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  56. I had to r_______ myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect!

  57. Students are expected to master a second l_______.

  58. I don’t think they would a_______ that view.

  59. Would you like to leave a m_______?

  60. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private m_______.


  61. Our host _______(shake) each of us warmly by the hand.

  62. She was no longer _______(sure) how she felt about him.

  63. What were your first _______(impression) of college?

  64. We have been working very hard, and our families have _______(also) worked hard.

  65. They will _______(take place) on January 15th.


  微笑是一種態(tài)度。請你以“Learn to Smile”為題,為你?!队⒄Z園地》寫一篇文章。










  Learn to Smile




  牛津版初二下冊英語Uunit 2期末檢測試題參考答案


  I.情景反應 根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,選擇正確的應答語。每小題讀兩遍。

  1. Nice to meet you, boys and girls.

  2. How about going out for dinner this evening?

  3. Let me help you take the bags.

  4. I’m going to Hong Kong this summer holiday.

  5. Thank you for showing me your family photos.

  II.對話理解 根據(jù)你所聽到的對話及問題選擇正確答案。每小題讀兩遍。

  6. W: Good morning.

  M: Good morning.

  W: I’ve come over to say “hello”. My family has just moved into the house next door.

  M: Great! Nice to meet you, Miss...

  W: Call me Helen.

  Question: Why does Helen come to the man’s house?

  7. M: Well, that was a wonderful meal!

  W: Lovely, I enjoy eating out. Waiter, come here please.

  Question: Where are they talking?

  8. W: What are you doing, Daniel?

  M: I’m reading this novel. It’s really exciting. I can hardly put it down!

  W: Shame on you. It’s written for children.

  M: But adults like me enjoy it too.

  Question: Which is true about Daniel?

  9. W: Oh, Peter, what a surprise! You use chopsticks so well!

  M: People here in China always ask me if I can use chopsticks. It’s not hard. In fact I could use them before I came to China. We have a few Chinese restaurants in the UK, you know. They are really very popular.

  Question: When did Peter learn to use chopsticks?

  10. W: Tom, you look funny today! Ah, your shirt. Where did you get this ugly shirt?

  M: Well, it was a present from my grandma. She said it was the most beautiful shirt in the world. What could I say?

  W: Why didn’t you wear your own T-shirt?

  M: That’s the thing. I don’t want to hurt her feelings so I just said I loved it. And she insisted on making me wear it the whole day!

  Question: What is Tom like?


  M: Anna, I had a strange dream last night.

  W: Really, Victor? What is it?

  M: Someone gave me one million dollars.

  W: One million dollars? Well, what did you do with it?

  M: I was thinking about it the whole night. I need a car. I want to go travelling. Then I decided to raise money for charity.

  W: I never knew you were so kind. Did you donate all the money?

  M: No. I was laughing aloud, and then I woke up.


  11. How much money did Victor get in his dream?

  12. What did Victor decide to do with the money in his dream?


  M: What about your history class this afternoon, Millie?

  W: We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was ill in hospital. So we had a geography class instead.

  M: Your mother and I will go climbing on Saturday. Will you join us?

  W: I’d like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday. I think I’d better stay at home and study. By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains?

  M: Yes, why?

  W: I know it’s summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coat with you. You’ll need one in the early morning.

  M: OK, we will.


  13. Who is Mr Johnson?

  14. What will Millie do on Saturday?

  15. Which season is it?

  III.短文理解 根據(jù)你所聽到的短文的內(nèi)容及問題選擇正確答案。短文和問題讀兩遍。

  When Jimmy was young, he always liked watches and clocks very much. When he was eighteen years old, he joined the army and after a year, he began to teach himself to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him broken watches, and he mended them for them. His captain heard about this, and one day he brought him a watch and said, “My watch doesn’t work, can you mend it for me?” “Yes, sir. I can.” Jimmy answered. After a few days, he brought the watch back to the captain. “How much do I pay?” “Nothing, sir.” Jimmy said, “He took out a small box and gave it to the captain and said, “Here are three wheels from your watch, I couldn’t find a place for them when I put everything back.”


  16. When did Jim begin to mend watches?

  17. Who taught him how to mend watches?

  18. What did the captain do one day?

  19. How much did the captain pay to Jim?

  20. Did Jim make the watch work at last?


  1~5 CABBA 6~10 BACBA 11~15 ACACB 16~20 CCCAB

  21. C can’t wait to do sth.意為“迫不及待地做某事”,是固定短語,故選C項。

  22. C 句意:沒有人喜歡被嘲笑。enjoy doing sth.“喜歡做某事”,根據(jù)句意知此處應用被動語態(tài),故選C項。

  23. A wear“穿著”,表狀態(tài),賓語應為衣服;dress“給(某人)穿衣服”,表動作,賓語應為人;put on“穿上”,表動作,賓語應為衣服;bring“帶來”。由上句句意“許多女孩喜歡在秋天穿毛衣”可知此處表狀態(tài),且賓語sweaters為衣服,故應選A項。

