
學習啦 > 學習方法 > 小學學習方法 > 一年級方法 > 一年級英語 > 小學英語一年級上冊期中測試題及答案


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  Vocabulary (12 marks)

  Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (12*1=12 marks)

  1. Today is Hui‘s birthday. Her friends are __________ it with her.

  A. spoiling B. playing C. celebrating D. remembering

  2. Nick’s pet __________ is growing bigger by the day.

  A. snail B. terrapin

  C. fish D. whale

  3. Thank you for the _________ present.

  A. horrid B. awful

  C. lovely D. ugly

  4. During the blackout, David lit a __________.

  A. torchlight B. candle C. paper D. cigarette

  5. The lion is a/an __________ animal.

  A. fierce B. adorable C. gentle D. friendly

  6. The huge monkey _________ from tree to tree playfully.

  A. flies B. flips C. swings D. sways

  7. The ________ is crossing the busy road.

  A. passenger B. victim C. pedestrian D. vehicle

  8. Please clean the chalkboard with a _________.

  A. handkerchief B. duster

  C. napkin D. cloth

  9. I was so tired that I kept __________.

  A. yawning B. grinning

  C. smiling D. eating

  10. The snail is _________ slowly.

  A. jogging B. walking

  C. swimming D. crawling

  11. I put ________ on my toothbrush.

  A. toothpaste B. flour

  C. perfume D. cement

  12. Please speak __________. I can‘t hear you.

  A. softly B. quickly C. loudly D. carelessly

  Grammar (38 marks)

  Answer the questions in complete sentences using the words in the brackets. (4*2=8 marks)

  13. What is Jasmine doing now? (reading, listening, music)


  14. How did the monster look? (gigantic, three legs)


  15. Why did the boys run to the telephone booth? (ambulance)


  16. What happened when the bell rang? (pupils, returned, classrooms, orderly)


  Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

  17. Fish are ( over, covers, covered ) with scales.

  18. The shoplifter ( who, which, what ) was arrested by the police was a boy from that school.

  19. The stray cats are ( look, looks, looking ) for food.

  20. His wallet was ( steal, steals, stolen ) by a young girl.

  21. We can ( find, finds, found ) seashells on the beach.

  22. Henry paid a princely sum ( for, with, on ) the mansion.

  23. Ann was taking a bath when the telephone ( ring, rings, rang)。

  24. Rambutans ( is, are, am ) hairy fruit.

  25. Desmond has ( take, takes, taken ) Helen’s calculator.

  26. The speeding motorcyclist was stopped ( by, with, at ) a policeman.

  27. Peter and Moses plan to stay ( in, on, at ) the library for one hour.

  28. Kenny has ( go, going, gone ) out for lunch.

  29. They put ( in, on, out ) the fire before it spread to other houses.

  30. He sat ( on, in, onto ) the beach for a long time listening to the waves.

  Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)

  31. day fine It was and was a the sea calm



  32. is he has sports My father that for so busy no time



  33. a hole and in The dog the ground dug buried the bone



  34. spent whole Janson day the drawing



  35. go home that They to when decided they saw was overcast the sky



  36. the time Martha at wonderful a zoo had



  37. pupils class in there this twenty are



  38. likes porch her always cat at sit to the



  Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)

  Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.











  There are many (39) ________ people around us. A fat person tends to (40) _________ after climbing a (41) _________ of steps. However, most of them disregard this (42) _________. They continue to (43) __________. Some of them visit slimming (44) _________ in the hope of (45) _________ their weights. In schools, students are (46) _________ for obesity. They have to (47) __________ particular exercise programmes. They are also given (48) __________ on the right type of food to eat.

  Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)

  Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

  John was in a queue to board the bus. When it was his turn, a man came and squeezed up the bus. John felt angry. He looked around for a seat but could not find any seat except the one beside the rude man. John sat unwillingly beside him. He noticed that the man was very young and had an earring on his left ear. He was listening to the walkman. The music was so loud that John could hear it. John knew that he would not enjoy his bus ride beside such an inconsiderate passenger.

  A while later, the young man‘s mobile phone rang. He answered the call and spoke so loudly that the passengers in front turned to look at him and John. Not wanting the passengers to think he was the young man’s friend, John alighted at the next bus stop.

  49. John felt _________ to sit beside the young man.

  A. unhappy B. happy C. excited D. worried

  50. John sat beside the young man because _________.

  A. he wanted to talk to the young man

  B. he wanted to see whether the young man was wearing any earring

  C. the young man was very rude

  D. there was no other empty seat

  51. John thought that the young man was inconsiderate because _________.

  A. the young man listened to the walkman

  B. the young man talked very softly

  C. the music that the young man was listening to was very loud

  D. the young man‘s mobile phone rang

  52. The passengers in front turned to look at John and the young man because__________.

  A. the young man’s mobile phone rang

  B. the young man listened to the walkman

  C. they wanted to know who sat behind them

  D. the young man was talking loudly

  53. John alighted at the bus stop __________.

  A. when he reached his destination

  B. when he knew he missed his destination

  C. beacuse the young man talked very loudly

  D. beacuse he did not want the rest of the passengers to think that the young man was his friend

  Comprehension OE (10 marks)

  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  To encourage the young people in Singapore to read widely, our government builds many libraries and holds reading campaigns yearly. There are many books in the library. There are non-fiction books and fiction books, reference books and magazines. Books provide knowledge about the world we live in. Reading is a good way of knowing the happenings in the world and the people around us. We gain a better understanding of people of different cultures and their customs. It is good to cultivate the habit of reading as knowledge is power. It also enables one to speak and write better.

  54. How does the government encourage the young people in Singapore to read more books?



  55. Name two kinds of books that you can find in libraries.



  56. What do books provide?



  57. Which word in the passage means ‘develop’?



  58. Why is it good to cultivate the habit of reading?



  Guided Writing (20 marks)

  Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words and phrases in the box.

  A Filial Child

  tidies his bed

  household chores

  washes the plates and bowls

  waters the plants

  listens to parents

  studies diligently


  Practice 1













  13. She is reading and listening to the music now.

  14. It was gigantic and had three legs.

  15. They wanted to call the ambulance.

  16. The pupils returned to their classroom in an orderly manner.















  31. It was fine day and the sea was calm.

  32. My father is so busy that he has no time for sports.

  33. The dog dug a hole in the ground and buried the bone.

  34. Janson spent the whole day drawing.

  35. They decided to go home when they saw that the sky was overcast.

  36. Martha had a wonderful time at the zoo.

  37. There are twenty pupils in this class.

  38. Her cat always likes to sit at the porch.
















  54. The government builds many libraries and holds reading campaigns yearly.

  55. We can find fiction/non-fiction books/magazines/reference books in libraries.

  56. They provide knowledge about the world we live in.

  57. The word ‘cultivate’ means develop.

  58. It is because knowledge is power and reading enables one to speak and write better.





