
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 各學科學習方法 > 英語學習方法 > 外研版高二英語選修六Module2練習試題(2)


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  How to teach kids responsibility

  We'd all like our kids to develop into responsible people. How can we help to ensure that our kids learn the lessons of responsibility? Here are some ideas:

  Start them with tasks when they're young.

  __36__ They can do a lot more than you think if you're patient and creative. Encourage them to begin at an early age, and this helps them build confidence and enthusiasm for later tasks in their life.

  Don't use rewards with your kids.

  If you want your kids to develop a natural sense of responsibility, they need to learn what they do affects others not just themselves. __37__

  Use natural consequences when they make mistakes.

  If they keep losing their baseball glove somewhere, let them deal with the consequences. Maybe they have to ask to borrow one for the game. __38__ If you rescue them every time they make a mistake, they'll never learn responsibility.


  This is where they'll learn it from. Take care of your stuff. Try to be on time. They're watching you very closely.

  Give them an allowance(零用錢) early in their life.

  Let them make their own money decisions from an early age. They'll learn their lessons in a hurry. __40__

  A.Model responsible behavior for your kids.

  B.Maybe they have to buy a new one if it's lost.

  C.Don't help them out if they run out of money.

  D.Train your kids to be responsible and careful.

  E.They won't learn that if they're focused on what they're going to “get”.

  F.Young kids have a strong desire to help out, even as young as age two.

  G.They'll pick up on this belief and they'll tend to rise to the level of expectation.

  答案:36-40 FEBAC

  第三部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)



  In 1883, an engineer named John Roebling had the idea of building a bridge connecting New York with Long Island. __41__, other bridge builders thought this was impossible, and told Roebling to __42__ the idea.

  But Roebling thought about it all the time, and knew that it __43__ be done. After much diseussion and persuasion he managed to __44__ his son Washington that the bridge in fact could be built.

  Working together for the first time, the father and son began to plan out how the difficulties could be __45__ . In great excitement they began to __46__ staff and build their dream bridge.

  The project started __47__ , but a few months later a tragic __48__ took the life of John Roebling. Washington was also injured, which __49__ him unable to talk or move.

  People began to see the project in a __50__ light, and started to say that it should be dropped, since only the Roeblings knew how the bridge should be built. Washington, though he was never __51__ , was physically unable to pass on his __52__ .

  Then one day, he lay in bed in his hospital room with a gentle breeze blowing the white curtains __53__ , so that he was able to see the sky; it seemed to him that he was being given a(n) __54__ not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger, and he decided to __55__ use of it. He slowly developed a code of __56__ with his wife, and then used it to tell the engineers what to do.

  For 13 years Washington gave __57__ by tap ping his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally __58__ . Today the Brooklyn Bridgestands as a monument to the __59__ of one man's spirit, and his determination not to be __60__ by circumstances.

  41.A. Whether         B. Since

  C. However D. Therefore

  42.A. forget B. treasure

  C. understand D. adopt

  43.A. had to B. could

  C. should D. would

  44.A. convince B. advise

  C. arrange D. promise

  45.A. realized B. discovered

  C. controlled D. overcome

  46.A. invite B. interview

  C. fire D. hire

  47.A. carefully B. frequently

  C. smoothly D. naturally

  48.A. accident B. situation

  C. experience D. information

  49.A. resulted B. left

  C. protected D. exposed

  50.A. necessary B. negative

  C. powerful D. generous

  51.A. satisfied B. exhausted

  C. discouraged D. determined

  52.A. pressure B. impression

  C. surprise D. enthusiasm

  53.A. away B. off

  C. out D. apart

  54.A. notice B. symbol

  C. message D. image

  55.A. make B. cover

  C. serve D. point

  56.A. communication B. conversation

  C. intention D. attention

  57.A. production B. explanations

  C. construction D. instructions

  58.A. recovered B. solved

  C. completed D. failed

  59.A. welcome B. strength

  C. reply D. response

  60.A. knocked B. defeated

  C. improved D. described


  41.C John Roebling想要建一座橋,其他的專家都認為那是不可能完成的任務,所以是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。

  42.A 別的專家認為那座橋不可能建成,所以勸他放棄/忘掉那個想法。forget“忘記,忽略”;treasure“珍愛,珍惜”;understand“了解”;adopt“采用”。

  43.B 他思考很久后認為那座橋能夠建成。could表示“能夠”。

  44.A 從后文的Working together可以推出父親說服兒子,使兒子相信該橋可以建成。convince“說服”;advise“勸告,忠告,建議”;arrange“安排,排列”;promise“允諾,答應”。

  45.D 父親和兒子構(gòu)思出了關(guān)于如何建成橋梁和克服困難的一些想法。overcome difficulties“克服困難”。

  46.D 他們開始雇員工建橋。hire“雇傭”;invite“邀請”;fire“解雇”;interview“接見,會見”。

  47.C 從后面的轉(zhuǎn)折詞but可以推斷出工程進展順利。smoothly“平衡地”;carefully“小心地”;frequently“常常,頻繁地”;naturally“自然地”。

