It’s my favorite.

  ()9. A. Certainly. B. Here’s a bike. C. I’m ready.

  ()10.A. It’s cold today. B. It’ll be fine. C. It’s a bag.

  Ⅲ.對話理解 聽五組短對話和五個(gè)問題,選擇正確的答案。每組對話讀兩遍。(5小題,每小題1分共5分)

  ()11.Whose book is this?

  A. Mary’ s. B. Tony’ s. C. Tom’ s.

  ()12.What does the man want to go?

  A. Scarves. Gloves. C. Coats.

  () 13.Where does the woman want to go?

  A. To the bank. B. To the hospital. C. To the post office.

  ()14.When does the man usually go shopping?

  A. On Sunday. B. On Monday C. On Saturday.

  ()15.Why won’t the speakers stay at that hotel?

  A. Because it’s too small. B. Because it’s expensive. C. Because it’s not clean.

  IV.語篇理解 聽一篇短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案。短文讀兩遍。(每小題1分共5分)

  ()16.Where is Bob from?

  A. Australia. B. England. C. America.

  ()17.How many people are there in Bob’s family?

  A.5. B. 4. C.3.

  ()18.Who had a party last Saturday?

  A. Helen. B. Bob. C. Linda.

  () 19.What did Qin Lao give Bob?

  A. A CD. B. An animal. C.A computer.

  ()20.When did Bob start making plans for his summer holiday?

  A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Saturday.

  第二部分 筆試(共100分)


  ()21. —Why are you in hurry?

  —My classmates are playing tennis. I want to cheer them.

  A. a; / B. an; / C. the , the D. /; the

  ()22. —How many students in your school?

  —About eight students.

  A. hundred B. hundred of

  C. hundreds D. hundreds of

  ()23. I don’t like scarf, I like .

  A. me; your B. mine; your C. me; yours D. my; yours

  ()24. You can send the dress to your pen friend post.

  A .in B. on C. by D .at

  ()25. The boy wants to make friends his new classmates.

  A. to B. for C. with D. /

  ()26.Not only she but also I going to the party.

  A. is B. are C. be D. am

  ()27. —Why not out to play football?

  — Good idea. Let’s go

  A. going B. go C. goes D. to go

  ()28. —Jane, I need some juice.

  — OK, Mum. do you need?

  A . How many B . How long

  C . How much D. How far

  ()29. Everybody in the classroom.

  A. have B. has C. are D. is

  ()30. —Will your parents have a picnic with you next Sunday?

  — .They will be busy that day.

  A. Yes, they will B. No, they won’t

  C. Yes, they do D. No, they don’t

  ()31.Hey, Mike. You can’t the bus before it stops. It’s dangerous.

  A. look for B. put away C. get up D. get off

  ()32.I like the shoes very much. Can I ?

  A. try it on B. try them on

  C. try on it D. try on them

  ()33. In the future, the robots will help us do many things, such as washing and cooking.

  A. be good at B. get ready for C. be able to D. look forward to

  ()34. —Are the strawberries ?

  —Yes, they are also cheap. Would you like some?

  A. fresh B. free C bad D expensive

  ()35. —Would you like to go to the party with us?

  — .

  A.No, I wouldn’t B. Yes, that’s a great idea

  C.Sorry, I don’t D. You’ re welcome


  My name is Mary. I have lots of clothes, and many of 36 are yellow. Yellow is my favourite 37 .But my sister Mona doesn’t 38 yellow. Her favourtie colour is 39 . Today Mona goes to Mr Cool’s Clothes Store with Mom. Mom 40 a T-shirt and a skirt for Mona. Mona likes the 41 and the skirt very much, because they are white. I also have a(n) 42 . His name is Tony. Tony’s favourite colour for 43 is black. He has black jackets, sweaters, trousers and shorts. He also 44 a black hat. The 45 is from Grandma. He likes it very much.

