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  Beijing is the capital of our country.北京是我國的首都。(名詞Beijing作主語)

  She is fond of sports.她愛好運動。(代詞She作主語)


  My brother rides. his bicycle to work.我哥哥騎自行車上班。(動詞rides作謂語動詞)


  His father is a doctor.他父親是個醫(yī)生。(名詞doctor作表語)

  The lesson is easy and Short.這課書又容易又短。(形容詞easy和short作表語)

  That classroom is ours,那個教室是我們的。(代詞ours作表語)


  I love music.我熱愛音樂。(名詞music作賓語)

  The medicine is good for her.這藥對她有效。(代詞her作賓語)


  Li Hong is an excellent teacher.李紅是一位好老師。(形容詞excellent作定語)


  Our monitor does well in English.我們班長英語學得好。(副詞well作狀語)



  a)不定式短語(infinitive phrase)如He 1ikes to read newspapers after lunch(他喜歡在午飯后讀報)中的to read newspapers after lunch。

  b)動名詞短語(gerundial phrase)如:

  Staying indoors all day is unhealthy(整天呆在家里不利于健康)中的staymg indoors all day。

  c)分詞短語(participial phrase)如:

  I saw many people walking along the lake(我看見許多人在湖邊散步)中的walking along the lake。

  d)介詞短語(prepositional phrase)如:

  He came by bus(他乘公共汽車來)中的by bus。




  a)主語從句(subject clause)如What I want to say is this(我要說的是這么一點)中的what I want to say。

  b)表語從句(predicative clause)如This is what I want to say(這是我要說的)中的what I want to say。

  c)賓語從句(object clause)如I have said what I want to say(我說完了我要說的話)中的what I want to say。

  d)定語從句(attributive clause)如This is the thing I want to say(這就是我要說的)中的I want to say。

  e)狀語從句(adverbial clause)如If you want to say something,say it clearly(假如你要說什么,就應說清楚)中的if you want to say something。



  a)簡單句(simple sentence)只有一個主語部分和一個謂語部分,如:

  The people's Republic of China was founded in 1949.中華人民共和國于一九四九年成立。

  b)并列句(compound sentence)包括兩個或兩個以上的簡單句,中間常由連詞連接,如:

  Tom's father worked from morning till night but he got very little money.湯姆的父親從早干到晚,但掙得的錢很少。

  c)復合句(complex sentence)內(nèi)含一個或一個以上的從句,如:

  It's a long time since I saw you last.好久沒有看見你了。


  a)陳述句(declarative sentence)用來敘述一件事,如:

  I saw him yesterday.昨天我看見他了。

  b)疑問句(interrogative sentence)用來提出疑問,如:

  Did you see him yesterday?你昨天見到他了嗎?

  c)祈使句(imperative sentence)表示請求、命令等,如:

  Please come in.請進來。

  d)感嘆句(exclamatory sentence)表示喜怒等各種情感,如:

  What a beautiful voice she has!她嗓子多好啊!



  My favourite season is winter. You're probably thinking I'm slightly mad — after all, who doesn't love summer? Winter, in 1. ________ (it) own way, is wonderful. For anyone who still needs to be convinced, let me explain 2. ________ I love winter.

  During November, Christmas markets appear in 3. ________ number of towns and cities across the UK. London's Hyde Park becomes a huge winter wonderland, 4. ________ there are countless small shops selling food and gifts. Christmas markets have something for everyone. And this provides great entertainment!

  The weather gets noticeably colder: the mornings are often frosty and the nights close to freezing. I like the cold weather — for me, there's something nice about wearing a thick winter coat with a scarf and 5. ________ (glove).

  Along with countless school children across the UK, I get very 6. ________ (excite) about the thought of snow. A few years ago there was a lot of snow and many schools had the day off. Snowball fights are great fun and many families enjoy 7. ________ (build) snowmen together. I love a white Christmas; 8. ________ (unfortunate) this doesn't happen often in the UK.

  Throughout December, many churches and schools hold carol concerts: lots of 9. ________ (tradition) songs are sung. Christmas dinner is my favourite meal of the year. In my house, Christmas dinner usually 10. ________ (include) turkey, potatoes and lots of vegetables, followed by Christmas cake, pies and lots of chocolate!


  1. ________ (think) about my time in France, I noticed quite a few differences between the French and the English.

  In French, there are two ways 2. ________ (say) "you": "tu" is the informal form, while “vous” is the formal form. When I learnt French, I 3. ________ (teach) to call everyone vous unless they were my family or a friend. So I was surprised that 4. ________ (actual) everyone in France used tu all the time. But I continued to use vous because I didn't want people to think I was being 5. ________ (polite). To be honest, I'm thankful that in English we don't have to worry about these things!

  School children in the UK traditionally wear a school uniform but in France pupils do not wear a uniform. It was a culture shock 6. ________ me to see children wearing Spiderman T-shirts and baggy blue jeans while in the classroom. The final difference which struck me was the 7. ________ (relax) attitude at school. Teachers were never in 8. ________ rush, and the children and teachers are given long breaks and lots of time to eat 9. ________ (they) lunch. This is a contrast to the UK, 10. ________ the school day might seem to be filled with pressure. I found the differences puzzling at times, but I cannot deny what a great opportunity it was to live in another country.





