


時間: 朝燕820 分享

  四. 情景交際(每小題1分,共5分)


  A: Hi, Carol. I called you yesterday afternoon, but nobody picked it up.

  B: (1)________________________?

  A: At 4 o’clock.

  B: Well, I was shopping with my sister at Meetall Supermarket.

  A: Oh. By the way, (2)________________________?

  B: No, we didn’t. We just used the plastic bags offered by the supermarket.

  A: Oh, no! You should take your own shopping bags.

  B: (3)________________________. Next time I will.

  A: Well, tomorrow we will go to plant trees in the city park. (4)________________?

  B: Yes, I’d like to. It’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment. (5)___________?

  A: Let’s meet at 8:00 a.m. at the school gate.



  1. The river is polluted seriously so ________(fisherman) can’t catch any fish.

  2. A ________(science) discovery is often made long before someone is able to put it to use.

  3. To cut down waste, you should buy a pair of ________(reuse) chopsticks to take with you when you eat out.

  4. In today’s world, anything is possible with a bit of ________(creative) and hard work.

  5. He opened the ________(wood) box, and found very surprisingly that it was full of his mother’s old photos.

  六. 完成句子(每小題1分,共5分)


  1. 喝酒太多對你的健康有害。

  Drinking too much __________________ your health.

  2. 他參加比賽的那天,身體不大舒服。

  The day he __________________ the competition, he was not feeling well.

  3. 成為飛行員是我的夢想,你不知道我為此付出了多少。

  To be a pilot is my dream. You don’t know how much I’ve __________________ it.21032

  4. 爸爸教我如何好好利用舊玩具。

  Dad taught me how to __________________.

  5. 許多房子在暴風雨中被摧毀了。

  Many houses were __________________ in the rainstorm.

  七. 綜合填空(每小題1分,共10分)


  decide, however, good, realize, recall, never, year, it, rule, with

  In 1953, Ron Webster borrowed a book at the University of Liverpool’s library. And recently he returned the book, 61 (1)________ late!02

  Ron was working in the university when he (2)________ to borrow the book, Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Later, Ron took the book (3)________ him when he left the university to work in London. And recently, while checking books at his home, Ron (4)________ that the book was not actually his and that he had (5)________ returned it.

  Believing that the book was so (6)________, Ron thought it was a pity for other students if they had no chance to read it. So Ron, now 91, decided to return (7)________.

  Phil Sykes, a librarian at the university, (8)________, “... They called me to come down. They said there was a man trying to return a book he took out in 1953, and that he was 91 years old!”【2:217】

  According to the library (9)________, Ron would get a fine (罰款) of ,651. (10)________, the librarian kindly decided to forgive (原諒) him because Ron agreed to return all his books on time in the future!

  八 書面表達(20分)


  提示:1. 節(jié)約用水、用電;

  2. 節(jié)約紙張;

  3. 不亂丟雜物;

  4. 回收利用廢品。

  要求:1. 根據(jù)提示內(nèi)容進行寫作,可適當發(fā)揮;

  2. 90詞左右。演講稿的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

  Hello, everyone!

  The earth is our home, so we should protect it well. To do this, we should do the following things in our daily life.__________________________________________



  Thanks for listening!


  一. 1-5 CCDBA 6-10 BCDBA 11-15 DCBAA

  二. 1-5 ABDBC 6-10 ABBCD

  三. 1-5 DBCBB 6-10 CDBAA 11-15 CEADB

  四. 1. What time did you call me

  2. did you take your own shopping bags

  3. You’re right

  4. Would you like to join us

  5. When and where shall we meet

  五. 1. fishermen 2 scientific 3. reusable 4. creativity 5. wooden / wood

  六. 1. is harmful to 2. took part in 3. paid for

  4. put old toys into good use 5. pulled down

  七. 1. years 2. decided 3. with 4. realized 5. never

  6. good 7. it 8. recalled 9. rules 10. However

  八. One possible version:

  Hello, everyone!

  The earth is our home, so we should protect it well. To do this, we should do the following things in our daily life. First, save water and electricity. When you wash your hair, why not turn off the shower? When you leave the classroom, turn off the lights. Second, I think saving paper is necessary. All used textbooks should be recycled, so fewer trees will be cut down. Thirdly, don’t throw litter everywhere and keep our environment clean. Lastly, every one of us should learn to recycle waste and cut down pollution.

  I believe if everyone plays a part in saving our environment, it will be more pleasant.

  Thanks for listening!






四. 情景交際(每小題1分,共5分) 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,在空白處填上恰當?shù)木渥樱箤υ捦暾?、通順?A: Hi, Carol. I called you yesterday afternoon, but nobody picked it up.