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時間: 惠敏21219 分享



  假如你是2011年中美中文橋Chinese Language Bridge美國學(xué)生來華夏令營的一名中方工作人員李華,收到了美國營員Peter的電子郵件,他在動身來中國之前,想了解一下中方給他安排的寄宿家庭的有關(guān)情況,請你根據(jù)下列信息回復(fù)郵件:

  1. 住房寬敞,離學(xué)校近,步行即可達(dá)到;有私家車,交通便利;

  2. 社區(qū)環(huán)境安靜、優(yōu)美;

  3. 懂英語,口語好,樂于交流;

  4. 2010年接待過美國學(xué)生。





  提示詞:寄宿家庭 host family 夏令營 summer camp


  Dear Peter,

  Im very glad to receive your e-mail asking related to something about the host family weve arranged for you to stay with. Located in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, a large and modern-equipped apartment will meet all you needs. Besides, it is not far from the summer camp and you can reach the summer camp within walking distance. Apart from the convenient public transportation, my familys private car can take you to some nearby places of interest. Because all the members of the family can speak fluent English and are outgoing, Im sure you will have no difficulty communicating with them. Above all, they hosted some American students last year, through which theyve gained lots of experience. In addition, the outstanding Chinese cooking can guarantee you a wonderful chance of tasting delicious Chinese food.

  If you have some other questions, write to me.


  Li Hua









  參考詞匯:頤和園:the Summer Palace故宮:the Forbidden City


  Dear John,

  Im so glad to know that you are coming to Beijing.It so happens that my brother will be away on business through1824,So you can stay with me if you like.Ive made a 5-day schedule for you:the Great Wall(Day 1,on 18),Beihai Park and my school(Day 2),the Summer Palace(Day 3),the Forbidden City and the Tiananmen Square(Day 4).Nothing special is planned for Day 5.You can do some shopping or something else.Please tell me the exact date of your arrival and your flight number so that I can meet you at the airport.

  Im looking forward to seeing you in Beijing.

  Yours truly,





  報名方式:請參賽者到俱樂部辦公室報名(sign up)。


  特別推介:將邀請外教擔(dān)任(act as)演講比賽的評委之一。

  注 意:開關(guān)和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。



  In order to improve students spoken English and inspire their interest in English, we are going to hold an English Speech Contest in front of our classroom building at 4:00 pm, Wednesday, on November 9th, 2011. It will last for about one and a half hours. Those who want to take part in the contest can sign up at the office of English Club before October 29. Meanwhile, our foreign teacher will be invited to act as one of the judges. All the students are welcome to attend the contest. Please try your best and get ready in time. (78 words)

  English Club

  October 20, 2011




  住房條件寬敞、整潔、環(huán)境優(yōu)美語言優(yōu)勢擅長英語,父母是英語教授,不會有交流困難接待經(jīng)驗(yàn)上個月剛剛接待過兩名美國學(xué)生參觀游覽父親可駕車陪同參觀附近的名勝其 他(內(nèi)容由考生自己添加)





  Dear sir,

  Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families of the students fromNew Zealand.

  We have a large and clean house, which lies in a beautiful area of the city. Im good at English and my parents are both professors of English, so Im sure we wont have any difficulty communicating with English speakers. My father is an excellent driver and we will be very glad to show foreign students around some nearby places of interest in our own car. Last month we received two American students. We had a great time. Besides, my mother cooks well, so the students will be able to enjoy delicious Chinese food. I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance to make friends with them.

  Looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  你所在的班級將要舉辦一次主題為What Can We Do for Our School?的英語演講比賽。請寫一篇英語演講稿,要求從以下四個方面中任選一至二項(xiàng)進(jìn)行闡述,并舉例說明。





  3.參考詞匯:愛心:love and care;校園:campus;設(shè)施:facilities;氛圍:environment



  Hello, everyone. Its nice to speak about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something.

  The first thing we can do is to make our campus more beautiful. Every one of us may plant a tree in the school, or organize a thorough cleaning on the campus. We can also form a good habit of putting the rubbish in the trashcan.

  The second thing we can do is to protect the facilities in our school. When we leave the classroom, we should never forget to turn off the light or close the door. We should not leave the tap water running or waste any materials in the laboratory class.

