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 ?、? 聽力(10分)


  1______. 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______


  6. Where did Kate go this summer vacation?

  A. China. B. America. C. England.

  7. How many times has Kate been there?

  A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three.

  8. Which place didn’t Kate visit?

  A. New York. B. Boston. C. Chicago.

  9. How did Kate go there with her parents?

  A. By plane. B. By train. C. By ship.

  10. How much did they pay together?

  A. , 500. B. , 600. C. , 500.

 ?、? 單項選擇(10分)

  1. (2012•棗莊中考)Peter has never been to a water park, ________.

  A. I haven’t neither B. I haven’t too

  C. Me, too D. Me neither

  2. The corn, potato and tomato are plants that were first ________ in America by Columbus.

  A. invented B. grown

  C. discovered D. found out

  3. —Do you know ________ the population of Chengdu?

  —Yes. It’s more than 10 million.

  A. how many are B. how much is

  C. what is D. what are

  4. Don’t forget ________ when you go to work.

  A. waking me up B. wake up me

  C. to wake up me D. to wake me up

  5. ________ you come, you can see beautiful flowers in our school yard.

  A. Whatever B. Wherever

  C. Whenever D. Whoever

  6. Tom likes Chinese food, ________ Sichuan food.

  A. especially B. probably C. simply D. really

  7. (2012•重慶中考)Sanya is a beautiful city. I ________ there twice.

  A. have gone B. have been

  C. have gone to D. have been to

  8. I________ a tour guide for 7 months.

  A. became B. was

  C. have been D. have become

  9. I have been to many cities, ________ Beijing, Nanjing, Guangzhou and Hangzhou.

  A. such as B. such

  C. look like D. for example

  10. In our school, ________of the English teachers________ women.

  A. three quarters; are B. three quarter; are

  C. third quarter; is D. third quarters; are

 ?、? 完形填空(20分)

  The first Disneyland in Europe was opened in France in 1992. At first, it was known 1 “Euro-Disney”, but it was renamed “Disneyland Paris” in 1994. It is now one of the most successful Disney theme 2 in the world with up to 70, 000 3 a day during the warm summer months.

  The park has five different sections(部分) called “lands”. Each land has its own unusual and exciting features(特點). The five different lands are called Main Street USA, Adventure land, Frontier land, Fantasyland and Disneyland. After 4 the lands, you can have a meal in one of the many restaurants in the park or you can meet 5 and Donald Duck. 6 not visit Disney Village? In Disney Village you can relax and 7 the beautiful scenery, go shopping or visit a nightclub. For people who would like to stay for more than one day, there are seven 8 . The Newport Bay Club is one of these hotels and is, in fact, the 9 hotel in Western Europe.

  We know that you will love Disneyland because it has 10 for everyone. Book your trip of a lifetime now!

  1. A. for B. as C. with D. at

  2. A. places B. garden C. museums D. parks

  3. A. children B. visitors C. players D. men

  4. A. living B. staying C. working D. visiting

  5. A. Superman B. Walt Disney

  C. Tom and Jerry D. Mickey Mouse

  6. A. What B. How C. When D. Why

  7. A. enjoy B. watch C. hear D. receive

  8. A. houses B. hotels C. places D. homes

  9. A. small B. Larger C. largest D. smaller

  10. A. something B. everything

  C. anything D. nothing

  Ⅳ. 閱讀理解(10分)

  One evening three men came to a station and asked a porter(搬運工),“What time is the next train for London? ”

  The porter said, “You’ve just missed one. They go every hour. The next one is at ten o’clock. ”“That’s all right, ”they said, “We will go and have a drink. ”So they went to a refreshment room (茶點室). A minute or two after ten o’clock they came and said to the porter, “Has the train gone? ”

  “Yes. It went at ten o’clock, ”he said.

  “That’s all right. ”They said, “We will go and have another drink. ”So they went back again.

  They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way, and the porter said, “Now the next train is the last one; if you miss that, you won’t get to London today. ”Twelve o’clock came, and the three men ran quickly out of the refreshment room.

