任何一篇閱讀理解文章中都可能存在生詞、不熟悉的短語或成語。高考中規(guī)定生詞可達整個閱讀量的3%,這些是真正的名副其實的生詞,另外還有一些是“考綱”規(guī)定的 近兩千詞匯中的一些拼寫較長,使用不太活躍的單詞以及一些根據(jù)構詞法就能辯認的似是而非的“生詞”。對大多數(shù)學生、特別是基礎較差的學生來說,單詞不能正 確釋義是一個最普遍也是最基本的障礙。來自單詞和短語方面的障礙,可采取如下措施:
2、根據(jù)英語構詞法,確定 詞義。英語的構詞法一般有派生、合成、轉(zhuǎn)化等三類,所以平時就要注意掌握各種前綴,后綴的含義和用法,熟悉各種跨類詞和多義詞,這樣就可解決那些似是而非 的“生詞”。
3、根據(jù)句子結構特點或上 下文猜測詞義。任何一篇文章,無論其內(nèi)容,還是其結構,都是一個完整的有機整體,每一個詞,每一句話都和其上下文存在某種必然的內(nèi)在邏輯關系,透過這種邏 輯關系,我們就能猜測出其詞義。如“The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14”,根據(jù)并列連詞“and”的用法特點以及下文的“under the age of 14”,可猜測出“primary”是“小學的,初級的” 意思;又如“……everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to rules laid down by the government,……”這里“laid down”根據(jù)上下文可猜出是 “制定”之意。
另外,平 常多看英語文章,增強英語語感,也能保證最大限度地猜準詞義。
1、認清句子成份,掌握各 種句子成份的句法功能。句子是由各種句子成份構成的,而且有些句子成份對于句子來說是必須的,句子所表達的主要意思基本上可通過它們來表達,如主、謂、 賓,但是,一個句子的主、謂、賓成份還常帶有其他修飾成份,這些修飾成份或多或少地增加了句子的復雜程度,進而對快速、準確閱讀產(chǎn)生一定的影響。如“Japan on Monday welcomed remarks by US Defence Secretary Willam Perry that Washington would consider the demand for reducing the number of US troops on the southerm island of Okinawa”這句話較長,去掉修 飾成份后,只留下句子主干“Japan welcomed remarks that Washington would consider the demand。”這樣意思就明朗了, 然后根據(jù)句子成份的句法功能,補譯上修飾語,整個句子所表達的詳細意思就清楚了??傊?,善于把較長的、復雜的句子結構變簡單,注意誰是中心詞和修飾詞,有 助于抓關鍵和中心。
2、搞清句子結構特點,認 清各種句式句型
英語作為一種語言,有它自己的特點,有些句子成份的排列順序和漢語不一樣,如英語中的定語從句放在被修飾語之后,漢語的負遷 移作用會影響其閱讀 理解,另外英語中還有一些句子成份排列順序和漢語完全不同的句型結構,或英語語言所特有的結構,如倒裝句、強調(diào)句等,或根據(jù)表達需要,如“The human nose has given to the lanuage of the word many interesting expressions”,“give”的用法本來是give sth to sb;又如“Word came that Napolean would come to inspect them”,that引導的同位語從句本應 緊隨中心詞word之后,這些都是根據(jù)表 達需要改變句式結構的例子。
任何一篇文章的寫作思路都應符合人們思維普遍遵循的規(guī)律,先說什么,后說什么,用什么方式,都應始終圍繞一個中心,或敘述、 說明一個事實,或表達、支持一種觀點,同時提供相應的關鍵細節(jié)和有力證據(jù)。所以閱讀時,通過有意識地引導學生找關鍵詞,中心詞,主題句,主題段,支持句(support sentence)等,就可抓住文章主旨 大意及深層含義,并準確、快速解題。主題句一般在 主題段段首提出,但也可在段落中間和段落末尾提出,而主題段大多也是在文章第一段提出,找出了主題句和主題段,進而便可尋找說明他們的具體事實和論據(jù)。平 時,應根據(jù)不同的題材和體裁訓練學生的閱讀方法和技巧,讓他們熟悉敘述、說明、議論等各自的特點,這樣學生就能通過從整體上把握文章的篇章結構特點,進而 了解文章的主旨大意和深層含義。
Every January, Breckenridge hosts the International Snow Sculpture Championships. Fourteen teams travel from all over the world to Switzerland to compete. Teams sculpt for sixty-five hours over five days. Each team hopes that when the time is up, its sculpture will be judged the best.
As the championship begins, the fourteen teams are faced with huge blocks of snow that weigh twenty tons each. The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best on the hard iced snow, but they are not allowed to employ tools that use electricity.
Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life. For example, one team carved a teapot with tea pouring out. Another team sculpted a little cat on its hind feet(后腳)reaching into a fish bowl complete with water ripples(漣漪) and a crab(螃蟹) trying to attack the cat. In 2006, Team USA sculpted a golden dog looking at its image reflected in a mirror. To create the effect that the little dog saw its reflection in the glass, the artists carved two dogs facing each other with their paws(腳爪)touching.
As the final hours of the competition tick by, exhausted team members add last-minute detail. They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes. One team member counts down the last five minutes while others are busy cleaning up the tools. If they leave any tools behind, they will be out. When the whistle bows, everyone must step away from the sculpture. The judges then vote on creativity, technical skills, and visual impact (視覺效果)of the designs.
In 200, Team USA took first place for their golden dog sculpture titled "Discovery". But the competition is not just about medals and ribbons. "It's not about the prize," said Rob Neyland, Team USA's captain. "It's about touching the audience. "
Every year, as the championship ends, each team is already dreaming of the next masterpiece it will design. (335)
73. What kind of tools are the sculptors Not permitted to use? (回答詞數(shù)不超過6個)
74. What gives the sculptors ideas for their creative work? (回答詞數(shù)不超過9個)
75. Why did Team USA win the competition in 2006? (回答詞數(shù)不超過15個)
73. The tools that use electricity.
74. The things they have seen in daily life.
75. Because its sculpture was judged the best for creativity, technical skills and visual impact.