  24. D go on doing sth.“繼續(xù)做同一件事”;go on to do sth.“繼續(xù)做另一件事”,故選D項。

  25. A polite“有禮貌的”;healthy“健康的”;beautiful“美麗的”;strong“強壯的”。由前句句意“他從來都不粗魯”可知后句句意為“我認為他是班里最有禮貌的學生之一”,故選A項。

  26. A 單個動名詞短語作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,根據(jù)句意“寫故事和文章是我最喜歡的”可知,這說明了一個客觀事實,應用一般現(xiàn)在時,故選A項。

  27. A hear from sb.“收到某人的來信”,為固定短語,故選A項。

  28. A mind doing sth.“介意做某事”;try doing sth.“試著做某事”。

  29. D spend some money on sth.“在某物上花費金錢”。

  30. B however“然而”;as well“也”;either“也”,用于否定句中;again“又;再”。句意為“湯姆喜歡彈吉他,他也喜歡跳舞”,故選B項。

  31. C reach“到達”,為及物動詞,直接接地點,排除A項;go“去”,不及物動詞,go to...表示“去……”,排除B項;arrive at“到達”,后接較小的地點;get“獲得”。句意為“我今天上午8點到達醫(yī)院”。故選C項。

  32. A across the street“橫穿街道”。

  33. C shake hands with sb.“和某人握手”,由句中動詞sat可知句子用一般過去時,shake的過去式是shook,故選C項。

  34. B so...that…“如此……以至于”。

  35. C boring意為“厭煩的,無恥的”,常修飾物;bored意為“厭煩的,不感興趣的”,常修飾人;exciting意為“令人興奮的”,常修飾物;excited意為“激動的”,常修飾物。根據(jù)I like to watch it.可知應選C項。

  36. C 根據(jù)上下文,這里講的是交流的方式,下文提到肢體語言,所以選擇words(言語,話語)。

  37. A 根據(jù)上下文可以判斷肢體語言是一種很重要的交流方式,所以選important。

  38. B 下文開始舉例說明一些肢體語言在北美洲的含義。

  39. A 根據(jù)句意可以判斷出,當你低著頭的時候,意味著(mean)你難過或者不開心。

  40. D 根據(jù)句意,當你臉上有笑容或者看起來很放松(relaxed)的時候,你在表示自己的友好。

  41. A never“從不”;hardly“幾乎不”;seldom“很少,不常”,句子意思是說有時候(sometimes)人們微笑只是出于禮貌。故選A。

  42. C see“看見,領會”;avoid“避免”;watch“觀察,注視”,與句意不符。選擇meet此處可以理解為眼神相遇、交匯。

  43. D believe“相信”;care about“關心”;laugh at“嘲笑”;look at“看”。句子意思為一個人不看你說明他對你不感興趣,或者他很害羞。

  44. B 從句子中的again and again(一次又一次)可以判斷這里選擇repeated(反復的,再三的)。

  45. C look forward to“期待,期盼”;stand close to“靠近……站著”;stay away from“躲避,離……遠點”;get along with“與某人和睦相處”。由句意“與你談話的時候指著你的人可能覺得自己比你強或者對你感到很生氣”可知,應遠離這個人,故選C。

  46. B 從第二段第一句可看出答案。

  47. B 由Many signals have different meanings, depending on the person and the situation.可知。

  48. D 從So reading body language signals is a great tool in daily communication可看出作者的觀點。

  49. C 從短文第一段可得出答案C。

  50. B 先說明然后舉例,接下來作者可能介紹如何正確理解肢體語言。

  51. D 由第一段第一、二句The plane took off. A passenger needed a cup of water to take his medicine.可知這位乘客是乘飛機旅行。

  52. B 由第一段中的But the air hostess was so busy that she forgot to bring him the water.可知選B。

  53. B 通讀全文可知答案。

  54. A 由文中的In the following hours或In the past few hours可知答案。

  55. C 由最后一段乘客在留言簿上的留言可知,乘客最后原諒了空姐。而其他三項均與原文不符。

  56. remind 句意:我得提醒自己表現(xiàn)得自信和表現(xiàn)得完美并不是一回事!

  57. language 句意:學生們要掌握一門第二語言。

  58. accept 句意:我認為他們不會接受那種觀點。

  59. message 句意:您要留言嗎?

  60. matters 句意:很明顯,她想談些私事。

  61. shook 句意:主人熱情地和我們每個人握手。

  62. sure 句意:她不再確定自己對他的看法。

  63. impressions 句意:你對大學的第一印象是什么?

  64. also 句意:我們一直很努力工作,并且我們的家人也努力工作。

  65. take place 句意:它們將會在1月15日發(fā)生。

  One possible version:

  Learn to Smile

  Smile is an attitude towards life. We should face everything with smile.

  In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, you fail an examination; or you are misunderstood by your friends. These things may make you feel bad. Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? Smile to yourself can bring back your confidence and forget the unhappy feelings. Sometimes your greatest enemy is yourself. Most important of all, smiling benefits your health.

  We should also learn to smile to others, and it will help us to get closer to other people. Therefore, smile is the most widely understood language.

  Let’s learn to smile, I believe our world will be more wonderful and our life will be happier and happier.
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