  Two of them got into the train just as the train was leaving, but the third one didn’t run fast enough, and the train went out. The porter went up to the third man and said, “I told you this was the last train. Why didn’t you come earlier? ”

  The man stood there and laughed for a long time. Then he said, “I was going to London; they only came here to see me off. ”

  1. The three men came to the station because _______.

  A. they wanted to have a drink there

  B. they wanted to talk with a porter

  C. they wanted to find out when the next train was for London

  D. they wanted to see a friend off

  2. They went to the refreshment room because _______.

  A. they could know when the next train came

  B. the porter asked them to do so

  C. they could drink there when they were waiting for the train

  D. they had to do so

  3. Why did they go to have another drink?

  A. Because they were so thirsty.

  B. Because they didn’t want to leave then.

  C. Because the train hadn’t arrived.

  D. Because they missed the ten o’clock train.

  4. How did they miss the eleven o’clock train?

  A. They didn’t know when the train left.

  B. They drank too much to catch the train.

  C. The train left earlier.

  D. They came out of the refreshment room too late.

  5. From this passage, we know that _______.

  A. the third man didn’t get to London that night

  B. two of the men wanted to go to London

  C. the third man was very clever

  D. the third man didn’t want to get into the train




  1. Have you ever b_______ to a museum?

  2. I hope that they will have a w_______ time in the amusement park.

  3. I decided that the most exciting thing in the h_______ is traveling.

  4. He has been a tour g_______ for a lot of years.

  5. Many people, e _______young people like American movies.


  6. —Where is Mr. Brown?

  —He _______ (go) to the library. He wants to borrow some library books.

  7. The worker_______ (plant) many trees. He _______ (do) it the day before yesterday.

  8. We _______ (learn) English for more than two years.

  9. She had some problems _______ (get) on with her classmates last term.

  10. Hainan Island is a good place _______ (take) winter holidays.

 ?、? 補全對話(20分)


  A. I’ll ask my uncle to show you how to surf.

  B. No, I have never been there.

  C. He taught me surfing.

  D. I can go surfing with you.

  E. I went to Sanya with my parents.

  A: Hi, Tom. I haven’t seen you for a few days. Where have you been?

  B: 1

  A: Really? What’s the weather like in Sanya?

  B: Oh, it’s very warm. My uncle is working there. He likes water sports, especially swimming and surfing. He is good at surfing. 2 Now I can surf by myself. Have you ever been to Sanya?

  A: 3 I think I can go there this summer.

  B: Great! I will go to Sanya this summer, too. 4

  A: It sounds cool, but I don’t know how to surf.

  B: Don’ t worry. 5

  A: By the way, where is your uncle now?

  B: He has gone to Beijing on business.

  1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______

 ?、? 書面表達(20分)


  1.你是一個叫李娜的女生,17歲,你想成為一名導游,將來(in the future)能帶外賓(foreigner)參觀北京。





  Ⅰ.(Ⅰ)1. My favorite season is Autumn.

  2. Have you ever been to that island?

  3. Have you ever seen a fox?

  4. I have taken the temperature.

  5. Mr. King is an excellent tour guide.

  答案:1~5. ABEDC

  (Ⅱ)M: Hello, Kate. I didn’t see you for a long time this summer vacation. Where did you go?

  W: Oh, Bob, I went to America with my parents.

  M: You have been to America?

  W: Yeah. I have been there three times.

  M: Three times? That’s so cool! Where did you go when you were in America?

  W: First, we went to New York, Washington D. C. . Then we visited Chicago. Later, we got to Hollywood Film Studio! We had great fun there!

  M: Really? How did you go there? By plane?

  W: Yes. But it was too expensive. It cost us , 500 in all.

  M: What do you think of these places?

  W: They are all good places to visit. But I really think Washington D. C. is beautiful but crowded. New York is too touristy. As for Hollywood, I think it is the best place for enjoying yourself if you are a movie fan.

  M: That’s true. There are many famous movie stars and movie places. It is really worth watching.

  W: OK, I will. I am afraid I can’t wait. Next vacation, I hope my parents can help me realize my dream!

  6~10. BCBAC

 ?、?1. 【解析】選 D。由前句句意“彼得從未去過水上公園”以及選擇項可知后句句意是“我也沒去過。”A、 B兩項是錯誤的句子。“Me,too. ”用于表示前后兩者都是肯定的情形,“Me neither. ”用于表示前后兩者都是否定的情形。故選D。

  2. 【解析】選C。invent“發(fā)明”;grow“種植”;discover“發(fā)現(xiàn)”;find out“查明”。句意: 玉米、土豆和西紅柿是哥倫布在美洲首次發(fā)現(xiàn)的。故選C。