  ( )36.A. us B. you C. them D. they

  ( )37.A. name B. colour C. sport D. number

  ( )38.A. like B. see C. spell D. know

  ( )39.A. yellow B. white C. black D. blue

  ( )40.A. loves B. sells C. needs D. buys

  ( )41.A. shoes B. trousers C. T-shirt D. shorts

  ( )42.A. brother B. sister C. aunt D. daughter

  ( )43.A. beds B. sofas C. clothes D. cards

  ( )44.A. wants B. has C. takes D. watches

  ( )45.A. jacket B. sweater C. bag D. hat



  Hello everyone,

  My name is Wang Li. I am twelve. I am from Xi'an, China. It’s a big and famous city in the west of China. I am in No. 11 Middle School. There are about two thousand students and one hundred teachers in our school. I am in Class Three, Grade Two. There are 45 students in our class. My English teacher is Sharon Miller. She is from the USA. She teaches us so well that everyone in my class likes her very much. She gives everyone an English name. She gives me Jim Green. After class we often play games. On Sundays we often go out and have a look at this big city.

  I like English and bas ketball. My favourite basketball stars are Lin Shuhao and Yi Jianlian. I want to find an e-friend. Will you be any good friend? Please write to me.


  Jim Green


  ( ) 46. Jim Green is a teacher.

  ( ) 47. Xi'an is in the east of China.

  ( ) 48. There are 40 students in Wang Li's class.

  ( ) 49. E veryone in the class likes Sharon Miller very much, because she teaches them so well.

  ( ) 50. Jim Green wants to find an e-friend.


  Adam and his parents buy things in different ways. Adam likes shopping on the Internet on weekends. http://club.360 buy. com is his favourite website. He often buys things such as mobile phones and cameras on it. He spend s about two hundred yuan buying things on it each month. It often takes him three days to get his products.

  But Adam’s parents never shop on the Internet. They can’t see the real products and they often worry. Adam’s mother likes buying clothes but she can’t try them on if she buys the clothes on the Internet. So she often goes shopping with Adam’s father. There are some shops near their home, so Adam’s parents often go there to shop.

  ( )51.Adam often shops on the Internet______.

  A.on weekdays B.on weekends C.on Saturday D.on Sunday

  ( )52.Adam often buys______ on http://club.360 buy. com.

  A.clothes B.food C.electronic(電子) D.shoes

  ( )53.Adam spends about______ on the Internet a year.

  A.800 yuan B.1,000 yuan C.1,200 yuan D.2,400yuan

  ( )54.Why doesn’t Adam’s mother buy clothes on the Internet?

  A.She can’t try them on. B. She can’t use a computer.

  C. They are more expensive. D. She doesn’t want to pay the postage(郵費(fèi)).

  ( )55.Adam’s mother goes shopping with______.

  A.Adam B.Adam’s father C.Adam’s sister D. Her friend


  Mr James works at the school Lost and Found. He works very carefully. Every day when he gets a lost thing he takes notes(記錄) about it. There are pens, books, school uniforms(校服),keys, walkmans and many other things in the Lost and Found. Most of them are the students’. If you lose your things, it’s easy for you to go to the Lost and Found for help. But you must tell Mr James what it is, its color and the day when you can’t find it. I think Mr James is very helpful(樂于助人的),and you will be happy when you find your lost things there.

  ( )56. Who works at the school Lost and Found?

  A. Miss James. B. Ms James. C. Mrs James. D. Mr James.

  ( )57. There are things in the Lost an d Found.

  A. many B. not many C. a few D. no

  ( )58. Most things Mr James takes care of are the .

  A. boys’ B. girls’ C. students’ D. teachers’

  ( )59. If you lose your things, you’d better go to ask .

  A. Ben B. Mr James C . your teacher D. your parents

  ( )60. If you lose your things and go to the Lost and Found for help, you needn’t(不必) tell Mr James .

  A. What it is B. its color C. how much it is D. the day when you can’t find it


  People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep healthy,happy and to live longer.

  Many peopl e like to watch others play sports games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited(激動(dòng)) when “their” player or team wins.

  People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun(樂事) in warm weather,while skating is good in winter.

  Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football,for example,has spread(傳播) around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool(池塘) or lake in China,Egypt(埃及) or Italy(意大利)! And think of the people in cold countries. How interesting to skate or ski in Japan,Norway(挪威) or Canada!

  Some sports and games go back thousands of years,like running and jumping. Chinese boxing(太極拳),for example,has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new.( )61. ________ is a better game in winter.