  If everyone does one thing for our school, I believe we will turn our school into a better place to study and live in.



  afford to do sth. 負(fù)擔(dān)得起做某事

  agree to do sth. 同意做某事

  arrange to do sth.安排做某事

  ask to do sth. 要求做某事

  beg to do sth. 請求做某事

  care to do sth. 想要做某事

  choose to do sth. 決定做某事

  decide to do sth. 決定做某事

  demand to do sth. 要求做某事

  determine to do sth. 決心做某事

  expect to do sth. 期待做某事

  fear to do sth. 害怕做某事

  help to do sth. 幫助做某事

  hope to do sth. 希望做某事

  learn to do sth. 學(xué)習(xí)做某事

  manage to do sth. 設(shè)法做某事

  offer to do sth. 主動提出做某事

  plan to do sth. 計劃做某事

  prepare to do sth. 準(zhǔn)備做某事

  pretend to do sth. 假裝做某事

  promise to do sth. 答應(yīng)做某事

  refuse to do sth. 拒絕做某事

  want to do sth. 想要做某事

  wish to do sth. 希望做某事


  aim to do sth. 打算做某事

  fail to do sth. 未能做某事

  long to do sth. 渴望做某事

  happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

  hesitate to do sth. 猶豫做某事

  struggle to do sth. 努力做某事


  advise sb. to do sth. 建議某人做某事

  allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

  ask sb. to do sth. 請(叫)某人做某事

  bear sb. to do sth. 忍受某人做某事

  beg sb. to do sth. 請求某人做某事

  cause sb. to do sth. 導(dǎo)致某人做某事

  command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

  drive sb. to do sth. 驅(qū)使某人做某事

  elect sb. to do sth. 選舉某人做某事

  encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事

  expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事

  forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事

  force sb. to do sth. 強(qiáng)迫某人做某事

  get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事

  hate sb. to do sth. 討厭某人做某事

  help sb. to do sth. 幫助某人做某事

  intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事

  invite sb. to do sth. 邀請某人做某事

  leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事

  like sb. to do sth. 喜歡某人做某事

  mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事

  need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事

  oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事

  order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

  permit sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

  persuade sb. to do sth. 說服某人做某事

  prefer sb. to do sth. 寧愿某人做某事

  request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

  teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事

  tell sb. to do sth. 告訴某人做某事

  train sb. to do sth. 訓(xùn)練某人做某事

  trouble sb. to do sth. 麻煩某人做某事

  want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

  warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事

  wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事


  admit doing sth. 承認(rèn)做某事

  advise doing sth. 建議做某事

  allow doing sth. 允許做某事

  appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事

  avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

  consider doing sth. 考慮做某事

  delay doing sth. 推遲做某事

  deny doing sth. 否認(rèn)做某事

  discuss doing sth. 討論做某事

  dislike doing sth. 不喜歡做某事

  enjoy doing sth. 喜愛做某事

  escape doing sth. 逃脫做某事

  excuse doing sth. 原諒做某事

  fancy doing sth. 設(shè)想做某事

  finish doing sth. 完成做某事

  forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事

  forgive doing sth. 原諒做某事

  give up doing sth. 放棄做某事

  imagine doing sth. 想象做某事

  keep doing sth. 保持做某事

  mention doing sth. 提及做某事

  mind doing sth. 介意做某事

  miss doing sth. 錯過做某事

  pardon doing sth. 原諒做某事

  permit doing sth. 允許做某事

  practice doing sth. 練習(xí)做某事

  prevent doing sth. 阻止做某事

  prohibit doing sth. 禁止做某事

  put off doing sth. 推遲做某事

  report doing sth. 報告做某事

  risk doing sth. 冒險做某事

  stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  suggest doing sth. 建議做某事

  understand doing sth. 理解做某事


  bring sb. doing sth.引起某人做某事

  catch sb. doing sth. 碰上(撞上)某人做某事

  discover sb. doing sth. 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人做某事

  feel sb. doing sth. 感覺某人做某事

  find sb. doing sth. 碰上(撞上)某人做某事

  get sb. doing sth. 使某人做某事

  have sb. doing sth. 使某人做某事

  hear sb. doing sth. 聽見某人做某事

  keep sb. doing sth. 使某人不停地做某事

  listen to sb. doing sth. 聽某人做某事

  look at sb. doing sth. 看著某人做某事

  notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人做某事

  observe sb. doing sth. 觀察某人做某事

  prevent sb. doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

  see sb. doing sth. 看見某人做某事

  send sb. doing sth.使某人(突然)做某事

  set sb. doing sth. 使(引起)某人做某事

  start sb. doing sth. 使某人開始做某事

  stop sb. doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

  watch sb. doing sth. 觀察某人做某事


  feel sb. do sth. 感覺某人做某事

  have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

  hear sb. do sth. 聽見某人做某事

  let sb. do sth.讓某人做某事

  listen to sb. do sth. 聽著某人做某事

  look at sb. do sth. 看著某人做某事

  make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

  notice sb. do sth. 注意某人做某事

  observe sb. do sth. 觀察某人做某事

  see sb. do sth. 看見某人做某事

  watch sb. do sth. 觀察某人做某事