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時間: 夢熒0 分享




train n.火車

bus n.公交車

subway n.地鐵

take the subway 乘地鐵

ride v騎 n旅行

bike n.自行車a

ride a bike 騎自行車

sixty num.六十

seventy num.七十

eighty num.八十

ninety num.九十

hundred num.一百

minute n.分鐘

far adv.&adj遠(yuǎn);遠(yuǎn)的

kilometer n.公里

new adj.新的;剛出現(xiàn)的

every adj.每一;每個

every day 每天

by prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)

by bike 騎自行車

drive v.開車

car n.小汽車;轎車

live v.居住;生活

stop n.車站;停止

think of 認(rèn)為

cross v.橫過;越過

river n.河;江

many adj.&pron.許多

village n.村莊;村鎮(zhèn)

between prep.介于…之間

between…and… 在……和……之間

bridge n.橋

boat n.小船

Ropeway n.索道

year n.年;歲

afraid adj.害怕;懼怕

like prep.像;怎么樣

leave v.離開

dream n.夢想;睡夢 v.做夢

true adj.真的;符合事實的

come true 實現(xiàn);成為現(xiàn)實

Dave 戴夫(男名)




How 如何(方式)

how long 多長(時間)答語常用“(For/ about +)時間段”

how far多遠(yuǎn)(距離)答語常用“(It’s +)數(shù)詞 +miles/ meters/ kilometers” how often多久(頻率)答語常用“Always/ often/ every day/”或 “次數(shù)+時間”等表頻率的'狀語

How soon多快,多久以后,常用在將來時中。答語常用“in +時間段”

how many多少(接可數(shù)名詞) how much(接不可數(shù)名詞)

why為什么(原因) what什么 when何時

who誰 whom誰(賓格)(針對賓語提問也可用who) whose誰的


3,Stop sb from doing sth

Stop to do 停下來去做其他事

Stop doing 停止正在做的事

4,what do you think of/ about?= how do you like?你認(rèn)為怎么樣?

5,He is 11 years old.

He is an 11-year-old boy.

6,many students= many of the students

7,be afraid of sth be afraid to do sth worry about be worried about 擔(dān)心 8,play with sb

9,come true

10,have to do sth

11,he is like a father to me (like像)

12,leave離開 leave for 出發(fā)前往某地

13,cross 是動詞 across是介詞




1.They are ______________(害怕)that the policemen will catch them.

2.Shall we take different ______________(路線)?

3.Jack is swimming ______________(穿過))the pool.

4.There are two big ____________(圖書館)in our school.

5.Do you know the way to the ______________(博物館)?

6.Turn right at the second ______________(十字路口).

7.He lives in the _____________(北方)of China.

8.The _____________are looking for the robbers.

9.Lily does not feel well so she goes to the ____________(醫(yī)院).

10.Li Lei, our ____________(班長)can help you with your problem.


1. 穿著警服 2. 立刻__________________________

3. 向左拐入           4. 在交通燈處____________________

5. 穿過遂道           6. 在……的另一邊________________

7. 在校門口           8. 盼望做某事____________________

9. 舉行一個聚會         10. 邀請你出席歡送會_____________

11. 過橋             12. 在第一個路口向右拐___________

13. 筆直向前走 14. 繞著桌子走_(dá)__________________

15. 點燃篝火________________________


( )1. How do you come to school,______ bike or ______foot?

A. on;on B. by;by C. by;on   D. on;by

( )2. Can you help me find ______the museum?

A. the way  B. the way to C. to the way D. the way to get

( )3. Stop ______and listen to me.

A. to draw B. draw C. drawing D. draws

( )4. The students went ______the gate and went ______the park.

A. through;in B. through;into C. cross;in D. cross;into

( )5. What are your parents going to do ______Saturday evening ?

A. at   B. on C. in D. / ( )6. It is ten ______walk to the shopping mall.

A. minutes’   B. minutes C. minute’s D. minutes’s

( )7. This route is wrong.I”ll take ______one.

A . the other    B. other   C. another D. any other

( )8. There ______a football match this evening.

A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be   D. will be have

( )9. He helped the blind man go ______the road.

A. cross    B. across C. over     D. through

( )10. The policemen caught the thief ______ .

A. at the end B. by the end C. to the end D. in the end



















____________________________________________________________________ 10.請問,我在哪兒能買到電影票?





20th October

Dear Bob,

I am glad to invite you to a picnic.




1. afraid 2. routes 3. across 4. libraries 5. museum

6. crossroad 7. north 8. police 9. hospital 10. monitor 二、根據(jù)中文寫出下列短語

1. wear/in police uniform 2. at once

3. turn left into 4. at the traffic lights

5. go through the tunnel 6. on/at the other side of

7. at the school gate 8. look forward to doing sth

9. have/hold a party 10. invite you to a farewell party

11. go across the bridge /cross the bridge

12. turn right at the first turning/ take the first turning on the right

13. walk/go straight on 14. walk around the table

15. start a camping fire


1—5 CBCBB 6—10 ACCBD


1. Walk along the road to the traffic lights, you”ll see that building.

2. I am going to have a birthday party at my place tonight.

3. Can you show me the way to the Sunshine Park?

4. The nearest hospital is 20 minutes’ walk from our school.

5. The thieves put him into the car and drove away.

6. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

7. I want to know where to go and what to see.

8. Class begins.Let’s stop playing computer games.

9. The tourists are very interested in these works of art.

10. Excuse me, where can I buy the film tickets? 五、書面表達(dá)

20th October

Dear Bob,

I am glad to invite you to a picnic. We will have the picnic in the small park near the sea at 2:00 pm this Sunday. Here is the route to it: Go along Xinfu Road, take the second turning on the right. Walk across the bridge into Hebing Road. Go straight on, you’ll see the small park near the sea.

I hope you can come. We look forward to seeing you.

Yours faithfully






七年級下冊共12個單元,復(fù)習(xí)單元2 個。全書采取任務(wù)型語言教學(xué)模式,涵蓋生活話題、交際功能和語言結(jié)構(gòu),形成了一套循序漸進(jìn)的.有效的貼近生活的學(xué)習(xí)程序。每個單元都列出明確的語言目標(biāo),主要的功能項目與語法結(jié)構(gòu),需要掌握的基本詞匯,并分為A、B兩部分。A部分是基本的語

語言內(nèi)容,B部分是知識的擴展和綜合的語言運用。每個單元還有self check部分,供學(xué)生自我檢測本單元所學(xué)的語言知識之用。它采用“語言的輸入(學(xué)生熟悉單詞)——學(xué)生的材料學(xué)習(xí)(體會知識用法)——學(xué)生的語言運用(編對話和寫寫文章)”為主線編排的。通過確定language Goal采用聽、說、讀、寫,自我檢測等手段,讓學(xué)生全方面的到試煉,找到優(yōu)點和不足。有效提高學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)效率,體現(xiàn)了以學(xué)生為主體的思想。

