
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 四年級(jí)方法 > 四年級(jí)英語 > 冀教版四年級(jí)英語期末試題及答案


時(shí)間: 桂香1115 分享





  七、Read and choose. 讀一讀,選出每小題中與其它選項(xiàng)不同類的一項(xiàng)。

  ( ) 1. A. floor B. schoolbag C. door

  ( ) 2.A. Chinese book B. English book C. light

  ( ) 3.A. long hair B. friendly C. strong

  ( ) 4.A. bowl B. fork C. wall

  ( ) 5.A. cook B. book C. farmer

  八、Look and choose.根據(jù)圖片,選出正確的句子。

  ( ) 1. A. I’d like some vegetables and rice.

  B. I’d like some fish and beef.

  ( ) 2. A. The bridge is in the living room.

  B. The bridge is in the kitchen.

  ( ) 3. A. He is a farmer.

  B. He is a cook.

  A. She has long hair.

  ( ) 4. B. She has short hair.

  A. The fan is near the window.

  ( ) 5. B. The fan is in the window.

  九、Read and choose. 選擇正確的選項(xiàng)。

  ( )1. 想知道教室里有什么,你應(yīng)該這樣問:——————

  A. Where is the classroom?

  B. What’s in the classroom?

  ( )2.  你想知道你班新來男同學(xué)的姓名,你問其他同學(xué)說:

  A. Where is my story book ?

  B. What`s his name?

  ( )3.當(dāng)看到一個(gè)小女孩的照片,想知道她是誰,你應(yīng)該這樣問:————

  A. What’s your name?

  B. What’s her name?

  ( )4. 你的朋友長(zhǎng)得又高又壯,你應(yīng)該這樣說:——————

  A. He is tall and strong.

  B. He is short and quiet.

  ( )5. 建議大家一起打掃教室,你應(yīng)該這樣說;——————

  A. Let me clean the classroom.

  B. Let’s clean the classroom.

  ( )6.當(dāng)你找不到鑰匙你會(huì)這樣問:——————

  A. Where are my keys?

  B. The keys are in the door.

  ( )7.你說沙發(fā)在客廳里,你應(yīng)該這樣說:____________

  A. The sofa is in the bedroom.

  B. The sofa is in the living room.

  ( )8.想知道別人晚飯想吃什么,你會(huì)這樣問:——————

  A. I’d like some fish for dinner.

  B. What would you like for dinner?

  ( )9.想知道朋友的姑姑是干什么工作的,你會(huì)這樣問:——————

  A. What’s your aunt’s job?

  B. Where is your aunt?

  ( )10.你想知道照片上的人是不是朋友的叔叔,你會(huì)這樣問:—————

  A. Is this your uncle?

  B. Is your uncle tall?

  十.Read and choose. 讀一讀,同學(xué)們認(rèn)真配對(duì)問答。(每題2分,共10分)

  ( )1.What would you like for dinner? A. Two English book and a math book.

  ( )2.How many people are there in your family? B. Six.

  ( )3.What’s in your schoolbag? C. He is a driver.

  ( )4.What’s your father’s job? D. No, she isn’t.

  ( )5.Is she in the study? E. I’d like some fish and vegetables, please.

  十一. Look, choose and write.讀短文,,填單詞。(10%)

  Hi, I’m lily. There are three people in my family. My parents and I. Look,

  this is my . He is tall and . He is a .

  He works very hard. My mother is a . She is short and she

  has hair. She is quiet. They love me and they are good for

  me. I have a happy family!

  十二. Reading. 閱讀短文,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò),對(duì)的打“√”,錯(cuò)的打“×”。

  I have three friends. They`re Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best.

  ( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.

  ( ) 2. Mike is very friendly.

  ( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.

  ( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.

  ( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.


  七. (5分 )BCACB

  八. (5分 )ABBAA

  九. (10分)BBBAB ABBAA


  十一. (10分) father strong doctor nurse long

  十二. (10分)√√××√







