

外研版高三英語Book4 Module4期末檢測試題及答案(2)

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  四、書面表達 (共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 閱讀表達 (共5小題;每小題3分,滿分15分)

  International volunteering does not only mean helping people who are in need. There are also some animals that need voluntary help. Compared to humans, animals are luckier because they do not know how to express their emotions (情感). They do not know how to express what they want and they do not know how to express what makes them hurt. Some people may think that volunteering to help animals is hard; it may be true but _________.

  If you volunteer to help animals in China, you can help support the endangered (瀕危的) species of pandas. The country of Costa Rica offers a sea turtle conservation area (保護區(qū)). You can work on the pacific coasts or in the Caribbean and save one of the most unusual creatures in the world, the sea turtles. But if you want thrills and adventures, you can volunteer to help feed those rare white lions in the Lion Park in Johannesburg, a city of South Africa and have fun with other wild animals. You can also go to Guayaquil, Ecuador where international volunteer programs have been offered include helping animals like crocodiles. Volunteering in Malaysia is a great experience too. Taking good care of the orangutans (猩猩), feeding them right and saving them from any illness are just some of the things you can do. Aside from the countries being mentioned above, you can also volunteer in some other countries that have the same volunteer program being offered.

  56. List three countries that can offer animals volunteer jobs and the endangered animals there: (Please answer within 15 words.)

  57. Translate the underlined sentence in this text into Chinese.

  58. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 8 words.)

  59. Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?

  Besides these countries, all the countries joining the volunteer program can offer animal volunteer jobs.

  60. Do you agree that animals are luckier than human beings? And why? (Please answer within 30 words.)

  第二節(jié) 寫作 (滿分30分)

  假設你校的“English Corner”要組織一次題為“My favorite scientist”的演講活動,請根據(jù)下列關(guān)于科學家趙九章的內(nèi)容要點寫一篇120詞左右的演講稿。

  1. 生于1907年,卒于1968年,是著名物理學家,中國第一顆人造衛(wèi)星設計者之一。

  2. 1933年畢業(yè)于清華大學,1935年赴柏林大學學習氣象學(meteorology),1938年獲得博士學位。

  3. 一生致力于物理學和中國的氣象研究,獲得多項獎勵。

  4. 熱愛和關(guān)注中國科技發(fā)展,為中國培養(yǎng)了大批優(yōu)秀的年輕科學家。

  外研版高三英語Book4 Module4期末檢測試題參考答案




  56. Pandas in China; sea turtles in Costa Rica; white lions in South Africa; crocodiles in Ecuador; orangutans in Malaysia (任選三個).

  57. 國際志愿工作不僅僅意味著只幫助那些需要幫助的人。

  58. it is also very important/ it is also worthy

  59. Aside from the countries being mentioned above you can also volunteer in some other countries that have the same volunteer program.

  60. Yes.Because animals don’t know how to express their emotions, don’t know how to express what they want and don’t know how to express what makes them hurt. /Yes. They can not speak and they are weak compared to human’s power.

  One possible version:

  Hello, everyone! My favorite scientist is Zhao Jiuzhang, who was a great physicist and also one of the designers of China’s first man-made satellite. He was born in 1907 and died in 1968. In 1933, he graduated from Tsinghua University and two years later he went to study meteorology in Berlin University. After 3 years’ hard work, he received his doctor’s degree. When he returned to China, he devoted all his life to physics and the research of climate, receiving a lot of awards. Besides, he was deeply concerned with the development of science and technology in China and helped train many excellent young scientists for the country. In a word, he is such a great scientist that he will be remembered by people forever. That’s all. Thank you!
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外研版高三英語Book4 Module4期末檢測試題及答案(2)

四、書面表達 (共兩節(jié),滿分45分) 第一節(jié) 閱讀表達 (共5小題;每小題3分,滿分15分) International volunteering does not only mean helping people who are in need. There are als