  48.A 發(fā)生了一件悲慘的事故,事故奪去了John Roebling的生命。accident“意外事故,不測事件,(交通)事故”。

  49.B 那次的事故導致他不能說話和行動。leave在此表示“使某人處于一種什么狀態(tài)”。

  50.B 后文說要他放棄那個工程,而且前面提到專家都認為不可能建成橋梁,故大家都是給出消極的評論。negative“否定的,消極的”。

  51.C 從though he was never可以推出Washington并沒有失去信心,所以不會放棄。satisfled“滿意的”;exhausted“耗盡的,疲憊的”;discouraged“氣餒的”;determined“堅決的,決定了的”。

  52.D 前文說盡管Washington并沒有氣餒,所以后文應該是他無法把自己對那個工程的熱情傳遞給朋友們。結(jié)合全文可知他對于建造該橋是很有激情的。

  53.D 后文說他能夠看到天空,所以是風把窗簾吹開了。blow away“吹跑”;blow off“吹掉”;blow out“吹出”;blow apart“吹開”。

  54.C 窗外的天空好像給他傳達了這樣一個信息;不要放棄。message“消息,信息”;notice“通知”;symbol“符號、記號、象征”;image“肖像,圖像”。

  55.A make use of...“利用……”,是固定搭配。

  56.A 后文說他用這種方式告訴工程師們怎么干活。所以把移動手指當作一種交流方式。

  57.D 從后文看是丈夫在妻子手臂上比劃,指示妻子傳達他的意思。instruction“指示,指令”;production“產(chǎn)量”;explanation“解釋”;construction“建筑,建筑物”。

  58.C 從上下文推測可知是橋梁竣工。complete“完成,使完善”;recover“重新獲得,恢復”;solve“解決”;fail“失敗,不及格”。

  59.B 那座橋矗立在那兒是對Washington的精神力量和不被周圍環(huán)境所擊倒的堅強意志力的一種紀念。strength“力量”;welcome“歡迎”;reply“答復,回復,答辯”;response“回答,響應,反應”。

  60.B 見上題解析。



  Lucy: Before beginning our sightseeing tour in China, I'd be glad __61__(know)if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see.

  Tom: It doesn't matter to me, __62__ we go. You can choose some scenic spots that you like, honey. I'd like to read the newspaper now.

  Lucy: You can make some __63__(suggest), too. I don't have anything in mind at present.

  Tom: OK, then. What about the Great Wall — __64__ of the seven wonders of the world? We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing it.

  Lucy: Is it far __65__ here?

  Tom: No, I __66__(check) that on the Internet. It's only about 50 kilometers. Just __67__ hour and a half's trip by car.

  Lucy: Good! And we've heard quite a lot __68__ the Summer Palace. I'd like to see that, too.

  Tom: All right. The Summer Palace. And there are a number of other __69__(interest) places, such as the Temple of Heaven, the Ming Tombs and so on. Let's watch some TV now.

  Lucy: No, you __70__ start to prepare some food now.

  答案:61.to know 62.wherever 63.suggestions 64.one 65.from 66.have checked 67.an 68.about/of 69.interesting 70.should

  第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)








  Last summer, I went to work as a volunteer teacher in a small village, that is located in the south of our country. The children there were all from poor families, but they didn't have nice clothes to wear or food eat. They had to do much housework as our parents had gone to work in cities to make money. They had to take care for their little brothers or sisters. They live a hard life. But they were eager to learn less about the outside world. When asking about their dreams, they gave me the same answer. They said they hoped they could return to their small villages after graduating from college to make their hometown the more beautiful.


  Last summer, I went to work as a volunteer teacher in a small village, thatwhich is located in the south of our country. The children there were all from poor families, butso they didn't have nice clothes to wear or food ∧to eat. They had to do much housework as ourtheir parents had gone to work in cities to make money. They had to take care forof their little brothers or sisters. They livelived a hard life. But they were eager to learn lessmore about the outside world. When askingasked about their dreams, they gave me the same answer. They said they hoped they could return to their small villagesvillage after graduating from college to make their hometown more beautiful.




















  Dear Tom,

  I'm glad that we're both interested in fantasy novels, so we can now talk a lot about them.

  I've had an interest in fantasy novels since I was a child. I love them, especially those that are well-written. There's nothing better than dropping into the pages of a well-written fantasy novel and finding a world of wonders to explore.

  I think the plots of good fantasy novels are very odd and entertaining. I usually never know what will happen next. These unexpected plots always excite me. They usually leave a lot to the imagination, which I think will help me develop the ability to create novels of my own.

  Which novels have you been reading recently? Please recommend some to me in your next letter.

  Best wishes!


  Li Ming