  A. Skating B. Jumping C. Swimming D. Fishing

  ( )62. People around the world go in for ________.

  A. basketball B. volleyball C. football D. boxing

  ( )63. In which countries do people love to swim? ________.

  A. Japan,Italy B. Egypt,China C. Norway,Canada D. Canada,China

  ( )64. ________ has a long history.

  A. Volleyball B. Basketball C. Skiing D. Chinese boxing

  ( )65. Sports help to keep people ________.

  A. When are you going there?

  B. I’m going to Disneyland with my parents.

  C. I’m going to see my grandparents.

  D. What are you going to do there?

  E. Why are you going there?

  F. How are you going there?

  G. I’m going shopping.

  A. to run faster B. to jump higher C. happy and to eat much D. healthy and to live longer



  A: Hey, Lucy! What’s your weekend plan?

  B: 66

  A: Disneyland? 67

  B: Because I like Mickey Mouse.

  A: 68

  B: By plane.

  A: That sounds wonderful. 69

  B: On Friday afternoon. What about your plan, Betty?

  A: 70 We’ll have a party next week. So I should prepare(準(zhǔn)備) for it.

  第II卷 非選擇題




  at, shopping , receive ,Internet, will

  Online 71 is changing our way of life. One day no one 72 go to the shops any more, because you'll be able to buy anything on the 73 , and you will be able to 74 it anywhere in the world 75 any time!


  76.Don’t    (丟失) the key. We have only one.

  77.The sun r______ in the east.

  78.I often have a (野餐) with my family by the lake.

  79.Helen wants to buy some vegetables in the m .

  80.Tom, don’t (擔(dān)心) about your English! I can help you.


  81. There will be a concert at the weekend. (改為否定句)

  There ________ ________ a concert at the weekend .

  82. He is going to cheer the players this weekend. (對畫線部分提問)

  is he going to     this weekend?

  83.Daniel can play badminton.(改為一般疑問句)

  Daniel play badminton?

  84.The T-shirt is 65 yuan .(對畫線部分提問)

  ________ ______ __ is the T-shirt?

  85. This purple dress is Mary’s.(就劃線部分提問)

  dress is this?

  86. There will be a lot of robots to help us with the heavy work in the future.(改為一般疑問句)

  there    a lot of robots to help us with the heavy work in the future?


  假如你叫李華,五一勞動(dòng)節(jié)(May Day Holiday)即將來臨,你的美國筆友Peter來信詢問你的假期計(jì)劃,現(xiàn)在請你根據(jù)表格中提供的信息寫一封回信,告訴他你將在爺爺奶奶(grandparents)家度過這個(gè)假期。



  May 1st 上午 做作業(yè)do one’s homework

  下午 看電視watch TV、聽音樂listen to music、放松自己relax oneself

  May 2nd 上午 做家務(wù) do housework

  下午 購物(go shopping)

  May 3rd 帶爺爺奶奶去公園(park)游玩

  Hi, Peter,

  May Day is coming soon. We are going to have a 3-day holiday.

  How are you going to spend your holiday?

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua

  1-5 CBADA 6-10CCAAB 11-15CBABB 16-20CABAA

  21-25AADCC 26-30DBCDB 31-35DBCAB

  36-40 CBABD 41-45 CACBD 46-50FFFTT 51-55BCDAB

  56-60DACBC 61-65ACBDD 66-70 BEFAG

  71.shopping 72 .will 73.Internet 74.receive 75. at

  76 .lose 77.rises 78picnic 79 market 80 worry

  81.won’t be 82. What do 83. Can 84. How much

  85. Whose 86. will be


  Hi, Peter,

  May Day is coming soon. We are going to have a 3-day holiday. I am going to spend my holiday with my grandparents. On May 1st, I am going to stay with them and do my homework in the morning. I want to relax myself so I am going to watch TV and listen to music in the afternoon. On May 2nd, Maybe I am going to do housework to make home beautiful in the morning. And I am going to go shopping in the afternoon. I am going to take my grandparents to go to the park on May 3rd. I’ m sure I will enjoy myself during the holiday.

  How are you going to spend your holiday?

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua





