


時(shí)間: 桂香1115 分享




  ( )1. A. east B. south C. west ( )2. A. artist B. poet C. scientist

  ( )3. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English ( )4. A. angry B. excited C. proud

  ( )5. A. insect B. meter C. happy


  ( )1. A. Chinese tea B. the potala Palace C. The summer palace

  ( )2. A. French B. American C.English ( )3. A. shark B. penguin C. whale

  ( )4. A. proud B. angry C.worried ( )5. A. musician B. detective C.professor

  三. 聽短文選詞填空(10分)

  happy Thailand Tibet Australia kangaroos

  My name is Joy . I’d like to go to _____ this summer vacation. My friend Lily wants to go to _____. Bill would like to go to _____. He wants to see ____ and koalas. I’m sure we will be all_____.



  ( )1. Soup A.湯 B. 十 C. 在上面 ( )2. moon A. 云 B. 地球 C. 月亮

  ( )3.angry A.弱小的 B.生氣的 C.強(qiáng)壯的 ( )4. Sydney A. 俄羅斯 B.悉尼 C.西班牙

  ( )5. insect A. 昆蟲 B.鳥 C. 魚類 ( )6.proud A.緊張的 B.生氣的 C.驕傲

  二. 詞匯(10分)

  1. 早茶 2.鯊魚 3.聽到 4.高興的 5.發(fā)明家

  6.butterfly(復(fù)數(shù)) 7.bird(復(fù)數(shù))   8.study(三單)

  9. happy(反義詞) 10.cry(現(xiàn)在分詞) 11. win (現(xiàn)在分詞)


  ( )1.A. east B.ear C. south ( )2. A.Oceania B.Africa C.the USA

  ( )3.A. bird B. apple C. fish ( )4. A.centimeter B. ton C. meter

  ( )5.A. writer B. inventor C.poem ( )6. A.deaf B.ill C.blind

  ( )7.A. scared B.smart C.sad ( )8. A.mammal B.reptile C.kind


  ( )1. 1.____do you want to go this winter vacation? A. What B. Where C. Who

  ( )2.Lhsa is____the west of China. A.tall B.big C.short

  ( )3. Xi’an is famous____the Terracotta army. A.to B.about C.for

  ( )4. What____animals are monkeys? A.think of B.kind of C.pair of

  ( )5. I want____ the Big Ben . A.visit B. to visit C.visits

  ( )6. Xu Beihong is ____actor. A.a B.the C.an

  ( )7. Look _____ the picture.It’s interesting. A. in B.on C.at

  ( )8. He is good ___ ___ insects . A.in 、study B.at 、studying C. for、studing

  ( )9. What did he do ? He _____ a lot of things . A. invent B.invents C.invented

  ( )10. They are whales. They are ____ . A.mammals B.insects C.reptiles


  A B

  ( ) 1. What is Tibet famous for? A. They speak English.

  ( ) 2. Where is Guangzhou? B. They are reptiles.

  ( ) 3. What language do people speak there? C. I like monkeys .

  ( ) 4. What kind of animals are snakes ? D. It’s famous for the Potala Palace.

  ( ) 5. What animals do you like? E. It’s in the south of Chin .


  1.Xining is famous for temples.(提問) Xining famous ?

  2.Guangzhou is in the south of China.(提問) Guangzhou?

  3.what are you going to do in your winter vacation.(翻譯漢語(yǔ))

  4.you , do, about, know ,Li Bai (?)(連句)

  5.look, worried, you, picture, in , this(.)(連句)

  七.閱讀 (10分)

  I have a friend,Ben. He is from America. He went to Sichuan last year. It’s in the south of China .He also saw lovely pandas(熊貓) there. He will go to Tibet next year.He is going to see beautiful Snow-capped Mountains and the Potala Palace. He want to be a traveler(旅行家)in the future(未來) .

  1. Ben is from _____ . A. China B.the USA C. Paris

  2.Ben went to _____last year. A.Sichuan B.Anhui C. Tibet

  3. He will go to _____next year. A.Australia B. Tibet C. Harbin

  4. He wants to see_____ in Tibet. A.Mount Emei B.Yollow Mountain C.the Potala Palace

  5. Ben likes _____. A.swimming B.traveling C. fishing






  ( )1.A. work B. pilot C. postman D. doctor

  ( )2.A. bus B. plane C. foot D. taxi

  ( )3.A. wear B. where C. what D. how

  ( )4. A. park B. grass C. flower D. tree

  ( )5.A. post office B. cinema C. science D. hospital


  ( ) 1.— How do you go to Canada? — I go __________.

  A. by the plane B. on the plane C. by plane

  ( ) 2. --What is John’s hobby?---____________.

  A. I like drawing. B. He likes drawing. C. He like drawing.

  ( ) 3. ---Does she like drawing pictures?--____________.

  A. Yes ,she is . B. Yes ,she does. C. Yes, he does.

  ( )4. You must ______ at a red light.

  A. go B. wait C. stop

  ( ) 5.What does your father do ? ___________.

  A. He does housework . B. She is a singer. C. He is a teacher.

  ( )6.The hospital is ______ the left. A. for B .in C. on

  ( )7. ___________ Kate like collecting stamps?

  A. Do B. Does C. Are

  ( )8. I live ________ England ________ my parents.

  A. and; in B. with; at C. in; with

  ( )9. I feel ill.I should this morning.

  A. eat some fruit B. go to school C .see the doctor

  ( )10. The cat is angry them.

  A. for B. of C. with


  ( )1.Where is the cinema,please? A. I’m going to the cinema.

  ( ) 2 .How do you go to school? B.It's near the bookstore.

  ( )3 What are you going to do ? C. He is happy.

  ( ) 4.What’s your pen pal’s hobby? D.He likes making kites.

  ( )5.How does he feel now? E. I go to school by bus.


  1 A:________can I get to the nature park?

  B:You can go by the No.15 bus.

  2 A:________are you going to do ?

  B:I’m going to buy an English dictionary.

  3 A:_______are you going?

  B:I’m going to USA

  4 A:_______do you go to school on foot ?

  B: Because it’s near..

  5.A:_______are you going?

  B: At 4:45



  Tom is my new friend .He lives in a big house in Canada. Tom likes his study because he likes reading and playing computer games. His brother Tim likes his bedroom best because he likes sleeping.

  His father works in Window School .He is a teacher .He likes riding. He goes to work by bike every day. His mother is a TV reporter. She likes reading newspapers and travelling. She goes to work by bus .She can read on the bus .October in Beijing is beautiful .It’s cool and golden. Tom says his family is coming to China in October .I hope to see them soon.

  ( )1、Tom likes reading and playing computer games.

  ( )2、Tim likes sleeping.

  ( )3、Tom’s father goes to work by bike .

  ( )4、Tom’s mother goes to work by car .

  ( )5、They are going to China in December .


  Li Qing and Li Ping are twins. They’re thirteen. They live with their uncle and aunt in Guangzhou. Their uncle has a son. His name is Li Hai. Li Qing, Li Ping and Li Hai study at Yucai Primary School, but they’re not in the same class.

  Li Hai’s parents are teachers. They teach Chinese at Yucai Primary School.They work hard. All their students like them.

  The three children go to school together. They eat their lunch at the school canteen. After school, they often play ping-pong together.

  ( ) 6. Li Qing and Li Ping are brothers.

  ( ) 7. Li Qing and Li Ping are Li Hai’s cousins.

  ( ) 8. Li Qing, Li Ping and Li Hai are classmates.

  ( ) 9. Li Hai’s parents work at the same school.

  ( ) 10. Li Hai, Li Qing and Li Ping have lunch at school.








小學(xué)六年級(jí)的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)和以往是有一定差別的,所以我們要改變學(xué)習(xí)方法,學(xué)會(huì)李穎英語(yǔ)試題來學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家整理的上海小學(xué)六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)考試試題,希望對(duì)大家有用! 上海小學(xué)六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)考試試題一 一.選出你所聽到的詞。(10


  • 六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)春季學(xué)期期末試卷題

    我們只要多學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)就不會(huì)很難的,今天就給大家分享一下六年級(jí)英語(yǔ),喜歡的來多多參考哦 六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)期末試卷題 Listening Part 聽力部分(共四大題,

  • 小學(xué)六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)小考考試模擬題

    英語(yǔ)是我們學(xué)習(xí)的科目里一個(gè)很重要的科目,今天就給大家分享一下六年級(jí)英語(yǔ),大家一起來參考吧 小學(xué)生六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)小考考試題 聽力部分( 30分) Ⅰ、 聽

  • 春六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)小考模擬考試題

    每一次的考試都能知道我們自己有哪里是學(xué)習(xí)不夠的,今天就給大家分享一下六年級(jí)英語(yǔ),大家要多學(xué)習(xí)哦 春六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期末考試題參考 一、聽音, 選出你

  • 六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第二學(xué)期小考題

    這是一次檢驗(yàn)自己知識(shí)、展示自我能力的好機(jī)會(huì),今天就給大家分享一下六年級(jí)英語(yǔ),大家都來做做吧 六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)期末考試題目 PartⅠ Listening (聽力部