  3.【解析】選C。詢問人口數(shù)量用句型“What is the population of. . . ? ” 故選C。

  4. 【解析】選D。 一方面, wake sb. up 中up是副詞,當賓語是代詞時應置于中間;另一方面,forget to do sth. 忘記干某事(未干);句意:當你去上班時不要忘記把我叫醒。故選D。

  5. 【解析】選C。句意:無論你何時來,總能在我們校園里看到美麗的花朵。故選C。

  6. 【解析】選A。especially“尤其”;probably“或許”;simply“僅僅”;really“的確”。句意: 湯姆喜歡中國食品,尤其是四川菜。故選A。

  7. 【解析】選B。考查現(xiàn)在完成時的用法。have been to表示去過某地;have gone to表示去了某地。由上下文語境可知“我去過兩次”。故選B。

  8. 【解析】選C。一方面,由時間狀語for 7 months可知用現(xiàn)在完成時;另一方面become是非延續(xù)性動詞,不能和一段時間狀語連用,故選C。

  9.【解析】選A。such as“像……樣的, 諸如……之類的”;such“如此的”;look like “看上去像”;for example“例如, 舉個例子”。such as用來表示列舉,而for example用來表示舉例說明,故選A。

  10. 【解析】選A。一方面,四分之三的英語表述是three quarters; 另一方面,當“分數(shù)+of+名詞”作主語時,謂語動詞應與名詞保持一致,故選A。

 ?、? 1.【解析】選B。be known as“被認為;被認為是”, 固定搭配。故選B。

  2. 【解析】選D。由上下文及常識可知是迪斯尼主題公園。故選D。

  3. 【解析】選B。由語境知此處指在夏季幾個月份期間參觀Disneyland Paris的游客一天達70, 000人。visitor“游客”。故選B。

  4. 【解析】選D。由語境知此處指參觀了主題樂園之后,你可以在主題樂園的眾多餐廳之一就餐。故選D。

  5. 【解析】選D。由句中“Donald Duck”可知其前應為“Mickey Mouse”與之呼應。

  6. 【解析】選D。Why not. . . ? 意為“為什么不……?”常用來提出建議,固定句型。故選D。

  7. 【解析】選A。由語境知此處意為欣賞美麗的風景。enjoy“欣賞;享受”。故選A。

  8. 【解析】選B。由其后句“The Newport Bay Club is one of these hotels. . . ”可知其前句空格處應填hotels。

  9. 【解析】選C。 由句中表示范圍的“in Western Europe”可知應用最高級形式。故選C。

  10. 【解析】選A。句意:我們知道你會喜歡迪斯尼樂園,因為它有迎合每個人的東西。something意為“某些東西”,且用于肯定句中。故選A。

  Ⅳ.1. 【解析】選C。故事內(nèi)容告訴我們,三人來到火車站等候去倫敦的火車,其中兩人是去送行的,故選C。

  2. 【解析】選C。從they said, “We will go and have a drink. ”及“So they went to a refreshment room. ”可判斷出,他們只是去那兒等車。

  3. 【解析】選D。從“It went at ten o’clock, ”及“That’s all right. ”They said, “We’ll go and have another drink. ”可排除A、B及C三個選項。

  4. 【解析】選D。從“They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way, ”及上文得知,他們錯過11點鐘的車又是因為從茶點室出來晚了。

  5. 【解析】選A。上文中,搬運工說十二點鐘的車是最后一趟,如果他們錯過了,當天就到不了倫敦了。

  Ⅴ.(Ⅰ)答案:1. been 2. wonderful 3. holiday 4. guide

  5. especially

  (Ⅱ)答案:6. has gone7. has planted; did8. have learned9. getting10. to take

 ?、? 答案:1~5. ECBDA


  I’m a 17-year-old girl student. My name is Li Na. I want to be a tour guide after I leave school. And I hope I can show foreigners round Beijing in the future. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I’ve started taking English lessons at Beijing Language School. I’ve been studying for more than a year. I’ve improved my listening skills and I speak English better than before. I’m sure I’ll be a good tour guide when I leave school.


1.新目標初三Unit 10單元綜合檢測及答案






總結(jié)新目標人教九年級Unit9的知識點,大量做單元評價檢測題,從中找出自己的不足。接下來是學習啦小編為大家?guī)淼年P于新目標人教九年級Unit9單元評價檢測題,希望會給大家?guī)韼椭?新目標人教九年級Unit9單元評價檢測題: 第Ⅰ卷(共5