
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 各學科學習方法 > 英語學習方法 > 高考英語作文必背的常用短語匯總


時間: 麗儀1102 分享




  1 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all

  2 偶然,無意中 by accident

  3對(于)…很積極 be active in

  4合計為   add up to

  5承讓錯誤 admit one’s mistake

  6接受某人的建議 take / follow one’s advice

  7就…提出建議 give advice on

  8建議某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth.

  9后天 the day after tomorrow

  10畢竟;終究 after all

  11違心   against one’s will

  12在…歲時 at the age of

  13實現(xiàn)目標 achieve one’s aim

  14在空中;懸而未決 in the air

  15在戶外,在露天里 in the open air

  16在機場 at the airport

  17火警   the fire alarm

  18滿腔怒火   be filled with anger

  19因某人之言行而生氣 be angry at sth.

  20生某人的氣   be angry with sb.

  21通知   make an announcement

  22相繼地,按順序地 one after another

  23相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之間)  one another

  24相互(指兩者之間) each other

  25沒有回答   give no answer

  26為…而擔心   be anxious about

  27急于做某事   be anxious to do sth.

  28分開住   live apart

  29除了   apart from

  30因某事向某人認錯或道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for sth.

  31與某人爭論某事    argue with sb. about sth.

  32放在一邊 lay sth. aside

  33請某人指點 / 幫助   ask sb. for advice / help

  34驚訝于… be astonished at sth.

  35以前,曾經(jīng)   at one time

  36注意   pay attention to

  37對…抱正確的態(tài)度     take a correct attitude towards sth.

  38引起(注意,興趣等) attract one’s attention

  39仰臥/仰泳 lie / swim on one’s back

  40重感冒   a bad cold

  41兩件行李 two pieces of baggage

  42保持/失去平衡 keep / lose one’s balance

  43在舞會上 at the ball

  44洗冷水澡 have / take a cold bath

  45陣亡   be killed in battle

  46在海灘   on the beach

  47整理床鋪 make the bed

  48以…開始 begin with

  49在…起始,開始   at the beginning of

  50自始自終   from beginning to end


  51形成…局面;產(chǎn)生 come into being

  52安全帶   a safety belt

  53三思而后行。   Second thoughts are best.

  54盡力,盡最大的努力 do / try one’s best

  55盡量利用,善用   make the best of

  56一切順利,萬事如意 all the best

  57黑體地,粗體地 in bold

  58出身于農(nóng)民家庭   be born in a peasant’s family

  59鞠躬   make a bow

  60動動腦子 use one’s brains

  61打破紀錄 break the record

  62深吸一口氣 take a deep breath

  63屏息;憋住氣 hold one’s breath

  64上氣不接下氣 out of breath

  65刷牙   brush one’s teeth

  66突然哭起來 burst into tears

  67突然一陣大笑 a burst of laughter

  68要不是 but for

  69呼救聲 a call for help

  70保持鎮(zhèn)靜(別慌) keep calm

  71保持安靜(別吵) keep quiet

  72保持不動(別動) keep still

  73保持沉默(別說話) keep silent

  74夏令營 a summer camp

  75去野營 go camping

  76情不自禁… cannot help doing

  77打牌 play cards

  78照顧,保管 take care of

  79醫(yī)療護理 medical care

  80假若那樣的話 in that case

  81以防萬一 in case

  82下傾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs

  83趕上(或超過) catch up with

  84偶然 by chance

  85免費 free of charge

  86主管,在掌管之下 in charge

  87由…負責 in the charge of

  88掌管,負責 take charge

  89高興起來 cheer up

  90童年時 in one’s childhood

  91挑選,選擇 make a choice

  92圣誕節(jié)時 at Christmas

  93去做禮拜 go to church

  94煙頭   cigarette end

  95為…鼓掌 give sb. a clap

  96接近 get close to

  97 一塊桌布 a table cloth

  98 一套衣服 a suit of clothes

  99 童裝 children’s clothing

  100 集郵 collect stamps


  101. 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生 come about

  102.(偶然)遇見或發(fā)現(xiàn) come across

  103.走過來;長出,發(fā)芽,上升;抬頭 come up

  104. 共同,共有 in common

  105. 參加比賽 compete in a contest

  106. 舉辦音樂會 give a concert

  107. 條件是 on condition that

  108. 祝賀某人 congratulate sb. on sth.

  109. 相反地 on the contrary

  110. 失控 out of control

  111. 與…談話;交談 have a conversation with sb.

  112. 在…期間/過程中 in / during the course of

  113. 被…覆蓋 be covered with

  114. 因某事和某人發(fā)脾氣 be cross with sb. at sth.

  115. 劃掉 cross out

  116. 對…殘忍 be cruel to sb.

  117. 立方米 cubic meter

  118. 對…感到好奇 be curious about sth.

  119. 對…造成巨大損害 do great damage to

  120. 處境危險 in danger

  121. 過時 out of date

  122. 在不久前,前幾天 the other day

  123. 對…充耳不聞 be deaf to sth.

  124. 對付,應付 deal with

  125. 負債 in debt

  126. 還清債務 out of debt

  127. 相反地 on the contrary

  128. 失控 out of control

  129. 與…談話;交談 have a conversation with sb.

  130. 在…期間/過程中 in / during the course of

  131. 被…覆蓋 be covered with

  132. 因某事和某人發(fā)脾氣 be cross with sb. at sth.

  133. 劃掉 cross out

  134. 對…殘忍 be cruel to sb.

  135. 立方米 cubic meter

  136. 對…感到好奇 be curious about sth.

  137. 對…造成巨大損害 do great damage to

  138. 處境危險 in danger

  139. 過時 out of date

  140. 在不久前,前幾天 the other day

  141. 對…充耳不聞 be deaf to sth.

  142. 對付,應付 deal with

  143. 負債 in debt

  144. 還清債務 out of debt

  145. 做…有困難,難以… have difficulty in doing sth.

  146. 應邀赴宴 be invited to dinner

  147. 向四面八方 in all directions

  148. 做出新的發(fā)現(xiàn) make a new discovery

  149. 正在討論中 under discussion

  150. 洗盤子 wash dishes