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  The history of civil engineering(土木工程) is a very important story in the development of civilization(文明).Civil engineers began practising their profession four thousand years ago.

  What is left of their work is the proof that they were wise.These engineers of the ancient world built entire cities.They designed systems of pipes which supplied fresh water.They built water pipelines for farmlands as well as bridges of great length.The relics of their buildings tell us much about the work of early engineers.

  Consider the pyramids of Egypt.They are evidence that some of the earliest engineers had great scientific ability.There is also evidence that those engineers could make lasting work of art and design.Although they lived thousands of years ago,the Eygptian engineers used very exact measurements.The base of the largest pyramid—the Great Pyramid near Giza—comes to within inches of being a perfect square.The pyramid is perfectly placed.Each corner points toward the exact directions of north,south,east and west.The inside of the pyramid is filled with complicated(復(fù)雜的) passages and tunnels.These lead to different rooms inside the pyramid.Many of these passages are of great length and height.

  The engineers of Egypt did more than design the pyramids.They also set up methods of moving and shaping the building materials.These materials were very heavy.They had to be brought from miles away and sometimes lifted several hundred feet.During the work the engineers commanded thousands of workers.The pyramids remain as evidence of the abilities of the ancient Egyptian engineers.

  1.Forty centuries ago ________.

  A.there appeared civil engineers by profession

  B.people began practising engineering in order to become professional engineers

  C.civil engineers began putting their knowledge into practice

  D.civil engineers got more involved in their profession

  2.The civil engineers of ancient times were wise enough to build entire cities,including ________.

  A.systems of pipes,bridges and machinery

  B.pipeline systems,bridges and farmlands

  C.water supply systems,bridges and pipelines

  D.water supply systems,bridges and stadiums

  3.From the passage we know that ________.

  A.building materials were broken into small pieces

  B.there were no requirements for the size and shape of building materials

  C.Egyptian engineers were not concerned with the size and shape of building materials

  D.building materials were processed(加工) to meet certain requirements

  4.The passage can be best titled ________.

  A.Evidence of Human Civilization

  B.Early Civil Engineers

  C.Ancient Architecture(建筑)

  D.Development of Civil Engineering










  (1)He got up early so as not to miss the flight.

  (2)He got up early in order not to miss the flight.

  (3)He got up early so that he couldn’t miss the flight.

  (4)He got up early so that he could catch the flight.

  (5)He got up early in order that he could catch the flight.

  高一英語必修二Module 2期末復(fù)習(xí)檢測試題答案

 ?、?1.in;order;to;so;as;to 2.in;order;to 3.in;order;not;to;so;as;not;to 4.In;order;to 5.In;order;to 6.so;as;to;in;order;to

  Ⅱ.1.In order to 2.so that 3.in order to/so as to 4.so interesting that 5.in order not to

 ?、?1.B [句意為:在父親節(jié)即將到來之際,我從銀行取出一些錢,想為爸爸買禮物。around the corner意為“在附近,即將來臨”,為固定短語,句中to buy...為不定式短語作目的狀語,故選B項。]

  2.B [句意為:在外面有許多有才華的演員等著被發(fā)現(xiàn)。to be discovered為不定式短語作目的狀語。discover與其邏輯主語actors之間為動賓關(guān)系,且discover動作是將要發(fā)生,故用動詞不定式的被動式。]

  3.C [句意為:貝爾建議就假期為上海世博會做點什么一事開個會。suggest后接動名詞作賓語,根據(jù)題意應(yīng)用動名詞的一般式。]

  4.D [此處用不定式短語作目的狀語。句意為:他們所有人都想借助工作區(qū)的力量用一種更有效的方式來呈現(xiàn)信息。]

  5.B [句子主語應(yīng)與動詞不定式的邏輯主語一致。]

  6.A [so that在此引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句。]

  7.B [本題考查倒裝。so+adj./adv.置于句首,其主句需用部分倒裝。]

  8.A [weather為不可數(shù)名詞,排除B、C兩項;too不與that搭配,故選A。]

  9.C [in order to與so as to引導(dǎo)目的狀語時,其動詞的邏輯主語應(yīng)與句子的主語一致,故用被動結(jié)構(gòu)表示“禮物被收到”。]

  10.B [第一個空修飾difficult應(yīng)用so;第二個空構(gòu)成so+much+n.結(jié)構(gòu)。]

  11.A [so that引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句,從句中通常有情態(tài)動詞can,may等。]

  12.C [動詞不定式作目的狀語。so as to不位于句首。]

  13.B [本題中使用了“so+adj.+that”句型。由于so與其修飾的形容詞置于句首,故主句使用倒裝語序,即將系動詞were提到主語前。]

  14.A [不定式作結(jié)果狀語,在這里表示出乎意料的結(jié)果。]

  15.D [本題考查“so+形容詞+a/an+可數(shù)名詞(單數(shù))+that從句”結(jié)構(gòu),引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句的用法。]

 ?、?1.C [細節(jié)理解題。由第一段最后一句可知,4000年前,土木工程師已經(jīng)開始把他們的知識運用到實踐中了。]

  2.C [細節(jié)理解題。由第二段第三、四句可知,古代土木工程師建起的城市包括水利系統(tǒng)、橋梁和管道等。]

  3.D [推理判斷題。由第三段第六句“The pyramid is perfectly placed.”和第四段第二句“They also set up methods of moving and shaping the building materials.”可推知,人們對建筑材料進行加工以滿足某種需要。]

  4.A [主旨大意題。整篇文章主要在講述人類文明的證據(jù)。B項局限于早期的土木工程師,不夠全面;C項局限于古代建筑;D項指土木工程的發(fā)展。]

 ?、? 參考范文

  Boys and girls,

  I find many of you have got into the habit of smoking.In fact,smoking is a bad habit.It is said that about half of the people in China are smoking and the smokers are becoming younger and younger.

  Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people’s health.However,some of them still enjoy smoking.Why?Because some think it is a kind of fashion,some think it is of great fun and others think that they can refresh themselves with cigarettes.

  It can cause a lot of diseases.Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.Besides,careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

  Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves,but also bad for non­smokers around them.

  Therefore,I hope you can give up smoking for yourselves and also for the people around you.


  Li Hua
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