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  語音 1-5 BBCDB

  情景對話6-10 DAFBE

  單項填空11-15 DABBB 16-20 DCBAA 21-25 DCDAB

  完形填空26-30 ACABD 31-35 BBBCA 36-40 CBDBB 41-45 DACBC

  閱讀理解 46-50 CCACD 51-55 DCDDC 56-60 CDCDD

  單詞拼寫:1. ample 2. interrupt 3. patient 4. assume

  5. arrest 6. preserved 7. applauded 8. accelerate

  9. botanical 10. specificallyxk b1.c om

  短文改錯:1. were— are 2. city— the city 3. This— It

  4. painting—paintings 5. but— and 6. popularly— popular

  7. 刪掉for 8. when —if 9. them— us 10. hear— hearing


  One possible version

  Dear friend,  I’m sorry to hear that you are too much interested in the Internet bars. That’s not right, although it can help us a lot in learning. But getting on-line is a waste of time and money and also affects your studies. It also does harm to your eyes and health. At the same time, it may harm you because there is something bad for the students. “Be away from Internet Bars” is the best choice for us young boys and girls of the new century. Don’t get on-line. Let’s stay away from Internet bars.

1.新人教版高中英語選修8 Unit 5檢測試題

2.2017年高中英語選修8 Unit 4檢測試題

3.新人教版高中英語選修8 Unit 4檢測試題

4.新人教版高中英語選修8 Unit 3檢測試題

